
hmollerclI can't speak hear01:21
kc2bezGood to see you hmollercl01:21
hmollercloo, I thought I wasnt' "voiced"01:21
hmollerclI'm here just to see wxl ....01:21
kc2bezI actually haven't seen wxl today, I hope he is just busy and doing well.01:23
kryten-@tsimonq2 et al: So I just poked vorlon and he updated <http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/include/lubuntu/" with the new assets and it looks lovely.  Now the only thing left is putting the new favicon on lubuntu.me too, properly this time so it isn't zero size.. >_<03:20
guivercI just did an install, manual without format, the default wallpaper is the 19.10 wallpaper (i didn't expect),  the default wallpaper points to correct 20.04 wallpaper, and the no-format will be issue.. reminds me of lp 1873685 (leok release-upgrade) but I'm ignoring, should I though?04:57
ubot93Launchpad bug 1873685 in ubuntu-wallpapers (Ubuntu) "Wallpaper not updated to 20.04 default after upgrade" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187368504:57
=== kiwi_ is now known as kiwitrader
tsimonq2Hey IRC ops, please don't hate me.06:35
lubot<tsimonq2> Hey! Hii. I saw the message now. The reason lubuntu-grub-theme from artwork touches /boot/grub/themes is because that's one of the suitable locations for storage grub themes. If stored anywhere else, they might not show up.06:35
lubot<tsimonq2> Ihave a few changes in line for the theme. And also the fix for that problem where it removed grub-efi from some places.06:35
lubot<tsimonq2> Waiting for the release to get over and put it in new development version for testing.06:35
lubot<tsimonq2> Also, how many hours till the release?06:35
lubot<tsimonq2> ^ @tsimonq2 ?06:35
tsimonq2I crashed the bot.06:35
tsimonq2How I did that? I have no clue.06:36
tsimonq2Anyway, the important messages from Raman are above.06:36
tsimonq2All other messages the IRC folks have missed are simply meta.06:37
tsimonq2kryten: Thanks for your work.06:37
tsimonq2And for Telegram folks, guiverc was wondering about bug 1873685 and if we should be worried.06:37
ubot93Bug 1873685 in ubuntu-wallpapers (Ubuntu) "Wallpaper not updated to 20.04 default after upgrade" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187368506:37
guivercnot really; I haven't see the issue on clean installs... if a user has modified their wallpaper they'd be annoyed by the change on upgrade as if there wasn't one (thus it doesn't 'worry' me at all)06:38
tsimonq2Okay, cool.06:39
* guiverc could have worded that better sorry06:40
tsimonq2No worries.06:42
kiwitraderHi Simon, Are we likely to get the 20.04 release in the next 12-14 hours, do you know?06:44
tsimonq2So, the answer is always "maybe."06:44
tsimonq2We don't know for sure.06:45
tsimonq2And every time someone asks, they delay it by an hour. :P06:45
tsimonq2(You have no way to tell if I'm kidding.)06:45
kiwitraderok.  that reminds me of being in secondary processing at the US border.   if you look they delay you for an hour (true)06:45
guiverckiwitrader, FYI: possibly a good place to keep up is https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/focal-fossa-20-04-lts-final-release-status-tracking/1536606:46
tsimonq2kiwitrader: Thankfully thus far in life I've been able to stay inside the US borders. :P06:47
kiwitraderthanks.  i shouldn't hurry you guys.  i've been a mint user for a long time but played with the 19.10 version and liked my ryzen 3600 running a couple of degrees cooler.  So given you'll be on python 3.8 I thought ... lets see if I can get all the way to happy with Lubuntu.06:48
tsimonq2To be fair, while I'm on standby in case it hits the fan, it's really up to the Ubuntu Release Team.06:49
kiwitraderi try to stay away from US borders (nz and oz are better for my health currently anyway)06:49
kiwitraderah ok.06:49
tsimonq2Feel free to install the latest daily if you're really itching for it.06:49
tsimonq2And yeah, I've heard it's not everyone's favorite travel destination. :P06:50
kiwitraderi shall wait with a degree of patience then as I'd like to go in clean.06:51
tsimonq2Sounds good.06:52
tsimonq2In general I plan on being fairly verbose while I'm working on stuff in the coming hours.06:53
tsimonq2First, CI needs to get properly fixed. I'm regenerating the GPG key now, which is what broke it in the first place.06:53
tsimonq2I then need to push a commit to the tooling updating the hardcoded places, which is trivial.06:53
tsimonq2Right now I'm waiting on entropy, which if you've ever generated a GPG key, you know is a fun task.06:54
tsimonq2After that's back up and running, I'm going to do a final spot check of the ISO, hit it with a hammer a couple of times, double check the QA work and the bugs, credit our awesome testers in the release notes, mark as ready if possible, and then give the release notes some final polish.06:55
tsimonq2It's 2 AM and I've consumed 1/3 of my energy drinks. My cutoff point is noon, at which point if it isn't all good to go yet for some reason, I'll hand off to Dan and Walter. At the very least, everything should be in place, and if we do need to delay past the next 8 hours, it's probably because ISOs will need more spot checks.06:57
tsimonq2(And if it's at that point, I'd trust them to mark as ready + hit "publish" on all of the draft stuff, assuming they came to a unanimous conclusion to do so.)06:58
tsimonq2If I get the spare time after all of the release management duties are done, I'll likely create branches for next cycle and go through all of our packaging with a fine-toothed comb.07:00
tsimonq2After that, I'll sort through tasks and see if I can bang anything out.07:00
tsimonq2Let's make this a good release day. :)07:00
tsimonq2Now, if only this GPG key would just generate.07:01
tsimonq2That would be really cool...07:01
tsimonq2Turns out triggering an entire nightly gave me enough entropy. Wow. XD07:07
tsimonq2Fun fact: if you trigger a nightly when all of the builds fail left and right, it throttles the connection you have to the server to a crawl.07:10
tsimonq2That's probably because it's pulling so many packaging sources.07:10
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Focal Final] has been updated (20200423)07:49
guiverc:)   I've been waiting for that07:51
tsimonq2CI is back.08:04
tsimonq2New GPG key added to Lugito's LP account, Focal Unstable builds triggered to confirm.08:05
tsimonq2I see builds in the PPA so I consider that mission accomplished.08:05
tsimonq2Now, individual builds need to be fixed, but that's par for the course anyway.08:05
tsimonq2guiverc: New builds? Heh.08:05
tsimonq2I will admit that I'm expecting most of the builds to just fail.08:07
RikMillsooh. bot is back08:07
guiverc20200423 daily; we're first off the rank  (it was announced hours & hours ago)08:07
tsimonq2Especially since liblxqt isn't built.08:07
tsimonq2RikMills: Yes, our precious Lugito is back, taking up all the builder queues at midnight every night. :P08:07
guivercyou're trying to take away my sunshine?   :(08:07
tsimonq2guiverc: Oh, I'm talking about CI.08:07
tsimonq2The ISO build should work. :)08:08
guiverc:) again08:08
tsimonq2Sorry for the confusion, heh.08:08
* guiverc was half stiring... (badly)08:08
RikMillstsimonq2: if I fix KCI, I'll set that to triger at 11:50 pm08:08
tsimonq2@teward001: So yeah, turns out jobgenerator failing is the result of the infra move.08:09
tsimonq2Take a look at the (failing) build log.08:09
tsimonq2It works fine locally, but when CI tries to connect to itself, it just fails.08:10
tsimonq2To break it down even further, that job runs a Python script that connects as user tsimonq2 with an API key that doesn't matter to https://ci.lubuntu.me/api/08:10
tsimonq2That connection always times out.08:10
tsimonq2Why? I have no clue. That's your job. *shot*08:10
tsimonq2Alright, so this liblxqt fix should unstick quite a few of the builds.08:22
tsimonq2I'll wait for that to build + publish (+ fix any other problems that might arise with that specifically) and then continue fixing things until it can all migrate.08:23
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL820de9133490: Remove recently] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL820de913349009:23
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rLIBLXQTPACKAGINGfa29ce4eea00: Run wrap-and-sort.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rLIBLXQTPACKAGINGfa29ce4eea0009:23
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rLIBLXQTPACKAGING00e1ff9648c2: Add libkf5windowsystem-dev to build dependencies.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rLIBLXQTPACKAGING00e1ff9648c209:23
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rCALAPACKAGING13d90e5aa64a: Merge branch 'ubuntu/focal' into ci/stable] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rCALAPACKAGING13d90e5aa64a09:24
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rCALAPACKAGINGab78c4b0b2a3: Merge branch 'ci/stable' into ci/unstable] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rCALAPACKAGINGab78c4b0b2a309:24
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL5166cb1ddeff: Use new snapcraft.yaml thanks popey] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL5166cb1ddeff09:24
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rLXQTGLOBALKEYSPACKAGING70b7bf0a33eb: Merge branch 'ci/stable' into ci/unstable] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rLXQTGLOBALKEYSPACKAGING70b7bf0a33eb09:26
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rCIc310fd6cedb7: Update hardcoded GPG pubkey fingerprint.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rCIc310fd6cedb709:26
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rCIa8aec7fc37c2: If we can't just push it after a fast-forward merge, something is wrong. Don't…] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rCIa8aec7fc37c209:26
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rLIBLXQTPACKAGING5d8a4a712d26: Remove upstream patches fixing Mac OS X and Hurd builds.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rLIBLXQTPACKAGING5d8a4a712d2609:26
tsimonq2^ that CI commit should result in some merger job failures.09:27
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rCIMETADATAb61c995fa5cb: Remove eoan.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rCIMETADATAb61c995fa5cb09:27
tsimonq2If it doesn't, then, well, everyone has been doing a good job. :P09:27
apt-ghettotsimonq2: Now, that you are fixing CI, it might be a good time to land https://phab.lubuntu.me/D6509:33
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Accepted] Clean up code: https://phab.lubuntu.me/D6509:33
lubot<kc2bez> @tsimonq2 ohai I am here.09:37
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rCI17e3f7dc4776: If the branch already exists, don't create it again.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rCI17e3f7dc477609:37
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rCIce9e4a5080f7: "&amp;", not "&".] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rCIce9e4a5080f709:39
tsimonq2apt-ghetto: Sure, will do, thanks.09:39
tsimonq2@kc2bez: Ohai. XD09:39
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rCI04ea168cff05: Clean up code] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rCI04ea168cff0509:43
tsimonq2apt-ghetto: Done.09:43
apt-ghettoThanks tsimonq2, good to see Jenkins back at work09:43
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T155: Unusable GPG key on Jenkins] apt-ghetto (apt-ghetto) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T155#332309:52
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rLIBFMQTPACKAGINGd1c409451e3a: Merge branch 'ci/stable' into ci/unstable] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rLIBFMQTPACKAGINGd1c409451e3a09:57
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rLXQTQTPLUGINPACKAGING37ba3c45c038: Merge branch 'ci/stable' into ci/unstable] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rLXQTQTPLUGINPACKAGING37ba3c45c03810:00
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rNMTRAYPACKAGINGcc834786645d: Merge branch 'ubuntu/focal' into ci/stable] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rNMTRAYPACKAGINGcc834786645d10:03
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rNMTRAYPACKAGING8cf482bdfbdb: Merge branch 'ci/stable' into ci/unstable] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rNMTRAYPACKAGING8cf482bdfbdb10:03
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rQTERMWIDGETPACKAGING0d80460d593c: Merge branch 'ci/stable' into ci/unstable] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rQTERMWIDGETPACKAGING0d80460d593c10:06
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rCIb379ebb20d24: Add useless merger info.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rCIb379ebb20d2410:43
tsimonq2CI should be sane now.10:43
tsimonq2I'm taking a short break while I let things settle down. If there's still breakage, it should be minimal.10:44
kc2bezSounds good10:44
tsimonq2I fixed all of the broken merger jobs with the exception of archiver, and I'm not sure what the deal is with that quite yet.10:44
kc2bezThere is a new release for that10:44
kc2bezWe need to get it packaged10:44
tsimonq2Not on the top of the priority list. ;)10:45
kc2bezIt just got released10:45
tsimonq2Oh, cool.10:45
kc2bezNo I wouldn't think so10:45
tsimonq2About the past hour in the back of my mind I've been thinking of a way to tie Jenkins into Lugito.10:49
tsimonq2I have a few ideas, and I'll implement them in a bit.10:49
tsimonq2First, release notes.10:49
kc2bezSounds good10:49
tsimonq2Got a link handy?10:49
tsimonq2Found it.10:50
kc2bezI tagged it10:51
kc2bezhttps://youtu.be/Lso0AoiszrA?t=854 Watching now.10:54
tsimonq2kc2bez: Upgrading won't be available until 20.04.1> That's only the case for LTS -> LTS anyway.10:54
kc2bezRight, what about from 19.1010:55
tsimonq2That's available immediately.10:55
kc2bezOk thanks10:55
lubot<aptghetto> Should be available a few days after release?10:56
tsimonq2Yeah, something like that.10:56
tsimonq2Really nice job with these release notes, kc2bez.11:00
tsimonq2I'm having a hard time finding things to fix.11:00
kc2bezI tried :D11:00
kc2bezI welcome your revisions11:00
tsimonq2No, it looks good to me.11:01
tsimonq2guiverc: Hey, I'm interested in your take on how bad bug 1851188 is.11:04
ubot93Bug 1851188 in calamares (Ubuntu) "Failed to create a partition table - install failed" [Critical, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185118811:04
guivercI've mentioned it before, I've tagged that bug a number of times since 'Fix released', however last couple of installs on that box no issue at all, I installed with 20200422 on d755-8 cleanly; but 20200423 if fell over... It confounds me... but it seems to only impact a few boxes (Leok & me both have one, psych(I forget) also has got it along with a couple of others, but I don't know11:06
tsimonq2That is really peculiar.11:07
tsimonq2However, if it's flaky and hard to reproduce, it's something we can look into post-release and SRU if needed for future point releases.11:07
kc2bezVery, not sure what to make of it to be honest.11:07
tsimonq2"This is fine."11:08
tsimonq2guiverc: I really appreciate your hard work on QA, especially lately.11:08
guivercI can install hundreds of times with current ISO & I'll get it I bet at least 99 times.  Some daily images only was it not-a-problem (like 20200422, 20200421, 20200420 (a few days in a row made me feel great; didn't expect issue 2nd time today though with 0423)11:09
guiverc99/100 fails I meant.. 11:09
tsimonq2The best kind of bug. Ouch. Heh.11:10
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Focal Final] has been marked as ready11:10
tsimonq2This might be noisey.11:14
kc2bezbring it11:14
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL739361c419e9: Merge branch '19.10' into stable] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL739361c419e911:14
tsimonq2Okay, not as noisey as I thought. :P11:15
tsimonq2Manual site down.11:24
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T131: Version Number in Plymouth?] JacobSawicki (Jacob Sawicki) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T131#332411:25
tsimonq2As in, I took it down. :P11:27
tsimonq2@teward001: fatal: unable to access 'https://phab.lubuntu.me/source/manual.git/': server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none11:27
kc2bezI got that :P11:27
tsimonq2That's when I try to use the HTTPS clone link for the manual from inside the container.11:28
tsimonq2To get around it, we've apparently had the GitHub mirror deployed in prod. O_O11:28
kc2bezWonder if that is why Lyn was having issues with the snap11:28
tsimonq2Well, I can clone it locally.11:29
tsimonq2It's a container thing.11:29
tsimonq2@lynorian: Please re-clone your local copy. The tip of master is now 20.10, "lts" is 20.04 for the next two years, "stable" is 20.04 until 20.10 is released. All 19.10 changes are safely on the 19.10 branch.11:31
tsimonq2If you have any changes that were only on 19.10 but not on master, please cherry pick those over.11:32
tsimonq2The 19.10 branch is no longer deployed anywhere.11:33
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T131: Version Number in Plymouth?] JacobSawicki (Jacob Sawicki) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T131#332511:33
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL997db348e118: 20.04 -> 20.10.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL997db348e11811:35
tsimonq2master should now say 20.10.11:35
tsimonq2Prod has been re-deployed to reflect all of the above changes.11:35
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL5a2378cfebe1: 2019 -> 2020 for copyright year.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL5a2378cfebe111:38
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUALfb132240afc9: 2019 -> 2020 for copyright year.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUALfb132240afc911:39
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUALa6ec037a933d: 2019 -> 2020 for copyright year.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUALa6ec037a933d11:39
tsimonq2Now all of the footers also say 2020 instead of 2019.11:39
tsimonq2Done with the manual for the release day stuff.11:40
tsimonq2I'm really happy with how the manual has turned out, thanks for all of your hard work @lynorian. :D11:40
kc2bezThe manual really is fantastic!11:41
tsimonq2Manually kicked off a Britney run.11:42
guivercI concur; manual is fantasic 11:42
tsimonq2I'll do another full run shortly because I have better things to do than manually sort out all of the dependency hell. :)11:42
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T131: Version Number in Plymouth?] JacobSawicki (Jacob Sawicki) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T131#332611:44
tsimonq2Alright, let's see what I can do about Jenkins nagging in here.11:51
tsimonq2CI is down temporarily.12:00
tsimonq2Back up.12:03
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T131: Version Number in Plymouth?] JacobSawicki (Jacob Sawicki) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T131#332712:05
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T131: Version Number in Plymouth?] apt-ghetto (apt-ghetto) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T131#332812:11
mccartywhat's the word on 20.04 development? main hasn't be released but, how long before an lxqt variant should be ready?12:19
kc2bezThey will all be ready at the same time12:20
mccartythat would be awesome12:20
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T131: Version Number in Plymouth?] JacobSawicki (Jacob Sawicki) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T131#332912:35
lubot<teward001> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> It works fine locally, but when CI tries to connect to itself, it jus …], PM me a link to the failing build please and I will take a look as soon as I catch up on the crap I missed for my other jobs by oversleeping >.>13:36
tsimonq2I have a prototype for Lugito stuff.13:37
lubot<teward001> cool13:38
=== chris_g is now known as guiverc_t
tsimonq2Alright, so here's where things are at from your end @teward001.14:03
tsimonq2I need CI to be able to connect to Lugito so I can send push notifications here.14:04
tsimonq2I'll PM you the build link on IRC.14:04
tsimonq2Other than that, I think I nagged on one more thing but I'm forgetting exactly what.14:05
lubot<teward001> build generator.  we may have to open some Lugito ports up for it to work right but I have a few more higher things on my desk - security response to an issue at woek14:06
lubot<teward001> work*14:06
tsimonq2No worries.14:08
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Needs Review] Add Jenkins nagging to Lugito: https://phab.lubuntu.me/D9314:08
tsimonq2That's the code I wrote.14:08
tsimonq2If someone can give it a look-see, that would be appreciated.14:08
lubot<teward001> ah so it looks like Lugito needs to get to ci and pull from there I see ok14:10
lubot<teward001> so its pull not push heh14:10
lubot<tsimonq2> Phab needs to be able to kick CI and CI needs to be able to kick Lugito14:12
lubot<tsimonq2> I'm taking a small break and I'll be back to finish up releasey stuff and then more of this + your monies14:12
lubot<teward001> except Lugito is establishing the connection and is probably listening on a channel nothing in your config shows a listening  port unless I am blind to it :)14:14
lubot<teward001> let's get release done then focus :P14:14
lubot<tsimonq2> @teward001 [let's get release done then focus :P], All of those ducks are in a row14:15
lubot<tsimonq2> @teward001 [except Lugito is establishing the connection and is probably listening on a chan …], Flask by default accepts connections on port 5000 for everything in the webhooks file. So we have http://lugito.lubuntu.me:5000/irc for some stuff, http://lugito.lubuntu.me:5000/jenkinssomethingorother14:16
lubot<tsimonq2> Each function in that file has an endpoint and a request type (all of them are POST)14:17
kc2bezI enjoy the test plan XD14:18
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rBLOG8634f90bb0a4: Add Focal.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rBLOG8634f90bb0a414:30
=== tsimonq2 changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: Lubuntu Development | Lubuntu 20.04 is out! https://lubuntu.me/focal-released/ | Support: #lubuntu | Offtopic: #lubuntu-offtopic | Telegram: https://telegram.lubuntu.me/development
=== tsimonq2 changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: Lubuntu Development | Lubuntu 20.04 LTS is out! https://lubuntu.me/focal-released/ | Support: #lubuntu | Offtopic: #lubuntu-offtopic | Telegram: https://telegram.lubuntu.me/development
tsimonq2wxl: ^^^ please update other topics14:41
tsimonq2Very nicely done everyone.14:44
tsimonq2kryten: Favicon fixed, duuuuuuude!14:47
tsimonq2I'm running out of steam but I'll be here for probably another 15 mins.14:49
tsimonq2Anyone need anything or want to talk about anything before I go?14:49
kc2bezThanks for being here14:49
tsimonq2Of course. The last two years have been leading up to this. :)14:49
kc2bezI know,  just missed having you around.14:50
tsimonq2Yeah, I'd like to be here more often, that's for sure.14:50
tsimonq2I did get a lot done today.14:50
kc2bezI know and understand that too ^14:50
lubot<RikMills> You jumped the gun!14:57
lubot<tsimonq2> @RikMills [You jumped the gun!], Just slightly.14:59
tsimonq2kc2bez, wxl: Handing the reins to you. Everything should be published and ready to go, but if you guys could look at social media/additional user feedback in the coming hours, that would be great.15:16
tsimonq2I'll be back after a nap that'll probably take about eight or nine hours. :P15:16
kc2bezWill do.15:17
lubot<teward001> @tsimonq2 [Each function in that file has an endpoint and a request type (all of them are P …], ok i may have to open and proxy port 5000 then between the two systems.  BUt that shouldn't be hard.15:43
lubot<teward001> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> I'll be back after a nap that'll probably take about eight or nine ho …], see we call that "sleeping" not "napping" :P15:43
wxlwhatcha'll need from me?16:55
kc2bezwxl: topics changed in IRC channels to start with. 16:56
wxllooks fixed here16:58
wxlso iguess just support16:58
kc2bezI think Simon got this one. Not sure about the others16:58
kc2bezYes, i think you are correct16:59
kc2bezOnly other thing is his parting words "kc2bez, wxl: Handing the reins to you. Everything should be published and ready to go, but if you guys could look at social media/additional user feedback in the coming hours, that would be great."17:00
wxlok welll uhhhhhhhhh17:02
kc2bezHey, don't shoot the messenger XD17:03
wxlwe should include the winner's nane in the release notes don't you think?17:03
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T131: Version Number in Plymouth?] JacobSawicki (Jacob Sawicki) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T131#333017:04
wxldude https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt.github.io/issues/41#issuecomment-61837973217:04
ubot93Issue 41 in lxqt/lxqt.github.io "lxqt.org is down: Connection reset by peer" [Open]17:05
kc2bezwxl: good point, I don't think I have anything other than their discourse username. guiverc might have it.17:05
kc2bezWe do link to the thread in the blog post 17:06
wxlkc2bez: maybe someone should ask them if they want their name in lights17:06
guiverc_twinner of wallpaper comp? or winners?17:06
kc2bezThe winner17:06
kc2bezAwesome news over at LXQt17:07
wxlwho wants to copy the announcement to the discourse page? i'll do the mailing list17:07
wxler wait17:07
wxlthat got did17:07
wxljust not discourse it seems17:07
kc2bezI could do discourse17:08
guivercwinner of wallpaper comp is Hudson Bomfim (https://discourse.lubuntu.me/u/hudstock/summary) 17:09
guivercentry is https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/focal-fossa-20-04-lts-wallpaper-competition/566/4417:09
lubot<teward001> @tsimonq2 at your convenience if you can trigger something that would trigger the jobgenerator task that'd be great.  It should be connecting to itself now heh17:13
kc2bezwxl: where should I go to amend that blog post? Wordpress?17:23
kc2bezokie dokie17:23
kc2bezbah, it won't let me. I didn't create it.17:25
kc2bezEdit doesn't seem to be an option for me17:26
kc2bezI see it for the posts I have made but not Simon's latest.17:26
wxlfor any of the other ones?17:26
kc2bezNone of the ones I didn't create17:27
wxlkc2bez: you are now admin. have at it17:31
kc2bezokie dokie17:32
kc2bezI will log out and back in.17:32
lubot<HMollerCl> @kc2bez [<kc2bez> Awesome news over at LXQt], I wonder why the don't release here https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt/releases17:36
kc2bezThe blog should be fixed up, please have a look17:49
kc2bezWho can edit this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseNotes#Official_flavours ?18:12
wxlshould be anyone with wiki access18:13
kc2bezOk, who is that in our team? XD18:14
kc2bezWe don't have a link to our notes there is why I am asking.18:14
wxli think we should azdays (mark whatever his name is) to the contributors, even if he rage quit. he did help.18:17
wxlsince there's no order to how the flavors are listed, i'm going to put us first XD18:18
kc2bezI can edit the blog again wxl adding azdays1518:19
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Sooo18:58
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Here are the things that I pulled from Merges:18:59
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Liblxqt … Lxqt-panel … Lxqtpolicykit … Lxqt-runner … Lxqt-power manager … Lxqt openssh askpass … Lxqt-l10n … Lxqt-notificationd … Lxqt-admin … Lxqt-about18:59
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> I hope lugito is still alive?18:59
kc2bezUmm wrong channel18:59
kc2bezbut yeah lugito is still here18:59
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> This is devel only na?19:00
kc2bezThis is devel but someone asked in offtopic19:00
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> @kc2bez [<kc2bez> This is devel but someone asked in offtopic], Oh!19:00
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> My bad.19:00
kc2bezNo worries19:00
kc2bezIt was on topic convo anyway.19:01
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> It was for a video or something?19:01
kc2bezI think so19:01
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> I didn't follow the convo there. Just checked the tagged message.19:01
kc2bezIt's all good.19:02
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> So of there's a video, I would like to see it. :)19:02
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> *if19:02
kc2bezPlans for that are in Turkish I believe.19:02
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Ow.19:03
kc2bezIf I see a link I will let you know,19:03
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Sure. Thanks!19:03
kc2bezI watched this one earlier: https://youtu.be/Lso0AoiszrA?t=85419:04
lubot<HMollerCl> @kc2bez [<kc2bez> I watched this one earlier: https://youtu.be/Lso0AoiszrA?t=854], does he changed the openbox theme?19:22
kc2bezI think so, yes19:23
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Can the council request canonical to buy the .net domain ?19:31
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> Would be better than multiple people mailing them?19:32
lubot<TheLimeRunner> You can't just buy a domain name.19:33
lubot<TheLimeRunner> It has to be available.19:33
lubot<TheLimeRunner> Lubuntu.net is registered and unavailable for purchase. Since the owner hasn't been willing to transfer it, they won't be able to buy it until it expires and goes back up for sale.19:34
wxldid someone change the masto password?19:49
kc2bezI never knew it, so no.19:50
kc2bezTwitter usually just flows on over there.19:50
wxl@tsimonq2: are you responsible for changing the masto password?19:54
wxllibreoffice issue here https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/printing-problem-with-20-04/96420:04
wxli think he might have changed the email address we use for mastodon UGH20:09
wxlteward: can i have you delete someone? like not their account, but the person themselves? simon's going to make me crazy20:10
tewardDelete where?20:11
tewardI cant do orbital strikes sorry20:11
tewardI can ban accounts or delete accounts20:11
lubot<lynorian> @tsimonq2 did you get the hashes of the final images?20:12
wxlteward: i mean delete in the original tron sense20:13
lubot<kc2bez> @lynorian [@tsimonq2 did you get the hashes of the final images?], Are the ones linked on the download page not correct? If not I can look into fixing it.20:21
lubot<lynorian> I don't think I changed it20:33
lubot<lynorian> sorry didn't change it yet need the sha256sum and then add it20:35
lubot<lynorian> found on website20:35
lubot<lynorian> I kind of can't change hashes until final image is available for obvious reasons and I slept in too late20:48
wxlshould be available, no?20:49
lubot<kc2bez> I just wanted to make sure the one we had here was correct https://lubuntu.me/downloads/20:50
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL533237434ad2: Update hashes to 20.04] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL533237434ad220:56
wxlomg dude was worried if he could handle lubuntu with 512m graphics memory20:58
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL59ab89b26e69: Update hashes to 20.04] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL59ab89b26e6921:00
kc2bezWas there no system memory? XD21:00
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL4ee387367a6f: Update hashes to 20.04] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL4ee387367a6f21:00
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL81b2b50cc6e3: Update zsync link] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL81b2b50cc6e321:30
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUALb844424d340a: Update zsync link] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUALb844424d340a21:34
wxlwhat about having a new category on discourse for other languages? 21:35
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL1ea722a50496: Update zsync link] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL1ea722a5049621:41
lubot<kc2bez> That makes sense to me.21:41
lubot<lynorian> do we have mods for all those languages though21:49
tewardwxl unless we have mods on discourse who understands and can moderate those categories then no22:11
lubot<tsimonq2> Hi everyone, I have awoken from my slumber23:04
lubot<tsimonq2> wxl: I haven't touched Masto dude23:05
lubot<tsimonq2> @teward001 [@tsimonq2 at your convenience if you can trigger something that would trigger th …], Sure23:05
kc2bez@tsimonq2 welcome back!23:06
tsimonq2@teward001: IT WORKS YAY23:11
wxl@tsimonq2: well i don't know who's email masto is under23:12
tsimonq2wxl: If I had to guess it's info@, which is devnull'ed anyway.23:13
tsimonq2I have to leave here to grind for more money in about an hour and a half. In the meantime, I want to poke that Jenkins code I've been working on.23:13
wxlis it devnull'd on our end or canonicals?23:14
tsimonq2wxl: Oh by the way, did you see I'm working on adding Jenkins rec'd support to Lugito?23:14
tsimonq2wxl: Canonical's.23:14
wxlwell someone messed it up23:14
wxler nevermind now it works wth23:15
kc2bezI saw toots from the tweets23:15
wxli gotta reset the 2fa tho23:16
lubot<teward001> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> @teward001: IT WORKS YAY], good I'll close that problem ticket I opened for it :)23:22
tsimonq2wxl: Hey, wanna get the torches? teward *likes* JIRA.23:25
lubot<teward001> wxl knows why i chose jira though23:25
lubot<teward001> because i have seven other clients who got me free subscriptions ;)23:26
lubot<teward001> until I fully configure an RT or a suitable workflow capable replacement, it's what i'm using for now23:26
tsimonq2Does anyone know a good answer to this? Maybe @HMollerCl? https://www.reddit.com/r/Lubuntu/comments/g6nr43/lubuntu_2004_lts_focal_fossa_released/focclp8?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x23:30
lubot<teward001> tsimonq2: Apples v. Oranges.  Not the same system for configuring things between LXDE and LXQt23:31
lubot<teward001> 😜23:31
lubot<kc2bez> The first two are openbox things so that is probably the best way to go. There is a gui to configure the panel height though. The settings for the panel won't be found in the xml config.23:33
wxlhigh firefox usage23:35
wxldepending on how you use the web and what else is running, 4gb might not be enough at all23:36
wxli have people at work who have that much free and based on how they use their browsers, it's too little23:37
lubot<kc2bez> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> https://www.reddit.com/r/Lubuntu/comments/g63xn8/freezing_at_high_usa …], swap probably isn't a bad thing here. It might help your machine from totally locking and freezing.23:37
tsimonq2Right, so do we do anything with swap?23:37
lubot<kc2bez> no23:37
tsimonq2I *think* that's been a Ubiquity thing.23:37
lubot<kc2bez> Add a swap file I guess.23:37
wxlswap can also mean more freezing..........23:37
lubot<kc2bez> it might. depends on how much you dip into it.23:38
lubot<kc2bez> @wxl [<wxl> i have people at work who have that much free and based on how they use th …], I had to restart Firefox yesterday. Apparently 37 tabs was too many.23:39
wxlsometimes it's not number of tabs but the content therein23:39
wxli.e. five google tabs are guaranteed to crash23:39
lubot<kc2bez> Well I got up to like 12 GB of RAM23:40
wxlyeah that's nuts23:40
lubot<kc2bez> That's me XD23:41
wxlwhen you're living on the edge of ram availability configuring the oom killer might be wise23:41
wxland if you're using swap, being careful with swappiness23:41
lubot<kc2bez> I don't have any swap but I do have 32G of RAM23:42
lubot<kc2bez> I don't normally get that bad but I was busy.23:42
krytentsimonq2: Yay thanks, paaaaal! \o/23:45
tsimonq2Looked at Twitter comments, Reddit comments, Facebook spams me with push notifications anyway so I'll ignore it for longer than the rest, and blog comments.23:45
tsimonq2kryten: Of course, brooooski!23:45
wxlzram/zswap might be a thing too23:46
tsimonq2wxl, kc2bez: I guess what I'm asking is, is there a saner default, and if so, what is it?23:48
tsimonq2And while I have you here: https://phab.lubuntu.me/D9323:48
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Needs Review] Add Jenkins nagging to Lugito: https://phab.lubuntu.me/D9323:48
wxlthere's really not i don't think23:48
tsimonq2Can someone read over my *awesome* Python code?23:48
wxli mean maybe23:48
tsimonq2By the way, there's tons to fix in CI.23:49
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> I can complain about your lack of use of snake_case but that's about it tsimonq223:49
tsimonq2When we have a codename, I'm going to do a complete packaging merge from the ci/unstable branch and polish all of the packaging.23:49
tsimonq2@UniversalSuperBox: Why use snake_case when you can just hit it with a large hammer?23:50
wxlwhat's up with 101? why username=user and not just user?23:50
lubot<kc2bez> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> https://www.reddit.com/r/Lubuntu/comments/g5qceg/lubuntu_1910_sending …], I don't see a setting to have that show on a certain screen only a location on the screen.23:50
tsimonq2wxl: Good question.23:50
tsimonq2@kc2bez. Precisely. I wonder how hacky that would be.23:50
wxlsame with password=key23:51
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> tsimonq2: is it a keyword argument when it's originally defined?23:51
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> Bah I'll find the docs23:51
tsimonq2I'd have to check.23:51
tsimonq2Yeah. XD23:51
wxlyeah i don't feel like looking at docs XD23:51
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> ugh they don't have regular API docs23:52
wxlin receive() you've got a case of initializing variables at the beginning (status) and a case of doing it with the code that works with it (proj). pick one23:52
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> This is how you do Python documentation wrong folks. And that's how you make an angry USB23:52
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> Just use autodoc QQ23:52
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> https://github.com/pycontribs/jenkinsapi/blob/master/jenkinsapi/jenkins.py#L4423:53
tsimonq2@UniversalSuperBox: Yeah, I actually had to read the code for this one.23:53
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> It must be specified as `username=` and `password=`, else it is a gross misconduct23:53
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> Their code style is gross misconduct too23:53
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> It's completely unclear what it'd do if username and password were None23:54
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> Probably a runtime error23:54
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> I shouldn't rag on it too much, though, or I'll end up maintaining it23:55
lubot<kc2bez> Sold23:56
tsimonq2On our end it would get caught earlier since it pulls it directly from the YAML file.23:56
tsimonq2^^ XD23:56

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