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IrcsomeBot<Alexblabber> Hi. Kubuntu 19.10 KDE Plasma 5.16.5. KDE framework 5.62.0 on HP laptop pavolion. No wifi. Any suggestions please.00:13
lsd|2great info01:39
lsd|2where no wifi after SDDM or terminal mode?01:40
IrcsomeBot<Terminator_99> @Guest83801, That usb c cable is connected to any external monitor/tv ?? Because it is disabling your laptop display and transferring the singal to the C cable for external monitor..... … I'm surprised no body replyed yet ... Is this group dead ??04:26
IrcsomeBot<Terminator_99> @Alexblabber, WiFi will work in 20.0404:27
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tsitOs_god day!05:18
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IrcsomeBot<Alexblabber> Confirm :20.04 wifi is OK. Thanks.05:47
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IrcsomeBot<Terminator_99> @Alexblabber, Same here08:38
IrcsomeBot<Terminator_99> Which laptop model ?08:38
IrcsomeBot<miltonh26> @carolinaaeh, You can use Synaptic to install programs. If you search for Calligra, then right mouse click for properties, it will list dependencies. I am not sure if an appimage is available or not.09:13
IrcsomeBot<carolinaaeh> @miltonh26, thanks but already created an appimage us appimage-builder easier to use09:23
IrcsomeBot<miltonh26> @carolinaaeh, Welcome09:24
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IrcsomeBotcroweland was added by: croweland10:05
Guest2004Hello! I've got a question regarding the combination of my Thinkpad L380 and Kubuntu 20.04 beta installation and would greatly appreciate help solving it. After I installed Kubuntu, previously using Win10, my system began not executing the boot process anymore with the usb-c power cable connected. No matter if I perform a restart coming from Kubuntu or if the pc was shut down entirely, then started, when I press the start button the machine10:49
Guest2004reacts, flashes its lights and the fan starts spinning, but nothing will happen from there onwards. Only when I unplug the usb-c power cable the machine starts executing the boot process as normally does. I already tried changing BIOS settings, but with no luck. Any idea what the cause might be?10:49
BluesKaj'Morning all11:33
Atlenohenseems like kubuntu still has ntp, not the new thing11:46
Atlenohenor what11:47
Atlenohenit says NTP service: inactive11:47
Atlenohenbut on the ubuntu manpage is like:  systemd-timesyncd.service active: yes11:47
Atlenohenah I had it disabled in GUI, forgot about it11:50
Atlenohenso the NTP moniker is going to be kept ?11:51
Atlenohenso confusing11:51
Atlenohenwhy do all the stupid ftp tutorials don't explain how to add devices and paths12:02
Atlenohenwhat kind of a joke pure-ftpd is, where are the options at all, the conf file is so barebone12:08
Atlenohenit doesn't work, keeps asking for pass12:08
Atlenohenbah the anon login doesn't accept any password, what is this nonsense12:15
jaminacan someone help me confirm a bug in kubuntu 20.04 beta?12:32
BluesKajjamina, confirm in #ubuntu+112:35
jamina@BluesKaj will do, thanks12:37
MertEtciogluhello everybody i have a really annoying problem please help me i can not activate my wifi connection12:52
mocalvaoHi there12:59
mocalvaoIs the release of kubuntu 20.04 imminent?13:00
oerheksthursday ..13:00
BluesKajMertEtcioglu, which wifi chip? and does driver manager in system settings show the wifi driver?13:00
mocalvaoI have recently installed 18.04 in several machines after quite some time within Debian sid (in fact, siduction). I guess I should wait for some time before upgrading to 20.04, right? That is, if I do not want some surprises...13:01
BluesKaj!crossposting | MertEtcioglu13:02
ubottuMertEtcioglu: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.13:02
MertEtciogluubottu: ok i'm sorry13:02
ubottuMertEtcioglu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:02
mocalvaoThanks for the wonderful work, all you guys, both developing and helping!!13:04
MertEtciogluis there anybody help me please i can not handle with this issue13:04
oerheksa good start; https://userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu/Basic/en#Wireless  --  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide13:11
MertEtcioglui cannot connect wifi please help me13:22
BluesKajMertEtcioglu, you need to answer some questions and do some things, don't just keep asking for help...read above what's been suggest to you first13:30
BluesKajMertEtcioglu, <oerheks> a good start; https://userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu/Basic/en#Wireless  --  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide13:32
user|30278Does 20.04 Kubuntu release tomorrow?14:10
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oerheksuser|30278, that is the plan14:14
oerheksjoin #ubuntu-release-party :-)14:14
user|30278Ah nice, I'm looking forward to it.14:16
user|30278Honestly hope that popping issue while playing or pausing videos in headphones has been fixed14:20
user|30278Not sure why but I don't have that problem in Linux Mint or Arch14:20
user|30278I'm still digging though14:20
user|30278I'll be the first to download the isos yay14:21
digitalw00tSo.. how painful will the upgrade from 19.10 to 20.04 be?14:32
digitalw00tJust started using linux as my daily os the past 2 weeks.14:32
mparilloProbably painless, but you do have good backups of your data, right?14:34
digitalw00tYes I do.14:34
BluesKajwhy do you think upgrading to a new release is painful, just update and upgrade your packages first and then run sudo do-release-upgrade14:35
digitalw00tBluesKaj:I don't know it's painful, never done it.  Which is why I was asking.14:36
digitalw00tSwitched from Windows to Linux.  Have almost everything working or replaced.14:36
digitalw00tOnly two outstanding issues.  Video capture from my elgato HD60 and MS Visio14:37
BluesKajdigitalw00t, as mparillo pointed out good backups are the secret to painlessness :-)14:37
digitalw00tSo far.. almost everything else is good.  Few games I can't play on linux natively.  Like Destiny 2 etc..14:37
digitalw00tBut other than that.. I'm VERY happy with it.14:37
AtlenohenI can't believe setting up an anonymous ftp can be such a hassle14:42
AtlenohenI'll try ProFTP14:42
AtlenohenI remember how pain in the ass it was the last time I did it, I hoped PureFTP would be easier and it looks like it but it's just not working.14:43
AtlenohenI tried all kind of pass combinations14:43
AtlenohenIf I remember correctly, just setting a plain user and pass worked faster than the anon crap14:45
Atlenohenbah, I'm done with this14:46
Thoraxhey, quick question, is it possible to link to google drive rn? I get message that google blocks this app15:09
mparilloIt seems to come and go.15:11
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> gdrive:// is currently broken in 20.04.  But is working in Neon with newer packages.  So, hopefully backports will re-enable gdrive fairly soon.15:31
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @DarinMiller, What newer packages?15:32
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Not sure which packages, but gdrive was working on Neon Dev Unstable as of a few weeks ago.15:34
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> oh, unstable15:35
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> sry, yes. I should have been more specific.15:35
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> It worked for me in 20.04 a couple of weeks ago, but I think is not reliable when setting it up. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it fails to set up. Which is why it is not on the ISO at the moment.15:38
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Plus the kaccounts KCM rework which will help is only out in apps 20.04 tommorow15:39
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> and kio-gdrive 1.3 was too late for focal15:39
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> I have also seen the erratic behavior.  I just booted in to Neon Dev Unstable to test and its now failing there.. . running updates now.15:40
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> The whole thing is not reliable enough for ages. It is nice, but too fragile15:41
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Yes, fully understood that the 20.04 apps release was bad timing for focal.15:41
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @RikMills, My experience is the same.15:41
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @DarinMiller https://www-staging.kde.org/announcements/releases/2020-04-apps-update/?letmein=115:41
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Building backports of elisa, kdenlive, yakuake, spectacle, and okular now15:42
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> yay, smooth scrolling in Ocular!15:42
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Not got time to do the whole stack right now, but good to have some of the nicer things straight away!15:43
IrcsomeBotBUHNAIDZA was added by: BUHNAIDZA15:55
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IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> breaking news (pun intended).... gdrive is now broken in Neon Dev Unstable16:14
magic_ninjaMan, is there no way in discover to disable or freeze updates on flatpak or snap without removing the entire backend?16:49
magic_ninjaIt would be nice to be able to search packages but not download 2GB of updates every other day.16:49
IrcsomeBot<Arun V> sichuan17:44
IrcsomeBot<Arun V> riben17:44
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viewer|48This is a test.19:57
viewer|48Giving kubuntu a try. Wish me luck! :-)19:57
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> gl!20:43
magic_ninjakubuntu is so very good.20:46
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> a most excellent adventure...20:47
IrcsomeBotMihai Stan was added by: Mihai Stan21:12
IrcsomeBot<Mihai Stan> Evening!21:12
IrcsomeBot<Mihai Stan> Do you guys have any idea at what time will Kubuntu precisely be released?21:13
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Precisely some time tomorrow21:13
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Seriously, it is up to the main Ubuntu release team. There is no set time.21:17
IrcsomeBot<Mihai Stan> Seems fair haha, thanks. I'm quite excited for it, I can't wait to switch from windows to it and today as I was looking which distribution I should install, and since I'm already familiar with KDE I wanted to install this one, but then I saw a big release is coming up tomorrow, so installing 19.10 just to reinstall tomorrow to 20.04 seemed a little tedious for me.21:17
IrcsomeBot<Mihai Stan> Any tips for me as a beginner to prepare beforehand the installation?21:18
ordinarydude1make a backup21:21
IrcsomeBot<Mihai Stan> It's been done. I was wondering if something can be done with my graphic card since last time (some years ago) I had black screen on ubuntu because of faulty graphic drivers.21:28
magic_ninjaMihai Stan: you can also just install the beta and install the updates tomorrow as they release.21:29
mocalvaohi there21:48
IrcsomeBot<Mihai Stan> @magic_ninja, are there any risks between beta to release updates? I dont want to spend hours setting up my machine and then have to reinstall everything again :D21:50
magic_ninjaMihai Stan: I mean, you are already on 20.04 on the beta, which they are going to release in like a day. So, it would essentially be a normal update. For instance, I ran the 19.10 eoan beta, and at release I was just converted over to normal eoan. Then, when 20.04 comes out I can do a dist-upgrade and upgrade releases.21:52
magic_ninjaI'm pretty sure that my sources.list came with eaon as my release as well.21:53
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
mocalvaoRecently I had to change my physical keyboard (on a running desktop with Kubuntu 18.04), from a usual vanilla American US "pc105" model, with "us" layout and "intl" variant (as per /etc/default/keyboard file). Now, as tested under a terminal, if I run the command: setxkbmap -model abnt2 -layout br -variant abnt2 , everything seems to work fine (including accents and the cedilla key). What should I do to make these modifications stick21:55
mocalvaopermanently system-wide? I tried dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration, but the abnt2 model did not show up at all? May I just try to edit the /etc/default/keyboard file directly?21:55
user|4674what are the minimum requirements for the latest version of kubuntu23:06
oerheksmin wait 2 minutes..23:09
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