[00:56] Bashing-om, I finished read thru; one minor comment on duplication in summary; commented but likely no improvement.. [00:57] guiverc: On Gdoc ? [00:59] yep (you're busy on #ubuntu, so no hurry) [01:00] guiverc: Yeah - geting spread kinda thin . keeping up in #grub also. [01:02] well, it keeping yer off the streets :) [01:03] guiverc: LOL - That's what I tell the wifey when she complains of the time I spend on this keyboard :P [01:03] :) [01:41] guiverc: How about " Along with some narration and personal feelings on what he sees, we are of course provided with loads of screenshots showing the alterations and additions. " ? [01:55] (comments in gdoc chat sorry; sorry I didn't hear the ping) [02:02] guiverc: Meet ya back there - then :P [02:35] 627 looks good Bashing-om (re-checked) [02:35] guiverc: remains however as " WIP" - not done 'Til done :P [02:36] ack & of course [02:37] Proof reading/ adjusting is a must as I often times do not see a tree for all the forest. [02:38] applies to us all (or at least most of us anyway) [02:43] UWN - so many details to attend to - easy to miss the obvious when looking at other things and so many. [04:31] -BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Stephen Michael Kellat: Notes From Damage Control Central @ http://coyote.works//posts/DCC20200420/ [05:30] -BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Appleā€™s Top Service Now Works on Linux Too @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/apple-s-top-service-now-works-on-linux-too-529765.shtml (by Bogdan Popa, Microsoft News Editor) [17:44] -BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Kubernetes: a secure, flexible and automated edge for IoT developers @ https://ubuntu.com/blog/kubernetes-a-secure-flexible-and-automated-edge-for-iot-developers-2 [19:35] UWN: Pulling "WIP" . Time to push 20:00 GMT. - checked the channel log - nothing seen to change. [20:00] UWN: news@lists is away - posting to the Forum next. [20:04] UWN: Forum post completed - no issues seen. Re-directs next. [20:28] UWN: Re-directs done - pending is the social medias. [21:23] Bashing-om, fridge and Social Media still need done? [21:24] Wild_Man: Yup - social media postings are still in a pending state. [21:31] Bashing-om, I will see if I can get them done [21:32] Wild_Man: Great :D [21:32] I do not think I have the scripts installed since I had to reinstall twice [21:35] Wild_Man: Time to get-up-2-date . ( reasons why I have not got my 20.04 work build built) [21:36] Bashing-om, I do not have any scripts to run or even a directory for uwn, I am not up to finding and installing them right now, my daughter is leaving in a little while to go to New York to work in a hospital taking care of corona patients so we are seeing her off [21:39] Wild_Man: :( Maybe guiverc will handle that load. [21:41] Bashing-om, I am sorry I am running way behind getting this computer set back up, I forgot I did not have them installed, do you have a link for the scripts, I had a data failure when I backed up my laptop before I reinstalled and I lost almost all my files [21:49] Wild_Man: The only scripts I am aware od and use are those in krytarik's git. Get the control files : git clone https://git.launchpad.net/uwn [ sudo apt install git ]. [21:54] Thanks Bashing-om [21:55] Wild_Man: So few - but we are all in this together :P [21:56] Bashing-om, you awesome [22:04] Bashing-om, I got them installed and they are working [22:06] Wild_Man: \o/ . python3-bs4 ? [22:07] I did not reinstall them but the scripts worked [22:08] Wild_Man: Great. Media psting progressing ? [22:08] postings* [22:08] Bashing-om, Yes [22:14] http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2020/04/20/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-627/ [22:16] Wild_Man: Fridge: spot check - checks good :D [22:19] sorry, what do you need me to do? [22:26] guiverc, can you do Facebook, I do not have access to it at this time, I am not sure if I need the password again, I do not think so but I guess I lost the ability to post to it since I redid my computer [22:27] will do [22:27] Thanks [22:28] Do you remember guiverc is it not just a matter of being added as an admin to the page and we do not need to enter a password do we? [22:29] Wild_Man, sorry I don't understand anything about fb (don't want to either). I login in as me & find my way to the page [22:29] guiverc, I managed to get access just now do you need me to do it? [22:30] If you've access, please do it, I'm not logged in yet [22:32] I got it done, the page of facebook has changed I think that is what made it confusing, and I usually have a button to click on and today I did not [22:32] I have to run for now [22:33] :) & thanks Wild_Man & Bashing-om [22:33] Wild_Man: guiverc: twitter ? [22:34] twitter looks like it's done [22:34] (10m ago by Wild_Man no doubt) [22:35] guiverc: Clear then to wipe Gdoc - start all over again ? [22:37] Yep [22:37] wipping [22:42] UWN: we do issue 628 :D [22:44] -BottyMcBotFace:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 627 @ http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2020/04/20/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-627/