
tomwardillcjwatson: if you get 5 mionutes, can you have a look at https://git.launchpad.net/~twom/launchpad/commit/?id=8215dfdeeafb07ed27722bcf51b93450df6bbd92 and check I've not done a silly before I merge it08:29
cjwatsontomwardill: looks exactly right09:13
tomwardillcool, landing that then, the RT for the DB users went in over night09:13
tomwardills/went in/completed09:13
cjwatsonCould anyone review https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/lp-signing/+git/lp-signing/+merge/382413 for me please?09:38
cjwatsonMaybe wgrant actually, since it is crypto09:38
cjwatsoncrypto *and* a cheaty DB change09:38
wgrantI already judged you for the sneaky DB change this morning, don't worry09:40
wgrantI'll look in a bit09:41
tomwardilllanding the push credentials branch10:44
tomwardilland with that, modulo some api/ui bits, we should be able to end-to-end an OCI image into ROCKS10:44
* tomwardill finds the rum10:45
cjwatsonMainly just Ioana's push rule UI stuff at this point, right?10:47
tomwardillyep, think so10:47
tomwardillI'll start on the API side of that this afternoon/monday10:48
tomwardillokay, with some buildbot poking, both of those branches should be landed12:20
pappacenaAnyone available for a quick review to fix a broken test? It's just one line affecting 4 small test cases, but I would like more eyes on it, to make sure I didn't miss anything: https://code.launchpad.net/~pappacena/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/38250615:50
tomwardillpappacena: I'm not familiar with the code, but would altering the factory method to set the BugAttachement owner to be the given bug's owner also work?15:53
cjwatsonI'm a bit suspicious of a requirement for the bug attachment owner to be the bug reporter15:53
cjwatsonIt doesn't seem to totally make sense15:53
cjwatsonSo I don't think that would be a good factory default15:54
cjwatsonLet me look at the test failures ...15:54
pappacenaIt's failing because it tries to change attachment's title with another user (it used to be allowed, and now it's not)...15:55
pappacenaI can just change that specific test to login with bug attachment's owner, I think...15:55
cjwatsonpappacena: Instead of this, try changing login_person(self.bug_owner) on line 43 to login_person(self.bug_attachment.owner)15:55
cjwatsonI think that would be cleaner15:55
cjwatsonpappacena: Oh and also on line 6315:56
pappacenaYes, that was my second option... :)15:56
pappacenaLet me do it15:56
cjwatson(It is unfortunate that the bug reporter is called "owner")15:57
pappacenauhm... actually, changing line 63 doesn't seem to be needed... the test passes today oO15:57
cjwatsonYeah, I'm not sure why15:58
cjwatsonMight be worth a brief bit of debugging15:58
cjwatsonOh, I see16:01
cjwatsoncreateToken is on View, not Edit, so ViewBugAttachment applies16:01
cjwatsonAnd the bug "owner" is currently always allowed to view attachments16:01
cjwatsonSo yeah, I think it's OK to leave 63 alone16:01
pappacenaGood. Let me just fix the line 43, them16:01
pappacenaDone: https://code.launchpad.net/~pappacena/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/38250616:04

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