
=== lestac is now known as lestac_afk
CarlFKanyone know of a wifi signal monitor that shows a graph?00:42
CarlFKwavemon is looking pretty good00:47
checheGood Night, I am trying to boot up ubuntu desktop live beta 20.04 using PXE + NFS as I did in the previous releases, for the last *10 years*, but this release I am unable to use it same config00:59
chechehttps://pastebin.com/JfCs0Pjj that is the config for the tftp server00:59
checheI could not find any questions about it. and I have test different machines, but not luck.01:02
SourceSlayerI've run "apt-get install libvulkan1 mesa-vulkan-drivers vulkan-util" on buntu 18.04 but I can't seem to run any Vulkan games anyway, what else must I do?01:04
SourceSlayerI feel like I'm missing something obvious01:04
SourceSlayerNever really used anything other than the defalt drivers so I'm lost01:08
SourceSlayerI guess this is outside of regular usage hours01:14
joebknot very active here01:17
SourceSlayerI thought it would be pretty busy all things considered01:17
joebkthis is my first time on irc in like 2 years.01:18
joebktypical urc channel 1157n users and no one talking.01:19
SourceSlayerI think this convo would be better moved to #Ubuntu-social so as to keep things how they want it01:20
SourceSlayerWell, I guess I should just go to bed and ask later01:22
joebkI'm lookinig for a channel to join.01:22
blahboybazIf I connect to my google drive locally (ie: map it to nautilus) does it store a local copy of any the data? Will the data take up any additional space locally so I know how to calculate drive space?01:28
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blahboybazAnd, I see that gnome also wants permission to do stuff with email..  But what if I ONLY want drive? (I dont' want anything to do with gmail email locally - only drive locally)01:32
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blahboybazoh, I see01:33
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pillager86what's the correct way to set up php-xdebug with Netbeans in Ubuntu 19.10?01:50
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joek_Anyone have a good dark theme colour set for HexChat?02:09
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blahboybazIs there a way to make nautilus show only certain file type in a directory and all its sub directories? For example - show only audio file in the (default) "Music" directory and any subdirectories I create in it. Or, show only video file in the (default) "Videos" directory and any subdirectories I create in it.  I'm not talking about performing a search I mean for it to always be that way simply by entering the directory. To02:18
blahboybazonly show that type - ever.02:18
bn_workhi, ubuntu 16.04 LTS on VPS VM, provider re-IP-ed the (K?)VM at my request and am noticing the routing tables are blank after ifdown/ifup-ing eth0 & restarting network(ing).  Is there a way to re-init it w/o rebooting?02:27
fronchettiHello everyone, I am a Python programmer, and my pip list is a mess (a lot of dependencies that I don't use anymore). I would like to know if it is safe do delete my pip packages, or if they can influence the operation of my Ubuntu system.02:39
Conjecture_fronchetti, It's best to use virtualenv for stuff like that02:40
fronchettiI can not format this computer, so I need to make sure it is safe to delete the pip packages02:40
fronchettiI am going to use virtualenv for now on, but I already have installed packages on my system02:40
Conjecture_Overtime, Ubuntu will overwrite them02:40
fronchettiand I want to know if it is safe to uninstall them02:41
fronchettilike, every package I have installed02:41
Conjecture_virtualenv directory_of_project; cd directory_of_project; source bin/activate; pip install stuff; deactivate # when done02:41
Conjecture_Well, it's very risky to do that02:41
Conjecture_You don't know what you overwrote02:41
fronchettiso Ubuntu uses pip dependencies?02:41
bn_workany ideas?02:44
ghostnik11hey i want to leave a separate boot partition on my regular internal storage which is a 32gb emmc that soldered on to the mother board. currently i have ubuntu on my 32gb and it has about 6gb of space free. i want to maybe partition 1gb of that free space and put as a place that i can leave a /boot for other linux OS that i want to run from an micro-sd card. the bios doesn't see micro-sd card as a option to boot. i just02:44
ghostnik11want to know if 1gb is enough space?02:44
ghostnik11all at the same time, i don't want to lose my ubuntu partition? i have a link from: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromSD that details it, just want to be safe before and get some opinions on the matter02:46
thongpv87How can I get flicker free boot work on ubuntu 20.04 (beta). I'm having 1st problem as described in `https://hansdegoede.livejournal.com/20632.html`, got a black screen for a couple of seconds during boot. I follow the guide but nothing got fixed. I'm using Thinkpad X1 Extreme gen 2, boot in EFI mode, and using gpu on-demand mode.02:48
Conjecture_Well, fronchetti left before I could say to install over them....03:00
checheok.  just found a solution to my problem Pxe and nfs  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/184801803:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1848018 in casper (Ubuntu) "[solved] PXE boot/nfsboot broken; Eoan Ermine; 19.10" [Undecided,Invalid]03:05
r2b2nzthongpv87: Not sure but given that laptop appears to have a NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1650 wouldn't 1.1 of that page apply?03:07
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ozusHi all, is there smaller install media for the 18.04 cd ? The default iso image is 2 GB in size. Which require dvd, wondering if there's cdr size....03:45
oOBadDreamOodoes anyone in here have any experience with xbox one controllers on ubuntu?03:46
r2b2nz@ozus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD perhaps?03:52
GoopIs there a channel that knows a lot about audio with like pavu/alsa?03:54
r2b2nzGoop: there's #ubuntustudio if you are using that04:01
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Eickmeyerr2b2nz, Goop: alsa and pave are parts of Ubuntu. Don’t send people that way just because it’s audio.04:04
Eickmeyer#lau (Linux Audio Users) would be more apt.04:04
r2b2nzSorry @Eickmeyer04:06
GoopI am trying to create a virtual microphone, which takes desktop application sound, along with a real microphone sound, and output them into the virtual microphone.04:07
alloyhey all04:12
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alloyyou know that version of vi that comes with some versions of ubuntu that doesn't have arrow key bindings?  Anyone know what it's called?04:12
alloyis it actual vi and then one installs vim in order to stay sane?04:13
siege00I think you'll have to manually unbind the arrow keys unless there's a plugin for that.04:14
Bashing-omEickmeyer: Anything other than studio that uses the low-latency kernel on a fresh install ?04:21
EickmeyerBashing-om: Not to my knowledge, but I’ve heard of it being used with servers.04:25
Bashing-omEickmeyer: just checking my knowledge base - working one in U+1 that runs the low-latency kernel and OP insist is not a studio install ( nvidia driver issue).04:28
nshireTimeoutdoes ALSA on 18.04 have a way of temporarily muting sound from a program?04:37
spronkeyhey all - i'm having a reaaaally weird problem with ... audio? system freezing? after installing a (known working) GTX 660 gpu into my (previously stable) system04:40
emmaIm trying to run ubuntu 19.04 but when I run sudo apt update it says this:04:41
emmaErr:6 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu disco-security Release       404  Not Found [IP: 80]04:41
spronkeyso my system seems to freeze, sometimes cursor moves sometimes it doesn't, sometimes responding to ssh, sometimes that eventually stops working. I haven't found a reliable way to reproduce it, but i can reproduce something odd, which is when i try to play the "Bark" sound effect from Sound settings (specifically Bark), my TV resyncs its HDMI port (signal bar appears), and audio doesn't play for a few seconds04:41
Bashing-om!19.04 | emma04:41
ubottuemma: Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) was the 30th release of Ubuntu, support ended January 2020. see !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2020-January/005263.html04:41
spronkeywhere on earth do I start04:42
emmaBashing-om: is there a way to move it to the next release without having to install it again?04:42
Bashing-om!eol | emma04:42
ubottuemma: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades04:42
Bashing-omemma: ^^ see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades .04:43
Bashing-omspronkey: does ' sudo lshw -C display ' see the added card and a driver ?04:45
OnceuponabanHello. I have a computer that I wish to use to host a Nextcloud instance. This however requires an OS to install it on, and I chose Ubuntu for that, specifically the LTS server variant. The computer has a 128GB SSD and a 2TB HDD. I'm assuming the partition layout would be some form of "OS on the SSD, data on the HDD" but is there something specific04:46
OnceuponabanI should do regarding partitioning?04:46
spronkeyBashing-om I can see my internal card, plus also my nvidia gpu (am using the HDMI output from thaT). HDA Nvidia04:46
spronkeyoo maybe it has something to do with sample rate...04:47
spronkeyBashing-om: this is the pulseaudio debug logging when I try to play this "Bark" sound: https://gist.github.com/spronkey/c60229deac5f6f28a6ca3c291a5760e804:48
OnceuponabanOr should I just go "ESP and / on SSD, /home on HDD" and call it a day?04:48
Bashing-omspronkey: Pastebin ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ; cat /var/log/gpu-manager.log ' . See what the system thinks.04:49
spronkeyBashing-om https://gist.github.com/spronkey/c60229deac5f6f28a6ca3c291a5760e8#file-gistfile1-txt04:50
spronkeyThese components are quite old (3470s + GTX 660), but the 3470s system was rock sold with igpu, and the 660 was rock solid in my other machine. Power supply is a decent unit and should have plenty of power, but the freezing doesn't appear to have anything to do with GPU load04:53
spronkeyBut I do notice that my TV seems to think there's a lot of resyncing going on of the signal, as it keeps displaying the input signal bar every now and then04:53
spronkeyusually related to sound04:53
Bashing-omspronkey: "rc" == removed but config files remain - per ups there is no driver loaded. Secure boot a factor on your system ?04:53
megacoolvibesroot@ip-172-31-33-21:~# apt install php7.2-cli04:54
spronkeyBashing-om hmm, i doubt it, it's a desktop from 201204:54
spronkeyBashing-om I've tried installing several nvidia drivers (some from the ubuntu software & updates -> additional drivers) + also downloading the bin drivers from nvidia.com and running their installer04:55
Bashing-omspronkey: how about ' sudo apt remove --purge nvidia ; sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' where the system will choose what it thinks best to install.04:56
spronkeyBashing-om "nvidia is not installed". Only thing I can purge via apt is nvidia-opencl-icd-34004:56
spronkeyi'll try a drivers autoinstall04:57
Bashing-omspronkey: OEM ! NO ! any result  sudo find / -name "NVIDIA-Linux-*"  ?04:57
spronkeyhaha, bad idea to install drivers from nvidia.com?04:58
Bashing-omspronkey: Nvidia says " Note that many Linux distributions provide their own packages of the NVIDIA Linux Graphics Driver in the distribution's native package management format. This may interact better with the rest of your distribution's framework, and you may want to use this rather than NVIDIA's official package.".04:58
spronkeymm, I had tried the ubuntu recommended one earlier, but the freezing was still occurring so I tried the (newer) one from nvidia04:59
spronkey^^ the find only finds my driver .run that I downloaded04:59
Bashing-omspronkey: Nothing wrong with trying ( good backups !) - we clean things up and re-install wwhat the system picks - see what results.05:00
Bashing-omspronkey: what results Code: ./Nvidiawhatever.run --uninstall (must be cd'd to the directory/location) example: sudo NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-331.38.run --uninstall .05:02
spronkeyBashing-om yeh, was just doing that. Claims that it has been modified by something else, but it's gone thorugh the uninstall process successfully and restored the previous xconf05:02
Bashing-omspronkey: sudo only if the .run file is not in your /home path.05:03
zorabubuntu18.04 can't output speak05:04
zorabwhy ?05:04
Bashing-omspronkey: /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? we want to make sure it is removed with the --purge - else explicitly remove it . the install will re-create the file if needed.05:05
spronkeyxorg.conf is gone, only .failsafe remains05:05
megacoolvibesHow come my php is in /usr/lib/php, but impossible to be found in /usr/bin/php?05:06
megacoolvibesWhen I type whereis php, I get php: /usr/lib/php /etc/php /usr/share/php7.2-opcache /usr/share/php7.2-common /usr/share/php7.2-curl /usr/share/php7.2-mysql /usr/share/php7.2-gd /usr/share/php7.2-json /usr/share/php7.2-readline /usr/share/php7.2-mbstring /usr/share/php7.2-xml05:06
Bashing-omspronkey: Good deal :) have you ran the autoinstall command ?05:06
megacoolvibesIf I type root@ip-172-31-33-21:/# php --version05:07
spronkeyBashing-om not yet, re-ran dpkg -l: https://gist.github.com/spronkey/c60229deac5f6f28a6ca3c291a5760e8#file-dpkg05:07
systemwhat is that?05:08
spronkeyif I'm reading it correctly its showing a bunch of rc for the nvidia bin stuff, but also showing nouveau is back in command for now05:08
spronkeyis that state ready to do the driver autoinstall or do I need to do more removing? :)05:08
Bashing-omspronkey: IF you are fully updated now - ...autoinstall will take care of all.05:15
vijuIs now that ubuntu is moving toward rolling kernel model, does that mean there'll be lots of unstable packages in LTS?05:15
spronkeydoing an autoinstall now @Bashing-om. Figured out why my TV does weird things when I play "Bark" too, it's 48khz file when all the ohters are 44.1kHz, so sampling rate is changing and TV is blanking audio for a bit. Not sure whether that is at all related to my freezing issues though05:19
spronkey@Bashing-om hmm, dpkg-divert: error: mismatch on package05:20
spronkeyhmm, wondering whether it's having problems with my newer kernel05:23
Bashing-omspronkey: Well. the driver has to have the kernel headers installed - what shows ' dpkg -l | grep linux- ' ?05:31
GoopHow do you temporarily kill pulseaudio, and not have it restart?05:32
mfilipe[m]ubuntu always keep the docker packages updates in the same pace of the upstream?05:38
Goopmfilipe[m], that question may be better suited for #ubuntu-server05:38
Goopor #docker05:39
mfilipe[m]ok, thanks05:39
Jordan_UGoop: What is your end goal? pasuspender might be what you're looking for, but I hope you're not just working around a problem that can be solved more directly.05:43
Rockwoodhi any active here?05:43
GoopJordan_U, hey, I remember you from the other day! I don't remember which channel.05:44
Goop*let's all hide from Rockwood*05:44
Rockwoodlol no plz05:44
RockwoodGoop, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/G4t9xyBNT8/  i wanna sync time of UTC05:45
GoopJordan_U, yes. I was talking with a guy on #alsa, and he said I should try mixing desktop audio with microphone audio, and outputting it into a dummy microphone device. It probably could work with pulseaudio, but the guy from #alsa doesn't work with pulse, so that is what I was going with.05:48
GoopRockwood, let me take a look real quick.05:48
GoopRockwood, synce time of UTC? You mean sync to a time server? Or change the system time to UTC-0:00?05:49
Jordan_URockwood: Do you dual boot with Windows? That's the only reason I can think of that your system would not already have the real time clock set to UTC.05:49
Rockwoodi wanna use UTC time for my software05:49
RockwoodJordan_U, i am using VM05:50
Jordan_U(OK, I guess there are also some fancy desktop cases that display the time from the RTC).05:50
Jordan_URockwood: I'm not sure what you mean by "use UTC time for my software". What time zone times dates are stored in is a decision up to the writer of the software. Maybe if you explain more about the bigger project / goal you're working on we will be able to help you better.05:51
RockwoodVM having ubuntu 19.1005:51
Rockwooduniversal time zone05:52
tengoRockwood, if you're using the desktop version of ubuntu 19.10 go to settings > details > date & time05:53
Jordan_URockwood: I'm curious then why timedatectl was ever configured not to use UTC for the (virtual) Real Time Clock. Did you make that change? There's a lot that doesn't make sense about what you're saying, and I really think that you explaining more about your goals / where this VM came from will help clear things up.05:53
Rockwoodi am using CLI only so i can access terminal05:54
Jordan_URockwood: The default for Ubuntu (when not dual booting with Windows) is to have the RTC in UTC.05:54
RockwoodJordan_U, actually yesterday i was trying make time time correct05:54
RockwoodJordan_U, VM on Win 10 and in VM ubuntu 19.10 server version05:55
Jordan_URockwood: timedatectl gave you the command to run to get the the RTC back to UTC, and that is "sudo timedatectl set-local-rtc 0". I'm still not sure that won't still leave you with other problems.05:55
tengoRockwood, if your underlying hardware (bare metal) is using UTC your VM software might have a setting to set the VM time and host time to be the same.05:56
RockwoodJordan_U, done05:56
tengoI'm assume you're using hyper-v. Check the settings for the VM in hyper-v is thats the case.05:57
Rockwoodi am not sure what is hyper-v?05:57
Jordan_URockwood: A VM's RTC shouldn't drift (at least relative to the host RTC). What VM software are you using? Maybe it's setting the virtual RTC to local time, and is constantly "correcting" it when Ubuntu tries to "correct" it, and the two are trading off.05:57
Jordan_URockwood: I would expect any VM software to try to keep the virtual RTC in UTC as long as you've told it that your VM is running GNU/Linux.05:58
RockwoodJordan_U, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rKKdDCXTZX/ now after run that command05:58
Rockwood               Local time: Sun 2020-04-19 05:58:02 IST05:59
Rockwood           Universal time: Sun 2020-04-19 00:28:02 UTC05:59
Rockwoodisn't same05:59
Rockwoodi think 0 is UTC06:00
Rockwoodno timezone06:00
Rockwoodwhy it taking another time06:00
AscavasaionHello there, could someone suggest a couple of cheapish USB sound cards for me... preferably with a line-in port.  Thank you.06:00
Rockwoodit should came as per timezone06:00
Jordan_URockwood: You really need to explain your whole project here.06:00
AscavasaionThat work in Ubuntu :-)06:01
tengoRockwood, what timezone are you currently in?06:01
RockwoodJordan_U, actually i am working on project which basically based timings06:01
Rockwoodtengo,Time zone: Asia/Kolkata (IST, +0530)06:01
RockwoodUTC time should be came as per my time zone06:02
tengorockwood, ok, so your in IST and you want the RTC time of the VM to reflect that too?06:03
Jordan_URockwood: You can "sudo timedatectl set-timezone UTC" to set your local time to UTC, but if you're writing software you should just ask whatever date functions you're using to give you the date in UTC. Reconfiguring your whole OS's time zone is not the way to get UTC dates for one piece of software that you're writing.06:03
RockwoodJordan_U, done06:04
Rockwoodbut now time isn't same as TZ time zone06:04
RockwoodJordan_U, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/p7YZqRhzQK/06:05
Jordan_URockwood: I'm asking you one more time to explain your project more broadly. If you don't, I'm going to give up trying to help you.06:06
tengoJordan_U, wouldn't having Rockwood enable the NTP service bring the times in line?06:06
Rockwoodright now my machine time is 19-04-2020 11:3606:06
Jordan_Utengo: I honestly don't know what problem Rockwood is actually having, and so I can't say what a solution would be.06:06
RockwoodJordan_U, i am using PHP and mysql and its gaming project06:07
Rockwoodand the problem is, in project i getting wrong timing when i am saving in DB06:08
Rockwoodtime should be time auto sync as per my server time zone06:09
spronkeyoh no, bashing-om disappeared06:09
tengoRockwood, it sounds like what Jordan_U was saying earlier, that your software needs to take its time from the "local time". Are you not able to tell you're software to use the local time?06:12
wingedrhinoDoes the 20.04 Ubuntu come with NetworkManager support for WireGuard? I only see OpenVPN and Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol when I go to Network > Settings.06:18
Rockwoodtengo, why OS not picking correct time auto?06:18
cybergig22hows it going...06:19
tengorockwood, it looks like the OS is picking up the correct local time06:19
Jordan_URockwood: This sounds like a question for ##php .06:19
ducassewingedrhino: 20.04 support is in #ubuntu+106:19
RockwoodSystem clock synchronized: no06:19
Rockwood Jordan_U tengo06:19
Rockwoodis possible to sync this06:20
Rockwoodand enable the NTP?06:20
wingedrhinoducasse, aah okay asking there06:20
Jordan_URockwood: timedatectl set-ntp true06:24
Rockwoodhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QhNVJDkPmy/ is it fine? Jordan_U06:24
RockwoodJordan_U, System clock synchronized: no06:26
Rockwood still the same06:26
Jordan_URockwood: Please pastebin the full output of "timedatectl".06:26
tengojordan_U,possibly relating to this - https://askubuntu.com/questions/1203038/cant-sync-time-to-network-server-on-ubuntu-19-1006:27
Jordan_URockwood: systemctl restart systemd-timesyncd06:27
RockwoodJordan_U, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mbQKFtwrVj/06:27
RockwoodJordan_U, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JHcN53qvT3/ output of systemctl restart systemd-timesyncd06:28
tengorockwood, what output do you get from "systemctl status  ntp.service"06:29
Jordan_Utengo: Seems likely, yes.06:29
Rockwoodwhy pastebinit isn't working today?06:30
Rockwoodis it down?06:30
Rockwoodcyberia@cyberia:~$ sudo systemctl status  ntp.service | pastebinit06:30
RockwoodFailed to contact the server: <urlopen error [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution>06:30
Rockwoodyesterday it was working06:31
tengorockwood, I've been able to seem all but of your pastes. Maybe it just stops you pasting too many too quickly.06:31
tengo*all but one06:31
Rockwoodtengo, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Vp8Z3TKnmd/06:31
RockwoodJordan_U, ^^06:32
Rockwoodoutput of systemctl status  ntp.service06:32
Jordan_URockwood: systemd-timesyncd can handle network time synchronization on its own. You can simply "sudo apt remove ntp ntpdate sntp" .06:34
RockwoodJordan_U, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qttsvpQrQj/ removed06:37
tengorockwood, you might need to restart systemd-timesyncd.service after the removal of those services.06:38
RockwoodJordan_U, tengo https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Grbhnd54rg/06:38
Rockwoodi ve done06:38
Jordan_URockwood: Great, "systemctl restart systemd-timesyncd" again.06:39
RockwoodJordan_U, done again06:39
RockwoodSystem clock synchronized: no  still not sync06:40
tomreynRockwood: systemd-resolve --statistics  2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999; systemctl status systemd-timesyncd  2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999; timedatectl status 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999906:40
tomreynshould produce 3 urls06:40
Rockwoodtomreyn, okay doing06:41
Rockwoodtomreyn, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zqKKFgmPK6/06:42
Rockwoodi am surprise its not resolving urls today06:43
tengoRockwood, does it have an internet connection at the moment?06:44
Rockwoodtengo, i am chatting on same machine06:45
Rockwoodmeans on win06:45
tengoRockwood, does the VM have an internet connection though?06:46
Rockwoodi am not sure about internet on VM06:46
Rockwoodbut yesterday its opening06:47
tengoRockwood, from within the ubuntu OS VM ping
tengoRockwood, is the ping successful?06:48
Rockwoodtengo, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Zyf7D6GddP/06:48
tomreynso (besides high but stable latency) just a resolver issue06:49
Rockwoodnames not resolving06:49
tomreyn9.9.9.9 is a public resolver you can use,, too. the latter may be faster (ping it, too, to test).06:50
CoCo_Kid594hi all!06:51
Rockwoodtomreyn, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4cvpdFctst/06:51
tomreynthat's much lower, so you may want to prefer this one06:52
Rockwoodas you advise06:52
Rockwoodtomreyn, i can add any06:53
CoCo_Kid594anyone mess with S390X versions of ubuntu and hercules.. I having issues with install getting about 80% done and biffing it..06:53
tomreynRockwood: is this s desktop computer? if so, configure the nameserver for your current internet connection using the GUI.06:54
Rockwoodyes tomreyn my laptop06:54
CoCo_Kid594I can't get past base install.06:54
Rockwoodtomreyn, is effect my win too?06:54
Rockwoodmeans out of VM06:55
CoCo_Kid594I guess can anyone point me to a min install with no X for hercules mainframe S370X I just want a console.06:55
tengotomreyn, rockwood's issue is with time on his ubuntu VM, not his dns. He's running an application in his ubuntu 19.10 vm (on Windows). The applicaiton is not picking up his local time.06:56
tomreynRockwood: if you're asking whether this resolver change will also affect a co-installed windows operating system, then no, not ddirectly. just the system time will be correc thtrere for a while after you ran ubuntu.06:56
tomreyntengo: hmm but we've seen there are dns issues, which means time synchronization will likely fail?06:57
tomreyn*network time synchronization06:57
tengotomreyn: sorry I seem to be missing the issue around dns?06:57
Rockwoodtomreyn, then np06:57
tomreynhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DKWR72Cxcn/ -> "ping: google.com: Temporary failure in name resolution"06:58
tengotomreyn: thanks.06:58
Rockwoodtomreyn, yes i wanna do corrections06:58
CoCo_Kid594I know with VM things dont anwser from outside without some internal port forwarding tools.  l cant think of the name off hand.. if your running ubuntu webserver via windows.. you have to run a netmanger I got from vmware ...06:58
tomreyntengo: also here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zqKKFgmPK6/06:59
tomreynRockwood: so did you configure the nameserver for your current internet connection on ubuntu?06:59
tomreyntengo: thanks for pointing out it's an ubuntu VM on a windows host, though, i hadn't gotten this.07:00
Rockwoodtomreyn, how to configure that07:00
CoCo_Kid594windows vm.. virtual adapters are a bearcat for ports to work.07:00
Rockwoodi am not sure how to add that tomreyn07:00
tomreynRockwood: is it an ethernet connection?07:00
Rockwoodon ubuntu?07:00
tomreynRockwood: yes07:01
tomreynit probably is if it's a VM07:01
Rockwoodi am not sure about it tomreyn07:01
tomreynyou should see the network manager "network" icon on the top right. do you?07:01
Rockwoodbut i can access url on my win too07:01
Rockwoodlike localhost07:02
tengotomreyn: I don't think he's has a gui07:02
Rockwoodtomreyn, i didn't installed GUI07:02
Rockwoodon ubuntu07:02
Rockwoodi ve terminal just for do something07:03
tomreyni see where my question "is this a desktop computer" was badly phrased now.07:03
CoCo_Kid594Using the Virtual Network Editor in VMware Workstation (1018697)07:03
tengotomreyn: I think the VM will just see the connection as a wired connection, even if the latop is using w/less07:03
tomreynRockwood: you need to edit the netplan configuration file to set the resolver then07:03
tomreyntengo: yes, most likely07:03
Rockwoodtomreyn, how to config that?07:04
ubottuNetplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/07:04
tomreynthe configuration file should be somewhere in /etc/netplan07:04
CoCo_Kid594start here with anything network broken when it comes to VM and Ubuntu.07:04
Rockwoodtomreyn, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KkpfZ4gwqc/07:06
CoCo_Kid594another funky thing network stuff doesn't seem to work till you login.. so trying to get ssh or other stuff to work.. dont start very well on bootup.07:07
Rockwoodhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/T6PvKws5Cq/  surprising result on localhost its resolving07:08
CoCo_Kid594another thing is YAML is very picky about spacing or it cant parse your config file.07:08
RockwoodCoCo_Kid594, not understand07:09
tomreynRockwood: To disable cloud-init's network configuration capabilities, write a file /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg with the following:07:11
tomreynnetwork: {config: disabled}07:11
tomreynthen replace the netplan configuration file by this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NcjcZyRwsp/07:12
tomreynthen reboot the ubuntu vm07:12
tomreyngenerally, to run an ubuntu server (no gui), you'll need to learn how to get around it, and how to handle basic configurations such as networking07:14
Rockwoodtomreyn, sudo ls -i /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg/07:14
Rockwoodls: cannot access '/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg/': Not a directory07:14
tomreyncreate it then07:14
tomreynit's /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/ not /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg/07:15
Rockwoodhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/w5MPYgwKFz/ yeah right07:16
Rockwoodtomreyn, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zwbk2B8w8v/07:17
Rockwood99-disable-network-config.cfg  isn't in07:18
tomreyn<tomreyn> create it then07:18
CoCo_Kid594anyone here into clasic ubuntu?  at least everything works good?07:19
tomreynCoCo_Kid594: what do you mean by "clasic ubuntu"?07:20
CoCo_Kid594Linux 2.6.32-29-generic i686 that far enough back for ya?07:20
tomreyntoo far, not supported here, end of life07:21
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:21
Rockwoodtomreyn, file is created07:21
tomreynRockwood: good.07:22
Rockwoodbut should be blank? i am talking 99-disable-network-config.cfg07:22
tomreynjust re-read what i wrote, please07:22
Rockwoodno content goest in it?07:22
Rockwoodnetwork: {config: disabled} i ve write this just07:23
Rockwoodokay doing07:23
CoCo_Kid594it has been running on a model name      : Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.06GHz 24/7 for almost07:23
CoCo_Kid594when did that version come out.. thats how long its been running.07:24
tomreynCoCo_Kid594: unless you have specific questions on supported ubuntu releases or are convinced you have helpful suggestions for others, please use #ubuntu-discuss (or #ubuntu-offtopic for social chat)07:25
CoCo_Kid594problem with updates its brakes everything.... it runs a very old half-life server.. it would break things.. I use cups, ntp, web and samba every single day..07:26
tomreynRockwood: let me know once you've reached the part where you rebooted.07:27
Rockwoodactually i am unable save in it07:28
Rockwoodtomreyn, cyberia@cyberia:/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d$ sudo nano /etc/netplan/*.yaml07:28
Rockwoodtomreyn, i am trying to this07:30
Rockwood<tomreyn> then replace the netplan configuration file by this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NcjcZyRwsp/07:30
Rockwoodtomreyn, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RDC49zVwHz/ i am surprise after sudo its not editable07:33
tomreynRockwood: me, too. it should be.07:33
tomreynso what's the error message you get there?07:34
tomreynyou can also do this:   wget -qO- https://termbin.com/n1g8 | sudo tee -a /etc/netplan/config.yaml07:36
tomreynthis downloads https://termbin.com/n1g8 (a copy of what i previously posted at https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NcjcZyRwsp/ ) and places it at /etc/netplan/config.yaml overwriting what was previously there.07:37
Rockwoodtomreyn, Error:/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml: open for write: permission denied07:38
RockwoodError:File transfer failed07:38
Rockwoodi tried by ftp too07:38
Rockwoodtomreyn, <tomreyn> you can also do this:   wget -qO- https://termbin.com/n1g8 | sudo tee -a /etc/netplan/config.yaml  done07:39
tomreynnow     sudo rm /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml     if you also have this07:40
tomreyn(or move it out of the way to have a backup)07:40
tengotomreyn, won't the termbin link fail if dns isn't working?07:40
spronkeyhmm, does anyone have any idea how to stop Software & Updates from greying out all the nvidia drivers and only allowing me to select "continue using a manually installed driver" ? I've tried apt remove --purge *nvidia*07:40
spronkeydpkg-query  -l nvidia* shows a bunch of stuff "un", and nvidia-340 "in"07:41
tomreyntengo: maybe, yes07:41
tomreyntengo: i actually meant to provide it by ip address, thanks for the reminder07:41
tengotomreyn: no problem, you seem to have things under control. I'm just following along.07:42
tomreynhmm no it won't work by ip address, that's not configured on their webserver07:42
tomreynbut it can work with curl.07:43
Rockwoodi created /etc/netplan/config.yaml and paste https://termbin.com/n1g8 and paste this content07:44
Rockwoodshould i restart now the VM OS07:44
Rockwoodshould i restart now the VM's OS07:44
tomreynRockwood: so, to verify things went well, can you post a file listing of the files you have in /etc/cloud/ and /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/ and /etc/netplan/ ?07:44
tomreynls -la /etc/cloud/ /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/ /etc/netplan/ 2>&1 | nc 999907:45
tomreynRockwood: please use this command ^07:46
Rockwoodtomreyn, https://termbin.com/j9yu07:46
Rockwoodi was running07:46
Rockwoodi am slower lol07:47
Rockwoodanyway command's output i posted07:47
Rockwoodtomreyn, is it fine?07:47
tomreyn/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/n should probably not exist?07:47
tomreynyou created it just now. check whats in it, delete it if it not needed07:48
Rockwoodtomreyn, it is there07:48
Rockwood n?07:48
Rockwoodonl n07:48
Rockwoodonly "n" tom07:49
tomreynyes, that's the name of the file you just created07:49
Rockwoodcyberia@cyberia:~$ ls /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/n07:49
tomreynprobably while working with nano and answering "n" at the wrong prompt07:49
Rockwoodnow remove n?07:50
tomreyn<tomreyn> you created it just now. check whats in it, delete it if it not needed07:50
Rockwoodi am not sure about usages07:51
tomreynit's your system, i didn't tell you to create this file, but it was just created. you'll need to make sure your system operates as you need it to.07:51
tomreyni suspect you created the file /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/n by mistake and can just delete it.07:52
tomreyn(but not knowing what's in it or why you created it, i'm only guessing)07:52
Rockwoodi didn't created07:53
tomreynwell then someone else who has root access to your computer did07:53
Rockwoodi accessed this section first time07:53
Rockwoodtomreyn, removed07:55
Rockwoodrestart now?07:55
tomreyn/etc/netplan/.50-cloud-init.yaml.swp   should also not exist07:56
tomreynit's probably a leftover of using vim  to edit the file, but not exiting vim properly07:56
tomreyn(or the network connection dropping)07:57
Rockwoodremove that too?07:57
tomreynif you don't need it still, yes07:57
Rockwoodtomreyn, removed that is07:59
Rockwood.50-cloud-init.yaml.swp this fi;e07:59
tomreynRockwood: yes, you should be able to reboot now.08:00
Rockwoodokay doing now08:00
spronkeyohh thank god, to answer my above question, delete all the kernel modules, reinit ramfs, reboot!08:00
spronkeynext problem: pulse audio08:00
Rockwoodtomreyn, started08:04
RockwoodOS booted now08:05
Rockwoodmeans ubuntu08:05
tomreynRockwood: so try     ping -c1 google.com     and some other websites you know now, see if you still get resolver issues.08:06
Rockwoodtomreyn, resolving now https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tR4CRGzkJ3/08:07
tomreynyou tried *one* site.08:07
Rockwoodtomreyn, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dwZhZX7JZd/08:08
Rockwoodyahoo also ping08:08
Rockwoodand pastebinit also works08:09
tomreyngood, now try some more and when you finished *all* of those tests, write "tomreyn" again.08:09
Rockwoodtomreyn, names resolving now and now my concern08:10
Rockwoodis ubuntu should be auto sync timing as per timezone08:11
tomreynRockwood: which command did you use previously to check whether the network time synchronization works?08:11
Rockwoodsudo timedatectl set-ntp true08:12
tomreynno, that's a command to change a configuration08:12
Rockwood timedatectl08:13
tengotomreyn, it seems like rockwood may have had an issue like this - https://askubuntu.com/questions/1203038/cant-sync-time-to-network-server-on-ubuntu-19-1008:13
tengotomreyn, another user on channel had rockwood remove some ntp services.08:14
tomreyntengo: i think ntp was removed, wasn't it?08:14
Rockwoodi need to chk08:14
tomreynRockwood: so what does timedatectl say now?08:14
Rockwoodtomreyn, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9NrZtHzdhY/08:15
Rockwoodtengo, you right i think i remove that08:15
tomreyntengo: feel frree to guide Rockwood, i've spent too much time already ;)08:16
Rockwoodtomreyn, thanks08:16
tengotomreyn, ntp ntpdate sntp08:16
tomreyntengo: yes, any of these could get int he way, you're right08:16
tomreyn* in the08:16
Rockwoodtengo, should try this? ntp ntpdate sntp08:17
Rockwoodshould i08:17
tengotomreyn, I was just chipping in with things I could think of, not from experience.08:18
tengorockwood, no, you have removed those services, I wouldn't install them again.08:18
tomreyntengo: it's a good hint08:18
Rockwoodhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JTfW5hgSDT/ tengo tomreyn08:19
tengorockwood, my understanding is "systemd-timesyncd.service" will handle the time sync.08:19
tomreyni think Rockwood should paste     systemctl status systemd-timesyncd.service 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999908:19
tomreynsudo apt purge ntp08:20
Rockwoodshould i do?08:20
Rockwoodlol i am wating for green signal of tomreyn08:21
tomreynyou need to ensure you have only one service capable of running the network time synchronization installed. by default, you have systemd-timesyncd for this purpose. you also have ntp installed apparently, but disabled. still, in this configuration, systemd-timesyncd won't start due to the sheer existence of ntp(d)08:22
tomreynso if you would like to return to the default configuration, yes, you should run     sudo apt purge ntp08:22
tomreynif you instead want to use ntp(d), you should rather unmask the service.08:23
Rockwoodtomreyn, yes i removed  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Pc33jvd5xv/08:24
Rockwoodnow what should be next for me08:24
tomreynhmm, it wasn't installed08:25
Rockwoodtomreyn, i tried twice08:25
tomreynand only posted the output fromt he second run? i see.08:25
tomreynsudo can run    sudo apt --purge autoremove    to clean up the other leftover packages08:26
Rockwoodyes its is second time08:26
=== Pinus is now known as Pinvs
Rockwoodsudo can run    sudo apt --purge autoremove  is this full commad08:26
tomreynthat's a full command, root can run it.08:26
tomreynalso your user through sudo08:27
Rockwoodso i am going to run -- >sudo apt --purge autoremove08:27
Rockwoodtomreyn, tengo done08:27
tomreynah sorry i had a typo there.08:28
Rockwoodwhat is that?08:28
tomreyni wrote "sudo can run", but meant to write "you can run"08:28
tengotomreyn only one'-'?08:28
tomreynyou can run    sudo apt --purge autoremove    to clean up the other leftover packages08:28
Rockwoodi ve done --> sudo apt --purge autoremove08:28
tomreynnow, is your network time synchronization working, yet?08:29
tomreynhow are you testing?08:29
Rockwoodmeans chking08:30
Rockwoodno synced08:30
Rockwoodas per my time 14:0008:31
tengorockwood, that has changed thought. previously your local time was IST08:31
RockwoodLocal time: Sun 2020-04-19 08:29:34 UTC08:31
Rockwoodyes it was there but now not showing08:31
Rockwoodubuntu 19.10 first time i am using and i ve a bad experience with it08:33
Rockwood18.04 was fine08:33
tomreynthis will show the status of the systemd-timesyncd (default network time synchronization server) service: systemctl status systemd-timesyncd.service08:33
tengorockwood, I find not reading the change log can cause a bad initial experience.08:34
tomreynit should say it is loaded, enabled, and active08:34
tomreyni find not reading any documentation can cause a bad initial experience.08:34
tengotomreyn: completely agree08:35
Rockwoodtomreyn, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xmTc7fYjy3/08:35
tomreynso this failed to start "22min ago" due to "Condition check resulted in Network Time Synchronization being skipped"08:36
tomreynwhich probably means it didn't start at the time because the "ntp" package was still installed then08:37
tomreyn(and maybe yet more other network time synchronization services)08:37
Rockwoodshould i remove this OS and install old version of ubuntu08:38
tomreyni suggest you restart the systemd-timesyncd service now so it will re-check its startup conditions and hopefully realize ntp is no longer installed, and that it should start up.08:38
tomreynif you're planning to replace this installation shortly then maybe we should not spend so much time on it.08:39
Rockwoodtomreyn, yet not08:40
Rockwoodnot planning for replace08:40
Rockwoodi am just taking your view about it08:40
tengoRockwood: has restaring the service helped?08:41
Rockwoodstill i am try to finding command for restart08:42
Rockwoodsudo systemctl restart systemd-timesyncd.service08:42
Rockwoodgot it08:42
tomreynsystemctl is the command for managing services on a systemd based system like any current ubuntu release08:43
Rockwoodhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/X5KMxgR7cP/ after restarted08:43
tomreynso how do you interpret this output?08:44
tengorockwood tomreyn looks like an issue with virtualbox, which I assume is what is being used for the hyper-visor management.08:45
Rockwoodtengo, how can i trace it?08:46
tengorockwood tomreyn I'm not familiar with virtualbox, if thats what is being used, but I would check for a service relating to that.08:46
tomreynyes, the virtualbox guest utilities installe don this system probably act as a time synchronization service and thus systemd-timesyncd is not started on this system.08:46
tomreynwhat's the output of    ls -l /usr/sbin/VBoxService     does it seem like it exists and is executable?08:47
Rockwoodtomreyn, cyberia@cyberia:~$ ls -l /usr/sbin/VBoxService08:48
Rockwoodlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 46 Mar  5 16:47 /usr/sbin/VBoxService -> /opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-6.1.4/sbin/VBoxService08:48
tomreynand does     /opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-6.1.4/sbin/VBoxService    exist and is executable?08:48
Rockwoodtomreyn, yes those are executing08:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1848309 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1858095 "Automatic Date & Time" doesn't reflect the service status" [Low,Triaged]08:50
tengo"After purging virtualbox-guest-utils and virtualbox-6.0, ntp sync was successful:"08:50
tengoI took that from here https://askubuntu.com/questions/1198863/how-to-enable-automatic-date-and-time-on-ubuntu-19-1008:50
tengoI'm not sure removing vbox utils is the only answer, as you would lose the management features that come with vbox utils.08:52
tomreynso one of the pre-conditions of systemd-timesynd is that /usr/sbin/VBoxService does *not* exist (that's what the "!" stands for, i think), but it exists on your system, so systemd-timesynd does not start, as seen at https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/X5KMxgR7cP/08:52
tomreynactually the condition is that this file (does not exist and) is not executable: "ConditionFileIsExecutable=!/usr/sbin/VBoxService was not met"08:53
tengotomreyn: its a very demanding service :)08:53
tomreynso either use the time synchronization (it probably synchs the time against that of the host system, so windows), or remove or diable the virtualbox guest service.08:54
tomreynso either use the time synchronization the virtualbox guest service provides (it probably synchs the time against that of the host system, so windows), or remove or diable the virtualbox guest service.08:54
tomreyn^ this is what i meant to write08:54
tomreynRockwood: ^08:55
Rockwoodtomreyn, i understand your point08:56
tomreynthe idea there will be that virtualbox assumes your host system (windows) will have the proper time and dat already, and then it just reuses that on the ubuntu guest system, because there is no need to run network synchronization there, too, then.08:56
tengomight be helpful https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch09.html#changetimesync08:57
tomreynRockwood: now how you fix your resolver and time synchronization issues on the host system would be out of scope for this channel, but you should probably do that first. or you could consider the options documented at the link tengo just posted.08:58
Rockwoodtomreyn, thanks sure i am chking that08:59
Rockwoodtengo, thanks you too08:59
tengoRockwood: you're welcome, credit to tomreyn.08:59
Rockwoodtomreyn, given huge time for my issue which not related to OS09:00
Rockwoodreally very big thanks to him :)09:00
tomreynRockwood: what you will probably need to do on the host system is to solve the same problem we solved on the guest system: resolver problems. i.e. you may want to configure a custom resolver (nameserver) for your internet connection, such as
tomreynhelp with how to do this may be available in ##windows09:06
tomreynspronkey: did you still need help there? ideally with something not nvidia related?09:07
spronkey@tomreyn trying to figure out why my machine essentially hardlocks09:07
spronkey[ 2580.513688] NVRM: os_schedule: Attempted to yield the CPU while in atomic or interrupt context09:07
spronkeygetting a bunch of this in dmesg09:08
tomreynNV in NVRM standing for nvidia09:08
DrManhattanwow, that's a now one spronkey, are you running tensorflow apps?09:08
spronkeyso...... no, nothing not nvidia related :)09:08
spronkeyDrManhattan nope just general desktop at this stage, not even anything demanding09:08
DrManhattanugh, I'm sorry09:08
DrManhattanwhat does glxgears look like?09:10
DrManhattanmight need mesa-utils09:10
spronkeyeverything runs just fine, even e.g. vulkan games09:10
spronkey...the system just locks up09:11
spronkeycan ssh in, i'm watching dmesg atm09:11
DrManhattanthat sounds like a hardware issue09:11
tomreynspronkey: which ubuntu version are you running, is it fully updated, how did you install nvidia drivers, which exact nvidia hardware is it?09:11
DrManhattanoe noes, nvidia forums says hardware error too :( https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/nvrm-os-schedule-attempted-to-yield-the-cpu-while-in-atomic-or-interrupt-context/4069009:11
spronkey18.04.04, yes fully updated, gtx 660 (pulled from my other desktop, windows, had been rock solid for several years there)09:12
spronkeythis machine had been rock solid for several years too with the igpu09:12
tomreyn"how did you install nvidia drivers"?09:13
DrManhattanis the 660 still supported?09:13
spronkeytomreyn tried the additional-drivers tool to begin with, then ended up installing from nvidia's website (no luck, still crashy), then purged everything and reinstalled v435 (recommended) from ubuntu-drivers09:13
spronkeyby purged I mean, apt remove --purge *nvidia* + del all the kernel modules09:14
tomreynv435 may well be too recent for this card.09:14
tomreyntry the oldest driver you can get first of all.09:14
tomreynfrom ubuntu09:14
tomreyni think it's 33009:15
spronkeyapparnetly there are some issues with kernel 5 and older nv drivers09:15
DrManhattan304.137 is the last version supported for your card09:15
tomreynnvidia-340 seems to be the oldest available on 18.04 LTS09:16
tomreynor you can try your luck with nouveau09:17
spronkeynouveau has its own, entirely separate crashing issue haha09:17
tomreynor you can buy hardware from a company which supports the linux ecosystem09:17
spronkeyi thought i'd be clever and trickle down a gpu into the pc I have hooked up to tv09:17
spronkeyi'll try 340 anyway09:19
spronkeyany idea how on to REISUB from a non-root user?09:20
tomreynmake sure you properly removed nay traces of the driver you had downloaded from nvidia.com, too09:20
Jordan_Uspronkey: Generally you do sysrq magic from the local keyboard.09:20
tomreynmagic sysrq does not depend on the user currently logged in09:20
spronkey[ 3693.343505] sysrq: This sysrq operation is disabled.09:20
spronkeythat's R anyawy09:20
tomreynonly SUB are enabled on ubuntu by default09:20
Jordan_Uspronkey: Most sysrq operations are disabled by default.09:21
spronkeyah, k09:21
tomreynH is good for testing09:21
spronkeywell apparently b isn't rebooting my system but it's writing the help message to dmesg09:22
Jordan_Uspronkey: https://askubuntu.com/questions/911522/how-can-i-enable-the-magic-sysrq-key-on-ubuntu-desktop09:22
tomreynh would write the help message, b, should be rebooting09:22
spronkeynope, no rebooting :S09:24
Jordan_Uspronkey: Though I generally edit /etc/sysctl.d/10-magic-sysrq.conf instead. That file also has a nice explanation of the possible values.09:24
spronkeyguess it's power cycle time09:24
Rockwoodtomreyn, means my IP of dns?09:24
spronkeysorry whatever was running :/09:25
tomreynbefore reobooting (B), you should sync (S) and unmount (U), and wait 3 or so seconds (or until it prints the message) after at least the sync09:25
Jordan_Uspronkey: Maybe a keyboard layout issue?09:25
tomreynFn (function) keys thend to get in the way on laptops09:25
spronkey@tomreyn yeah, had waited a decent amount of time, emergency remount was complete09:25
spronkeyas was emergency sync09:26
tomreynRockwood: this question is pretty short so i can only guess what you are asking, and my guess is the answer to that is "yes".09:26
spronkeymaybe I can find an amd gpu to swap my 660 for lol09:26
spronkeyamazingly i think this is my first time actually running a linux system with a dgpu despite running linux for a decade or so09:28
=== stephpdale is now known as stevendale
spronkeywell that's odd, attempting to apply changes in GUI to use 340 and it just reverts to 435 selected09:29
=== stevendale is now known as stephpdale
Rockwoodok tomreyn thanks09:29
Rockwoodnow time to eat lol09:29
Rockwoodi spent lots of time on it09:29
DrManhattanspronkey, purge and install 304.137 17 (x86 5 / x86_64 16) - GeForce 6 and 7 series GPUs (*​)09:30
DrManhattanthat's the last version that will work on your card09:30
DrManhattanspronkey, https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/current-graphics-driver-releases/2850009:30
spronkeyi think GF6 series is lke09:31
DrManhattanthey keep that up to date09:31
spronkeymine's 600 series i think09:31
myphshi, is there a way to get suspend to disk without a swap?09:31
spronkeyv440 lists the GTX 660 specifically09:31
EriC^^myphs: create a swapfile?09:32
DrManhattanspronkey, holey moley. Looks like the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing over there09:32
DrManhattanI am quite surprised09:32
* stephpdale watches DrManhattan and spronkey and thinks09:32
DrManhattanthey even put out official annoucements and the such09:32
spronkeyiirc there were GeForce 6xxx cards many many years ago09:33
myphsEriC^^: i didn't know that was a thing lol. thanks!09:33
DrManhattanthey mean geforce 6XX09:33
EriC^^myphs: no problem09:33
stephpdalemyphs, sudo fallocate -l 2G /swapfile | sudo chmod 0600 /swapfile | sudo chown root:root /swapfile | sudo mkswap /swapfile | sudo swapon /swapfile09:33
DrManhattanthey've been legacy'ing a lot of cards09:33
spronkeysurely not, because v390 supports GF1xx, which is older than GF66009:33
DrManhattanfermi and back basically are all legacy now09:33
stephpdaleDrManhattan, As long as my GTX 1060 3 GB desktop card keeps working I'm happy09:34
spronkeyyeah, gtx660 is newer than fermi09:34
DrManhattanis it? I thought the 6's were fermi too...09:34
spronkeyugh their naming scheme :|09:34
spronkeykepler i think?09:34
stephpdaleI do have a 460 768 MB I think sitting round somewhere in my room09:34
spronkeyyeah, 660 is kepler09:34
DrManhattanreally? I thought they didn't go to kepler until the late 7xx09:35
stephpdaleWikipedia will tell us09:35
* stephpdale googles09:35
DrManhattanthat  must have been fun to play on09:35
spronkeyyeah I can't keep up, have to wiki :P09:35
stephpdalehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GeForce_700_series is kepler09:35
myphsstephpdale: thanks. is it automatically recognized for suspend to disk and everything reloaded from there then?09:35
stephpdalemyphs, Yeah09:35
spronkeywonder if i can pass through the gpu to a windows vm or somethign09:36
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myphsstephpdale: thats awesome. even if i use full disk encryption?09:36
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DrManhattanyeah I don't think they sent kepler to legacy09:36
stephpdalemyphs, I'm not sure about FDE, but you'll never know if you don't try :)09:36
spronkeyhmm, googling around about this would indicate to me it's common enough that hardware failure seems unlikely09:37
DrManhattanspronkey, you are correct, that's for the geforce 6XXX's09:37
DrManhattanmy sincerest facepalming apologies09:37
spronkey600 is bigger than 6000 right? :)09:37
myphsstephpdale: you're right. time to get into another adventure. i'm excited!09:38
nikolamI cona't boot off Btrfs partition, it keeps pushing me into BusyBox and that's it, whatever I choose. I were experimenting with memory/RAM that were PASSING all memory tests but couldn't boot with those modules in machine. I have bring back old modules that worked but machine does not boot pass the Busybox. Is there some counter that stops booting ubuntu past certain number of failed boots?09:38
DrManhattanugh, maybe they think they're playing video card golf there09:38
DrManhattanI have an rtx 2070 right now chained to a 2700x on 18.04.04 and win1009:38
DrManhattanI'm going to turn the gui off and give tensorflow a shot - I need to look at some stock databases and see how stocker works09:39
stephpdaleOS: Ubuntu "focal" 20.0409:40
spronkeythx for help09:40
DrManhattanthere's an R based program for long term and there's a 1 day estimate progran that uses tensorflow - BOTH called "stocker" - I want to see if they have anything in common09:40
DrManhattanwhen is 20.04 officially releasing?09:41
stephpdaleDrManhattan, 23rd09:41
DrManhattanaw yeah09:41
stephpdaleIt's usable now if you install the beta and fully upgrade09:41
DrManhattanno, i'll wait09:41
stephpdaleI can't find any bugs since I upgraded09:41
DrManhattanI mean, 18.04 is solid as a rock right now, I'm in no hurry09:41
Jordan_Umyphs: stephpdale: No, that is not enough to get a swap file working for suspend to disk. The kernel won't know where to find the file when resuming.09:42
DrManhattanI'm running plex on 18.04 with a 1220l xeon and a 1050ti with an unlocked encode module09:42
stephpdale'Alpha' means feature incomplete, 'Beta' means feature complete but still some bugs to crush09:42
stephpdaleJordan_U, Probably need suspend=diskname/swapfile in boot flags09:42
DrManhattanbut as soon as I get database projection software adapted to my needs, and ESPECIALLY if I can get it running on some kind of GPU accelerated VM, it's all over for the GUI on my ubuntu machines09:43
DrManhattanhell, ubuntu is a part of windows now09:43
Kristine91Using Ubuntu 18.04 lts, while trying to try new Nvidia drivers it messed up my driver. Now when I login, nothing shows. Can someone's help me? I'm using my phone right now to chat.09:43
DrManhattanthe only thing they don't share is the kernel and GPU09:43
myphsJordan_U: do you know a simple solution to that?09:44
DrManhattanidk if anyone here has tried out ubuntu on windows, but it's a hoot.09:44
stephpdaleAs long as EVE Online keeps working in Ubuntu, I don't really care how badly Canonical screws up their own reputation :)09:45
Jordan_Umyphs: Not one that works for full disk encryption, no. And I don't particularly like the options I've found for not using FDE either (depending on blocklists or installing uswsusp).09:46
Jordan_Unikolam: What error message do you get before being dropped to the busybox shell? Can you boot from a LiveUSB and run a btrfs scrub to check the filesystem?09:47
DrManhattanIf they ever figure out how to enable gpu acceleration on ubuntu in windows, idk what that's going to do for the ubuntu desktop market09:48
DrManhattanor the linux desktop market09:48
DrManhattanI mean, it's STILL Ubuntu09:48
Jordan_UDrManhattan: Please move this discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic .09:48
Kristine91I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 lts, while trying to install different Nvidia drivers(to fix external monitor issue) it messed up my driver. Now when I login, nothing shows. Can someone help me? I'm using my phone right now to chat.09:48
DrManhattanJordan_U, my apologies.09:48
DrManhattanKristine91, do you have ssh access?09:49
myphsJordan_U: i see. that's sad. but LVM + swap partition should work flawlessly for suspend to disk, right ?09:49
Jordan_Umyphs: Correct.09:49
Kristine91 I'm using tty terminal access yes, if that's what you mean09:49
Kristine91And I think I have ssh access too09:50
myphsWell. gotta create a 32GB swap partition then, i guess... sigh09:50
spronkeywhere can one learn about gpu passthrough and iommu groups09:50
Kristine91DrManhattan is ssh necessary to fix this issue?09:51
Jordan_Umyphs: In case you do want to go the uswsusp route, here's a Debian guide that explains how to get it to work even with full disk encryption.09:51
Jordan_Umyphs: https://wiki.debian.org/Hibernation/Hibernate_Without_Swap_Partition09:51
DrManhattanKristine91, it's the easiest way, but not necessarily the only way.09:51
DrManhattanKristine91, are any of the terminals giving you a command prompt?09:52
Kristine91Yes, I have access to terminal09:52
famubuHi. I have a machine that is running Ubuntu 15.10. Is there a way I can upgrade it to the latest LTS version *without losing data*?09:53
DrManhattannice, can you purge the driver and reinstall the one you want from command line?09:54
nikolamJordan_U, I am in the process of backing up data from USB flash to create Live USB with (x)Ubuntu on it to do just that, Btrfs check.09:54
Jordan_Umyphs: Using uswsusp is probably the lesser of two evils as compared to having an unencrypted swap when using FDE (makes a lot of secrets available unencrypted on disk whenever you suspend to disk, or even just are low enough on RAM to start swapping).09:54
DrManhattanJordan_U, thank you for the heads up.09:54
nikolamJordan_U, I gen no error message, just drops me to BusyBox on any menu option09:54
Kristine91DrManhattan I followed those steps earlier, but it didn't work.09:54
Jordan_Unikolam: Don't start with btrfs check, start with mounting and running a scrub, as recommended here: https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Btrfsck .09:54
nikolamJordan_U, yes, ok. thanks09:55
DrManhattanKristine91, might need to delete an xorg.conf file too?09:55
DrManhattanor whatever the nvidia driver installs09:55
DrManhattanI always skip that option :)09:55
Jordan_Ufamubu: The best option would probably be to re-install. You can re-install while still preserving your /home/, even if it's not on a separate partition.09:56
spronkeyargh damn, my motherboard doesn't support VT-d09:56
Kristine91Oh really, lemme find those steps again. I can delete certain files given I know their location09:56
DrManhattanthat must be pretty old09:57
DrManhattanmy oldest ubuntu box is a 1366 intel and it supports it09:57
Jordan_Ufamubu: Otherwise you have to do an EOL upgrade to 16.04, then upgrade to 18.04, and then pretty soon you'll probably want to upgrade to 20.04 which will be release on the 23rd.09:57
myphsJordan_U: that's pretty impressive! thanks a lot!09:57
Jordan_Umyphs: You're welcome :)09:58
Kristine91DrManhattan btw I'll try solution from this again. But this time I'll remove files. What other files should I remove?09:58
DrManhattanfamubu, I second what Jordan_U said there - 15.04 to 20.04 may not be smooth sailing09:58
DrManhattanKristine91, reading09:59
DrManhattanKristine91, should be an applicable log in /var/log10:01
famubuJordan_U, If I do the 15.10 -> 16.04 -> 18.04 route, how can I do the upgrade to 16.04 part? Is it possible without a re-install?10:01
DocMorsfamubu, if you wait half a week you maybe better off with a clean install of 20.0410:02
Kristine91DrManhattan I didn't find applicable log files there. Any specific names?10:02
Jordan_U!eolupgrade | famubu10:03
ubottufamubu: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:03
Kristine91I do see nvidia-.... Files and gpu-msnager.log10:04
Jordan_Ufamubu: I really don't think that's a wise choice though. What do you expect to gain by upgrading rather than doing a re-install? If you have a lot setup that you don't know how to setup again and don't want to break, it's likely to break during the upgrade.10:04
famubuDocMors, I was hoping to avoid a re-install..10:05
famubuJordan_U, doesn't have anything to which I can backup data or a fast enough internet.10:07
RockwoodJordan_U, tengo tomreyn thanks cya10:07
DocMorsfamubu, maybe you should. running a version that old is not puttuing you in a good position and after 5 years it does make sense10:07
DrManhattansee whats up!10:08
DrManhattanyou CAN always just blacklist the nvidia driver for a bit, go back to nouveau10:08
DrManhattanor see if nouveau has been accidentally installed :)10:08
Jordan_Ufamubu: Like I said, you can re-install while preserving /home/.10:08
Jordan_Ufamubu: And if you don't have a lot of bandwidth, upgrading 3 times is going to end up downloading more than 3 times the amount of data that installing fresh then re-installing whatever you want would take.10:10
famubuJordan_U: True... :-10:10
Kristine91DrManhattan how do I do that?10:10
famubuJordan_U: How can I upgrade while keeping /home?10:11
BluesKajHiyas all10:11
Jordan_Ufamubu: You will be presented with the option to do so by the installer when it detects that you have an existing Ubuntu install.10:11
famubuJordan_U: Great! I will do that then.10:12
famubuDocMors, Jordan_U : Thanks for your help!10:12
DrManhattanKristine91, to blacklist nouveau https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-disable-blacklist-nouveau-nvidia-driver-on-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa-linux10:13
DocMorsfamubu, Jordan_U did the work10:14
DrManhattanit's the same process as 18.04 there10:14
Kristine91lsmod | grep nouveau tried this, it didn't show anything10:14
Jordan_Ufamubu: You'll probably also want to wait until the 23rd and just install 20.04 . Give yourself an extra 2 years of support if you end up not wanting to upgrade for a long time again :)10:15
DrManhattanKristine91, my assumption is it's the same to blacklist the nvidia module, but I wouldn't go doing any of that without stopping the GUI, unloading the nvidia module, purging and reinstalling, and then firing up the GUI again10:15
DrManhattanon my server I have to unload nvidia_drm, nvidia_modeset, and nvidia in that order10:16
Kristine91I'm a bit lost right now. So in my case what should I do next?10:17
DrManhattanstopping the GUI, unloading the nvidia module, purging and reinstalling, and then firing up the GUI again10:17
Kristine91Do I need to also blacklist nouveau like the link you sent earlier?10:18
DrManhattanusually you do if you're installing the nvidia drivers manually. If you're using the nvidia additional drivers or the ppa it usually takes care of that10:18
famubuJordan_U: Yeah, I hadn't realised the next LTS was so near. I'll wait a few more days. Thanks for the headsup.10:18
famubuJordan_U: :-)10:19
Kristine91Ok in that case, I'll skip for now I guess10:19
DocMorsfamubu, that is why I suggested to wait half a week ...10:19
DrManhattanKristine91, do you know the commands to kill the GUI and unload modules?10:19
DrManhattanit's ok, I have a little time if you want a walkthrough10:19
DrManhattanwe all start somewhere10:19
Kristine91I don't tbh.10:20
DrManhattanit's all good10:20
DrManhattanthis isn't #gentoo :))10:20
DrManhattanI KID10:20
DrManhattanto start/stop the GUI:        sudo systemctl start gdm3     or    sudo systemctl stop gdm310:20
DrManhattanto remove a module you use sudo rmmod10:21
Jordan_Ufamubu: You're welcome :)10:21
DrManhattanso in your case sudo rmmod nvidia_drm   then    sudo rmmod nvidia_modeset    then sudo rmmod nvidia10:21
Kristine91Which module do I remove?10:22
Kristine91Oh ok10:22
DrManhattanall three of the above10:22
DrManhattanthen sudo apt purge nvidia*10:22
Kristine91It says nvidia_drm is in use10:22
DrManhattansudo systemctl stop gdm310:23
Kristine91I did, it is it because I'm using terminal with Ctrl alt f3?10:24
DrManhattanno, the gui should be killed10:24
Kristine91*or is it because10:24
Kristine91I executed the command, didn't show any message.10:25
DrManhattanwhat does nvidia-smi say is using the GPU?10:25
Kristine91There's no nvidia-smi10:25
DrManhattanok then I'd sudo apt purge nvidia* and reboot10:26
Kristine91Ok rebooting10:27
DrManhattanyou should have some semblance of a functional GUI10:27
DrManhattansudo apt purge nvidia* first10:27
Kristine91Yes I did. I don't need to go terminal from recovery mode right? Just goto login screen and Ctrl alt f310:27
DrManhattanif you have a functional GUI, then you can go back into the regular GUI without having to exit it10:28
DrManhattanif you want10:28
DrManhattanif you get a black blank screen again, then we need to look at what modules are loading10:29
Kristine91Oh wow, now I can successfully logged in10:29
DrManhattando you know what video card your system has?10:30
Kristine91So, it worked when I stopped gui, purged Nvidia and reboot?10:30
DrManhattanit gave you a GUI, you don't have full function of your GPU10:31
DrManhattanbut you can work on it via the GUI, and you seem comfortable10:31
Kristine91It has Intel uhd and Nvidia GeForce gtx 1050 if I'm not wrong10:31
DrManhattanwith it10:31
DrManhattanoh, this is a laptop?10:31
DrManhattanok, those dual GPU nvidia setups are notoriously tricky10:31
DrManhattanin linux10:32
DrManhattanthey've been that way for a really long time10:32
DrManhattanusually you have to choose between one or the other if you don't want to take software based measures and switch between them10:32
Kristine91I heard so. 😁 I installed Nvidia driver earlier. It worked but not with an external monitor.10:33
DrManhattanyeah it might not support it with that GPU, idk, it's always SOMETHING10:33
Kristine91In previous laptop I was using bumblebee to use Nvidia for certain programs. I can switch if necessary.10:34
oerhekssome laptops have a FN + [external/internal/both] key10:34
Kristine91I just want it to work and with external monitor.10:34
TheSilentLinkHi is the raspberry pi 20.04 image releasing Friday too with the amd64 images?10:35
Kristine91Yes, the switching key for monitor worked earlier but not after trying to fix monitor issue10:35
DrManhattanKristine91, that might take a bit of fiddling. nvidia-settings might be helpful if the "displays" section of your system settings app doesn't yield results10:35
Kristine91Yah later display settings stopped showing monitor10:37
DrManhattanI am at a loss here, the dual GPU has a few variables in play that make this a pretty deep dive10:38
BluesKajTheSilentLink, google is your friend sometimes, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseSchedule10:38
DrManhattanie, which GPU is the second port connected to10:38
raffaGood after day, anyone with experience on remote connection to Ubuntu 19.10? The graphical variety ;)10:38
TheSilentLinkBluesKaj: that doesn't mention the raspberry pi at all10:39
BluesKajTheSilentLink, ask in #raspberrypi10:40
TheSilentLinkok but the image is officially supported by Ubuntu hence why I was asking here10:40
stephpdaleDrManhattan looks like a nice person to talk to10:40
Jordan_UTheSilentLink: The fact that there are daily builds being made suggests to me that it will likely be released at the same time. But that's far from an official statement.10:41
DrManhattanI like the community, would like to pay it forward a bit10:41
Kristine91How can I check if it is connected to second port?10:41
DrManhattanI've learned a lot with ubuntu10:41
DrManhattanKristine91, I don't know why it's not detecting and you'd have to go digging through dmidecode output most likely. It's not impossible, but it's not easy. I also think you might have to choose between dual monitors and dual GPUs10:43
stephpdaleIt's crazy to think that I started coming into #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic 8 years ago, when I was 12 or 13 years old, now I am almost 21 and I am still here10:43
Kristine91😁 I have learned a lot from you all too. I wouldn't be using Linux if it wasn't for all the help.10:43
DrManhattanyou'd have to trade CUDA and NVENC for Quicksync basically, and 3d games if you play them10:44
DrManhattanor vice versa, trade quicksync for decent 3d and nvenc10:44
DrManhattanKristine91, you could plug the second monitor in, enable one GPU at a time in the BIOS, and see if it detects with either10:45
stephpdaleWhat's QuickSync?10:45
DrManhattanidk if you'd need a working nvidia driver for that10:45
Kristine91Ah now it shows monitor in display and screen switching option. But it doesn't show screen but just the mouse cursor10:45
DrManhattanstephpdale, fast video encode/decode on intel GPUs10:46
stephpdaleI learn things every day, yesterday I learnt that metal turns blue when it is getting cut and gets hot as my mum was taking out metal shavings that were stuck in the bottom of my feet like splinters10:46
stephpdaleDrManhattan, Any reduction in quality?10:46
DrManhattanKristine91, there should be options in there in mirroring/extend desktop and the such10:47
DrManhattanstephpdale, supposedly, but since the 10 series the quality is awesome, esp in hevc10:47
DrManhattansmall size, super nice picture10:47
stephpdaleI mean generally faster is worse when playing videos, not sure when encoding them though10:47
Kristine91Right, but it only shows more cursor there10:48
DrManhattanthe tradeoff in quality is minimal now compared to the speed difference10:48
stephpdaleI always use No Hardware Acceleration, No Fast Seek, Full Video Deblocking, Forced OpenGL ES 2.010:48
stephpdaleWhen watching movies10:48
DrManhattanKristine91, I'm not sure where to go from here10:48
Kristine91The external monitor is blank10:48
TheSilentLinkJordan_U: well I just tried the daily image and literally the USB ports don't work it just gives no USB controller error at startup10:48
DrManhattanstephpdale, I guess it depends on the setup :)10:49
Kristine91DrManhattan thanks a lot for help10:49
DrManhattanyou try that on a weak CPU with HEVC and it's going to be super choppy10:49
DrManhattanKristine91, I am sorry I couldn't help more10:49
DrManhattanwe got you a working GUI at least :)10:49
stephpdaleDrManhattan, Yeah, need Quad Core at least 2.0 GHz for it to do it with 720p, a lot more with 1080p+10:49
DrManhattana 1050 SHOULD be able to run dual monitors without issue10:50
stephpdaleTheSilentLink, Hmmm10:51
* stephpdale has a lot of kernel flag experience as he has used Puppy Linux a lot\10:51
Kristine91True. It showed wallpaper now when I increase it's hz but went blank again.10:52
Kristine91But can't drag windows to that screen, how strange.10:54
Jordan_UTheSilentLink: #ubuntu+1 for 20.04 .10:55
Kristine91I think I'll try to install Nvidia, if I get stuck I guess rmmod and purge Nvidia again10:55
DrManhattanKristine91, don't expect it to work without that driver installed but I wouldn't expect to work alongside the intel driver without some work11:01
DrManhattanthat particular hardware combo is ALWAYS a challenge11:01
stephpdaleI can't find anything that could help USB controllers11:01
DrManhattanit would be nice to run one monitor on one and the external on the other11:02
Kristine91True, I had this issue before with Dell Optimus11:02
DrManhattanyeah optimus was like that for me, I just ended up using the intel when the nvidia got outdated11:02
DrManhattanthe next one I got I just got without the nvidia at all11:02
DrManhattanlenovo thinkpads w ubuntu are awesome11:03
Kristine91While I was trying to install Nvidia driver, came across so many ways to do it. Which way is more stable? I tried adding opa, autoinstall and gui additional hardware driver. One of them messed it up11:04
Kristine91*adding ppa11:04
Kristine91Oh it's 7am here, I should wake up. I mean go-to sleep lol. See ya11:08
TheSilentLinkthe raspberry pi images uses cloud init why is this?11:31
oerhekscloud-init is a service, it is nice. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CloudInit11:38
multifractalSince the last big windows 10 update my PC lost its grub menu and thus ability to load ubuntu. Grub repair didn't work. What should I do?11:53
oerheksmultifractal, is this an UEFI install?11:58
oerheksand what is the output of grub-repair?11:59
multifractalMaster Boot Records by the looks of things http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZsY8nDVMNJ/12:01
oerheksi do not see any linux partitions at all ..???12:03
oerheksand line #13 Windows is hibernated, refused to mount.12:04
multifractali shut windows down prior to this12:05
multifractalnot hibernated12:05
multifractalmaybe when win10 updated it re-enabled that "fast boot" feature or whatever12:09
JadedJIs it possible to change to an older wifi driver on ubuntu 18?12:12
EriC^^multifractal: reading, 1sec12:19
EriC^^multifractal: are you booted in a live usb currently?12:20
JadedJI'm currently using brcmsmac, version 4.15.0-96-generic12:20
multifractalEriC^^: yes12:21
EriC^^multifractal: type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999" and paste the link here12:21
multifractalI followed some tutorial to disavle fast-boot/hibernate thru the windows shell (because control panel doesn't let you do it properly sometimes) and the new grub-repair output didn't include that line about windows in hibernation mode that oerheks referred to. but it still failed https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bKFC6vYHMN/12:22
EriC^^multifractal: ok, waiting on link12:29
multifractalEriC^^: termbin.com/jn3s12:30
multifractalthe 2TB disk /dev/sda is the latest hard drive I installed - for files and whatnot. not the drive that the OSs are installed to12:31
ioriamultifractal, maybe ubu was on the sdb4 extended, but i'am afraid is gone; you might try testdisk12:43
dohany idea if and how to share kubuntu's screen with a smart tv (miracast?)12:44
dohwindows has this built in pretty much12:44
multifractalthanks, windows update12:49
EriC^^multifractal: checking12:50
EriC^^multifractal: it looks like the logical partitions in sdb are missing12:52
EriC^^multifractal: you could either try using testdisk to get their layout back, or if you have an old paste of parted's output or similar that'd be useful, or you could try guessing stuff and work your way back if all else fails12:54
EriC^^multifractal: do you have an old paste of your partition table by any chance?12:54
DocMorsOK I asked that on linux too but maybe somebody here has an idea. Is there any natove poker client for ubuntu and I'm talking NOT about anything done with wine.12:55
JadedJI'm running Ubuntu 18 with no GUI, but I have an issue with my wifi card getting an IP address via DHCP during boot12:59
JadedJIt associates with the access point just fine, but it's not getting any IP info, because I'm pretty sure there is an issue with the dhclient service13:00
Phruisi found a bug i think in some kernel tool but i can't find where the bugs are listed for this piece of software13:16
Phruiscpufreq-set has a bug13:16
Phruiswhere is the bug tracker for that software?13:16
tomreyndoh: https://blogs.gnome.org/benzea/2019/01/30/gnome-screencast/13:17
Aryani noticed my ip has been changed after reboot ...13:17
PhruisAryan: this is surprising?13:17
tomreyndoh: this seems to depend on gnome-shell 3.30 and network-manager 1.16 (amongst other), so it *may* be supported starting Ubuntu 19.1013:18
AryanPhruis: it's not my country IP address ...13:20
Aryani think some vpn is running in background13:20
PhruisAryan: look at your network manager13:20
Phruisdid you install something?13:22
multifractalwhen windows make these updates do they deliberately set out to destroy people's linux partitions or it's just inepditude/carelessnesS?13:23
Phruismultifractal: probably13:23
AryanPhruis: i tried some vpn's13:25
Aryanwindscribe and outline13:25
Phruiswell then did you uninstall those?13:26
PhruisAryan: i recommend PIA by the way13:27
AryanPhruis: no i didn't13:27
Aryanwhat is PIA13:27
Aryan ?13:27
Phruisprivate internet access13:28
lotuspsychjekeep it ontopic please13:28
Phruistheir Linux app is really good13:28
Aryanwhat shoud I do ?13:28
Phruisuse synaptic and find those packages you installed13:29
AryanPhruis: i don't want to uninstall them13:29
Phruisthen you need to get support from the VPN makers app13:29
AryanIs there anyway to look for traffic and i don't know, find out what's going on ?13:30
Phruisyeah you can use netstat13:30
AryanPhruis: https://termbin.com/h1kc13:33
Aryando you have any idea ?13:34
CrazySamIs it "dig domain.tld any" or is it "dig domain.tld all"? Has the "any" option changed into "all" between version 9.10.3 and 9.11.3?14:16
CrazySamOr is it me losing my mind...14:16
AavarHi. I am having an issue with multiple lock screens. I have xfce4, gnome and unity installed (I know...). And whenever I return to my machine a first get one lockscreen and after unlovking i get the lightdm lockscreen. I would like to keep the lightdm-screen. Anyone know what can cause this?14:38
Aavar(I also actually have mate installed)14:39
CrazySamCrazySam: that's the right command, but you can't use as DNS.14:40
AavarI think it actually might be the mate-screensaver14:41
CrazySam@CrazySam: try dig domain.tld any @
CrazySamAavar: sounds like you caused this and you know it. ;)14:45
CrazySamIt's a good advice not to pile on too many layers of software, just like you should not put on too many layers of clothes on sunny summer day.14:46
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Deano59how can I tell what video driver I am using?15:27
BluesKajDeano59, lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' , include the quotes15:29
Deano59BluesKaj, Kernel driver in use: radeon15:30
Deano59I followed this https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-the-latest-amd-radeon-drivers-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux from part: add ppa.15:31
Deano59but there wasn't no "/etc/X11/xorg.conf so I created it. is this right?15:31
oerheksDeano59, for what videocard?15:31
Deano59it's a gpu based cpu, amd 535015:32
oerheksthat url is about amdgpu-pro..15:33
oerheksAMD Athlon 5350 ?15:33
Deano59I added the ppa from that link. did I mess up?15:33
BluesKajDeano59, why don't you ask your real question, what's your issue with the gpu?15:33
Deano59no issue, kinda; just want to know if it's at the best performance via drivers. :)15:34
oerheksit uses radeon, so not the newer amdgpu. likely there is no amdgpu-pro driver suitable for yours.15:34
oerheksamdgpu would be installed atomaticly15:35
oerheksso, you have the good driver already.15:35
Deano59oerheks, as I suspected then... damn. just looking for ways to speed up my system. ;P15:36
Deano59last drivers for my system was 2015 -.- lol15:40
oerheksradeon should work, youtube and so on15:41
Deano59it does just a tad slow.15:42
waveformTheSilentLink, the pi images use cloud-init because they're based on the cloud images. The reason they're based on the cloud images is because they're pre-installed (i.e. you don't boot them on one medium then run through an installer to copy stuff to another medium)15:43
Deano59AMD 5350, 8gb ddr3 1333mhz, 120gb SSD and 500GB HDD. my specs, could I improve it via software? drivers? installing something? arch is way too slow and windows is raping my cpu.15:43
ioriaDeano59, it's a good quad core with R3; ram is ok and the ssd too; maybe just don't use gnome-shell (try budgie, mate, etc. etc.)15:45
Deano59yeah I'm using i3-wm atm.15:45
ioriayou're good15:45
Deano59looking forward to 20.04 :) thanks again. ;P15:46
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amitprakashWhy is ubuntu recognizing only 8 out of 16G ram?16:10
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amitprakashlshw outcome https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sntz8hhfYh/16:11
oerheksamitprakash, ubuntu does not such thing, are you sure your motherboard/memory is oke?16:11
oerhekse.g. does your BIOS see it?16:12
amitprakashYep, I can detect full 16G on gentoo as well as windows16:12
amitprakashEven lshw sees it16:12
oerheksyes, bank 2/416:12
oerhekswhato deos free say16:12
amitprakashOtoh free -m -> Mem:           7886        2024        4874         158         987        542016:12
amitprakashThats 8G total16:13
EriC^^amitprakash: anything in dmesg?16:13
amitprakashLots of AERs but that's ryzen in general16:13
oerheksany funky videocard that takes 8 gb shared?never heard of any16:14
amitprakashNope, running a dedicated GPU with 8G VRAM, that is detected fine16:14
amitprakashyes, Focal16:14
oerheksoh, dedicated 8g can have a shadow over normal ram too..16:14
oerheksbut please, join #ubuntu+1 for this16:15
amitprakashAight, thanks16:15
amitprakashFWIW btw, all ram modules are running custom XMP profiles16:16
EriC^^amitprakash: maybe the Registered nosave memory in the log has something to do with it?16:19
amitprakashWill try rebooting, Memory: 7899520K/8317132K available (14339K kernel code, 2397K rwdata, 4948K rodata, 2712K init, 4992K bss, 417612K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)16:19
amitprakashThat shows bios allowing only 8G16:19
raffaHi, anyone have any experience getting VNC to work on 19.10? I've tried a plethora of Googled suggestions and all I ended up with was RDP (which is super slow and super annoying).16:37
tomreynraffa: is this ubuntu 19.10 connecting to ubuntu 19.10, or something else? did oyu try the (gnome) integrated vino server? which clients did you try, vinagre?16:55
raffaWindows to Ubuntu. Just been trying the built in VNC16:56
raffaI tried a few clients on the Windows machine, last of which being VNC Viewer16:58
grawityat which bit does it stop working16:58
tomreynmost windows clients don't support the vnc encryption vino uses. so you need to either find one which does or disable it and tunnel through ssh instead16:59
tomreynturbovnc is supposed to support it17:00
sufyhi i am having trouble getting my rtl8192ce card to stay going in ubuntu 20.0417:00
sufyfirmware-realtek doens't seem to cut it, works okay on another OS17:00
sufysuggestions it is power management keeps turning off with that disabled though so thinking something else this instance17:01
raffaInitially it stopped during the connection process complaining about the encryption17:01
raffathen tried tighvnc server on the Ubuntu machine and could connect, but only got a grey screen every time17:01
sufygoing to reboot to try another thing hold replies17:02
tomreynso use vino on the server, keep encryption enabled, and use the matching turbovnc .exe on the windows client https://sourceforge.net/projects/turbovnc/files/2.2.4/17:02
tomreynsource of this information: https://github.com/TigerVNC/tigervnc/issues/307#issuecomment-26491382217:04
raffaOk, just installed it and trying to connect but it also doesn't want to ... connecting via RDP just to make sure I left VNC on17:07
mfilipe[m]i'm using terminal with 20.04 and i wanna change the tab title but gnome-terminal doesn't show this option up. when i use fedora 32, it shows (same gnome-terminal version 3.36). do you guys know what is wrong?17:08
lotuspsychjemfilipe[m]: join #ubuntu+1 please17:08
mfilipe[m]lotuspsychje: thanks17:09
raffaI did turn the encryption off earlier, would that make a difference?17:12
tomreynyes, it would turn off encryption.17:13
woenxHi everyone. I have a question, but I don't know if it's a bit offtopic. I am trying to calibrate my screen and my scanner in order to digitize some family photo albums. I found a way to calibrate my screen by creating a color profile (using a hardware colorimeter) and import it into the color settings in Ubuntu. However, I can't find an option to use profiles for a flatbed scanner. Is that even possible?17:16
raffaI meant would the Turbo VNC client not connect if encryption was off on the server? I don't see any options relating to encryption on it17:16
grawitynot sure if it's in the UI, but it can be found under `dconf-editor org.gnome.Vino` or `gsettings get org.gnome.Vino require-encryption`17:18
grawity(wouldn't trust Vino's anon-TLS with my data tbh; I prefer disabling it and relying on VPN instead – then I get a broader range of compatible clients as well)17:18
raffathanks, using dconf-editor now to re-enable the encryption .. darn RDP is so slooooooow17:19
raffaI always connect via a VPN so I'm not overly concerned with the additional encryption, at this point I would just like to be able to connect with something other than RDP 😅17:21
littlewaiterHi all - I want to find the user of a running process. The catch is, I can only retrieve this through reading files through the process. Any ideas?17:29
tomreynlittlewaiter: why this limitation?17:29
oerheksps aux | grep <proces> # should give a list/name17:30
woenxAny ideas about calibrating flatbed scanner?17:30
littlewaiterCan't execute, only read17:31
a90cwhen i try to install something, i get "install python-minimal" package but when i try to install it, i get "E: unable to locate python-minimal"17:31
a90chow to fix this?17:31
littlewaiterFinal stage of an exploit I'm trying to write17:31
tomreyntry #security or ##linux if they support such17:31
oerheksa90c, on what ubuntu version?17:31
a90coerheks: 18.0417:32
grawitywoenx: I'm not sure how SANE handles this stuff, but I think you can always apply a color profile later to the image?...17:32
woenxI'm looking into that. Maybe there's a way to scan a color chart, and create a color profile based on that?17:33
oerheks!info python-minimal bionic17:33
ubottupython-minimal (source: python-defaults): minimal subset of the Python language (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.15~rc1-1 (bionic), package size 27 kB, installed size 145 kB17:33
oerheksshould be there..17:33
woenxalso, these charts are expensive.... u_u'17:33
oerheksa90c, can you paste the output of what you are trying to install?17:33
oerhekswoenx, in systemsettings there is a profile section, maybe it is not automatic set?17:34
oerhekssystemsettings > devices > colour17:35
woenxthere you can set profiles for the monitor17:35
a90coerheks: i tried to install python-minimal package, because whatever i wanted to install, it was saying "install python-minimal package"17:35
oerhekswoenx, monitor, printers, maybe scanners too17:35
woenx(I tried it and apparently it works, but the problem is that my scaner is somewhat oversaturated, and even if my monitor displays a good color, the scanned picture needs to be adjusted17:35
pavlosa90c: sudo apt install python-minimal | nc termbin.com 999917:36
tomreynthat's loose stderr17:36
tomreyn* that would17:36
woenxso instead of manually adjusting the color in my pictures using Gimp, I could calibrate my scanner so my scans already show a near-true color17:36
woenxMmmm, my scanner does not appear there, just my two screens...17:37
woenxWait, I'm using Unity instead of gnome, maybe it's because of that?17:37
woenx(a screen capture of that menu would have been helpful...)17:37
oerheksi think it is gnome only ..17:38
woenxahm, I'll restart my session in gnome17:38
raffa@tomreyn, Turbo is telling me it can't connect almost immediately after clicking connect. what is the Vino service called so I can check if it is actually running17:39
oerheks!info argyll17:39
ubottuargyll (source: argyll): Color Management System, calibrator and profiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.1+repack-1 (eoan), package size 7053 kB, installed size 103843 kB17:39
oerheksmaybe this is a help17:39
tomreyna90c: this would produce three links providing (likely) relevant program output which you can share with us:   sudo apt-get update 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999; apt-cache policy 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999; apt-cache policy python-minimal 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999917:39
tomreynraffa: i don't think it's a systemd service, but it should be called "vino" as a process.17:40
oerhekswb woenx17:40
oerheksjust posted:17:40
oerheks!info argyll17:40
ubottuargyll (source: argyll): Color Management System, calibrator and profiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.1+repack-1 (eoan), package size 7053 kB, installed size 103843 kB17:40
tomreynraffa: you enable it using settings -> sharing -> on (on the title bar)17:41
woenxMmmm, no, the meny is slightly different, but there is no "calibrate"option17:41
woenxjust my two screens, and the ability to change their profile17:41
woenxand nothing about scanners17:41
tomreynraffa: and then "screen sharing"17:41
oerhekstry argyll17:42
raffaYep that's right17:42
YeOldHinnerkhi. does anyone use the universal media server here and has experienced issue with some mp3 not showing up?17:42
raffaalso checked via dconf-editor17:42
pennTellerHi guys, does anyone know of an open source virtual assistant that works on Ubuntu? Preferably GPL licensed.17:42
YeOldHinnerkrelated questions: which media server can you recommend to run on ubuntu 18?17:43
DrManhattan plex17:44
pavlosraffa: the process name is vino-server17:44
DrManhattanlove me some plex17:44
oerheksplex is prop and payware :-(17:44
woenxYeOldHinnerk: exactly, what do you mean by media server?17:44
YeOldHinnerksome dlna server17:47
raffaThanks pavlos ... ran ps aux | grep -i vino-server and it shows up so it's definitely running, right?17:47
YeOldHinnerki use universal media server 9.4.117:47
YeOldHinnerkwhich (at the time I checked, which is quite a while ago) seemed like the most flexible non-commercial solution17:48
YeOldHinnerkhowever, some mp3 are just not showing up17:48
YeOldHinnerkI verfied the files are ok with ffmpeg17:48
YeOldHinnerkwell, at least as far as I can see, since i don't know too much about it17:49
woenxI ran minidlna some time ago, and it seemed to be working fine17:49
woenx(I had a tv that could only see shared media using dlna)17:49
woenxand mp3 music worked just fine17:49
woenxI used it in debian (6.0), but I can't see why it shouldn't work in ubuntu17:50
YeOldHinnerkI have a Yamaha R-N500, it also behaves like that (shared media using dlna)17:50
woenx(and the tv was a  LG)17:50
YeOldHinnerkbut i verified it is not the renderer17:50
YeOldHinnerki check via ums web interface17:50
YeOldHinnerkfiles are missing there also17:50
YeOldHinnerkcould this also be an mp3 issue?17:50
YeOldHinnerkmaybe something about the rate?17:50
YeOldHinnerkMany of those files I encoded myself using lame and some bitrate which may be non-standard or so.17:51
YeOldHinnerkDon't know it that could be an issue.17:51
woenxI would try that one, minidlna, it worked for me17:52
woenxand it was pretty simple, you just indicated where you stored music and videos in a text configuration file, and how often did you want it to scan for new content.17:52
jjakobAnyone here familiar with the ubiquity installer? Where does it store the installation steps?17:54
jjakobI want to know what it does after grub-install, because it's failing at that step, but I managed to install grub by hand, so I want to do the steps by hand.17:55
tomreynraffa: yes, it's running then. by the way i just tried to connect to a vino server with encryption enabled from a windows 10 system running turbovnc 2.2.4 and it reported that the other end uses an unknown security type. so i guess this (that tigervnc supports vino's encryption) is incorrect information.17:56
tomreynthat's vino on 18.04 LTS17:56
ioriajjakob, have you checked  /var/log/installer/ ?17:56
jjakobioria: too late, already rebooted, but the install doesn't boot, so I'm chrooted back into it17:58
raffaAh ok, so Vino is gonna be a no-go for Windows to Ubuntu17:58
tomreynraffa: oh i have to revise this statement. turbovnc comes in two forms, a native C and a java client. the latter supports the encryption.17:58
raffatomreyn: just tried the java version and it took a bit longer but also came back with a message (Could not connect: Connection refused: no further information)18:01
tomreynraffa: "connection refused" sounds like vino wasn't running, or not on the ip address you provided.18:02
tomreynraffa: this is not related to the issue you're working on now, but will be relevant after that: you will need to set and require a password on the vino settings.18:03
AppXprtwhoever maintains the ubuntu distro... you should remote transmission-gtk because it doesn't work and never starts downloading and switch to deluge... Tried to download Bodhi 5.1.0 and transmission wouldn't even start downloading after multiple minutes... Tried with Deluge and it was 30% after 5 seconds...18:04
tomreynraffa: that's because the vino option of "new connections must ask for access" did not seem to result in a visible prompt on the ubuntu 18.04.18:04
Kali_YugaHello I have a question about a driver. I am trying to help someone over teamviewer and I am not sure which the correct driver is, He has an old Nvidia Geforce 620 https://i.imgur.com/yR0IsTD.png ?18:05
tomreynAppXprt: you cuold file a !bug report on this or discuss the topic in #ubuntu-discuss18:05
raffatomreyn: I saw the passwords you mentioned in the dconf settings as well as the gui and configured both .. also set it to auto exept18:06
oerheksKali_Yuga,  choose the 34018:06
AppXprtwell, whatever, if you want to keep shipping a broken torrent client that's not my problem I guess, but it has been the default for MANY releases now and no one realized it was broken the entire time for years?18:06
raffaps. I just found some ssh setting in the Turbo client and entered the servers details ... got as far as it asking for a password and asking me to verify the key ... but then just said connection closed18:07
YeOldHinnerkwoenx Works like a charm with minidlna and no files missing.18:07
woenxgood to know :)18:07
YeOldHinnerknow i'm really surprised, ums does not show them18:07
YeOldHinnerkit certainly is not about the files, permissions, ....18:07
woenxhowever, I remember that sometimes it didn't refresh the library when it was supposed to, so I had to run a command to manually refresh it, but only happened from time to time.18:07
woenx(every few months)18:08
Kali_Yugaoerheks: but the other one sais tested? so that's kinda confusing me. but the other is binary driver...18:08
YeOldHinnerkwell, this is huge progress for me, i can live with restarting the service every now and then18:08
YeOldHinnerkthank you18:08
Kali_Yugaoerheks: I don't know the difference, I think before I went with the 390 on his.. but I guess I go with the 340 then, hope I won't cause a black screen18:09
woenxyou are welcome18:09
woenxby the way, someone has already tried ubuntu 20.04LTS?18:09
woenxi want to know if the gnome interface is snappier than in ubuntu 18.04 (which was so laggy that I had to go back to Unity)18:09
jarnosAnyone using Xenial still? Does 'dpkg -l | grep -q .' produce broken pipe error message there?18:12
tomreynjarnos: is this ubuntu on linux or ubuntu bash on windows (WSL)?18:16
jarnostomreyn, on linux in Bash shell, but should it matter?18:17
tomreynshould not, but may.18:17
tomreynhave you tried this on y tty?18:17
tomreyn* on a tty18:17
jarnostomreyn, no, just terminal emulator, but I am not running Xenial.18:18
tomreynjarnos: i just ran it on a 16.04 LTS amd64 VM on gnome-terminal and there was no error.18:21
amitprakash@EriC^^, oerheks resolved finally, had to reseat RAM18:22
jarnostomreyn, thanks for testing. I was just trying to reproduce this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/linux-purge/+bug/186515818:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1865158 in linux-purge "Broken pipe due to grep -q" [Undecided,Incomplete]18:24
EriC^^amitprakash: ah great18:25
oerheksgood find..18:25
amitprakashI am not sure what happened b/w the reboot, but somehow ram was gone everywhere18:26
jjakobAppXprt: maybe you didn't open the port from outside and deluge somehow works withput that18:29
tomreynjarnos: nice utility, i didn't know it so far.18:30
jjakobWell, GRUB crashes if I set BIOS mem size for framebuffer larger than 64MB. That's a few hours of diagnosing GRUB down the drain.18:30
jjakobSet it to "64MB+2MB for GTT" and it works18:31
jjakobI wasted 2 f***ing hours thinking it was the problem of LUKS or something18:32
jjakobchrooted into it at least 3 times18:32
compdocThat seens odd18:32
jarnostomreyn, thanks18:33
jjakobI'll try setting it back to 256MB to see if it crashes again18:33
jjakobwoenx: just booted up a fresh install of 20.04, uses 686MB RAM right after login18:35
woenxmy ubuntu 18.04 uses more than 2GB or ram right after login...18:35
woenxmy main problem, though, was the "start menu" (however it's called in ubuntu)18:36
jjakobI can't judge the lagginess as it depends on the hardware (this is a i5 with 12G RAM so it doesn't have lag problems)18:36
woenxin unity, you clicked it and open immediately18:36
woenxin gnome, it starts an animation that lasts 1 to 2 seconds18:36
jjakobwhen you press the super key? (Windows logo)?18:36
woenxthe thing is, I have an i5 8th gen with 8gb ram, and a core2duo with 4gb of ram that i bought 11 years ago18:36
woenxubuntu 18.04 was faster with unity in my core2duo, than gnome in my i518:37
woenx(i tried them side by side)18:37
woenxmenus, windows lagging, etc18:37
woenxand of course, it's not a driver issue18:37
woenxUnity was much snappier18:37
jjakobYeah, it displays instantly here (with a short animation a few hundred ms)18:37
woenxyep, when I press the super key, or I click on the icon18:37
woenxI am now installing ubuntu 20.04 in a virtual machine, to try for myself18:37
jjakobDo you have any nonstandard drivers installed for your gfx?18:37
woenxno, just the official nvidia drivers (on both computers)18:38
jjakobAnimations depend heavily on gfx18:38
woenxbut I could play games on steam just fine, I don't think it was a driver issue18:38
woenxjust that the animations lagged a little18:38
woenx(both laptops have a nvidia dedicated gpu)18:38
woenxI just don't understand why everyone thought Unity was the worse and gnome was the holy grail...18:39
demonsporkUnity was bad18:39
woenxfor me it really affected performance18:39
woenxbut why? i am using it right now18:39
woenxvisually speaking, there's almost no difference with how ubuntu uses gnome18:40
woenxuses less ram, and is more responsive18:40
demonsporkmy first time using Unity when it came out was loading it on a CR48 Chromebook (the original demo one) and it performed significantly worse than previous releases18:40
demonsporkmaybe that has changed over the years18:40
woenxI don't know...18:40
demonsporkbut it was bad at the beginning18:40
woenxActually, i tried Kde, and it was faster than gnome too18:40
woenx(I actually was able to install kde in a raspberry pi 4, and it wasn't that bad)18:41
demonsporkso bad I haven't hardly given it the time of day, but mint has been my go-to since unity became a thing18:41
woenxbut gnome... it lags...18:41
woenxmint was good, but i just like the default ubuntu interface18:41
demonsporkI use gnome on raspbian with multiple generations of raspberry pies and it has been great18:41
woenxand gnome and unity just look alike... so I choose the faster one18:41
woenxI don't know, I'll try it now with 20.04 to see if it has improved18:42
demonsporkMaybe i will try Unity again. Did Ubuntu default back to knome or are they still using Unity?18:42
woenxoh, they have been using gnome officially for at least two years now18:42
jjakobI liked the older unity better than Gnome too when it first switched. But I think they're improving things (or I'm getting used to it...)18:42
demonsporkI have been mostly out of this game because my work life revolves around a few LOB applications that run Windows Only18:42
woenxthe thing is that unity is still being maintained by some developers (but nothing official), so it's really easy to install it18:42
demonsporkhave a small linux server farm, but all debian18:42
demonsporkI miss the wubi installer18:43
jjakobThe installer is buggy and horrible. They even managed to make the netinstall (debian-installer) have a bug18:44
jjakobLook at launchpad bug #177345718:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1773457 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Full-system encryption needs to be supported out-of-the-box including /boot and should not delete other installed systems" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177345718:44
woenxwhat is wubi?18:45
demonsporkwubi was an "instlal in windows" option that would basically create some sort of virtual disk image inside  your NTFS partition, and had a bootloader that would load the virtual disk from there and boot your system18:46
demonsporkso you didn't have to repartition your box to run ubuntu basically natively18:46
demonsporknot exactly sure all the technical details, i just remember how easy it was18:46
demonsporkI seem to recall it doesn't work anymore18:47
demonsporkI think I wanted to do it a few years ago18:47
demonsporkbut the page doesn't say anything about it not working18:47
demonsporkof course it only mentions windows 718:48
demonsporkhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wubi_(software) wikipedia gives more details18:48
theshaggHow do I display the terminal during shutdown?18:50
theshaggI hit ctrl+alt+f3 to switch to terminal mode, then did "sudo shutdown now", and it went to a gui/bios screen18:51
theshaggI can't even figure out a good way to search for this on Google18:55
oerhekstheshagg, interesting, what would you do with terminal during shutdown?18:57
theshaggI just want to see why shutdown is locking up19:00
theshaggI'm having all kinds of issues with the focal beta19:01
theshaggalthough I had similar issues with fedora as well19:01
ioriatheshagg, boot in text mode, and you'll get a text shutdown; or logout from the gui session, switch to console, stop gdm and shudown now19:03
woenxok, in a virtual machine, ubuntu 20.04 uses 779mb of ram after login (on the first boot, and after launching htop)19:07
tomreynUnless this is support Q&A, could you move the discussion to #ubuntu-discuss ?19:08
theshaggioria, I did "ctrl + alt + f3", "sudo systemctl stop gdm3", "sudo shutdown now", but it still kicked me to the shutdown screen19:12
theshaggthe screen I am seeing is the bios screen with "ubuntu" superimposed at the bottom19:12
theshaggand the system seems hung at that screen19:12
ioriatheshagg, sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target19:13
ioriatheshagg, and reboot19:14
theshaggioria, I'm not sure what that is supposed to do but I got a nice shutdown that time19:16
theshaggioria, after unlocking luks I have a blank screen19:16
ioriatheshagg, you should have a login prompt (in tty)19:17
theshagghuh, i hit ctrl+alt+f3 and now I have terminal19:17
ioriatheshagg, right, sudo halt -p19:17
theshaggioria when I do sudo halt -p I get the graphical shutdown screen again (bios with ubuntu logo superimposed)19:20
theshaggI should note that this is 20.019:20
ioriatheshagg, sudo nano /etc/default/grub/   and remove quiet splash19:20
ioriatheshagg, and sudo update-grub19:21
ioriatheshagg, sy, i mean /etc/default/grub19:22
theshaggioria - got it, I think that does what I want19:26
ioriatheshagg, ok19:26
theshaggioria now I need to catch it locking up19:27
theshaggioria, would i set the target back to graphical to undo the multi-user.target?19:28
ioriatheshagg, you reveret  it with  sudo systemctl set-default graphical.target and adding again 'quiet splash'19:28
theshaggright, thanks for your help :)19:29
ioriano prob19:29
tomreynif you rebooted since,    cat /proc/cmdline    should no longer say "quiet splash" now19:29
tomreynalso note that 20.04 support is in #ubuntu+1 until release19:30
theshaggtomreyn, AH good to know19:30
alexeightsixWhen I restart my computer It doesn't boot into Ubuntu automatically, it boots into a grub console and i always need to type "exit" to get it to boot into Ubuntu or windows. how cna i fix this19:44
woenxOk, one question. If i download and isntall the ubuntu 20.04 beta today, and i keep it updated, will it be the same thing as having the final version once it releases?19:44
woenxor will it be always a "beta"?19:45
woenxalexeightsix: maybe the computer is not booting into the correct partition where grub is?19:45
ioriaalexeightsix, can you access the ubuntu box ?19:45
alexeightsix@ioria, what is the ubuntu box?19:46
ioriaalexeightsix, the ubuntu install19:46
alexeightsixyes, when i type exit in the grub console it brings me to the screen where you can select the OS you want to boot into, ubuntu, windows etc.19:46
ioriaalexeightsix, run  'sudo update-grub'19:47
alexeightsixthat will fix it?19:47
ioriaalexeightsix, idk, paste the output19:48
oerhekswoenx, #ubuntu+1 please19:48
woenxahhh, I had no idea of this channel19:49
ioriaalexeightsix,  sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999919:50
kevrwoenx: it should, unless they change something about the installer that does some special shit19:50
kevrhowever... if you have to depend on the ubuntu computer for work or anything, i'd definitely suggest not going beta19:51
alexeightsix@ioria https://termbin.com/odyw19:51
oOBadDreamOodoes anyone in here have any experience with xbox one controllers on ubuntu?19:53
woenxIt will be released next friday, right?19:53
kostkonoOBadDreamOo, ask the real question regardless19:53
oOBadDreamOomy wireless xbox one controllers connects and works fine but the guide button opens firefox and takes me to the desktop instead of focusing steam. if the button is held it opens multiple browser windows and eventually locks up the system19:55
ioriaalexeightsix,  is that a fresh install ?19:56
alexeightsix@ioria, no, it's been like this for months, only getting around to trying to fix it now19:56
alexeightsixthe issue happened when i did an ugprade i think months ago, maybe over a year i dont remember19:57
ioriaalexeightsix,  well, Windows is installed in legacy-mode, Ubuntu in UEFI-mode ; this might cause a confusion (but with different disksit should work)19:59
oOBadDreamOosteam issues and controller issues arent super common for ubuntu...hard to find any help for this19:59
ioriaalexeightsix,  btw, you can reinstall grub on /dev/sdc20:01
alexeightsixok thx20:01
alexeightsixwill look into it20:01
jjakobIs the way to change GRUB's keyboard layout still via grub-kbdcomp file?20:14
jjakobin 20.04, grub 2.0420:15
i-nodehello, what is the precedence order in network config? I have a /etc/systemd/network/ens190.network file with the network configuration, but something is ovewriting the /etc/resolv.conf file with nameserver
kenperkinsok, really confused; somehow my sound all the of sudden is reversed? (left/right)20:26
shibbolethi-node, netplan, dnsmasq, networkmanager20:27
shibbolethiirc there is a resolvconf package20:28
i-nodeI don't understand the need of so much different packages20:29
tomreyni-node: it may be cloud-init getting in the way20:33
i-nodetomreyn: I am doing a cat /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml and there is nameservers: addresses: -
tomreynand i'd expect files in /etc/systemd/network/ to be aprsed in alphanumerical order, numbers first, then letters.20:34
i-nodebut after reboot there is no on resolv.conf20:34
i-nodeno results for grep 127 */* from /etc/systemd20:35
i-nodeI don't know from where it is getting the nameserver
i-nodewell, the resolv.conf file says that it was populated by systemd-resolved but when I do a systemd-resolve --status it shows as dns server20:36
tomreynmake sure you read the /ETC/RESOLV.CONF section in systemd-resolved.service(8)20:36
pavlosi-node: I think systemd-resolve --status reports the proper DNS server and domain20:37
tomreynand is dnsmasq, i would think20:37
i-nodeok, thank you20:38
Arethusawhen I hit "install package" for chrome, gdebi just disappears and nothing apparent happens20:39
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lestachello! before i format, i have an option in up bar for see the weather, any knows what is that app/gadget ?20:55
oerheksgnome-shell-weather extention, iirc20:57
oerheks!info gnome-shell-extension-openweather20:58
ubottuPackage gnome-shell-extension-openweather does not exist in eoan20:58
oerheks!info gnome-shell-extension-openweather bionic20:58
oerheksit does..20:58
ubottuPackage gnome-shell-extension-openweather does not exist in bionic20:59
oerheksyes it does, ubottu20:59
Pinkertonso would anyone here happen to be at MIT? or know where I could find someone who is?20:59
kevr!info gnome-shell-extension-weather20:59
ubottugnome-shell-extension-weather (source: gnome-shell-extension-weather): weather extension for GNOME Shell. In component universe, is extra. Version 0~20170402.git34506a6-2 (eoan), package size 84 kB, installed size 568 kB20:59
Pinkertonjust asking here since I figure odds are half decent20:59
kevrPinkerton: Why?21:00
Pinkertonthis file, specifically https://downloads.mit.edu/released/falcon/CrowdstrikeFalconSensor_5.29.11003.0.pkg.zip21:00
PinkertonMy company's VPN endpoint won't serve our version, for some reason21:00
pavlosPinkerton: mit.edu allows you to search for people21:00
PinkertonIf I had the package I have the tools to reprovision it with my license21:00
Pinkertonbut according to the VPN client's logs, the version of the package on the server does not pass checksum requirements and is much too small21:01
Pinkertonthis sometimes happens but on a weekday usually21:02
Pinkertonpavlos ty ty21:02
Pinkertonbeing the one guy with a bring-your-own-device Mac on the team is a real interesting experience sometimes21:04
Pinkertonannoyingly our internal portal has the sensor installer for Linux and Windows hosts just available to download if the VPN fails to fetch it21:04
mrbell1984BYOD support it yourself. lol Here's the wifi password buy ya own software.21:05
PinkertonThere's certain software you have to install to connect to the network21:05
Pinkertonis the problem21:05
PinkertonI agree21:06
PinkertonI bought the computer for this specific purpose knowing that going in though21:06
PinkertonSo I'm not upset21:06
PinkertonUs BYOD guys just sometimes get left out on stuff like this21:06
kevrtell the cs professor to get good21:06
mrbell1984I always used my own device but supported it myself21:06
PinkertonI'm not actually at MIT, kevr21:07
PinkertonThey just use the same sensor software as the company I work for21:07
PinkertonIf I had a company-purchased Mac they roll this stuff out via mobile device management21:07
Pinkertonso, annoyingly, the bare installer isn't on the company portal21:08
kevrinteresting that they dont just setup a vpn you can login to without some special proprietary backdoor anal software21:08
oerheksHow is this related to ubuntu support?21:08
Pinkertonoof it wasn't21:08
oerhekskevr, keep this channel family friendly, thanks21:08
PinkertonI was just looking for nerds21:08
kevroerheks: you're welcome!21:09
kevreven though i didn't agree yet.21:09
Pinkertonthe ubuntu installer for this stuff *was* on our internal portal though :v21:09
oerhekstone down..21:09
Pinkertonmaybe that subliminally led me here21:09
kevroerheks: my tone is very low.21:10
Synx_hmAnybody tracking issues with 20.04 daily and using vagrant?21:13
oerheksSynx_hm, join #ubuntu+1 for focal Q&A21:14
nikolamI am on Live session now, boot from USB and my BTRFS partition on SSD defies mounting and any way of accessing it...21:25
nikolamother OS (MS windows) boots just fine from GRUB, on same SSD..21:25
nikolamsudo mount -o recovery,ro /dev/sda3 /mnt21:28
nikolammount: /mnt: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda3, missing codepage or helper program, or other error21:28
nikolamsudo btrfs check --repair /dev/sda3 says: ERROR: child eb corrupted: parent bytenr=218808320 item=16 parent level=2 child level=021:29
Atlenohenjust installed latest ubuntu, I'm previous experienced with Mint, I'm trying to get into the program manager21:34
Atlenohenlike  Synaptic Package Manager21:34
AtlenohenIf there's something equivalent here21:35
oerheksAtlenohen, sure, synaptic is available in the repos21:36
oerhekssudo apt install synaptic21:36
Atlenohenoh I have to install it21:36
Bashing-om!synaptic | Atlenohen21:36
ubottuAtlenohen: Synaptic is a graphical utility which can install and remove software packages (.deb). For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto21:36
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Pinkertonkevr: if you're still here, I managed to find a guy who got me the file21:44
PinkertonI am up and running21:44
Pinkertonthe kind of closure you rarely get on the internet21:45
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kevrSweet, grats!22:35
dinosomethingim curious, for the 19.10.1 arm releases page, the raspberry pi versions are e.g.: ubuntu-19.10.1-preinstalled-server-arm64+raspi3.img.xz , but the 20.04 releases page are e.g.: ubuntu-20.04-beta-preinstalled-server-arm64+raspi.img.xz. my question is, for the 20.04 version, its not raspi3, but raspi, does that mean that the version is designed for all raspis?22:38
matsamandinosomething: I think it's a correction of 'raspi3' which was not accurate (not '3' specific)22:39
matsamanso basically what you said, yes22:39
matsamanhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RaspberryPi ('please note')22:39
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EggSpurthopefully the systemd trolls didnt follow me here22:58
grawityYou rang?22:59
bigfluffso, i'm relatively experienced with day-to-day linux/ubntu workflow, but need a bit of guidance...what's the best way anymore to string a bunch of hard drives together for spanned storage?23:05
oerheksLVM, ZFS, BTRFS ..23:06
Bashing-om!lvm | bigfluff23:06
ubottubigfluff: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto23:06
matsamanbigfluff: mhddfs23:06
EggSpurti was wondering if someone on freenode could load an mirc-bot script and park it in our channel until our founder recovers from covid-1923:07
matsamanor jbod23:07
oerheksEggSpurt, no23:07
matsamanhard not to like a FUSE solution like mhddfs23:07
oerheksEggSpurt, read the topic23:08
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Kristine6Hi, I picked x org server something in additional driver and restarted hoping to disable Nvidia. But next time I logged in keyboard and mouse both won't work. How can I fix this?23:59
Kristine6Something like these options https://images.app.goo.gl/iQX2mxhqYD9AbDAY823:59

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