
Chipacaₘₒᵢₙ ₘₒᵢₙ08:17
* Chipaca doing dispatch like https://boingboing.net/2020/04/16/watch-a-plane-gracefully-land.html09:03
Chipacagrah, fake_script_* depends on $0 being the script and not a symlink to it09:19
niemeyerSymlinks don't work very well on windows09:19
niemeyerWith Python, specifically09:19
niemeyerThere's code in the interpreter that hides away the symlink name09:20
Chipacai think windows doesn't have symlinks of non-directories, but i might be wrong09:22
Chipacaneed to improve the test suite so it supports non-symlink things10:38
Chipacabut that can be a followup10:38
* Chipaca ⇝ runch10:59
niemeyerGood idea10:59
facubatistaMuy buenos días a todos!11:17
facubatistaChipaca, I'm not sure if #221 is ready to review or wip (does github have a way to signal this?)11:59
mup_PR #221: ops/main.py: support dispatch <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/221>11:59
facubatistaoh, I've found a "Still in progress? Convert to draft" thing12:03
* facubatista -> errands, will be back for the standup12:50
Chipacaniemeyer: to start using spread, should i reuse the snapd credentials?13:08
niemeyerChipaca: To play with it you can set it up with your own credentials as you did in snapd.. once this is ready for merging we'll need to set up the repository as well13:09
* facubatista is back13:32
niemeyerfacubatista, Chipaca: I'll need a few more minutes..14:58
Chipacaooh, #232 is nice15:36
mup_PR #232: ops.testing.Harness actions metadata support.  (#231) <Created by Vultaire> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/232>15:36
Chipacamight need changes but as a followup15:36
* facubatista -> lunch15:37
niemeyerChipaca: Indeed15:47
Chipacaniemeyer: ah, missed your comment, i could fix that as well :)15:47
* Chipaca does so15:47
Chipacaniemeyer: all the assertEqual in that file seem to be (expected, got)15:49
Chipacano, i lie15:49
Chipacahalf of them?15:49
Chipacathe ones in the odd-numbered tests15:50
niemeyerChipaca: :P15:50
Chipacadefinitely not something to burden this pr with15:50
niemeyerChipaca: Agreed, as mentioned there15:50
Chipacaniemeyer: yeah, i thought it was just one test or two to change, related to the pr... but no15:50
niemeyerChipaca: I know for sure that the original tests had expected on right hand side, consistently15:50
niemeyerChipaca: (because I wrote them.. ;)15:51
niemeyerDebating about the right way would be harder, though :)15:51
Chipacathe docs are very unhelpful15:51
ChipacaassertEqual(first, second)15:52
Chipacaanyhoo, i'm going to go buy bread15:52
niemeyerYeah.. let's just keep expected on right hand side..15:52
niemeyerI think this is the most common convention for tests in general15:52
niemeyerIncluding if statements15:52
niemeyerThere are certainly variations, but I think it's fair to say the constant tends to be after the variable more often than not15:52
* Chipaca nods15:53
Chipacai might make a pass to do that change later, if i need the distraction15:54
Chipaca(ie if dispatch gets too gnarly)15:54
Chipacaok now yes i go out for a bit16:02
facubatistaChipaca, we need to create the project in GH... `charm`? `charm-tool`?18:08
niemeyercharm-tool sounds like the better of these.. not sure if there's a better option19:58
facubatistaniemeyer, I wonder how this collides with *the current* charm tool20:03
niemeyerfacubatista: This is the next version of the current tool20:03
facubatistaniemeyer, yeap, but where is the old one hosted? shall we have a big sign in the README saying "don't confuse this `charm` with the other `charm`", etc20:04
facubatistaI mean, I expect some confusion about both, like I have a bug will not know in which project to open the issue, that kind of detail20:06
mup_Issue operator#234 opened: Debugger "at" reserved words <Created by facundobatista> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/issues/234>20:11
* facubatista eods20:31
facubatistasee you all on Monday20:31

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