
tucemiuxHi guys, I installed ubuntustudio  with the default ubuntustudio desktop, what is the preferred method to try KDE with ubuntu studio?01:12
OvenWerksinstall kubuntu01:14
Eickmeyer!ubuntustudio-installer | tucemiux01:14
ubottutucemiux: Ubuntu Studio Installer is an app that can be used to add Ubuntu Studio's benefits to an existing Ubuntu (or official flavor) installation, or add additional packages. For more info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioInstaller01:14
OvenWerksthen install ubuntustudio-installer01:14
Eickmeyerubuntustudio.org/download describes that method.01:15
tucemiuxEickmeyer, I already have ubuntustudio01:15
tucemiuxI just want to try it with KDE, I'm wondering if trying this will break my ubuntustudio01:15
Eickmeyertucemiux: Read the page, it describes that. \01:16
tucemiuxEickmeyer, sounds good, thanks a lot !!!01:16
shaban238is there any way to get rid of screen tearing? this is what imgetting from the terminal:10:32
shaban238Graphics:  Device-1: Intel HD Graphics 5500 driver: i915 v: kernel   Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.8 driver: intel resolution: 1600x900~60Hz   OpenGL: renderer: Mesa Intel HD Graphics 5500 (BDW GT2) v: 4.6 Mesa 20.0.410:32
=== justaquickquesti is now known as zingzingy
zingzingyDoes anyone know if the LTS release is still on track for the 23rd?10:54
bugsle_cz[m]Hi, by any chance, doesnt someone have experience with Steinbergs UR44 mkI on ubuntu studio? Ive used it without issues with CC mode, but now only carla sees ins/outs, and nothing is going out.14:26
OvenWerksbugsle_cz[m]: I do not, however if you describe what the UR44 is and what you are trying to do with it... I may be able to help17:46
bugsle_cz[m]<OvenWerks "bugsle_cz: I do not, however if "> Thx for reply! But like ten minutes ago, after like 12th restart, it started to play out. it seems like utilities see it as without outputs or inputs, but the routing within carla started to work.17:54
bugsle_cz[m]<OvenWerks "bugsle_cz: I do not, however if "> ou and it is usb soundcard17:54
StevenJayCohenbugsle_cz: "After 12th restart" makes me think that there was something updating and once the updates had finally applied, it behaved normally. Does that sound right?18:01
PLCIs someone use Behringer X32 serie under UStudio ?19:51
OvenWerksPLC: yes I know of people using the X32 and X18.21:32
PLCis it fully compatble with linux Kernel ?21:36
PLCthanks for react OvenWerks ;)21:37
StevenJayCohenPLC: Best way to test is to boot his USB key and try it out before actually installing. That's what I did with my Audient id4.22:17
StevenJayCohenSorry for the scrambled text. I hate auto correct.22:18
SocratesIIHello, everyone.23:55

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