
mattflyhow to i upgrade from beta to RC?00:10
iconoclastheroyes:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/187396501:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1873965 in linux-meta (Ubuntu) "booting into recovery mode hangs under 20.04" [Undecided,New]01:23
iconoclastherohowarth, though it isn't doing it anymore.  when i first installed it did.  though i did run update-grub a couple times.  01:43
iconoclastherofor some reason, however, it installed the low-latency kernels as (i assume) the default that didn't list a kernel; it was the first in the advanced list.01:43
=== housecat changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1, the support channel for pre-release versions of Ubuntu. Pre-release versions are unstable and will probably break your computer. | Current dev version: Focal Fossa (20.04) | Schedule: http://ubottu.com/y/ff | Download: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/412/builds (downloading updates regularly? see http://ubottu.com/y/zsync ) | For 19.10 support, please
* housecat sighs at TOPICLEN02:21
=== housecat changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1, the support channel for pre-release versions of Ubuntu. Pre-release versions are unstable and will probably break your computer. | Current dev version: Focal Fossa (20.04) | Schedule: http://ubottu.com/y/ff | Download: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/412/builds (downloading often? see http://ubottu.com/y/zsync ) | For 19.10 support, see #ubuntu
flying_sausagesHey guys, I've got a fresh dedicated remote server I'd like to test Ubuntu 20.04 on but I don't have access to KVM. I've tried to upgrade via the `do-release-upgrade -d` option but focal is not available yet. Any ideas how I can get this done from the live root partition?02:39
lotuspsychjegood morning02:54
lotuspsychjehey flying_sausages 02:55
=== RocketRaccoon is now known as Thanos
housecatflying_sausages: what version is your server currently on?03:19
flying_sausageshousecat: bionic03:22
flying_sausagesI'm trying to do the "debian" way now by switching sources and doing a dist-upgrade03:22
housecatodd, i would have thought do-release-upgrade -d from bionic would get you to focal03:22
housecatwhat version did it offer you (if any)?03:23
flying_sausagesnone :/03:23
flying_sausageschanged the prompt to normal too03:23
flying_sausagesnot even eoaaen03:23
housecatmaybe i'm misunderstanding https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts-development then03:23
* housecat shrugs03:24
valoriedo-release-upgrade -d worked for me....04:13
lotuspsychjeTJ-: i see your bug got more love already07:31
SeveasMy upgrade to focal crashed my computer halfway through. Had to boot off a live usb, manually cryptsetup/mount/chroot and run dpkg --configure -a to recover. Not fun :(07:38
lotuspsychjewhat was the crash about?07:39
Seveasdunno, I got the ubuntu equivalent of a bsod: fullscreen message that something had gone wrong and it wouldn't do anything except power down07:40
lotuspsychjeno relevant errors you can recall?07:41
Seveasnone. One second I am watching apt logs zip by normally, the next I have that message.07:41
SeveasHaven't had that happen before. Older upgrades (around 2010) used to regularly fail for me, but wouldn't crash, so I could do the recovery before rebooting. This one was more annoying.07:42
Seveas(also, the older upgrades usually failed because I upgraded 3 months before the actual release :D)07:42
SeveasSo yeah, /topic definitely applied for me this time07:43
SeveasUnstable, will break your computer.07:43
lotuspsychjeevery case is different Seveas 07:48
lotuspsychjewe have smooth upgrade experiences too from the volunteers07:48
Seveaswaddayaknow, journald did capture an error07:56
Seveasapr 09 09:35:47 starfire gnome-shell[1404]: GNOME Shell crashed with signal 1107:56
Seveasthat's guaranteed to cause problems during an upgrade :)07:56
Seveasthis is followed by lots and lots of errors trying to start it, probably due to the system being half upgraded07:57
Seveasapr 09 09:37:42 starfire systemd[1]: Removed slice User Slice of UID 121.07:58
Seveas-- Reboot --07:58
Seveasapr 09 11:18:07 starfire kernel: microcode: microcode updated early to revision 0xca, date = 2019-09-2607:58
Seveasso it took me about two hours to recover, mostly because I didn't have a live usb at hand and IE on my windows pc kept crashing at 95% download of the iso. Finally had to resort to using the mac to create the live usb. And first time around I did cryptsetup wrong, so when rebooting it couldn't find the rootfs, so I had to redo the cryptsetup/mount/chroot dance and recreate the initramfs07:59
Seveasall in all, a not very friendly recovery experience. Wondering how we could make that easier.08:00
sufymy realtek drivers weren't working i am wondering what was the update recently for realtek drivers in ubuntu beta09:28
sufyi am wondering if that was something on kernels09:28
erle-Are there any release-delaying major/dangerous bugs?09:39
erle-(known bugs)09:40
soonFresh install of 20.04 on Lenovo P52s -- choosing the 'Erase disk and install' option, it hangs when formatting (ext4) the drive09:50
TJ-lotuspsychje: upstream have provided some patches we've tested but so far not fixed10:36
nikolamHi, does 20.04 has ability to install Ubuntu on ZFS partition?12:15
nikolamI recently had broken BTRFS partition that resulted in unmountable partition, I managed to save data, but I am thinking to install on ZFS now.12:16
howarthA bit of progress on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/187396512:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1873965 in linux-meta (Ubuntu) "booting into recovery mode hangs under 20.04" [Undecided,New]12:37
howarthI discovered that removing 'nomodeset' from the grub kernel options of the recovery kernel entry eliminates the hang at loading the ramdisk12:38
howarthWonder if this is a bug in the 5.4 kernel12:38
howarthPerhaps if I can install a similar 5.4 kernel under bionics, it will trigger as well12:39
=== halvors1 is now known as halvors
howarthIt appears that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/1873965 maybe bug introduced in 5.4.14:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1873965 in linux-meta (Ubuntu) "booting into recovery mode hangs under 20.04" [Undecided,New]14:18
howarthUbuntu 18.04, which doesn't show the bug under its 5.3 kernels, shows the bug when the generic mainline kernel for 5.4.25 is installed.14:19
howarthIt also appears to be an issue in the generic 5.6.6 mainline kernel.14:19
iconoclastherohowarth:  i don't know if you saw my message from last night.  i had a problem getting into recovery mode when i first installed it but it isn't causing a problem now.14:44
iconoclastherolinux/boot/vmlinuz-5.4.0-25-generic root=UUID=3850d501-dfdd-4615-b28e-c99b9d3ec5cc ro recovery nomodeset persistent14:46
=== halvors1 is now known as halvors
takov751I have a quick question. After the release of the focal fossa if someone used the daily image as an install. And would like to stay on the safe lts ,we just have to turn off the pre-released option in the softare@ updates15:11
oerhekspre-released option ??15:12
oerhekswhat is that?15:13
takov751the proposal15:13
takov751where i am able to test the proposed software updates15:13
oerheksah oke, i think they are disabled when you get the full release?15:14
takov751Nice , thank you :D15:15
KonDo exFAT kernel drivers make exfat-fuse obsolete?15:39
KonIIRC 5.4 is the first kernel with native support15:40
oerhekshave you tried?16:11
KonNope. I suppose I'll try it after upgrading16:44
nikolamHi, does Ubuntu 20.04 Beta, already allow installing form Boot/Live media, to the ZFS pool created on top od the disk MBR PARTITION. (to keep dual-boot)18:24
nikolamI recently had crash of Btrs leading to unmountable partition, I would like to try out ZFS Root. 18:24
nikolamDoes installed allows installing on Partition by creating new ZFS pool of partition, and not just the whole drive, like in 19.10 ?18:25
Konnikolam: The MBR should be installed at the top of the device, for example, /dev/sda, not in a standard partition like /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda2, which would would format as ZFS and mount at /18:38
nikolamyes I know that.. I think. I already have sda1 and sda2 for Other OS in dual boot and used to use GRUB with Btrfs on sda3. I would like a new ZFS pool on sda3. Or to be able to install onto pre-existing pool on sda3..18:40
nikolamLatter should be preferable, since I want to be able to choose OpenZFS "Feature flags" to my likings, to get OpenZFS compatible with other systems too, not just Linux.18:42
nikolamI actually usually use illumos to create ZFS partition, because it's fdisk creates Slice inside MBR partition. Unlike Linux that just puts ZFS pool inside raw MBR partition.18:44
nikolampool on top of raw MBR partition, sometimes confuse some boot loaders.. (or can lead to seeing "sdaX" designation in zpool list, when pool is imported to other OS then Linux..18:45
nikolamKon, so no, i don't want to give it whole drive. I need GUI installer option to choose partition for pool (sda3) and as best, to use pre-existing ZFS pool. 18:47
nikolamHow Linux/Ubuntu uses ZFS datasets is separate topic, because I love everything nice and tidy in it's sub/datasets. And not having / subfolders all over in it's datasets on top of the pool root.18:48
nikolamI hope I wouldn't need to install somewhere separately, just to have ZFS pool with Ubuntu and then copy dataset to existing pool..18:49
nikolam(or better replicate from snapshot)18:49
nikolamKon, ZFS does not mount at "/". ZFS uses datasets, that mount wherever you want, so system dataset could mount to "/" but other datasets can mount elsewhere.. Every dataset is a separate filesystem.18:52
=== skookum0 is now known as skookum
CarlFKapt upgrade... Setting up linux-headers-5.4.0-26-generic (5.4.0-26.30) ...23:17
CarlFKbut I don't see linux-5.4.0-2623:17
CarlFKls /boot .. no -26.    23:18

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