
tomwardillcjwatson: I've had another look over the Built Using MP. I've left two (small) questions, but otherwise it looks good to me. I think I can follow the implementation and the model for it at least.08:34
tomwardillthere is possibly/probably detail bits I'm missing, but I can't see anything broadly wrong with it08:35
* tomwardill looks at the pile of reviews and suspects cjwatson of not sleeping again :P08:38
* SpecialK|Canon peers08:45
cjwatsontomwardill: clarified, I hope09:35
tomwardillcjwatson: ah right, I remember you talking about that now09:36
tomwardillokay, +1 then :)09:36
tomwardillis an exported property on distribution listing the ociprojects desirable?10:01
tomwardillI can't find precedence in source packages or livefs, but it seems like something that would be wanted10:02
cjwatsonProperties are probably not great for unordered unbounded collections like that.  Maybe a search method instead?10:20
cjwatsonWe want to be able to navigate down the tree, but maybe not by way of a full list10:21
cjwatson(searchSourcePackages exists, for instance, though it's a very old design and shouldn't necessarily be taken as unqualified precedent)10:22
tomwardillah, interesting10:24
tomwardillit is really hard to write OCI type documents when you want to use the word 'container' outside of an actual OCI container14:12
tomwardillcjwatson: something that has just occured to me, is there any reason why there can only be one 'official' recipe for a project?14:22
tomwardillfor instance, if we had a project that relied on multiple images to be produced, they could be represented as multiple 'official' recipes14:23
cjwatsontomwardill: well, the point of 'official' was to own a default bit of namespace14:42
cjwatsonWe could consider a different presentational name for that idea14:42
tomwardillah yeah14:43
* cjwatson finally gets built-using-domination back into shape16:51
cjwatsonI think that and the rest of the built-using stack are now worth reviewing again16:51
pappacenaI'll land https://code.launchpad.net/~pappacena/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/381683, with the permission check for Distribution.oci_project_admin on OCI Project creation. It was approved a couple of days ago, and I forgot to merge it.18:41
cjwatsonYep, go for it.  I don't always remember either ...19:14
pappacenaBuildbot seems to be failing. Is anyone checking that?19:34
cjwatsonpappacena: Ah, built-using-model fallout, I'll look at it, thanks19:37
cjwatsonLooks trivial19:38
pappacenaIf it's already EOD for you, I can check that19:38
cjwatsonIt's OK, will take five minutes19:38
pappacenaOk! :)19:39
tomwardillhow do I add a new dependency to launchpad?19:39
cjwatsonSome assembly required19:40
cjwatsonpappacena: https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/38287819:48
* tomwardill defenestrates python https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry/issues/197519:49
* pappacena checking MP19:59
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