
soyeomul오늘도 오전에 모짜리 하고 왔어요~02:31
soyeomul울진 좀 쌀쌀합니다 어제 비가 왔었어요~02:31
soyeomul잠시 커피 타임~02:31
soyeomul저도 이만 들어가볼께요~03:24
foxmask안녕하세요? 어떻게 지내요 ?08:02
Jason-KR반갑습니다. 잠수함 뉴스는 안타깝습니다ㅏ. 안타까운 일 입니다.08:03
foxmask왜? => 잠수함 뉴스는 안타깝습니다ㅏ08:11
Jason-KR프랑스 잠수함 선원들이 코로나19 병 많이 걸렸다"는 뉴스를 봤어요.08:12
foxmaskho I see. You spoke about a battle ship 항공 모함 not a submarin like 잠수함 seems to by translated to me08:14
foxmaskto be*08:14
Jason-KRAh~  U R exactly right. I made a mis-thinking. sorry. ^^08:16
foxmaskno problem ; I thgouht that was the same word for battle ship and submarin in Korean language08:17
Jason-KRno, no, 우리 한글도 "잠수함"과 "항공모함"을 완전히 다르게 구분합니다. ^^08:18
foxmaski fed up with our president (macron and trump) ; who are complaining because of China ; they should be focus on us not the why china should have hidden things about their number of death08:18
foxmaskit's exhausting08:19
Jason-KRㅎㅎㅎ Ye~ I thing so. too.08:19
foxmaskand the worst, we need china for having mask ...08:19
foxmaskwe are not comfortable with the date when we will be authorized to get out. I dont feel we are ready for that. We have nothing to protect us in the bus and public transport, and no masks. it's a suicide08:22
Jason-KRㅠㅠ, I'm sorry about it.08:24
foxmaskat least, we all try to make our own masks ;)08:25
foxmaskmy mother in law made some for my wife and children and me08:25
Jason-KR예, U'd make a self-defencing.08:25
foxmaskon May 11th we will look like 우주 비행사 with mask, glow hat and so on :)08:27
foxmaskhow is the weather today ?08:28
foxmaskfine !08:28
foxmaskit's almost 25°C here and sunny08:28
foxmaskeverybody is quiet08:29
Jason-KRSAT D is a (half-)holiday.08:31
foxmaskin my quest of learning korean I found KBS World Radio stuff http://world.kbs.co.kr/service/contents_list.htm?page=1&lang=f&menu_cate=learnkorean&id=08:34
foxmaskthey propose to explain expression from series they cut in pieces08:35
Jason-KRMy above PIC is wrong. My mistake.08:37
foxmaskit's saturday ; nothing is important ;)08:38
Jason-KRfile:///home/jason/%EC%82%AC%EC%A7%84/%EC%8A%A4%ED%81%AC%EB%A6%B0%EC%83%B7,%202020-04-18%2017-29-46.png https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/ExQGO5vB/image.png08:38
Jason-KRfile:///home/jason/%EC%82%AC%EC%A7%84/%EC%8A%A4%ED%81%AC%EB%A6%B0%EC%83%B7,%202020-04-18%2017-34-47.png https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/Q6T4EhSW/image.png08:39
foxmask22° this afternoon08:41
foxmaskdoes korea have plan for a vaccine against covid19 ? 'cause http://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2020-03-27-oxford-covid-19-vaccine-programme-opens-clinical-trial-recruitment ... o_O08:55
foxmaskbe back later ;) have a nice day!08:58
foxmasktake care of yourselves everybody08:59
GGOBP우와.. IRC클라이언트 설치해서 쓰는데.. 여지껏 ubuntu-kr에서 왜안될까 연구하다가보니..10:33
GGOBPubuntu-ko 였네요..10:33
soyeomul다들 주말 잘 보내시고 계신가요~13:19
soyeomul아따 밤이 되니 입이 출출하네여~13:19
GGOBPㅎㅎ 저는 퇴근하고 서울 본집에 왔는데 주문했던 외장SSD가 와있어서 기분이 좋네요14:01
GGOBP요즘은 외장SSD가 2테라도 넘는게 나오고.. 제 우분투시스템은 CPU프로세스가 16코어 32쓰레드인데14:02
GGOBP세상이 참 빠르게 발전하네요..14:03
GGOBP저는 16코어CPU면 모든 컴퓨터가 클라우드화 될 때까지 오랫동안 시스템하드웨어를 안바꿔도 유지될 것 같아서 첨부터 쌘걸로 샀어요 ㅋㅋ14:04
GGOBP솔루스는 처음 깔았을 때 GPU드라이버도 자동으로 잡아서 설치할 수 있고 다운로드센터에 서드파티앱들이 굉장히 직관적으로 카테고리화돼있어서 GUI 초기설정이 잘돼있었는데..14:07
GGOBP우분투는 거기에 비해 조금 투박하지만, 정보도 많고 소프트웨어들도 우분투기준으로 테스트되고 다른면에서 쓰기가 너무 좋네요14:08
soyeomulggobp님 꾸벅14:31
soyeomul모두 존 주말 보내셔요~14:45
soyeomul전 이만 들어갑니다14:45

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