[00:00] plasmashell —replace & [00:09] <_zxq9_> Ah. plasmashell can be restarted with `kstart5 plasmashell` [00:09] <_zxq9_> It seems to be smart enough to know what components to restart. === milton is now known as mhd26 === mhd26 is now known as mdh26 === rafael_ is now known as ArtCorverlay [04:45] AndroH4ck3r Aw was added by: AndroH4ck3r Aw [04:45] https://youtu.be/qRfDvWhdeuo [05:19] help [05:20] !ask | persgeek [05:20] persgeek: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [05:58] Good morning [06:12] Hi [06:13] I Love to use Kubuntu more than Windows 7 [06:13] I can download anything from ubuntu software [06:15] But in Windows 7 I needed to pay money for whatever game, app, scanner, screen shot, screen recorder [06:15] My name is Yashvi Gavankar [06:15] How many people are here?? [06:15] ?? === yashvi is now known as yashvi__ [06:16] Does anyone know how to use HTML or Javascript or CSS [06:21] Many people do, this is not really the channel to discuss it though. [06:22] #programming is more suited, though there might be a more specific web-development channel, ask Alis. [06:22] !alis [06:22] Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http" [06:59] Hi! [07:00] Can anybody help me setting up a samba share on my home network on Kubuntu 18.04? [07:00] https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-install-and-configure-samba-on-ubuntu-18-04/ [07:00] This one does not seem very helpful. [07:00] Am I getting this right that I can only share the files with a specific user on the network? What about the ipads in the house? [07:00] Also, I guess, I misunderstand this, but does SMB normally share outside the local network as well?? === MANIAC is now known as Guest16284 [08:52] Willie Williams was added by: Willie Williams === Scotty_Trees1 is now known as Scotty_Trees === echo is now known as echo_ === echo_ is now known as echo__ === echo__ is now known as echo [11:50] Hi all [12:17] hi..I lost all sound, sudenlyonly have a dummy device [12:19] dummy output, I mean [12:19] detailspls [12:19] alsamixer says: cannot open mixer: no such file or directory [12:20] have an intel audio device [12:22] also have a headset, webcam and hdmi which should give me all these devices [12:22] reinstall alsa-base and alsa-utils, then sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel, and reboot [12:27] no luck [12:29] also don't forget to disable automute in alsamixer, it's enabled by default [12:36] olmoenterprises was added by: olmoenterprises [13:20] Fwd from Williams: Ever since I started trading with Mrs Lisa Robert I have never experience any lost from her company, Mrs Lisa Robert has bought me nothing else than happy and favor in my life today that's the reason why I keep on investing with her company, at first I was very scared but after she proved me wrong, I'm making huge profits of $15400 after investing $2200 in just 3days, all thanks to Mrs Lisa Robert. … Conta [13:20] her to get started. You can reach her … 👇 … Or follow her channel via … https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEfp-IDI-YbYcWjCqg [13:24] BluesKaj: alsamixer says: cannot open mixer: no such file or directory [13:26] strange [13:27] m_tadeu, have you updated and upgraded lately? [13:27] yes...I think this happened last week...might have been after an upgrade, but not 100% sure [13:28] hello, does anyone know why the kubuntu live iso has a script for setting the username to the name of the disk? [13:29] m_tadeu, well, do so again [13:29] it's all up-to-date [13:29] even did a sudo apt install -f [13:29] which release m_tadeu? [13:29] im using cubic to make a customized iso and its auto generating a sddm.conf instead of using my custom one [13:29] BluesKaj: 19.10 [13:30] viewer|95, hmm customizing isn't supported here [13:31] could one explain the live systemd startup scripts at least please? [13:32] m_tadeu, what does, sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel, show? [13:32] i understand it isnt supported, just trying to learn :) [13:33] viewer|95, I'm sure you can find documentation on systemd startup scripts if you do some research on the 'net [13:34] Hi guys. I was using beta for few days, new install. Today I had to reinstall because I trashed the os with some vfio fidling. Now installer crashes everytime almost at the end [13:34] Is there a bug tracking this? Installer crashing during install? [13:34] BluesKaj: nothing...empty output...but lsmod | grep snd_hda_intel shows somes...first as itself, others as dep [13:35] m_tadeu, no output means the intel audio driver is loaded [13:36] mike-hs, 20.04 beta questions in #ubuntu+1 please [13:36] BluesKaj: thx! [13:42] m_tadeu,, do you have pulseaudio and pavucontrol installed ? [13:51] BluesKaj: it installed pavucontrol...reboot but no luck...still no sound [13:51] m_tadeu, did you check alsamixer automute like I mentioned earlier? [13:52] BluesKaj: can't run alsamixer..." cannot open mixer: no such file or directory" [13:53] oh right, then you might have a bug [13:58] m_tadeu, what does this show? lspci -nn | grep -i audio [14:00] BluesKaj: show the intel audio device [14:05] m_tadeu, ok, think we need to purge, alsa-base, alsa-utils and linux-sound-base then reboot and reinstall them, one of those package config files is corrupted [14:13] BluesKaj: purge -> reboot -> install -> reboot....still no sound [14:14] alsamixer complains with the same message [14:14] pavucontrol also only has the dummy device [14:17] m_tadeu, then I [14:18] m stumped, unless it's a hardware problem [14:19] BluesKaj: if the audio board shows up in lspci, it should show up in the devices, right? [14:20] and weird thing is, even without any devices, alsamixer should run [14:25] not sure, if alsa doesn't detect a soundcard then i don't know what it would do [14:27] lspci sees the audio chip, that's obvious, but your alsa behaviour seems corrupted to me. [14:32] @m_tadeu, By chance, did you remove kmix? [14:33] IrcsomeBot: kmix it's not installed === faLUCE is now known as CantusCircaeus [14:38] My Xerox phaser 6010 is not on the list of available drivers, Xerox only has a 32 bit driver for debian. The 64 bit driver for RPM doesn't work. [14:42] alsa and snd-hda-intel work fine here without kmix [14:48] I don't think kmix should be installed at all === mark_ is now known as bismark === io is now known as Guest60350 [16:00] BluesKaj: this is on syslog https://pastebin.com/LL4GPfj3 . does it bring any light to this? googling doesn't popup anything interesting === MANIAC is now known as Guest73901 [17:18] I'm running kubuntu 19.04, and shortly after I start vmware workstation pro, my system completely freezes. [17:18] I can ping the host, but cannot ssh to it [17:18] And the system is completely none-responsive. [17:19] I haven't power cycled it yet, if anyone has any ideas on what I could do. [17:20] digitalw00t, check out the swap usage. [17:21] System is completely hung, but I can ping it from the outside. [17:21] I was going to power cycle it, but wanted to know if there was something I needed to do prior to get any debugging info out of it. [17:23] diogenes_: Wow.. doesn't even appear to react to sysrq. Wonder why it responds to pings. [17:24] !19.04 [17:24] Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) was the 30th release of Ubuntu, support ended January 2020. see !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2020-January/005263.html === ubuntu is now known as Guest54758 [19:05] Hello everyone [19:06] When the Kubuntu 20.04 gonna release on the same day as Ubuntu? [19:07] Venom: yes [19:10] Terminator_99 was added by: Terminator_99 [19:11] Okay.. anyone tested the 20.04 ? [19:12] !20.04 [19:12] Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) will be the 32nd release of Ubuntu, scheduled for April 2020 ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseSchedule ). It will be a long-term support release. Join #ubuntu+1 for support and questions. [19:13] How stable is kde 5.18.3 ? [19:15] @Venom, Yes I did [19:16] Okay [19:17] Any news about about qt and kde relationship? [20:23] Hello Everyone [21:40] When I connect to a vpn, my local dns settings are being ignored. It's only hitting the dns on the other side of the vpn tunnel, and I really want it to hit my dns first locally as well as the remote dns if the local one doesn't have an entry on file for the lookup. === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === wodencafe is now known as WodenCafeDeSade === WodenCafeDeSade is now known as wodencafe === wodencafe is now known as WodenCafeDeSade [23:37] Hi [23:38] anyone use FreeOffice? [23:40] I heard that is similarly to ms office