
xnoxapw:  if you are up, feel free to just dial my mobile if you want to chat aobut what we should rebuild to make provides & depends to align00:16
xnoxor maybe try to catch steve if he is about00:16
vorlonxnox: ah.  No, just need to reupload nvidia to adjust the hard-coded version in the | branch02:12
xnoxvorlon:  please do that. cause otherwise our testing of fixed up ubuntu-drivers-common goes astray and we install both lrm & dkms02:13
vorlonxnox: uploaded03:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: nvidia-graphics-drivers-440 (focal-proposed/restricted) [440.82+really.440.64-0ubuntu5 => 440.82+really.440.64-0ubuntu6] (i386-whitelist)03:20
xnoxapw:  Laney: verified that ^ matches the depends provides of the linux-restricted-modules package.03:33
* xnox runs queue accept to be told denied03:33
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted nvidia-graphics-drivers-440 [source] (focal-proposed) [440.82+really.440.64-0ubuntu6]05:03
vorlonxnox: ^^05:06
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: pypy3 (focal-proposed/universe) [7.3.1+dfsg-3 => 7.3.1+dfsg-4] (no packageset)05:13
tumbleweed^ that's a fakesync because time is getting tight and I found *another* RC bug05:13
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted pypy3 [source] (focal-proposed) [7.3.1+dfsg-4]05:14
mwhudsonreleasing another subiquity to stable/ubuntu-20.04, hopefully the last one05:57
mwhudsonbut i hoped that yesterday too!05:57
cpaelzerHi release team, I wanted to ping and ask for spice in focal-unapproved06:40
cpaelzerI'm unaware of the current state of the release (re)spinnign, so itf it doesn't fit it is fine to postpone06:40
cpaelzerit could to some extend be an SRU, but if the times are good to get such a set of fixes in I'd appreciate if we could do so now06:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: 389-ds-base (focal-proposed/universe) [ =>] (no packageset) (sync)06:45
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted 389-ds-base [sync] (focal-proposed) []06:45
vorloncpaelzer: what kind of autopkgtests get triggered by spice, how long would they all take to run?  because it looks to me like openssl has migrated now, so there are no other blockers that I know of for the respin.  OTOH spice is only seeded on the d-i images so it could be possible to respin only those07:40
cpaelzerhi vorlon, I'm checking which would be triggered07:42
cpaelzervorlon: the rev-deps only hold src:qemu and src:xserver-xorg-video-qxl which both have no debian/test/... dir - spice itself has d/t/control07:45
cpaelzerso its own tests would run07:45
cpaelzerbut I see no "others" that would be triggered07:45
vorloncpaelzer: ok. I'll turn you over to sil2100 for the actual decision, I was just asking the question :)07:46
cpaelzerbut really I don't want to be blocking anything, if the spin is ready pelase postpone spice07:46
cpaelzerwe can make it a zero day SRU at almost no difference07:47
cpaelzerI say almost for the few people that test focal on a focal host07:47
cpaelzervorlon: so if you can release the respin please do not think about spice and do the spin :-)07:48
cpaelzerwe can work the spice fixes in later on ...07:48
sil2100Let me get back to you in a minute08:05
sil2100cpaelzer: hey! I see the targeted but is set to 'Critical' - when did those crashes start? Were those always around, or did kernel/other-dep-package changes suddenly cause this to get worse?08:12
sil2100Just trying to understand the severity better, since we had the same version in eoan as well08:13
cpaelzerhi sil210008:14
cpaelzerthe crashes are potentially in there since forever but at least since the last merge (June 2019)08:14
cpaelzerthey exist but are not common08:14
cpaelzerthe resize issue is more likely to happen08:14
cpaelzeras using spice isn't an uncommon setup08:14
cpaelzersil2100: are I told vorlon don't spend too mcuh time on it for the spin, do the spin and accept it afterwards as a zero-day SRU - that would be fine for me as well if that works for you08:15
cpaelzersil2100: lets drop the sev to high08:17
cpaelzerinitially I was unsure how liekly the crashes would be and set it to crti, but since then I have checked a bit and found no real report for them outside of the bugs linked in the commits08:18
sil2100cpaelzer: yeah, so to minimize the risk of things going crazy during release, I'd opt for this to be a 0-day SRU08:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected nginx [source] (focal-proposed) [1.18.0-0ubuntu1]08:28
cpaelzersil2100: what do we do to make this happen for now?08:28
cpaelzerkeep i tin unapproved and revisting ... ?when?08:28
cpaelzeror rather "revisiting"08:28
rbalintsil2100, i have two small fixes for systemd's LP: #1870930 and LP: #187041008:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 1870930 in systemd (Ubuntu Focal) "systemctl crashed with SIGSEGV" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187093008:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 1870410 in systemd (Ubuntu Focal) "wireless does not work on boot on RPi 3s" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187041008:29
wgrantsil2100: Since we're going to respin, thoughts on letting zeromq3 through? It's all good to migrate, except for the block.08:29
rbalintsil2100, could they go in? working wifi on rpi2/3 would be nice out of the box08:30
sil2100cpaelzer: we'll track it as a 0-day SRU, so I'll accept it into -proposed but we'll only release it after release08:33
sil2100rbalint: hm, I would really like to say 'no' for now08:34
sil2100Since this is systemd, this is the last thing we'd want to release right now - then again, no wifi on the Pi3's sucks08:35
sil2100rbalint: do you have it staged somewhere?08:35
rbalintsil2100, i'm about o upload to bileto08:35
rbalintsil2100, but not yet08:35
rbalintsil2100, i'm stating it and we can decide later?08:36
sil2100rbalint: yes, please08:37
rbalintsil2100, 0-day sru can also be the target08:37
sil2100rbalint: I think we either take it for release or do a usual SRU, since I don't think there's much merit of it going as an 0-day SRU, since if you're affected by no-wifi, you anyway have to workaround it to get the update (if there's no ethernet)08:39
sil2100rbalint: so yes, please stage it in bileto, and we then can pull it in08:39
sil2100(don't run the ADT tests on it though via bileto yet)08:39
rbalintsil2100, ack, i was about to ask :-)08:39
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted spice [source] (focal-proposed) [0.14.2-4ubuntu3]08:44
rbalintsil2100, building in https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/380108:47
rbalintsil2100, there is also LP: #1872902 with 4 different solutions proposed but without any of them landed08:50
ubot5Launchpad bug 1872902 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Focal) "Upgrade to Focal now removes chrony" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187290208:50
sil2100rbalint: yeah, that is an upgrade issue so we can solve it later08:51
sil2100rbalint: ok, so now I finally sat down on this bug and I did remember correctly this being fixed! So apparently you mention that the previous fix didn't fix all the configurations?08:58
sil2100In which cases is it still broken with the current systemd?08:58
rbalintsil2100, yes, wifi still fails on boot on specific boards09:24
rbalintsil2100, on slow rpi3s and rpi2s09:27
sil2100What are the criteria for that? Like, how many boards would be affected? Which pi3 boards are slow? Pi2 is not ciritcal as this is not a 'default' setup, since you need to have a wifi dongle or similar09:28
sil2100Asking since we did not see this issue in the lab09:28
rbalinti think waveform could give much better estimates than me09:29
sil2100Since there is a difference between: a) wifi doesn't work on all pi3's, b) wifi doesn't work for some pi3's, c) wifi doesn't work on a few selected pi3 revisions09:30
rbalintsil2100, i guess there are way more slow boards in use out there than fast ones09:30
waveformsil2100, rbalint is correct there's more 3s out there than 4s, but I *suspect* (purely anecdotally, just going by what I've seen on forums and IRC) that the mix of ubuntu users on the pi skews towards people with 4s. Still, it's a serious issue for anyone wanting to use a 3B as a wifi-headless box09:45
waveformso if there's a possibility of getting the fix in there, I'd like it in there09:46
LaneyI guess we'll have to take it then09:47
Laneybut this is really not ideal, it's delaying our final builds on the day before release09:47
sil2100We have to take it, but this being systemd we also wouldn't want to fast-track it09:48
sil2100It really really sucks because systemd always introduces huge issues09:49
sil2100(when things go down)09:49
sil2100rbalint, waveform: once systemd builds, could you both give it a quick test? We'd want to bin-copy it ASAP when we know it's fixing all the issues09:50
rbalintLaney, sil2100 is doing a respin for rpi only with only systemd 0-day let in an option?09:50
waveformsil2100, will do - I'll test it on everything :)09:51
tseliotsil2100, hey, any ideas why my focal installation doesn't see nvidia-driver-440 440.82+really.440.64-0ubuntu6 . My sources.list https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/8dkwbgnkc3/09:51
waveformsil2100, Laney, and my apologies for the last minute horror!09:52
rbalintsil2100, Laney, mine, too09:53
sil2100rbalint: all images need to be in-sync, so every image that we publish that has systemd needs to have the same version09:53
sil2100tseliot: hm, so you don't see it when trying to install with apt? I see it via rmadison, and I geuss your sources are correct09:54
sil2100hm, archive mirroring issues perhaps? I guess not09:55
tseliotsil2100, no, I can only see 440.82+really.440.64-0ubuntu5, no matter how often I apt-get update09:55
rbalintwaveform, sil2100  the package is ready in ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/3801 (riscv64 is still building)10:04
sil2100tseliot: really weird! Even with the same sources I can still see ubuntu610:07
tseliotsil2100, yes, my chroot sees the update too10:08
waveformrbalint, already downloading :)10:13
sil2100tseliot: this is weird, last time I had issues like that was due to the mirror, but here it shouldn't be like that - feels like it's cached with an older version?10:23
sil2100Not sure if anyone else has any ideas10:23
tseliotsil2100, yes, I'm going to reinstall. My other testing box works fine, so I'm going to use that for now10:24
sil2100Status update for the release: we have the ubuntu-drivers-common in testing, but we're also working on getting the Pi3 WiFi issue sorted - we're currently waiting for the riscv64 build to finish, but we're looking at ways to speed up the process and run archive ADT tests already10:24
wgrantsil2100: You could just copy it in and let the riscv64 binary rebuild in the primary archive10:24
wgrantSince that won't block autopkgtests10:25
wgrant(will block migration unless overridden, though)10:25
LaneyThat's what we're considering10:25
sil2100wgrant: yep!10:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: systemd (focal-proposed/main) [245.4-4ubuntu1 => 245.4-4ubuntu3] (core, i386-whitelist) (sync)10:28
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted systemd [sync] (focal-proposed) [245.4-4ubuntu3]10:29
sil2100rbalint, waveform: we have already bin-copied systemd from the silo (without waiting for riscv64, we'll make it build in the archive) - so that we can get the tests running early10:30
waveformsil2100, same here: https://launchpad.net/~waveform/+archive/ubuntu/systemd/+packages :)10:30
rbalintsil2100, waveform my rpi's wifi is fixed with 245.4-4ubuntu3, thanks for copying it in!10:35
waveformrbalint, sil2100, confirmed the fix on arm64 on 3B and 3B+, just waiting for an armhf card to flash while I test it on 4B too (just to make sure it doesn't break anything on there)10:38
tseliotsil2100, xnox u-d-c will try to install linux-modules-nvidia-440-generic-hwe-20.04 even though linux-generic-hwe-20.04, which should still be correct, since linux-generic-hwe-20.04 depends on linux-image-5.4.0-26-generic (through linux-image-generic-hwe-20.04). What happens if, in the future, linux-image-generic-hwe-20.04 moves to a different major version?10:41
xnoxtseliot:  linux-modules-nvidia-440-generic-hwe-20.04 is the right package to install, because it is also a metapackage10:46
rbalintsil2100, the crash with Unity is also gone10:46
xnoxtseliot:  and it moves with linux-image-generic-hwe-20.04 in tandem10:46
xnoxtseliot:  because the actual package that provides modules is what linux-modules-nvidia-440-generic-hwe-20.04 depends on, i.e. -5.4.0-ABI-.....10:47
tseliotxnox, right, but I only have linux-generic installed here: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/JczMkW6rFK/10:47
xnoxtseliot:  your system is missconfigured.10:47
xnoxtseliot: you should either have: linux-generic manually installed, with everything else as automatic.10:48
xnoxtseliot:  of you should have linux-generic-hwe-20.04 installed, with everything else as automatic10:48
xnoxtseliot:  if you have _multiple_ kernel flavours installed (i.e. both linux-generic and linux-lowlatency) i think the right thing is to install modules for _all_ metas, as one can boot all of them10:49
xnoxtseliot:  but our support is bad, when people have multiple kernel flavours installed (i.e. a random one becomes the default boot entry)10:49
tseliotxnox, this is an upgrade from Eoan, and linux-generic was the default flavour there. This is what we should expect in most dist-upgrades10:52
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
xnoxtseliot:  upgraded systems will all have linux-generic11:05
xnoxtseliot:  nothing on upgrade installs linux-generic-hwe-20.0411:05
xnoxtseliot:  only fresh focal installs with latest focal daily install linux-generic-hwe-20.0411:05
xnoxapw:  cjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YzQ7rqScXg/11:05
tseliotxnox, right. So, in that case, ubuntu-drivers should install linux-modules-nvidia-440-generic instead11:06
xnoxinjected set -x into postinst, and running it under ubiquity, which runs under ubiquity managed debconf, which runs ubuntu-drivers, which subprocess.calls() apt-get install modules and eventually l-r-m postinst which fails11:06
xnoxtseliot:  what's your systems $ dpkg-query -W 'linux-image-*' | pastebinit ?11:07
xnoxtseliot:  also kind of at the moment trying to debug debconf postinst issue, unrelated to what ubuntu-drivers-common picks to install.11:07
xnoxapw:  cjwatson: i guess i should try to strace all of that as well, to see what filedescriptor 3 should be.....11:08
tseliotxnox, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wwchyTBd3f/11:08
waveformsil2100, rbalint, confirmed systemd fix works nicely on armhf and arm64 on pi 3b, 3a+, 3b+, and 4b - I'd say it's good to go11:09
xnoxtseliot: this is odd, you don't have secureboot on?11:09
xnoxtseliot:  because we never install unsigned kernel images.11:09
apwif ubiquity is asking the question in advance, it could seed the answer right?11:10
tseliotxnox, yes, it's off. I can enable it11:11
cjwatsonxnox: OK, so that definitely doesn't look like a bug in the postinst11:12
cjwatsonxnox: Looks like DEBIAN_HAS_FRONTEND=1 was probably set in the environment but in fact fd 3 was closed11:13
cjwatsonor DEBCONF_REDIR or whatever it is, I forget and am in a meeting11:13
sil2100waveform, rbalint: thanks for the testing!11:17
xnoxcjwatson:  we do have those two variables set in the environmet..... and debconf database is locked, and we still can't add a new template, to then query it.11:32
xnoxso we need to ensure that fds don't get closed11:32
jbichaplease accept the Sugar packages from the NEW queue. They were removed earlier because of pygtk/python2 but they have switched to python3 now11:54
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: codespell (focal-proposed/universe) [1.16.0-1ubuntu1 => 1.16.0-2] (no packageset) (sync)11:57
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted codespell [sync] (focal-proposed) [1.16.0-2]11:57
mwhudsonsil2100: will we have images today?11:59
sil2100mwhudson: ...hopefully? ;)12:05
mwhudsonsil2100: :)12:06
mwhudsonsil2100: good luck12:06
* mwhudson is going to bed12:06
sil2100mwhudson: so we're still working on the ubuntu-drivers-common, and we need to wait for ALL the systemd triggered tests to finish12:06
mwhudson(having had an unexpected nap on the sofa already...)12:06
sil2100mwhudson: thanks, goodnight!12:09
kanashirolocutus__: re ruby2.7: the symbols file is correct, there is no duplicated entry for rb_num2int. However, my text editor config did not help me and there is an extra space in that line in d/rules indeed. I am fixing it.12:22
tseliotapw, xnox, let's say that, in the future, linux-generic-hwe-20.4 moves to a different kernel version e.g. 5.6, then what is the linux-image going to be called? Currently it's linux-image-5.4.0-26-generic.12:27
xnoxtseliot:  please not now12:27
xnoxtseliot:  we are currently experience severe brakage in ubiquity12:27
xnoxapw:  cjwatson: are you available in the hangout please?12:27
tseliotok, I'll leave things as they are then. I'm definitely not going to work over time today though.12:28
xnoxtseliot:  linux-generci-hwe-20.04 moving to 5.6, is no different of -25- to -26- abi change. because meta's are still going to be called the same.12:28
tseliotwill it be "-generic" though?12:29
xnoxand linux-image-generic-hwe-20.04 will depend on linux-image-5.6.0-9999-geneirc, and so will linux-modules-nvidia-4440-$flavour etc.12:29
xnoxtseliot:  see bionic, yes.12:29
tseliotok, that's all I needed to know12:30
xnoxapw:  i think i need l-r-m upload with db_get || true12:30
xnoxapw:  or explain to me why linux/nvidia/latelink does not exist12:30
tseliotI think linux/nvidia/latelink was supposed to be created by the user. If that doesn't exist, then debconf will ask the question12:31
apwxnox: which is how debconf works as far as I understand12:35
xnoxapw:  please join the hangout12:35
apwI cannot right now, i am afk, covering kiddies due to covid12:35
xnoxapw:  ack12:36
apwtseliot: it is allowed.to be made in advance, if not debconf is used to ask the question and fill in that file the first time you install, from then on it is fillee12:43
apwxnox: ^12:43
apwyou can also seed over the default if the file exists I believe12:43
cjwatsonxnox: not for at least an hour12:54
cjwatsonxnox: what is the specific unabbreviated package name here please?12:54
=== s8321414_ is now known as s8321414
sil2100cjwatson: so the .postinst that fails because of debconf is in linux-restricted-modules13:08
sil2100cjwatson: so far we're investigating what's up, since when we execute `ubuntu-drivers install` directly, we see both the debconf .config is being executed before the .postinst and then everything works13:09
sil2100But when executed via ubiquity in its environment, it's only the .postinst that runs and fails as the linux/nvidia/latelink is not set up13:10
cjwatsonN: Unable to locate package linux-restricted-modules13:10
cjwatsonlinux-restricted-modules seems like a source package - what's the binary package name?13:13
sil2100I guess it's linux-modules-nvidia-440-5.4.0-26-generic  ? Let me just double check13:14
cjwatsonThat binary package has the linux/nvidia/latelink template in DEBIAN/templates13:16
cjwatsonWhich means that debconf registers the template before the postinst gets as far as trying to ask the question13:16
cjwatsonIt is emphatically wrong to need to guard the db_get in that situation13:16
cjwatsonSomething else is wrong if you find that you have to13:16
cjwatsonI disagree with tseliot that it is supposed to be created by the user.  That is not what the package metadata I see here does13:17
cjwatson(I mean, sure, perhaps it may be preseeded, but it doesn't have to be13:17
apwcjwatson, right the assumption is not that the user fills it; my understanding of what i created was it will use the last answer if there was one, else it will ask13:18
cjwatsonThat is correct but not really what's at issue here13:18
apwcjwatson, right, if you think it does that, all is well on that side of the plate13:19
cjwatsonThe point is that the question should *exist* in the debconf db (regardless of its value) by the time that code runs13:19
cjwatsonThe code is a bit complex and I don't want to say that it's definitely correct at this point, but it's not incorrect in this particular way as far as I can see :)13:19
tseliotyes, I didn't really phrase it correctly. apw already said what I wanted to say13:20
LaneyWe've added some tracing and the .config file isn't being executed in the 'bad' case13:20
Laneynot quite sure why13:20
locutus__thanks kanashiro !13:22
sil2100rbalint: thanks for retriggering some of the flacky tests! I retriggered the ones that had testbed issues13:31
sil2100(didn't see them running yet)13:31
sil2100Also unblocked systemd in case the tests finish, so far looking good13:34
sil2100Ok, systemd testing looks good, I think everything finished running besides systemd's own tests and the 2 testbed failures I retried - riscv64 build also finished and will be published soon13:45
sil2100Laney, xnox: crap, just looked at the bug paride poked us about LP: #187424313:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 1874243 in subiquity " An error occured handling 'dm_crypt-0': TypeError - join() argument must be str or bytes, not 'NoneType'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187424313:48
sil2100This really feels release critical, especailly if the test case here is using LVM with encryption13:49
sil2100mwhudson: (fyi once you're up ^)13:49
paridesil2100, yes the case here is just using lvm with encryption13:50
parideI'm not sure that's more subiquity or more curtin13:50
pariderharper, ^^13:50
sil2100paride: do you know if it was the case with older images? Is there a way we could pin-point when it all got bad?13:51
paridesil2100, I can't tell exactly when it regressed, as we don't have an automated test for enrypted lvm13:51
parideand I don't have older images around13:53
bdmurrayyou could try the beta13:54
bdmurrayparide: ^13:54
paridebdmurray, it's gone :/13:55
sil2100http://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04/ <- will those auto-refresh subiquity?13:56
parideI'm going to test 20200417 without refreshing subiquity13:56
parideah thanks sil2100, there's the beta13:56
paridebdmurray, I did look only on cdimage.ubuntu.com13:56
sil2100paride: it is confusing yes!13:57
jibelbdmurray, I've another issue with upgrades from 18.04 to focal. The task "Searching for obsolete software" never ends. It's is not a loop, it's like it's trying to MarkDelete all the packages 1 by 1 and fail.13:58
jibelbdmurray, I'll paste the logs somewhere13:58
jibelOTOH no crash of gtk-perl13:59
bdmurrayjibel: hunh, that worked for me yesterday13:59
jibelyes it did13:59
jibelsame base VM14:00
jibelstandard bionic install, with all updates applied14:00
jibelbdmurray, main.log https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sb5YmkQ9RS/14:03
jibelbdmurray, apt.log https://people.canonical.com/~j-lallement/apt.log14:06
jibelcan you try to reproduce it?14:07
bdmurrayyes, rebooting my vm now14:07
paridesil2100, bdmurray, the beta was failing already14:08
sil2100Holy shit, how did we not notice14:11
sil2100Do we have encrypted LVM in the test cases?14:11
sil2100Guess we'll have to fill in this gap, since I don't see it on the isotracker14:17
paridesil2100, there is one but only for the legacy d-i installer14:18
paridethe subiquity test cases really need to be expanded14:19
bdmurrayjibel: I always forget to use eatmydata14:20
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: libvirt (bionic-proposed/main) [4.0.0-1ubuntu8.15 => 4.0.0-1ubuntu8.16] (ubuntu-server, virt)14:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: qemu (eoan-proposed/main) [1:4.0+dfsg-0ubuntu9.4 => 1:4.0+dfsg-0ubuntu9.5] (ubuntu-server, virt)14:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: qemu (bionic-proposed/main) [1:2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu7.23 => 1:2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu7.24] (ubuntu-server, virt)14:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: libvirt (eoan-proposed/main) [5.4.0-0ubuntu5.2 => 5.4.0-0ubuntu5.3] (ubuntu-server, virt)14:23
sil2100paride: ok, so just-in-case I checked 19.10, but we didn't actually support encrypted LVM back then - and a regular LVM install seems to work there14:28
paridesil2100, wait 19.10 did support encrypted lvm14:31
parideand it works14:32
sil2100paride: oh, it did? I didn't see the option14:33
parideyou have to choose manual partitioning and it's there when you create the VG14:34
parideI just re-tested it just to be sure14:34
sil2100Ah, manual, ok14:36
sil2100rharper, powersj: hey! We seem to be having issues with subiquity/curtin right now, looks like curtin is the one dying here - LP: #187424314:41
ubot5Launchpad bug 1874243 in subiquity " An error occured handling 'dm_crypt-0': TypeError - join() argument must be str or bytes, not 'NoneType'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187424314:41
sil2100Can we get some of your eyeballs on it? It's a severe issue which we wouldn't want to release with14:41
rharpersil2100: yes14:42
bdmurrayjibel: My upgrade made it to the "remove obsolete packages" dialog and gnome-software-plugin-snap is in the list of things to remove.14:43
sil2100rharper: thanks o/14:44
jibelbdmurray, re-running to check if it's a one time thing14:48
RikMillslvm bug is subiquity only?14:50
RikMillsI assume14:50
bdmurrayparide: Is the updated systemd installed?14:51
paridenot the version that just migrated14:52
sil2100tseliot: hello! Can you by any chance upload your ubuntu-drivers-common? I think we have a workaround for all the issues we've been seeing15:03
tseliotsil2100, sure15:04
tseliotsil2100, uploaded15:06
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ubuntu-drivers-common (focal-proposed/main) [1:0.8 => 1:0.8.1] (desktop-core, ubuntu-server)15:06
sil2100tseliot: thank you! \o/15:13
* sil2100 hugs tseliot 15:13
vorlonsil2100: are you reviewing or should I?15:20
xnoxsil2100: vo15:31
xnoxI think that's incomplete15:31
juerghrbasak, can you check/promote an SRU upload for me? linux-firmware for xenial and bionic should be in the upload queue.15:31
vorlonxnox: details?15:32
sil2100paride, rharper: I think I have a fix for the dm_crypt thing, have a MP but testing it now actually15:36
sil2100Laney: ^15:36
sil2100bdmurray: ^ (thanks for your help in debugging!)15:36
rbasakjuergh: sorry, I don't think I'm going to have time today.15:36
dokocpaelzer, wgrant: do we really want qemu-sparc in main?15:37
dokosame for mips15:38
xnox vorlon: join virtual release sprint call15:38
xnoxvorlon:  we are pondering if we need more than that, or not15:38
vorlonxnox: not available15:38
vorlonand I don't have a link to this call anyway :P15:39
rbasakjuergh: from a quick glance, you're missing bug references in your Bionic upload at least. And shouldn't these be going in via the security pocket?15:40
rharpersil2100: did you up a PR ?  I can review, and I'm working on a unittest for my bersion15:41
juerghrbasak, it's a CVE update. does it need buglinks?15:42
rbasakjuergh: see my second question15:42
rbasakShouldn't these be going in via the security pocket?15:43
rbasakNormally all SRUs would have a buglink with SRU information, or the security team would arrange a security upload through the security pocket which is outside the SRU process. Is this upload exceptional somehow?15:43
sil2100rharper: yes! https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/curtin/+git/curtin/+merge/38276815:48
sil2100rharper: it seems to work, but I'm finishing a test install now15:48
sil2100rharper: want to see if it's bootable15:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected linux-firmware [source] (bionic-proposed) [1.173.18]15:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected linux-firmware [source] (xenial-proposed) [1.157.23]15:49
sil2100rharper: so it's not adding any new workarounds but 'fixing' an existing workaround (or maybe an actual spec assumption? Not sure!)15:49
juerghrbasak, dunno. I've been told 'do this' then 'upload there' :-) it's an old CVE, nothing critical. sorry, we're trying to delegate the maintenance of linux-firmware and it's my first non-kernel SRU upload so I'm still learning.15:49
sil2100rharper: ok, installation works, boots and is encrypted15:50
sil2100Can you take a look at the MP?15:50
rbasakjuergh: read up on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures please15:50
rbasakjuergh: you need to pick which process you want to follow. Maybe talk to the security team if you're unsure. But if you want to land this through the SRU process, you need to link a bug with details.15:51
rbasak(as per the documented SRU process)15:51
rbasakjuergh: and I'd want an explanation of why this is not appropriate for security. Because people selecting to receive security updates only won't get a regular SRU.15:52
rharpersil2100: ohn you're working around in curtin15:53
rharperthis should get fixed in subiquity15:54
rharperi'll look at your MP though15:54
vorlonsil2100: so is there an ongoing conversation about nvidia? since apparently xnox won't type :)15:54
Laneyvorlon: I sent you an email to the hangout, come play with us15:55
Laneyat least I think it's an email15:55
vorlonLaney: I'm not available15:55
LaneyI did the invite user thing15:55
vorlonI'm in a meeting and then I'm afk for an hour15:55
Laneywell there's about to be an LRM15:55
Laneywhich we think / hope will work around the problemo15:55
sil2100rharper: I am *not* working around anything, this is an existing workaround - I am not adding anything new, this is existing curtin code and curtin expectations? ;)15:55
sil2100rharper: I mean, this has been like that in curtin from the start, from when it worked. From long curting just assumed to use 'id' when 'dm_name' was not available, so I'm not adding any new 'guessing' here15:56
xnoxapw:  Laney: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ggY2bTJxSf/15:56
rharperno no no15:56
rharperplease;  there's a schema and it's a required field for type: dm_crypt15:56
rharperthe dm_name needs to be present15:57
sil2100rharper: so why did curtin not care previously?15:57
xnoxrharper:  talk to me.15:57
rharperit's always required it15:57
sil2100rharper: and why are there exsiting lines that default to 'id'?15:57
rharperwhat ?15:57
xnoxrharper:  i believe that what we did was a guess, we didn't know what we were supposed to pass.15:57
bdmurrayxnox: does we in the context = curtin?15:58
rharpersil2100: I see your patch15:58
xnoxrbasak:  do you have a patch?15:58
xnoxrbasak:  unping15:58
xnoxrharper:  do you have a patch or suggestion?15:58
xnoxrharper:  cause most likely both code paths are broken. "manually configure encrypted lvm" and "do guided encrypted lvm"15:58
sil2100rharper: look at the code, existing code - look at lines 49215:58
rharpersil2100: has one for curtin, which is a solid fix15:58
sil2100rharper: and the two lines that I moved15:59
sil2100Just saying, I'm not proposing any new workarounds! We don't want new workarounds ;p15:59
rharperxnox: I do have a patch for subiquity but it was going to use the id of the element anyhow unless someone set a value15:59
rharperI'm not proposing a workaround either15:59
rharperin any case, I'll review the curtin bits , and put up the subiquity PR and we can decide from there16:00
xnoxrharper:  would you rather for us to always pass the dm_name & id?16:00
bdmurrayxnox: I think the best course of action now is to go back to the previous curtin behavior and fix it right for .116:01
xnoxvorlon:  sorry, ubuntu-driver-common is good, please review & accept16:01
vorlonreview done, accepting now16:01
xnoxbdmurray:  subiquity is the only one that provides the values, but in the future maas & desktop will too. So i do want to ensure that schema is right (of things that it should accept)16:02
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted ubuntu-drivers-common [source] (focal-proposed) [1:0.8.1]16:02
Laneyvorlon: please also unblock16:02
xnoxrharper:  sil2100: so i'll take sil's branch and vendorize it in the subiquity snap and prepare a release16:03
xnoxbdmurray:  ^16:03
xnoxbecause at this point i'm cherrypicking minimal curtin patch against the commit-id we have16:04
rharperxnox: +116:06
rharpersil2100: I added a unittest in the review, if you add that, I can approve and land it16:06
sil2100rharper: \o/ thanks, looking16:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: linux-restricted-modules (focal-proposed/restricted) [5.4.0-26.30 => 5.4.0-26.30+1] (core, kernel)16:08
bdmurrayjibel: any word on your latest upgrade test?16:09
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted linux-restricted-modules [source] (focal-proposed) [5.4.0-26.30+1]16:14
sil2100rharper: pushed, thanks! I think I applied it correctly, since the tests seem to be passing here16:15
rharperxnox: https://code.launchpad.net/~raharper/curtin/+git/curtin/+merge/38277616:25
rharperfor jfh 's current multipath hangup16:25
jfhrharper: looks reasonable ...16:28
xnoxrharper:  are you asking to include that in the respin?16:28
rharperxnox: yes16:28
xnoxrharper:  you need sign off from bdmurray Laney apw https://code.launchpad.net/~raharper/curtin/+git/curtin/+merge/38277616:28
rharperxnox: out side of approval of that, if you know any more about the RHBZ where I found the details if our multipath-tools uses the disable flag or not, woudl be interesting16:29
ubot5bugzilla.redhat.com bug 869253 in device-mapper-multipath "/dev/mapper/mpathX is block device not symbolic link" [Medium,Closed: errata]16:29
jfhrharper: well, that also 'explains'  a bit why that at the beginning mostly happened on (low perf) zvm and later in the days (when the system utilization starts) also on LPAR - I guess ...16:35
xnoxbdmurray:  Laney: sil2100: please review / approve https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/subiquity/pull/73116:35
gitbotCanonicalLtd issue (Pull request) 731 in subiquity "Ship rharper hotfix for dm-name" [Open]16:35
xnoxoh hello gitbot16:36
rharperjfh: right ...  Odd_Bloke  was asking about the "sometimes" and my read of the RHBZ mention the number of paths and load of the system, so sometimes the library beat udev to creating an entry16:38
jfhrharper: yepp - drove me nearly crazy...16:40
ckingrharper, oh, so it was quite a racy issue then16:45
rharpercking: I never knew that until today ... never had I seen a block device in /dev/mapper, only ever symlinks ... I was quite confused =/17:04
ckingit's certainly a complex bit of plumbing down there17:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Upgrade Kubuntu amd64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200421)17:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Upgrade Ubuntu MATE amd64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200421)17:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Upgrade Ubuntu Server amd64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200421)17:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Upgrade Ubuntu Studio amd64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200421)17:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Upgrade Ubuntu amd64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200421)17:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Upgrade UbuntuKylin amd64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200421)17:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Upgrade Xubuntu amd64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200421)17:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Upgrade Lubuntu amd64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200421)17:26
powersjxnox, sil2100, rharper: sil2100's curtin branch has landed. Any others?17:40
xnoxpowersj:  don't care aobut curtin branches. I'm building from commit ids.17:41
xnoxpowersj:  new subiquity with all curtin hotfixes is in edge already17:41
powersjxnox, ok thank you17:41
xnoxpowersj:  but good to know that we can revert back to using curtin master when we open gutsy17:41
xnoxthank you17:42
xnoxapw:  it's amazing and works correctly, for real..17:44
vorlonxnox, Laney: <squint> isn't this what the debconf passthrough frontend is supposed to be for?  did we regress something?17:47
kikohowdy :-)17:47
* vorlon waves17:47
xnoxvorlon:  we try to use passthrough, we are not sure if passthrough was ever used on the host with host's debconf locked. when passthrough is used for in-target, in-targets' debconf is not locked by hosts ubiquity17:49
xnoxvorlon:  we have opened a task to make that work / doublecheck later, as we failed to make it work (we can talk to debconf, yet can't read/write to the ubiquity locked config.dat17:50
vorlonxnox: so "host" here means "live environment" rather than target?17:50
vorlon(that was unclear to me)17:50
xnoxvorlon:  yes17:50
vorlonfor that, it probably shouldn't use passthrough but should instead inherit the environment17:50
vorlonwhy doesn't it inherit the environment17:51
xnoxvorlon:  with the current l-r-m fix, we skip latelink in the live envrionment, but do attempt it in-target and it works correctly in-target (whilst being passthroughted progress to ubiquity, as i can see status messages configuring linux-moudle.s.....)17:51
vorlonwhy do we install lrm in the host environment at all?17:51
vorlon... because ubuntu-drivers shouldn't encode special knowledge about which drivers are loadable in the live env or not17:51
xnoxvorlon:  so ubuntu-drivers calls apt-get install => but it calls it without setting close_fds=False & apt-get itself closes fds, thus it needs like extra -o APT::Keep-Fds::=3 or somesuch.17:52
xnoxvorlon:  the why do we install lrm in the host envrionment is a good question.17:52
xnoxvorlon:  i think we do it, to enable any hard-drives which ubuntu-drivers might create17:53
xnoxvorlon:  and it only gives us a package list of things to install in-target, if we do execute install17:53
vorlonor network devices17:53
vorlonxnox: apt-get closes fds> ugh17:54
xnoxvorlon:  plus if it doesn't work in live-system, it might fail in-target too, and then we just don't attempt to install them in-target and succeed to install17:54
vorlonxnox: yes but if there was no other reason to install it in the live env, we don't need to test it first to decide if it will fail in target17:54
xnoxvorlon:  so before our fixes the experience was "apport popup with a crash, system installed correctly, without any nvidia packages in-target / nothing broken in-target" which is very resilient way of installing17:54
xnoxi wouldn't want to leave in-target with broken / unconfigured packages17:55
Laneyapw: around? we're keen to upload lrm-oem18:02
vorlonor lurr-moëm, as I am proposing to rename the source package18:13
Laneyapw: actually we think maybe it's not needed, as this shouldn't be getting installed in the live session18:20
apwLaney, let me know if I need to do it18:39
Laneyxnox is doing some testing18:42
LaneyWe've just kicked off hopefully final rebuilds of everything, should start popping out in an hour or so, everybody please test when they do19:09
EickmeyerLaney: Are these respins for all flavors that are coming?19:18
mwhudsongood morning19:19
mwhudsonxnox, rharper: does subiquity in edge have all the fixes?19:21
sil2100Eickmeyer: yes19:21
Eickmeyersil2100: ack19:22
xnoxmwhudson: they have all the fixes in stable19:22
mwhudsonah yes i see edge and stable/ubuntu-20.04 are the same19:23
sil2100Eickmeyer: as per the status thread, the images we build now should be our first (and hopefully last) release candidate images19:24
sil2100So it's the world spinning right now19:24
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base amd64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)19:30
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base arm64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)19:30
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base armhf [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)19:30
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base ppc64el [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)19:30
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base s390x [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)19:30
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)19:31
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Xubuntu Desktop amd64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)19:32
Eickmeyersil2100: Thanks. Been watching this channel too.19:33
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server amd64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)19:34
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server arm64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)19:34
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server ppc64el [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)19:34
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server s390x [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)19:34
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu MATE Desktop amd64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)19:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server arm64+raspi [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)19:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server armhf+raspi [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)19:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Kylin Desktop amd64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)19:42
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted update-manager [source] (bionic-proposed) [1:]19:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server Subiquity amd64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)19:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server Subiquity arm64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)19:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server Subiquity ppc64el [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)19:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server Subiquity s390x [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)19:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Desktop amd64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)19:50
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Budgie Desktop amd64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)19:56
rharpermwhudson: xnox: so jfh and I have been looking at the same multipath dev mapper links end up as block devices and what we have is not enough;  we still see some failures when we lose the race and /dev/mapper/mpatha is a blockdev not a symlink to dm-X  ;20:07
mwhudsonsil2100, Laney, bdmurray, vorlon: ^ this is a problem for server images :(20:08
sil2100mwhudson: ;/20:08
sil2100mwhudson: so if the fix will be only in curtin/subiquity, that might be still 'ok', since we can always respin only the subiquity images20:10
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop amd64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)20:10
mwhudsonsil2100: yeah i think at this point that's likely, do you agree rharper?20:10
mwhudsonthe real fix is probably in src:lvm2 or src:multipath-toools but well20:11
rharpermwhudson:  it's just not yet clear why we're losing the race here;  so unclear where to put a fix;20:12
xnoxmwhudson: rharper: can we do something to purge them and recreate them as symlinks?20:12
rharperxnox: yes, but I don't know if it's stable20:13
rharperso, curtin could remove then and run udevadm test --action=add /sys/class/block/dm-X20:13
rharperand we get them ... but  what if some other uevent or something happens and tthose links get regenerated (and then we lose the race again)20:13
rharperthis could happen between actions in curtin so we create a partition correctly, but other curtin actions which rely on the mpath being links fails due to the file being a block device .   long term, curtin can learn to handle both mpath as block and symlink; but it's not a short amount of work to fix up the plumbing20:15
mwhudsoni guess absent understanding what's going on, the hack is still worth it?20:16
rharperlet's see what that looks like, gimme a few minutes20:16
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Studio DVD amd64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200422)20:22
mwhudsonsil2100: what's the latest you would accept doing a rebuild (server only)?20:26
mwhudsonsil2100: i realize "not at all" is the better answer20:26
sil2100mwhudson: hm, so I'd say the realistic deadline would be UTC morning, since paride can start testing only tomorrow anyway20:31
sil2100And I *guess* it should be enough time for everyone interested to still give the images a spin20:31
mwhudsonsil2100: ok20:32
bdmurrayHowever, if it was before my / vorlon's EOD that would be better20:32
bdmurraythat way the images are ready first thing20:33
sil2100+1 on that20:34
rafaeldtinocowould someone mind to force a bad test for all versions of ipset package in Bionic ? Explanation is at lp1873447 and it will unblock Bionic kmod fix migration (lots of insmod error msgs).20:40
rafaeldtinococomment #4 explains why force a bad test instead of SRU20:40
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: scribus-doc (focal-proposed/multiverse) [1.4.8+dfsg-1 => 1.5.5+dfsg-2~ubuntu20.04.1] (no packageset)20:52
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted scribus-doc [source] (focal-proposed) [1.5.5+dfsg-2~ubuntu20.04.1]20:52
tumbleweedAh, no those belong in a SRU team repo, that I can't help you with, never mind.20:54
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted pyhamcrest [sync] (focal-proposed) [1.9.0-3]20:56
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted twisted [sync] (focal-proposed) [18.9.0-11]20:59
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: python-tornado (focal-proposed/universe) [6.0.3+really5.1.1-2build2 => 6.0.3+really5.1.1-3] (kubuntu) (sync)21:02
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: python-urllib3 (focal-proposed/main) [1.25.8-1 => 1.25.8-2] (core, i386-whitelist) (sync)21:03
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted python-tornado [sync] (focal-proposed) [6.0.3+really5.1.1-3]21:05
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted python-urllib3 [sync] (focal-proposed) [1.25.8-2]21:05
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: xz-utils (focal-proposed/main) [5.2.4-1 => 5.2.4-1ubuntu1] (core, i386-whitelist)21:16
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: weechat (focal-proposed/universe) [2.6-2ubuntu2 => 2.8-1] (no packageset) (sync)21:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted weechat [sync] (focal-proposed) [2.8-1]21:50
sil2100vorlon, bdmurray: remember that we might need to respin pi if twisted lands as well22:05
* sil2100 goes 22:05
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: construct (focal-proposed/universe) [2.8.16-0.3ubuntu1 => 2.8.16-0.4] (no packageset) (sync)22:05
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted construct [sync] (focal-proposed) [2.8.16-0.4]22:06
jbichapython-twisted has too many reverse dependencies in focal still22:07
jbichareverse-depends -b22:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: kmod (bionic-proposed/main) [24-1ubuntu3.3 => 24-1ubuntu3.4] (core)22:12
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: linux-restricted-modules (focal-proposed/restricted) [5.4.0-26.30+1 => 5.4.0-26.30+2] (core, kernel)22:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted linux-restricted-modules [source] (focal-proposed) [5.4.0-26.30+2]22:17
xnoxLaney:  i think it's in proposed now23:03
xnoxi see it with rmadison, but not with apt update23:04
Laneyxnox: rmadison sees it, confirm on archive.u.c dists first probably23:04
Laneybit of a latency there23:04
Laneys/a //23:04
mwhudsonpublished new subiquity, so server could/should be respun whenever23:35
mwhudsoni guess lrm is on server too23:35
vorlonwhy is lrm on server?23:35
mwhudsonis it?23:35
mwhudsoni don't know23:35
mwhudsoni was guessing23:35
mwhudsonoh ok good :)23:35
vorlonit only builds nvidia modules23:35
xnoxvorlon:  i'm asking to respin all subiquity images, or at least just s390x23:36
mwhudsonall please23:36
bdmurrayIs there a change we can look at?23:36
xnoxwe fixed quad-multipath race23:36
xnoxbdmurray:  yes, one second23:36
vorlonxnox: well if I push this python stuff through, we're going to be respinning the d-i images also23:36
mwhudsonthis is the curtin change https://code.launchpad.net/~raharper/curtin/+git/curtin/+merge/38279823:36
=== s8321414_ is now known as s8321414
xnoxbdmurray:  vorlon: https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/curtin/commit/?h=ubuntu-20.04&id=a6cd01f01fccb61e89f37a2cdd11e9c103fdff6523:37
vorlonso definite respins needed at this point: ubuntu-budgie, kubuntu, ubuntu-mate (for lrm, which wasn't seeded there at all but really should be), ubuntu desktop (also lrm), ubuntu server (subiquity)23:37
vorlonand there is some python2 stuff in main that it would benefit security support if we got it landed but that impacts all the flavors23:38
xnoxvorlon: bdmurray: mapper was creating block devices instead of symlinks in /dev/mapper/* we are forcing to make them symlinks as they should be.23:38
bdmurrayDid I hear that there were concerns about testing on hardware23:38
xnoxbdmurray:  i have completed the test on the same machine that frank file the bug report on23:38
bdmurrayOkay, and what about the snapcraft.yaml change?23:39
xnoxbdmurray:  before going end of day, he left it at subiquity, i refreshed to subiquity from edge, and then completed the install, confirming that bad block devices were there, and then install succeeded correctly23:39
xnoxbdmurray:  https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/subiquity/pull/732/files23:39
gitbotCanonicalLtd issue (Pull request) 732 in subiquity "one more curtin hotfix" [Closed]23:39
mwhudsonbdmurray: the snapcraft yaml change is to get the curtin fix23:39
xnoxbdmurray:  and mwhudson merged it without release team ack23:39
mwhudsonnoone told me i should be asking for that...23:40
xnoxmwhudson:  we made that up during your night time =)23:40
bdmurrayits new didn't you get the memo?23:40
xnoxmwhudson:  normally respins & things that are respin triggers are cleared with release team prior to upload.... and apw felt that should apply to snaps too, especially if it's a classic one and is the installer23:41
mwhudsonxnox: so i guess i would argue that publication to the snap channel is more what should be gated but ok23:42
xnoxbdmurray:  we don't autorefresh23:43
xnoxbdmurray:  we only offer, and don't do it by default23:43
vorlonso I think we're looking to respin everything in order to get the unbuildable python packages in main sorted23:43
xnoxmwhudson:  yeah, i think it will be part of release retrospective on how to handle subiquity respins23:43
xnoxmwhudson:  especially if more than one flavour starts using it. cause i bet desktop will consume subiquity as a snap23:44
bdmurrayI'm good with the subiquity / curtin changes23:44
mwhudsonxnox: yes, fair23:45
bdmurrayxnox: autorefresh was about ubuntu-dev-tools23:45
xnoxok, sorry23:45
mwhudsonbdmurray: thanks23:45
xnoxvorlon:  bdmurray: python3-txtftp fixed, not removed?23:45
mwhudsoni think my goal for every release going forwards is to not be landing so much subiquity stuff so late....23:45
xnoxbdmurray:  yes23:46
xnoxbdmurray:  because linux-firmware gives people wifi working23:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: incremental (focal-proposed/main) [16.10.1-3.1 => 16.10.1-3.2] (edubuntu, ubuntu-server) (sync)23:48
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted incremental [sync] (focal-proposed) [16.10.1-3.2]23:49
wgrantIf we're respinning everything for python-urllib3, what are the chances of unblocking the zeromq3 in -proposed (test-only change) to fix the last remaining riscv64 non-leaf hole in the release pocket besides strace? Would be slightly annoying to have it only in -updates since security builds of a few things are likely to fail without it, but obviously not the end of the world.23:54
vorlonLaney: ^^ I'm +1 on this23:55

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