
Unit193bluesabre: Perhaps late, but kryten poked me about teaming up to fix the docs, they're pretty fixed just not reviewed. :P03:37
Unit1936 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)03:37
Unit193Translations still aren't coming in.03:38
bluesabrejphillips needs to refresh his locate database10:47
Unit193Live session10:48
bluesabreIt's also slow if he's searching from /10:49
bluesabreUnit193: master branch of xubuntu-docs?10:49
bluesabreNo way to bring the translations automatically with git, gotta export them and apply10:51
bluesabreIf it works, go ahead and apply it11:05
bluesabreI'll sync the translations11:05
Unit193We don't know if getpot does, you'd have a harder time comparing the files.  How easy is it to export?  Can this be automated11:07
Unit193Docs say light-locker is the screen locker, and indicator-application for that... :/11:27
jphilipswhen does the red indicator on the notification plugin appear12:05
jphilipswhat are people's thoughts of bundling some of the same themes bundled with studio, as they are already in the repo14:51
bluesabreUnit193: server-side, yeah, we could do some automation16:09
bluesabrejphilips: If we ship it, we support it. We ship Shimmer themes (Greybird, previously Numix) since we maintain them, and Adwaita because GTK pulls it in. If ochosi would be fine with helping to maintain the themes, I wouldn't oppose it. Feel free to bring it up for discussion once we start working on 20.10 :)16:16
jphilipsbluesabre: okay will send an email to the ML16:17
jphilipsare we maintaining humanity?16:17
bluesabreNo, but I think Ubuntu's patched GTK pulls that in. We're a bit limited there, unfortunately. :(16:22
jphilipsbluesabre: so no way for us to object against this?16:51
ochosime helping to maintain further themes? hahahaa, no way18:59
ochosii'd rather support less themes tbh18:59
jphilipsso that begs the question, if we don't maintain them, we shouldn't ship them, as we should be able to ship themes from the community that are being maintained as they are not the default theme19:01

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