
=== dax is now known as housecat
cpaelzerjamespage: coreycb: is https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-focal/focal/amd64/n/nova/20200417_024435_6868f@/log.gz a known issue?05:37
cpaelzerI see that particular fail in four of the last five tests05:38
cpaelzerseems unrelated to the particular upload that is tested05:38
tjaaltonhow can I nominate a bug for a series, when the series was previously removed from the bug by clicking the 'minus' icon..07:38
wgranttjaalton: It can be complicated. Which bug?07:38
tjaaltontried a few tricks but didn't work :)07:39
wgrantI thought I fixed it like a decade ago to remove the nomination when the last corresponding series task is removed, but it's possible I misremembered.07:39
* wgrant checks the code.07:39
wgrant        # When a task is deleted, we also delete it's BugNomination entry07:40
wgrant        # if there is one.07:40
tjaaltonwell, in this case I'd add focal but it's still listed for 'linux'07:40
tjaaltonso should I remove it from there, and then add back?07:40
wgranttjaalton: Oh, this isn't even that07:40
wgranttjaalton: So there's one widget on the bug page that behaves differently based on which target is in the URL: Target to seriess07:41
wgrantIf you change the URL to say linux-oem-osp1 rather than linux, I think you'll get focal in the targeting page07:41
wgrantOr linux-oem-5.6 or whatever07:41
wgrantSome target that doesn't currently have a focal task07:41
tjaaltonnope :/07:41
wgrantHuh, you're right. That is interesting.07:42
* wgrant checks the history.07:42
wgrant bug task deleted linux-oem-osp1 (Ubuntu Focal)07:42
wgrantI think that should have triggered that code :/07:42
wgranttjaalton: Ah, so that code did trigger, but there's an additional check that won't let you nominate again if there's an existing series task, which there is... but only on one source package. Easiest thing is to delete the remaining focal task, then renominate and restore the task's state07:45
jamespagecpaelzer: I'm going to work on our autopkgtest failures today as coreycb is out for the day07:54
tjaaltonwgrant: right07:55
tjaaltonwgrant: yep that worked, and it even remembered the bug assignee when it was added back :)07:56
wgranttjaalton: Hah, I didn't even think of that, but due to the conjoined bugtask rule it will remember its state, yet07:57
wgrant(because it's the development series task, its state is synced with the non-series task that is hidden when the series task exists)07:57
wgrantseries. tasks. are. weird.07:58
cpaelzerjamespage: it worked on a retry08:40
cpaelzerbut the history suggests that something is going on ...08:40
cpaelzerit wasn't a one off failure08:40
jamespagecpaelzer: no - I uploaded a change to fixup the tests10:03
jamespagebasically we're getting to the point where services won't test OK without the rest of openstack being running as well10:03
AsciiWolfjbicha, hi, I have changed the name/description of #1866841 to a SRU... let me know if there is anything else I should do or change12:56
AsciiWolfjbicha, anyway, I need to go away for a hour - two, feel free to edit if there is anything incorrect/incomplete in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/186684113:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1866841 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Move gnome-shell-extension-prefs to universe and add chrome-gnome-shell to its recommends" [Undecided,New]13:02
seb128hum, launchpad just showed me 'you have been logged out' ubuntuone page while editing a bug, rude!13:55
hallynhey rbasak  - i accidentally let mey ubuntu-core-dev membership expire.  reminders got lost in spam.  is that re-set-able?14:54
hallyn(Laney had suggested emailing the perms list, but my ubuntu.com mail fwd seems to have gone berzerk so i can't tell if that worked or not :)14:54
seb128speaking of DMB, could someone do a refresh of the persmission (as by https://git.launchpad.net/~developer-membership-board/+git/packageset/tree/README)?14:58
seb128ddstreet, slashd, rbasak, ^ unsure if there is a DMB alias or what's the right place to ask for that? (also where do we ask for exceptions to be added?)14:59
Laneyhallyn: your mail worked https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2020-April/001482.html15:00
Laneyseb128: devel-permissions@lists.ubuntu.com as well IME15:00
seb128Laney, thanks15:00
hallynLaney - oh, cool, thanks.15:01
hallynhm, i should fix that from address15:01
Laneystill, perhaps pinging will make action happen faster :-)15:02
seb128Laney, the refresh is useful but didn't add things like yaru-theme (because it's in desktop-minimal and that's not consider? or because it's a recommends only?)15:04
LaneyI doubt it's either of those reasons but you'd have to dig in specifically to find out why15:04
seb128k, maybe after release if I get some quiet cycle15:05
Laneymaybe they'd consider adding an exception for it15:05
Laneyhere's a guess: gnome-shell needed an exception because it was ending up in desktop-core for some reason15:09
Laneyand yaru-theme-gnome-shell is in gnome-shell-common's Recommends15:09
Laneythat script (probably wrongly) doesn't transitively apply its exceptions15:10
seb128Laney, thx for the investigation/hints15:12
rbasakhallyn: I've seen it, just not looked at it yet, sorry.15:14
rbasakWe make sure to catch up on outstanding ML requests every meeting.15:14
Laneyseb128: if you mail, tracker -> ubuntugnome looks wrong too these days15:16
hallynrbasak: i'm not in a hurry, thanks :)15:17
seb128Laney, thx, I will probably do a review of the list/things missing before emailing15:21
Laney(that one is in the exceptions)15:21
bdmurrayRikMills-M: Where is the fix for bug 1872551 committed?15:43
ubottubug 1872551 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "software-properties-qt: nvidia driver version switch fails" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187255115:43
hallynrbasak: Laney: so would this be why people.ubuntu.com/~serge-hallyn would have disappeared?16:42
hallynor do i need to chase down something else :)16:42
Laneysounds likely, assuming that caused you to lose Ubuntu memberrship16:43
rbasakI didn't even know that existed16:46

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