
lotuspsychjegood morning02:17
ducassegood morning04:05
lordievaderGood morning06:08
ubot5Eoan can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/eoan/desktop/ubuntu-19.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/eoan/server/ubuntu-19.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696911:15
viper474Today's the day...Need to begin backing up my data for a fresh install with ZFS. :D13:18
lotuspsychjetoday is the day we fight for Frodo!13:22
viper474I guess 19.10 is my ring to throw into Mt. Doom (reformat)?13:28
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=== lordcirth__ is now known as lordcirth
TJ-Anyone know if web.skype.com is supposed to be able to do audio (and video) from the chromium-browser snap installed as a result of "apt install chromium-browser" ? test.webrtc.org confirms audio/video all works from it so wondering if the (linux/chromium) skype web client is limited to text ?18:38
oerhekssudo snap connect chromium:camera :camera18:45
oerheksTJ TJ TJ .. come back18:46
marcoagpintowho is going to hell me install guestadditions CD in 20.04?19:10
lordcirthmarcoagpinto, why the CD instead of the packages?19:14
lordcirthOr you mean a 20.04 host?19:14
marcoagpintoa 20.04 guest19:15
lordcirthOk, so don't use the CD, install the guest packages19:15
lordcirthapt install virtualbox-guest-dkms19:16
oerheksinstall synaptic, much better detailed softwarecenter19:16
marcoagpintolet me try19:16
lordcirthsorry, virtualbox-guest-utils , which depends on -dkms19:16
marcoagpintosudo apt install virtualbox-guest-utils ?19:17
marcoagpintolordcirth: is this it?19:17
marcoagpintolet me try19:17
marcoagpintoit doesn't install the guestadditions, so I can't resized the VM screen to fit my display19:24
lordcirthmarcoagpinto, what do you mean by "it doesn't install"?19:29
marcoagpintoI mean that the guest additions say make pearl blah blah and other messages appear19:29
marcoagpintoso, it doesn't install the kernel modules19:29
lordcirthThat's incredibly vague19:29
marcoagpintoso, I can't get a full screen nor access my shared folder19:29
marcoagpintowell, I selected 1920x1080 in the virtual fix blah blah, but I get a scroll bar19:30
marcoagpintovirtual fit*19:30
lordcirthmarcoagpinto, you rebooted the VM after installing ?19:30
marcoagpintoI mean19:31
marcoagpintolet me try19:31
marcoagpintoI can't remember as I am too stressed19:31
sarnoldmarcoagpinto: you'd be better served to pastebin the *actual* error messages rather than mistyping them :) it'd be faster and you'd get help faster..19:32
marcoagpintosarnold: https://i.imgur.com/Ev9d0Ve.png19:34
marcoagpintodoes this help?19:34
sarnoldyes ;)19:34
sarnoldmarcoagpinto: how did you start this installation process?19:35
lordcirthmarcoagpinto, ok, so it told you what to do.19:35
marcoagpintosarnold: "Insert GuestAdditions from the menu"19:35
marcoagpintothe VirtualBox menu19:35
marcoagpintolordcirth: I did what you told me19:35
lordcirthmarcoagpinto, and the output told you you needed to install other packages.19:36
sarnoldmarcoagpinto: aha, okay19:36
lordcirthSo do that?19:36
marcoagpintobut, no full screen and no shared folder19:36
lordcirthmarcoagpinto, if you read the output of commands you run, you will have an easier time19:36
sarnoldmarcoagpinto: so, next step, apt install build-esssential perl  -- then try that button again19:36
marcoagpintoI am almost there19:45
marcoagpintojust rebooting again to make sure19:45
marcoagpintosarnold: lordcirth: Well, I can see the shared folder but I don't have permission to open it, and the screen size still doesn't autofit. Other than that it seems to work19:48
marcoagpintoI need to find the paper where I wrote how to access the shared folder19:48
marcoagpintowill do it after my bath19:49
marcoagpintothank you for the help19:49
sarnoldhave fun :)19:49
oerhekssmell ya19:51
=== tds1 is now known as tds
marcoagpintolordcirth: sarnold: I seem to have it working21:07
marcoagpintothe screen size resizing seems to be a bug in VirtualBox21:07
daftykinsif you set the same resolution as your host display, it'd have a scroll bar if you don't have it fullscreen21:09
marcoagpintodaftykins: another guy was complaining about it in the Vbox channel21:11
marcoagpintoI need to click on the reduce size and then in the full size window21:11
marcoagpintoalso, why isn't DEL working?21:11
marcoagpintoI wanted to delete a folder from the desktop21:11
daftykinsplease look at the channel topic21:12
marcoagpintoI was so eager21:12
sebsebseb  22:16
sebsebseboerheks: oh yeah this channel22:16
oerheksi am a commandline guy22:17
sebsebseboerheks: tell the guy that in the other channel :D22:17
oerhekssudo snap install glate # no option for comandline :-(22:18
sebsebseboerheks: whats that ?22:21
oerheksa neat translator, also text to speech22:21
oerheksas dutchie, i must say pretty good dutch too22:21
sebsebseboerheks: oh got a link, and what languages it does ?22:23
sebsebseboerheks: oh your dutch? I thought American ?22:23
oerhekswith a youtube https://snapcraft.io/glate22:24
oerhekssebsebseb, i take that as a compliment :-D22:25
oerheksi am testing glate, it seems to do a better job than google translate22:25
oerhekseven it is using their engine22:26
sarnoldwow, google translate usually does a great job with dutch22:26
oerheksi read nothing about openssl f update22:33
JanCsarnold: can it translate "oerheks"?  ;)22:33
oerheksoerheks reading in english is funny22:36
sarnoldJanC: maybe? :)22:36
JanC"heks" means "witch"22:38
oerheksJanC translated to chinese = yankee22:38
sarnoldJanC: oh right! just mispelled german :)22:42
sarnoldbut the "oer" is completely confusing :)22:42
sarnoldis that like "ur"?22:43
oerheksglate does it nice, oerheks in dutch22:44
JanCsarnold: like "ur-" German, yes22:48
sarnoldyay :D22:48
JanCdon't think English has this...22:49
sarnoldI don't think so either, but that doesn't stop me from using it22:50
oerheksoe like in canoe22:51

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