
mancvsoHi, i have a diff file to contribute about a bug in StudioControls.py, line 252 that causes a failure on Wayland. Where to contribute?  +python +git +github +launchpad02:23
OvenWerkswhich package is that a part of?02:31
OvenWerksI don't think we have that file02:32
mancvso@OvenWerks "ubuntustudio-controls" says apt-file02:37
OvenWerksubuntustudio-controls should not have any file that ends in .py02:37
OvenWerksanyway if you do ubuntu-bug ubuntustudio-controls02:38
OvenWerksit should file a bug report where a patch can be attached02:38
Eickmeyer^ Seems legit. /s03:13
EickmeyerStudioControls.py isn't even a file we have anywhere.03:13
mancvsoHi, me again (Had to reboot and re-grub). If ubuntustudio-controls has an improvement, can I just submit a push/pull request with accompanying tests?03:18
OvenWerksanyway if you do ubuntu-bug ubuntustudio-controls03:29
OvenWerksit should file a bug report where a patch can be attached03:29
OvenWerksfiling a merge request is fine too03:29
zingzingyDoes anyone know if the LTS release is still on for the 23rd?10:56
RikMillsyes, it is10:56
zingzingyThanks much!  10:58
StevenJayCohenSo, if someone has a UbuntuStudio already installed as their distro (including XFCE) what would happen if 20.10 came around and the new version defaults to Plasma? Would a pre-installed, older XFCE version somehow switch to Plasma? or would it upgrade the components and stay on XFCE?11:09
StevenJayCohenOr, would the end user be given a choice during the upgrade? (If possible, I like this option).11:10
StevenJayCohenI've adopted @ei11:10
StevenJayCohen * I've adopted the Ubuntu is Ubuntu saying and I've used it as much as I can. But people are really loyal to their flavours.11:11
StevenJayCohenLast question on this: I think Eickmeyer  made better choices when assembling his XFCE desktop than the Xubuntu team did with theirs. They were small things, but they definitely made more sense (to me at least). But because of that Studio - StudioStuff != Xubuntu. So, if the Plasma migration does happen will the non-studio components all be the same as the Kubuntu choices?11:14
StevenJayCohenEssentially, for 20.10 will Studio - StudioStuff == Kubuntu?11:20
prasaugus#ubuntustudio-devel Can Figma be included in the Ubuntu Studio?12:13
EickmeyerStevenJayCohen: To answer your first question, the Lubuntu team has (and is currently) going down this road as they switched from LXDE to LXQt for 18.10+: We are going to warn people that upgrading from 20.04 might cause breakage and will be unsupported.13:47
EickmeyerThat shouldn't affect those that use ubuntustudio-installer.13:48
EickmeyerStevenJayCohen: To answer your second question, I'm still working on that. Trying to decide if I use Materia/Papirus or Breeze. I'm leaning toward the former, but it will also require Kvantum be installed, which isn't hard to do.15:31
StevenJayCohenI figured that you had already thought about this. Good to know16:05

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