=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [09:06] Unit193: i seem to not be a member of xubuntu bugs [09:07] if that's only an account i don't have the creds afaict [09:07] Well, it's a lot of bugmail AFAIK, I'm not either. [09:07] It's a team. [10:34] i see bluesabre and akxwi-dave are memebers of xubuntu bugs [10:34] and slickymaster [10:38] I guess it's up to him if he wants bugs for that. [11:04] reminder to all to contribute to the release notes https://wiki.xubuntu.org/releases/20.04/release-notes [11:15] would like to release it on social media before the release [11:48] jphilips: yeah, I'll be extending those out today or tomorrow. [11:49] bluesabre: thanks for the update. do ping once your done. [11:51] It's best not to announce a release before it's released. [12:02] just the release notes [12:03] many publications would want access to it, as mentioned in my ML email [14:00] Kicked gtk-common-themes again, so hopefully we'll have theme-friendly snaps soon, https://gitlab.gnome.org/Community/Ubuntu/gtk-common-themes/-/merge_requests/19 [19:26] Good time of day. [19:26] How can I assist with translation to Azerbaijani language? [19:29] I have also heard, that Xubuntu will get a proper Greybird dark theme. There is one very pretty dark theme for XFCE - Xfce-Simple-Dark : https://www.pling.com/p/1150488/ [19:30] Is there any chance that this one can be added to distribution as well? [19:38] Deusex25: what does it do better when compared to Greybird-dark? [19:40] for translation work check the following links [19:40] https://xubuntu.org/contribute/documentation/ [19:40] https://docs.xfce.org/contribute/translate/start [19:43] Thanks for the links. [19:47] Well, i have tested the daily build a week (maybe 10 days) ago. So far, the dark theme I've seen is not as clear and crispy as the one I have suggested. [19:48] Is there any chance you may check the link and screenshots provided there? [19:49] https://cdn.pling.com/img/9/1/d/f/00587d686fdb2e6985c5ef1ec01562d9b8e4.png [19:53] and where is a screenshot of Greybird-dark? [19:54] ideally, you should provide a side-by-side comparison [19:56] and if you have suggestions for further improvement, please report them here https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird [19:56] Unfortunately for several reasons I cannot do it right now. [19:58] I cannot get a virtualbox on my PC, as it requires an update, which is blocked by our provider. I'm working on the vessel, and traffic here is getting filtered... [20:09] Why cant we have more than one dark theme? I believe, community would be happy to have a bit bigger selection. [20:10] there are more [20:10] Adwaita-dark is installed by default too [20:11] those two themes are packaged and have good support [20:12] supported [20:14] Yes, but Adwaita-dark isn't good for use in dark environment, while the one I've suggested is very comfortable. I know it very well as I have to work over night sometimes. [20:16] Well, I can't say anything about support for this one. I only hope, that somebody from developing team may get a few minutes and check it out. Maybe it will give some good ideas? [20:20] you will have to offer a side-by-side comparison [20:20] and point of what it better [20:20] and point out [20:22] Ok. I see. Will try.