
jibelmorning all04:45
dufluHi jibel 05:05
jibelhi duflu 05:05
callmepkHi jibel duflu05:17
jibelHey callmepk 05:18
dufluHi also callmepk 05:29
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seb128goood morning desktopers06:29
dufluHi seb128 06:31
seb128hey duflu, how are you?06:37
dufluseb128, pretty average. Only slept lightly as I tried a cheaper way of keeping the bedroom cool. How are you?06:37
seb128I could do with some extra sleep, days are too short atm and I tend to go back to the computer when everybody goes to bed06:38
seb128but good otherwise06:38
dufluYeah that's not healthy either06:38
seb128and focal is almost out, I hope to get a bit more sleep after06:39
dufluHmm, why is it the new control panel for Xorg fractional scaling doesn't work in my development builds?...06:41
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:46
didrocksgood morning06:48
dufluHi oSoMoN and didrocks 06:50
didrocksre (wifi dropped)06:54
oSoMoNsalut didrocks, hey duflu 07:01
didrockssalut oSoMoN 07:01
marcustomlinsonmorning jibel duflu callmepk seb128 oSoMoN didrocks07:08
dufluHi marcustomlinson 07:08
didrockshey marcustomlinson, duflu 07:09
marcustomlinsonduflu: what's the cheaper way of keeping cool?07:09
duflumarcustomlinson, a fan07:09
marcustomlinsonah yeah. I really don't miss the heat07:10
dufluIt's not even hot. Just not yet cool enough either07:10
marcustomlinsonit's just easier to layer up than to keep cool07:11
marcustomlinsonthat still heavy air that just sits on you07:12
seb128lut oSoMoN, didrocks, marcustomlinson, how are you today?07:29
oSoMoNMadainn mhath marcustomlinson 07:30
oSoMoNsalut seb128, I'm good, and you?07:30
marcustomlinsonseb128: doing alright thanks07:31
marcustomlinsonoSoMoN: ha :)07:31
seb128oSoMoN, a bit tired but good otherwise!07:31
marcustomlinsonslainte mhath oSoMoN07:34
didrockssalut seb128, ça va, et toi ?07:35
seb128ça va :)07:35
callmepkhi marcustomlinson 08:04
seb128hey Laney, callmepk, how are you?08:05
callmepkgood! how are you seb128?08:06
seb128Laney, didrocks, jibel, ubiquity question ... how does one 'reset the state'?08:06
seb128callmepk, I'm good08:06
seb128Laney, didrocks, jibel: I quit/restart and it doesn't ask me the partitioning question, I guess it cached the result from the previous start? also should doing print() debugging work? I tried to add some to ubi-prepare.py (and removed the .pyc) but that generated no output08:07
jibelseb128, you'd have to reset the debconf db in /var/cache/debconf/08:08
jibelif it doesn't show you the partitioning page maybe there is an error in the code that makes it crash08:09
marcustomlinsonhey Laney08:10
jibelseb128, if you restart ubiquity, the page should be displayed anyway  08:10
Laneyhello seb128 marcustomlinson 08:10
seb128jibel, thx, there was an error, dpkg-reconfigure ubiquity showed it08:10
LaneyI usually debug by outputting to syslog, but stderr also probably works08:10
seb128jibel, Laney, not much success :-/ it's like it was not picking my edited file :(08:18
didrockswe had a lot of issues once you acked some partitioning to get it back to reasking it when doing the ZFS work :/08:20
seb128I get the page again so that's fine08:21
seb128it was a code error indeed08:21
didrockseven deleting the seeded part (partman is storing on disk some states IIRC)08:21
seb128but I added some print() syslog.syslog() and even change some title=08:21
seb128and none of those is reflected08:21
didrockshum, we were printing and tailing the logs in ubiquity debug logs IIRC08:22
Laneysyslog goes to the journal08:22
Laneysome other stuff to /var/log/installer/debug08:22
didrocksyep, printing and debug08:22
seb128my syslog calls don't get there08:22
seb128but I did08:23
seb128+        self.rst_title_text = 'Bug'08:23
seb128and 08:23
seb128-                page.title = 'ubiquity/text/rst_header'08:23
seb128+                page.title = 'ubiquity/text/label_download_updates'08:23
seb128but the label is still RST08:24
seb128ah, works now08:25
Laneythe birth of an installer developer08:27
Laneywe've all been here :-)08:27
seb128I feel like I've been there but long enough ago that I forgot :p08:28
apwi upgraded to focal latest yesterday and my 'windows' key binding for the 'small windows and a searchy thing' has gone away; is this expected08:28
seb128apw, not expected, did you have a custom key and did reset? or did it stop working at all?08:29
apwseb128, as far as i know i had nothing non-standard set there, yesterday i had windows doing the same as the grid of ... in the bottom left, now it takes focus and puts it back but does nothing obvious08:30
seb128apw, any error in the journal?08:31
apwseb128, we have a journal ?08:31
seb128apw, journalctl -f08:31
seb128welcome to systemd08:32
apwoh the actual journal :)  nothing in there when i hit the button no08:32
seb128but clicking on the dock icon works?08:32
apwyes, clicking the 9 dots works08:32
seb128rather you are talking about activity, so top left08:32
seb128that's a different view08:33
seb128super is the equivalent of top left 'activity'08:33
apwsorry they look very similar to a terminal-jockey, top left activies works yes08:33
seb128no idea then, does your keyboard have problem and the key bounce/send duplicated events?08:39
apwseb128, doesn't look like it no08:55
apwi am suspecting i have lost a keybinding; how do i ask what is bound08:56
seb128it's in gnome-control-center keybindings09:01
seb128or not?09:02
seb128in  gnome-tweaks at least, keyboard and mouse section09:03
seb128$ gsettings list-recursively | grep overlay-key09:04
apworg.gnome.mutter overlay-key 'Super_L'09:05
seb128sound right...09:05
seb128try restartarting gnome-shell I guess?09:05
apwthere is magic incantion for that isn't there, can you remind me09:06
apwok killing it made it all shiney, still broken09:08
apwseb128, also it is the same on two super-l keys09:08
seb128Trevinho, ^ any clue how to debug that issue?09:13
dufluapw, maybe see bug 187191310:04
ubot5bug 1871913 in mutter (Ubuntu) "super key does not work with secondary keyboard layout" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187191310:04
dufluPlenty of people report Super not working10:05
seb128duflu, seems like work rls reviewing, I tagged it now10:07
jibelLaney, can you check my comment in https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubiquity/+git/ubiquity/+merge/382742 and confirm whether it's a risk or not?10:21
seb128jibel, the MP isn't make it translatable, it was already translatable, it's just shipping some .po updates10:22
seb128but yeah, I guess it would be better left out of the string10:22
seb128we do control source uploads of ubiquity so risk is low10:23
Laneyyou could do lots of damage in various ways as a translator10:23
LaneyIf you wanted to be malicious, and if you did it in free text it would be quite unlikely to be picked up10:23
jibelseb128, agreed, it means a code change to let it out of the translation. just missed it during the initial landing, which has not been reviewed10:24
jibeland that's actually the only URL in all the pot files10:25
seb128jibel, sounds like a good idea to let the URL out, would it only to avoid the risk of translators screwing the URL by mistake10:26
seb128but I would prefer avoiding breaking the translations now10:26
seb128so I would do it for next cycle10:26
Laneyso I'd say probably replace the URL with {URL} or something and substitute in the code10:28
Laneythat would be an ok fix10:28
seb128Laney, https://pasteboard.co/J4YkNim.png10:30
apwduflu: oh I do have a secondary keyboard layout10:34
* duflu nods10:34
Laneyseb128: did you notice how the dialog resizes?10:34
Laneyit's because of a long string in the secure boot text10:34
Laneywould be good to wrap that one10:35
dufluseb128, I suggest it will be faster to get Nvidia hardware to Marco than for me to understand the xrandr patch.10:47
dufluAnyway, back Tuesday10:47
Trevinhoduflu: I have prime hw should be enough10:47
dufluNot sure10:47
dufluTrevinho, no only if you're using the CRTCs attached to Nvidia, like a dedicated HDMI10:48
TrevinhoI will try with that, but need to setup my other partition... 10:48
Trevinhoyeah, I imagine that case isn't the same10:48
dufluotherwise it's using your Intel GPU and modeset10:48
dufluTrevinho, some parting suggestions: (1) bug 1874207 needs fixing; (2) some ceilf calls look wrong and produce incorrect screen sizes. So *some* of them need to be removed. And other changes I don't know yet10:50
ubot5bug 1874207 in mutter (Ubuntu) "Compiler warnings in x11-Add-support-for-fractional-scaling-using-Randr.patch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187420710:50
Mirvis rolling out 20.04 to https://help.ubuntu.com/ by tomorrow scheduled/remembered? I'd like to link to that in press release.10:51
Mirvhmm, I can just link to the root as well10:52
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seb128Laney, I will have a look at the string wrap11:03
Laneynice one11:03
seb128Laney, bug #1871538 ... would probably make sense to add a comment with your reproducer loop from the other day?13:11
ubot5bug 1871538 in dbus (Ubuntu Focal) "dbus timeout-ed during an upgrade, taking services down including gdm" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187153813:11
Laneyseb128: I would but it stopped working for me so I wasn't confident that it was correct :(13:12
Laneyhang on I'll share it and maybe someone can try13:15
LaneyIn one window do:13:16
Laneywhile true; do dbus-send --print-reply --system --type=method_call -dest=org.freedesktop.DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.ReloadConfig > /dev/null; done13:16
LaneyIn another window do:13:17
Laneywhile true; do sudo systemctl daemon-reload; done13:17
seb128correct syntax for those who want to try13:27
seb128$ while true; do dbus-send --print-reply --system --type=method_call --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus / org.freedesktop.DBus.ReloadConfig > /dev/null; done13:27
seb128no crash here so far13:27
bdmurrayjibel: Have you done that B to F upgrade test?13:28
seb128Laney, nope, doesn't trigger it for me13:29
marcustomlinsonseb128, Laney: do I have to have anything special installed? Like something from proposed? or just a regular up to date system13:29
seb128marcustomlinson, regular focal13:30
marcustomlinsonok yeah been running for maybe 3 minutes now, no crash13:30
seb128k, indeed seems not good enough to trigger the bug13:31
kenvandineseb128: did you see my email about the msgmerge issue?13:44
seb128kenvandine, did you get my reply to your email about the msgmerge issue? :p13:44
kenvandinei guess not :)13:44
seb128oh, weird13:44
seb128it was half an hour ago13:44
seb128want to me to send again?13:45
kenvandinegot it13:45
kenvandinei had checked for a reply a bit ago but took a while to ping you :)13:45
kenvandinei'll try that13:45
kenvandineseb128, Laney: I've had this loop running for 10 minutes and all is good still13:46
seb128I guess Laney was right that it's not working as a testcase13:47
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kenvandineseb128: i confirmed that msgmerge fix worked14:12
seb128kenvandine, wooot :)14:12
kenvandineany ideas why that launchpad export was weird?14:12
seb128kenvandine, not y et14:15
seb128kenvandine, I asked on #launchpad and they asked me to open a bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/187426914:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1874269 in Launchpad itself "Translations export from a project give a tarball with split directories" [Undecided,New]14:26
kenvandineseb128: thanks!14:36
kenvandineseb128: not a big deal, it's easy enough to repack it and we already need to do a manual process to update them anyway14:36
kenvandineseb128: can you please test rev 432 from beta?14:37
seb128kenvandine, great, those strings are correctly displayed in french now14:46
seb128kenvandine, I could also test the snap listed in gnome-software, being updated, changing tab14:47
seb128no segfault14:47
kenvandineneed another build though as all the other arches failed...14:47
seb128oh, and annoying issue, snap-store doesn't display the categories now :/14:47
seb128I see the banner14:47
seb128distro selection row14:47
seb128recent vesion row14:47
seb128and nothing else 14:47
kenvandineoh?  it should!14:47
seb128I know, it was yesterday, some of the categories were test cases to see if translations update were there14:48
kenvandinethere's been no code changes... 14:48
seb128I've a 'failed to get categories: no categories to show' in the log14:48
seb128maybe a server issue14:48
seb128kenvandine, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Fp7Zm8YNNP/14:50
kenvandinei'm seeing the same thing14:50
kenvandinewithout refreshing snap-store14:50
kenvandineso it must be the server14:50
kenvandinewe get the list of categories with a query to snapd14:51
seb128where is the right place to mention it? #is?14:51
kenvandinei think so14:52
kenvandinei'm asking14:52
kenvandineseb128: known issue, should be restored ~nowish14:54
seb128kenvandine, k, thx15:03
seb128kenvandine, categories are back :)15:04
ricotzhey desktopers :)15:20
ricotzseb128, hi, may I remind you of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vala/+bug/187413315:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1874133 in vala (Ubuntu) " [SRU] Update to vala 0.48.4 in focal" [Undecided,New]15:21
seb128ricotz, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/focal/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=vala15:22
seb128ricotz, and hey :)15:22
ricotzseb128, aaah, ok15:23
hellsworthgood morning desktopers15:23
kenvandinehey ricotz and hellsworth 15:24
hellsworthhi there kenvandine 15:24
ricotzkenvandine, hellsworth, hey15:25
didrocksgood morning hellsworth 15:30
didrockshey ricotz 15:30
hellsworthhi there didrocks ricotz 15:30
marcustomlinsonhey ricotz and hellsworth15:37
hellsworthhey there marcustomlinson 15:37
oSoMoNhey ricotz 15:44
oSoMoNgood morning hellsworth 15:44
hellsworthhi oSoMoN 15:45
oSoMoNhellsworth, I looked briefly into bug #1869561, but I didn't come to any conclusions, and I'm not familiar with the code that opens the help15:45
ubot5bug 1869561 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Focal) "Libreoffice Help does not work" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186956115:45
oSoMoNhellsworth, I'd say you'll need to find out which code is involved in opening the help, and understand why it's taking an old code path (local help viewer instead of opening in browser)15:46
hellsworthah thanks for looking.. like i said in the email i sent, i thought i found the cause.. there's nothing else that sticks out to me so it will be a more in-depth investigation than i had hoped15:46
hellsworththanks.. i figured it didn't hurt to ask if anyone was familiar with the help code jsut in case15:47
oSoMoNsorry I'm not helping (pun not intended) much…15:47
hellsworth:) i appreciate your look into it15:47
hellsworthand puns are great. they should always be intended :)15:47
ricotzdidrocks, marcustomlinson, oSoMoN, hi15:49
willcookeHello friends!  Hope the release is going as well as can be expected :) I tested on the haunted laptop earlier today, nothing broke \m/  Good luck with the release.  Miss you!16:38
kenvandineseb128: i released the new snap-store build to ubuntu-20.04 track16:38
kenvandinewillcooke: we miss you16:39
willcookeWas hoping to be heading to London tomorrow to buy some folks beer :( 16:42
kenvandinewillcooke: sad times16:47
* Laney virtual cheers willcooke 16:51
Laneyit's sad not being in the office this week :(16:52
willcookeLaney, I drank a Punk IPA last night and it bought back memories 16:52
willcookegotta go, good luck all.  I'll be back to watch the release go out tomorrow 16:53
Laneyl8r allig8r16:53
apwseb128, ahh ok its 'second keyboard langue' which makes super break  cc: dufue17:07
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marcustomlinsonah I missed will17:54
seb128apw, ah, good to know, I didn't picture you as a muti-layout man so well done duflu for guessing that one :-)18:00
hellsworthjibel: didrocks.. LP #187430218:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 1874302 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ZFS installation never prompts for security passphrase" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187430218:05
hellsworthalso there were some discrepancies not sure if they're worth filing a bug or the test case is just outdated... http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/412/builds/211063/testcases/1716/results/18:09
jibelhellsworth, oh, thanks. That's actually an error in the test case itself. There is no encryption yet, hence no security passphrase.18:13
hellsworthmarcustomlinson: I'm going to bug you about LO now that you're back, to relieve oSoMoN a bit :)18:13
jibelI'll fix it18:13
hellsworthjibel: ah ok then oops.18:14
hellsworthwould you mind taking a look at the other differences i mentioned in my test results and see if any other updates to the testcase are needed?18:14
hellsworthmarcustomlinson: 6.4.3 for focal has been looked at by ricotz , all autopkgtests are passing in my ppa, and there's an sru open for it. i'm uploading the artifacts for you in google drive now, if you wouldn't mind taking a look when you get a chance18:15
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: sure I'll have a look in the morning18:22
hellsworthsounds good. thanks.18:22
oSoMoNhave a good evening everyone, see you all on release day :)19:12
seb128kenvandine, trying to look at the snap-store segfault I see those warnings in the log which might be something to fix as well20:02
seb128Gtk /snap/snap-store/429/gnome-platform/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules/im-ibus.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:02
seb128kenvandine, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NxZ2r4QFVg/ is the bt (started the snap-store from the normal distro without wrapper with just ld paths set)20:06
kenvandineseb128: snap info gnome-3-34-180420:08
seb128kenvandine, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZTPHbgzVpS/ is with gobject from the system so debug symbols for those20:08
seb128kenvandine, 24 installed20:09
seb12812 days ago20:09
seb128from beta20:09
kenvandine /snap/snap-store/433/gnome-platform/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules/im-ibus.so20:10
kenvandinei have that file20:10
kenvandineit's weird that it would fail to find that20:11
kenvandinethat's unrelated though20:11
seb128  latest/stable:    0+git.2c86692 2020-04-08 (24) 252MB -20:11
seb128  latest/candidate: 0+git.2c86692 2020-03-27 (24) 252MB -20:11
seb128  latest/beta:      ↑                                   20:11
seb128  latest/edge:      0+git.2c86692 2020-03-27 (24) 252MB -20:11
seb128installed:          0+git.2c86692            (24) 252MB -20:11
kenvandinei'll look at the stack trace later tonight20:12
kenvandinethanks for that!20:12
kenvandinemind filing a bug including that?20:13
seb128not very easy to read, gtk/glib itself it seems20:13
EickmeyerOk, whoever's idea that nice, pleasant startup tone was on the live CD boot.... 20:14
seb128kenvandine, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-store/+bug/187432620:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1874326 in snap-store "sigabrt when selecting the update tab" [Undecided,New]20:17
kenvandineseb128: thanks20:17

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