
kelvinliutlm: have u figured out what the root cause is?01:05
tlmnah still tracing code at the moment01:10
tlmjust looks like the broker is loading the default creds from the container and not the kube-system ones01:10
kelvinliuthe weird,  when u bootstrap then juju add-k8s model1 microk8s, the controller model and model1 should be using the same credential01:37
tlmshould but my debug points to no01:38
tlmthe bug will be in our creds loading01:38
kelvinliutlm:  I just had a double check, I log the credential(token) in newK8sBroker, it's the correct token in microk8s(cloud).microk8s(credential)01:46
kelvinliuand it's the token in mkubectl get secret/juju-credential-microk8s-token-hpdjs -n kube-system -o yaml01:47
kelvinliuI think the credential should be correct. there might be some other issue01:47
tlmtwo ticks will grab you my tests01:48
tlmwhat field are you logging ?01:48
kelvinliulogger.Criticalf("newK8sBroker newCfg -> %s", pretty.Sprint(newCfg))01:48
kelvinliulogger.Criticalf("newK8sBroker k8sRestConfig -> %s", pretty.Sprint(k8sRestConfig))01:48
tlmalso bootstrap the controller under a different name then the default01:48
kelvinliui tested bootstrap to a different controller name. no problem as well01:52
tlmwill take a look01:55
tlmyeah I agree after decoding the JWT01:59
tlmhmmm back to the drawing board01:59
timClicks_can the application-version-set hook tool be executed outside of the update-status hook? (our docs seem to indicate that it does)02:48
=== timClicks_ is now known as timClicks
thumpertimClicks: perhaps through juju-run, but not by itself02:51
timClicksoh I meant can it be run in another hook, eg config-changed02:52
timClicksin the same way that the add-metric hook tool is restricted to the collect-metrics hook02:53
wallyworldhpidcock: here's a PR for the bug you raised, still need to do a followup for model migration https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1147303:15
timClicksin goal-state... does the relation-get hook tool work if the relation to another unit is in the "broken" state?03:18
hpidcockwallyworld: cool, will look03:35
tlmhpidcock: SetConfig is the secret killer04:15
tlmwallyworld: got 5 min for HO ?04:29
wallyworldhpidcock: ty for review, that migratin todo is because there needs to be a juju/description update first https://github.com/juju/description/pull/7605:23
hpidcockwallyworld: Oh it was just not obvious as there was no comment05:24
wallyworldfair enough,we often jsut do a quick todo since the followup PR is landing imminently05:24
wallyworldand todos like that in the migration_import code are fairly common05:25
wallyworldhpidcock: if you were free to do a small +1, it would unblock me to propose the last juju PR to remove those todos https://github.com/juju/description/pull/7606:08
hpidcockwallyworld: LGTM06:32
achilleasaquick poll: I want to modify a provisioner API method which returns a map to *additionally* include an extra KV pair. As this is an agent API call and pylibjuju may potentially call it, do I really really need to bump the version? Note that there are *no* actual schema changes so bumping (and having V{latest-1} remove the key from the response) seems like overkill to me08:27
achilleasaany thoughts? stickupkid_ ^08:27
achilleasa(call is "ContainerManagerConfig" and the new key is the channel for the lxd snap which comes from a model cfg)08:28
stickupkid_achilleasa, let me check, but if it's a map, then that seems fine to me08:29
stickupkid_achilleasa, if you add or remove in the map[string]string then no need to bump08:30
achilleasastickupkid_: thought so but wanted to confirm... pheww08:31
stickupkid_achilleasa, we should just make the api a map[string]string :troll:08:31
* achilleasa runs away08:32
manadartstickupkid_, achilleasa: Able to review a real small one? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1147708:50
manadartstickupkid_: Ta.08:51
achilleasatiny PR https://github.com/juju/packaging/pull/909:43
achilleasamanadart: can you take a look at ^?09:54
manadartachilleasa: Tick.09:55
achilleasamanadart: tyvm09:55
achilleasamanadart stickupkid or hml: any ideas why this gets stuck? Am I doing something wrong? (that's on develop/HEAD) https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/P864ZXPTYm/12:40
hmlachilleasa: if you ssh to 0/lxd/0, has juju been setup?12:42
achilleasahml: let me check12:43
achilleasahml: btw, if I run ' juju add-unit ubuntu-lite --to lxd' it starts a bionic one that does work12:44
achilleasahml: I cannot ssh to 0/lxd/0 (no available addresses)12:45
hmlachilleasa:  can you get to it from machine 0?12:45
achilleasahml: yes. no juju and cloud-init has completed without an error12:47
hmlachilleasa:  weird… hrm… i’m trying samilar with only add-machine12:47
hmlachilleasa:  i get the same with only add-machine:  machine-2 https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/rH4Y88H5Kh/12:51
achilleasahml: can you try with 2.7.6?12:51
achilleasawonder if this is a 2.8 issue12:52
hmlachilleasa: sure12:52
hmlachilleasa: hit with 2.7.613:11
hmlanyone seeing this bootstrapping lxd develop focal?  “sudo: setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE): Operation not permitted”13:55
hmlas part of the machine config piece13:55
stickupkidhml, yeah, it's fine, it's focal issue13:55
stickupkidhml, I made a bug out of it, it got closed13:55
hmlstickupkid: awesome!13:55
stickupkidhml, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11482/files13:56
stickupkidachilleasa, got an issue with windows build14:00
stickupkid##[error]worker/provisioner/container_initialisation.go:260:37: too many arguments in call to "github.com/juju/juju/container/lxd".NewContainerInitialiser14:00
hmlachilleasa:  thumper renamed the config values etc:  https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1147514:14
hmlachilleasa:  once i used the correct config values… HA with OpenStack qa’d good14:25
achilleasarick_h: manadart: stickupkid hml looks like my patch works fine on aws; so it's probably the nested lxds that exhibit the problem...15:12
manadartachilleasa: I bet it is specific to snap-installed LXD too. Apparmour/Cgroups or some such.15:14
achilleasastickupkid: can you run the qa steps on aws or maas to confirm?15:16
achilleasamanadart: I tried with latest/stable on focal (aws) which should give you 4.015:17
stickupkidachilleasa, sure, give me a sec15:40
stickupkidachilleasa, I would but github is down15:40
achilleasaanyone doing the homebrew bit of the 2.7.6 release?16:26
achilleasa^^^ doing the homebrew bits16:38
=== bdx1 is now known as bdx
hmlquick review pls?  https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1148420:01
rick_hhml:  +120:03
hmlrick_h: ty20:03
wallyworldbabbageclunk: hey,  could you comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1874031?20:34
mupBug #1874031: [vsphere 6.5] root-disk-source is failing to select from available datastores <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1874031>20:34
babbageclunkwallyworld: yup, looking21:29
wallyworldbabbageclunk: ty. also a very small PR https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1147821:49
babbageclunklove a small pr21:51
babbageclunkwallyworld: approved21:52
hpidcockbabbageclunk: did you forget to update https://github.com/juju/utils/pull/309 in Gopkg.toml?23:01
hpidcockI'm guessing this is safe for 2.8?23:02
babbageclunkI added that for juju-restore. It didn't occur to me to update the dep in the juju repo.23:03
babbageclunkhpidcock: yup, definitely safe23:03
babbageclunkBut I really should have, sorry!23:04
babbageclunkAt the moment the only use of UntarFiles in juju extracts to an existing directory tree, so all of the directories are already there.23:05

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