
SoundPeanutgood morning ! some hardware geeks here willing to help out with Nvidia Fan speed controll ! GTX 1060 running super hot when on Power Level 404:14
SoundPeanutLenovo Legion Y72004:14
SoundPeanutI fixed this problem away by  running nvidia xconfig  comand creating new config file with coolbits enabled04:16
SoundPeanutbut after 18.04 this was not working any more blackscreen after reboot04:23
keyihello guys. im testing ubuntu studio 20.04 beta, im not a developer but i have plenty of spare time so i would like to help. i would like to suggest an idea if possible. is ot a way to implement jack audio in a way so its started automatically on each boot? so it cna work directly out of the box as coreaudio does?09:02
Eickmeyer[m]!ubuntustudio-controls | keyi: Anything you set here persists between boots11:40
ubottukeyi: Anything you set here persists between boots: Ubuntu Studio Controls is the application through which audio is configured in Ubuntu Studio. It configures Jack, sets the CPU governor, and ensures the user has realtime audio permissions. For more info, see !jack and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioControls11:40
shaba238is anyone getting more xruns in 20.04(beta)? my setting are 44100/512 internal soundcard.18:36
OvenWerksThat does sound high. I will have to check that. I can't say as I have noticed but then I do normally use a PCI sound card18:40
OvenWerksHave you set ubuntustudio-controls to preformance?18:41
shaba238OvenWerks yes i did18:41
shaba238OvenWerks this is what im getting18:44
shaba238Thu Apr 16 20:42:23 2020: ERROR: JackEngine::XRun: client = pulse_out was not finished, state = TriggeredThu Apr 16 20:42:23 2020: ERROR: JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsyncMaster: Process error18:45
OvenWerksh9ow are you running jack?18:50
OvenWerksare you sure that is your internal device and not hdmi?18:53
OvenWerksnewer motherboards often reverse these18:54
shaba238i leaved it at default18:54
shaba238let me check18:54
OvenWerkstry changing device to pch0,018:54
OvenWerksor PCH,0,018:54
OvenWerksa newer version will make sure default is never hdmi...18:55
OvenWerksbut that is in the future18:55
shaba238ok i will try it now18:55
shaba238it should be ok now18:57
shaba238OvenWerks maybe disabling hyperthread in bios also?19:01
OvenWerksat 512/2 hyperthreading should not be an issue. I have seen a difference at 64 or less19:11
OvenWerksMy system (i5 with 4 cores) does not have hyperthreading so I would not notice in any case19:12
OvenWerksMy tests were with older systems (P4 older atoms)19:13
OvenWerksat 512/2 hyperthreading should not be an issue. I have seen a difference at 64 or less19:13
OvenWerksMy tests were with older systems (P4 older atoms)19:13
OvenWerksMy system (i5 with 4 cores) does not have hyperthreading so I would not notice in any case19:13
shaban238OvenWerks mine its i5 too. i tried to disable the hyperthread.19:15
shaban238maybe wifi?19:15
EickmeyerWifi and Bluetooth are notorious for causing Xruns.19:15
OvenWerkssome i5s are two core 4 thread but most desktop ones are four core.19:19
shaban238i was just curious as in 19.10 i was not getting so much xruns on the same machine19:21
shaban238im trying another app now. it seems better. with mixxx i got more xruns19:23
Eickmeyershaban238: Every release we get people saying the same thing, that they didn't have as many xruns as the release prior.19:24
Eickmeyer*in the release prior19:24
shaban238maybe im doing smth wrong19:25
EickmeyerWell, it usually takes a couple of kernel updates before things smooth out. Thing is, we don't maintain the kernel here.19:26
EickmeyerI will say this: there is a jackd2 bugfix update coming down from Debain very soon.19:27
shaban238i see19:27
EickmeyerWoah, speaking of which, it just landed.19:27
Eickmeyer(I just got the email notification)19:27
EickmeyerBug 1833479, if you're wondering (OvenWerks, might interest you too)19:29
ubottubug 1833479 in jackd2 (Debian) "libjack-jackd2-0 double close on a failure to connect to jackd which causes crashes in multithreaded programs" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183347919:29
shaban238Eickmeyer btw im not getting any xruns now that i removed pulseaudio ports19:30
shaban238OvenWerks it seems that at 1024 buffer size im not getting any xruns, which is pretty obvious i guess19:51
shaban238Eickmeyer may i ask you smth?21:03
Eickmeyershaban238: Yes.21:03
shaban238i run realtimeconfigquickscan to see how my laptop handles real-time audio21:04
EickmeyerI'm familiar with that, I package that in Fedora.21:04
shaban238ok :)21:04
shaban238and the result was all green21:04
shaban238only 2 red21:04
shaban238Checking checking sysctl inotify max_user_watches... < 524288 - not good21:04
EickmeyerOk, and those were?21:04
shaban238Kernel with Real-Time Preemption... not found - not good21:04
EickmeyerOk, the Real-Time Preemption one is a false positive.21:05
Eickmeyer!rt | shaban23821:05
ubottushaban238: The RT kernel is the Linux kernel with special realtime patches applied. It is not available in Ubuntu. See also !lowlatency and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/RealTimeKernel21:05
EickmeyerI suggest reading that link.21:05
shaban238ok thank you!21:05
EickmeyerYou'll see why having actual realtime process priority is BAD on desktop machines.21:05
shaban238as far as i know ubuntu studio comes with low latency because is more secure than realtime21:06
EickmeyerThat's 100% correct.21:06
EickmeyerAnd pretty much what that link describes.21:06
Eickmeyeras far as sysctl inotify, I believe that might be a false positive too since it predates systemd.21:07
shaban238thank you for the explanation!21:08
EickmeyerNo problem. :)21:09
AppAraat[m]hi, I have an x220 on which I want to enable the mic. However, the mic mute LED appears to be always on. This is how my alsamixer capture page looks like: https://i.imgur.com/mbLPQ3j.png - and I'm running JACK too, this is how stuff looks like here: https://i.imgur.com/kqET657.png23:03
EickmeyerAppAraat[m]: We don't support using qjackctl here.23:12
EickmeyerYou might consider checking in #lau_#freenode:matrix.org23:13
Eickmeyer(Linux Audio Users)23:13
AppAraat[m]huh? I thought it came with Ubuntu Studio by default?23:13
EickmeyerOnly for legacy reasons.23:13
Eickmeyer!ubuntustudio-controls | AppAraat[m]23:13
ubottuAppAraat[m]: Ubuntu Studio Controls is the application through which audio is configured in Ubuntu Studio. It configures Jack, sets the CPU governor, and ensures the user has realtime audio permissions. For more info, see !jack and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioControls23:13
Eickmeyerqjackctl overcomplicates things that are solved very easily with Ubuntu Studio Controls.23:14
AppAraat[m]oh huh, I wasn't aware of that. I'll try it out. That page says that it's only from 20.04 and higher, and otherwise I have to backport a PPA. Since I'm on 18.04, is that backport included by default?23:16
Eickmeyer!ubuntustudio-backports | AppAraat[m]23:17
ubottuAppAraat[m]: The Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA is required for users of Ubuntu Studio to receive LTS support for Ubuntu Studio 18.04, and for #ubuntustudio to support users of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and its flavors using !jack. For more info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/BackportsPPA, !ubuntustudio-controls, and !ubuntustudio-installer23:17
EickmeyerYou need to enable it using those instructions ^23:17
EickmeyerOtherwise 18.04 is NOT supported.23:17
AppAraat[m]oh, if it's not by default then I don't think I have it enabled. I'll give these pages a read and come back.23:18
EickmeyerAppAraat[m]: 18.04 of Ubuntu Studio was only supported until January of 2019 without that PPA.23:18
Eickmeyer(Not an LTS)23:18
EickmeyerIt says so on the website.23:19
AppAraat[m]18.04 is not an LTS?23:19
EickmeyerNot for Ubuntu Studio.23:19
AppAraat[m]ooh I see23:19
EickmeyerThere was a major transition that happened at that time, and nobody on the team was comfortable with releasing an LTS.23:19
AppAraat[m]I thought LTS for Ubuntu = LTS for everything, but apparently not23:20
EickmeyerNope. Flavors (not Ubuntu proper) dicatate their own support life.23:20
EickmeyerAn LTS for an Ubuntu flavor is typically 3 years as opposed to 5.23:20
AppAraat[m]I'm glad to learn that! Would you recommend me to run 20.04? It seems pretty new for my taste.23:21
EickmeyerI would. The daily ISO right now is very, very close to the final version, especially after running updates.23:21
AppAraat[m]all right, in that case I'll start with my plans for migration. I had no idea!23:22
EickmeyerIt was all over the website, including the download page.23:23
EickmeyerAnd the release notes.23:23
AppAraat[m]last I visited the website was when I installed Ubuntu Studio, which was a while ago :p23:23
AppAraat[m]but yeah, I should visit it more often I think23:23
EickmeyerStill, it was in the release notes.23:23
EickmeyerThe relase notes aren't very big. :)23:24
EickmeyerAppAraat[m]: The website also got a nice redesign recently, you might actually like exploring it. :)23:25
AppAraat[m]I don't think I remember reading the release notes actually, I spun up the live ISO on my laptop, tested a few things out, noticed that all of the stuff I needed worked and proceeded to install it. But yeah, I should have been more attentive.23:26
EickmeyerIt's all good. I should probably put it in the topic line in IRC and on Matrix.23:26
AppAraat[m]yeah that's a good idea23:27
EickmeyerUnfortunately ERR:PlayingWithSon now.23:27
AppAraat[m]no worries, I located the website and indeed it has been redesigned. It looks awesome!23:28
AppAraat[m]scrolling from the top is a bit CPU hungry (Chromium 80.0.3987.163) but otherwise it looks great from the first glance of it23:30
EickmeyerYeah, unfortunately that's the cost of the cool effect. Depends on your CPU, really. Mine doesn't even flinch.23:31
AppAraat[m]yeah I am trying to make some music on a potato23:55
AppAraat[m]and I need to re-paste it, so a hot potato at that23:55

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