
studiobot<azbulutlu> that truckla is hilarious.01:08
EickmeyerRelease candidate build is available at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com17:28
tewardEickmeyer: be alive18:53
Eickmeyerteward: What's up?18:55
studiobot<teward001> ERR:PENDINGDMBMEETING18:55
studiobot<teward001> TTM:5MIN18:55
EickmeyerRoger that.18:56
* RikMills opens popcorn19:05
* StevenJayCohen asks for popcorn19:18
eylul[m]also would like some of that popcorn19:19
EickmeyerThe show is in #ubuntu-meeting19:20
eylul[m]thanks 19:21
Eickmeyereylul[m]: for you that would be #freenode_#ubuntu-meeting:matrix.org19:25
Eickmeyersame with StevenJayCohen ^19:26
eylul[m]sorry for the slow reactions. dealing with a rl related situation at the same time. 19:27
EickmeyerNo worries.19:27
EickmeyerJust nice to see I have a bit of a cheering gallery. :)19:27
* RikMills triggers dramatic music19:46
eylul[m]\o/ grats Eickmeyer20:03
Rosco2\o/ congrats20:03
eylul[m](hi ross!)20:04
Rosco2Hi eylul[m] 20:05
Rosco2Eickmeyer, the extra packages we need in the package set might already be handled by the diff rafaeldtinoco pasted in the meeting?20:09
EickmeyerRosco2: Very likely, but there's a short list they want from me too.20:11
EickmeyerThanks everyone!20:11
Rosco2Time for a celebratory drink before bed!20:12
EickmeyerI'm eating lunch. Sun is bright today. :)20:14
eylul[m]very appropriate20:15
OvenWerksso the big change in the daily iso is the rc?20:17
OvenWerksEickmeyer: ^^20:18
EickmeyerOvenWerks: No, it's the Release Candidate.20:18
OvenWerksrc= release candidate...20:18
eylul[m]eickmeyer i think you are excused20:19
EickmeyerBasically, there's no difference between the RC and today's iso.20:19
Eickmeyereylul[m]: I'm juggling. :D20:19
OvenWerksgood, I just dl it I will print usb sticks20:19
eylul[m]print usb sticks?20:19
EickmeyerWell, don't be so hasty. They might make changes and respin.20:19
eylul[m]is confused20:20
EickmeyerThis is just for testing right now.20:20
EickmeyerIn fact, I was in the middle of testing the ISO when teward reminded me of the DMB meeting.20:20
Rosco2I'm off. See you for some testing tomorrow. That was exhausting cheering from the sidelines :-)20:21
EickmeyerHahahaha Rosco2! Thanks for being there.20:21
tewardglad you could stop by though Rosco2 :)20:21
tewardand sorry for dragging you from testing :)20:21
OvenWerksHow di they choose DMB? sounds too much like DuMB meeting20:21
EickmeyerDeveloper Membership Board. It's nominated/elected by Ubuntu members.20:21
EickmeyerOur very own teward is part of it.20:22
StevenJayCohenSorry for missing the meeting -- emergency phone call20:38
EickmeyerStevenJayCohen: No worries. I was unanimously voted access to the package set.20:39

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