
hallynall right so, now that i've had some time whiel plugged in and stationary, i see i can charge the pinetime so long as i turn it on, plug it into my laptop, then turn it off.  (it wont' charge while turned on).00:58
hallynNow let's see how long it'll run on a charge00:58
hallynand then maybe i can get to some real work on this thing00:59
hallyni kinda wonder if not having a sim card is maing it waste power somehow00:59
tertl3hi pinephone here01:12
hallynand how's it workign for you?01:24
hallynok, so without really using it, 30% battery used in about 2 hours.  tha's good enough to experiment with.02:06
hallynnow the problem is ...  it doesn't seem to want to update02:06
hallynand won't let me set timezone02:18
FuseteamPinetime and sim cards hummm11:15
hallynd'oh.  i meant pinephone18:37
hallynmy pinetime, i can't seem to flash it, i'm sure i'm misconnecting the j-link across my breadboard :)18:38
FuseteamAh lol20:21
FuseteamHows it going with skeyer btw?20:22

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