Rosewhisper | Hope you have a really successful release today/tomorrow :) | 00:23 |
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash | ||
=== zaphod is now known as zaphodb777 | ||
zaphodb777 | Found a deal-breaker in 20.04... it can't mount simple samba shares off my windows machines, or even my netgear router. | 04:12 |
zaphodb777 | "Software caused connection abort." | 04:12 |
zaphodb777 | Oh well, back to Lubuntu 18.04. | 04:15 |
fnordberg | greetings, may i bother someone with a question in regards to upgrading xubuntu to 20.04 upon it's release? | 07:56 |
gnrp | !hi | 08:02 |
ubottu | Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at Enjoy your stay! | 08:02 |
gnrp | no,w ait. That's not what I wanted...^^ | 08:02 |
gnrp | !ask | 08:02 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 08:02 |
gnrp | fnordberg: yep, that one.^^ | 08:02 |
Unit193 | fnordberg: Heya, what's up? | 08:05 |
fnordberg | thanks gnrp. ok so i missed the upgrade from 19.04 to 19.10 by a longshot, i could have upgraded last week but i figured with 20.04 imminent that i might as well wait it out. however support for repositories in 19.04 also ended last week so i had to edit my sources.list to read old-releases instead of my question is do i need to revert back to 'archive' in order to preform a | 08:09 |
fnordberg | successful upgrade? | 08:09 |
gnrp | fnordberg: I don't get, what does one of the lines in your sources.list now look like? | 08:12 |
gnrp | just paste one line of your sources.list | 08:12 |
fnordberg | deb disco universe | 08:13 |
gnrp | ah, yes | 08:13 |
gnrp | e.g., for universe I have the following line: deb focal universe | 08:13 |
gnrp | well, don't mind the ch., but you get the spirit ;) | 08:14 |
fnordberg | right, and that was failing for me because of end of support. so in order to continue to access the repositories i had to change the url | 08:15 |
gnrp | btw, one way to find this out would be to just visit the address. If you go into the `dists` directory, you see the versions supported | 08:15 |
gnrp | then you can see that in there is no `focal` | 08:15 |
gnrp | but in there is | 08:16 |
gnrp | and vice versa, no disco on the server | 08:16 |
fnordberg | and focal is the current release name yes? so i will most likely have to change it back for an upgrade | 08:17 |
gnrp | yep | 08:17 |
gnrp | if the release name would not match, you would also notice it. I actually never tried, but I guess `apt update` would return an error | 08:18 |
fnordberg | that makes sense. thank you so much. will i lose any of my settings in upgrade and will it re-install some of the applications i chose to uninstall from 19.04? | 08:19 |
gnrp | you could always be losing settings. In my experience, upgrade paths are not stable with *any* Linux distro out there. For me, the recent xubuntu upgrades went fine, the only thing that always failed was the uefi boot loader installation when using the graphical updater | 08:21 |
gnrp | concerning re-installation and uninstallation: Could be. Depends on what you uninstalled. When you uninstalled something that entails deinstallation of important meta packages, you should be careful anyway | 08:22 |
gnrp | I didn't look into it in detail what new applications are shipped with 20.04 compared to older versions. Maybe the easiest is to save the list of upgraded/deinstalled/etc. software and go through it afterwards | 08:23 |
gnrp | but there is no general statement possible. Package dependencies change all the time, and also what is shipped along with a standard installation changes all the time. So you have to give it a go and check | 08:24 |
_Alex_58 | good morning :) | 08:24 |
_Alex_58 | is it possible to ask for the future availability of a couple of packages? | 08:25 |
_Alex_58 | I mean some package available for older versions of xubuntu, but not present in the beta version | 08:26 |
gnrp | !ask | 08:28 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 08:28 |
gnrp | _Alex_58: Just ask. But I doubt there is a general answer that anyone here can give | 08:28 |
gnrp | sometimes it depends on *any* of the 7bio people on earth to pick up software development and make it a package again. So you have to address quite alot of people :P | 08:29 |
gnrp | but for some packages, clear answers can be given^^ | 08:29 |
fnordberg | Mainly I got rid of Parole and Thunderbird in favour of VLC and webmail. But it's not an issue if I have to axe them again. :) well I guess I'll just have to hope for the best and see how it goes. I feel more confident and prepared now at least. Thanks very much for your help gnrp | 08:29 |
_Alex_58 | thanks, I can't find in the repository amule, dispcalgui, docky | 08:29 |
_Alex_58 | will they be available in the official release? | 08:30 |
gnrp | fnordberg: Yeah, just try it out. Here, tunderbird does not entail any further dependencies and it is actually a good idea | 08:30 |
* gnrp removes thunderbird from his system | 08:30 | |
_Alex_58 | for dispcalgui and docky I found a little workaround | 08:30 |
_Alex_58 | the first can be downloaded from the official page, but not all the dependencies are listed (apt --fix-broken install can fix everything) | 08:31 |
_Alex_58 | docky can be substituted by plank (too skninny) or cairo-dock (too fat), I'm using plank | 08:32 |
_Alex_58 | but amule has no substitutes | 08:32 |
fnordberg | alright I'm headed to bed, have a good night guys :) | 08:35 |
gnrp | fnordberg: gn8 | 08:35 |
gnrp | _Alex_58: I don't know any of these tools tbh^^ | 08:35 |
gnrp | _Alex_58: But in general, go to and search for the package | 08:35 |
gnrp | you will find maintainer infos on the right there, and also a link to their mailing lists | 08:35 |
gnrp | and changelogs, etc. | 08:36 |
gnrp | you have to search a bit. | 08:36 |
gnrp | In general, there are many reasons why a package can be thrown out. Maybe there is just no maintainer anymore | 08:37 |
gnrp | Also search for bugs on | 08:37 |
gnrp | so in *this* channel, you pretty sure will not find the information. The packages seem to not be xubuntu-specific, so #ubuntu would be more appropriate to ask. But in general, there are other ways in which you can contact maintainers/developers, that would be more appropriate | 08:38 |
gnrp | I'm sorry I cannot give you a really helpful answer, but the only one I can give is: Dig deeper. And start with the last package description you find on and with issues on | 08:38 |
_Alex_58 | ok, thanks a lot for the complete answer | 08:38 |
_Alex_58 | I'm trying the first option, then I'll try the others | 08:39 |
gnrp | for dispcalgui you should notice anyway that it is now called displaycal | 08:39 |
gnrp | ah, and of course, also use the site for the packages | 08:41 |
gnrp | e.g., | 08:41 |
_Alex_58 | yes, when I search I just look for disp | 08:41 |
_Alex_58 | but I can't find it in the complete list of packages for Focal | 08:42 |
gnrp | there is a complete list, but it is long. ;) | 08:43 |
gnrp | I usually find the search on most helpful | 08:43 |
_Alex_58 | I just read it all... | 08:43 |
gnrp | ah, sorry, misunderstood | 08:43 |
_Alex_58 | no trace of the packages I need | 08:43 |
gnrp | some packages are just abandoned because there is no maintainer anymore. So you could even think of adopting it yourself | 08:44 |
_Alex_58 | I hope they will be added in the final version | 08:44 |
=== Guest_47 is now known as blohshyboi | ||
_Alex_58 | thank you very much anyway, I'll try to contact the maintainers :) | 08:46 |
gnrp | I doubt any new packages will be added | 08:47 |
blohshyboi | /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER blohshyboi rbpiysncloyf | 08:47 |
gnrp | blohshyboi: Uh-oh. ;) | 08:47 |
Unit193 | It's not a password, so that's good. | 08:49 |
gnrp | Unit193: At last.^^ | 08:49 |
_Alex_58 | thank a lot again and good bye :) | 08:52 |
blohshyboi | Oh, oops | 08:54 |
blohshyboi | my bad | 08:54 |
blohshyboi | It wasn't working on NickServ so i thought it was here :( | 08:54 |
Unit193 | If you send messages to nickserv such as changing your password or identifying, switching to the status window so in case there's a space or otherwise it goes to the wrong place, it doesn't go into any channels. | 08:55 |
blohshyboi | Oh ok, thanks! | 08:57 |
antoine__ | Hello, I am using xubuntu 19.10 on a vaio laptop with an nvidia graphic card. I can't get sound through hdmi. | 09:26 |
antoine__ | Would you have any idea how I could fix it? | 09:26 |
blohshyboi | Can you open Pulse Audio Control and send a screenshot of the devices | 09:27 |
antoine__ | I have nvidia x server settings in my settings and I have NVIDIA listed under additional drivers | 09:28 |
antoine__ | blohshyboi: Do I launch it with pavucontrol? | 09:28 |
blohshyboi | yes | 09:28 |
blohshyboi | I am currently not on Xubuntu so I can't guide you exactly through everything but I'll try my best | 09:29 |
antoine__ | Thanks a lot :) | 09:29 |
antoine__ | (I'm uploading the screeenshot) | 09:31 |
blohshyboi | ok | 09:33 |
antoine__ | blohshyboi: | 09:34 |
antoine__ | Oh it's not in english :s | 09:34 |
antoine__ | First line means speakers and second line means headphones | 09:35 |
blohshyboi | I'll have to check my Xubuntu pc because I had a similar issue and I'll get back when I have something | 09:36 |
antoine__ | Ok, thanks a lot :) | 09:37 |
Antoine- | blohshyboi: Can you message me on this account? I'll disconnect the other one. This one stays logged in. | 09:38 |
blohshyboi | ok | 09:39 |
blohshyboi | I am trying to research a little while I can't get to it and I found this entry on AskUbuntu that seems similar to your issue | 09:39 |
blohshyboi | | 09:39 |
blohshyboi | the solution seemed to be this command | 09:39 |
blohshyboi | sudo adduser $USER audio | 09:39 |
Antoine- | Yes, I did that too :s | 09:39 |
Antoine- | Then rebooted | 09:39 |
blohshyboi | Oh ok | 09:39 |
blohshyboi | I'll search a bit more :) | 09:39 |
Antoine- | :) | 09:40 |
Antoine- | It might have to do with nvidia | 09:40 |
Antoine- | I have an intel HD something and a dedicated nvidia card in this laptop | 09:40 |
blohshyboi | I have never had audio issues with the HD Graphics on my computer so it's most likely nvidia | 09:42 |
blohshyboi | can you try to run this command? | 09:43 |
blohshyboi | lspci -k | grep -A 2 -E "(VGA|3D)" | 09:43 |
blohshyboi | to check what are the specs of your Graphics Card | 09:43 |
Antoine- | I went to NVIDIA X Server settings, switched to intel HD, rebooted and still no sound | 09:44 |
Antoine- | Ok I'll do that | 09:44 |
Antoine- | It only find my intel card | 09:45 |
Antoine- | It says Inter Corporation 3rd Gen Code processor Graphics Controler (rev 09) | 09:46 |
Antoine- | Subsystem: Sony Corporation 3rd Gen Code processor Graphics Controller | 09:46 |
Antoine- | Kerner driver in use: i915 | 09:46 |
blohshyboi | Are there any additional drivers on the updater? | 09:48 |
blohshyboi | Xubuntu should automatically update but as I can't check right now I can't help too much | 09:48 |
rud0lf | is it safe to update 18.04 to 20.04? | 09:49 |
rud0lf | or should i do a backup? | 09:49 |
Antoine- | Now changed to "NDIDIA On-Demand" in NVIDIA X Server Settings. the lspci command you gave me now find both my intel as before, but there is NVIAIDA Corporation GK107M [GeForce GT 640M LE] (rev a1) | 09:50 |
Antoine- | Subsystem: Sony Corporation GK107M [GeForce GT 640M LE] | 09:50 |
Antoine- | Kernel driver in use: nvidia | 09:50 |
blohshyboi | rud0lf You should backup just in case | 09:50 |
rud0lf | ok will do | 09:50 |
rud0lf | thanks for an advice | 09:50 |
blohshyboi | I think that 20.04 isn't totally out yet | 09:50 |
blohshyboi | I think that only the betas are out | 09:50 |
blohshyboi | the full release should come out later today but I'm not sure | 09:51 |
blohshyboi | Based on what I've heard | 09:51 |
blohshyboi | Antoine- any changes on pavucontrol? | 09:51 |
Antoine- | No | 09:51 |
Antoine- | blohshyboi: The updater says, under additional drivers, "Keep using a manually installed driver", which is selected | 09:52 |
Antoine- | There are other lines like: Use NVIDIA driver metapackage, Use NVIDIA binary driver or Use X.Org X server nouveau | 09:52 |
Antoine- | I can't select them though | 09:53 |
rud0lf | blohshyboi: says april 23-rd, which is today | 09:53 |
blohshyboi | Yes but I think that the full release only comes later today | 09:54 |
Antoine- | I wonder why I can't change drivers... | 09:54 |
blohshyboi | Antoine- that's interesting | 09:54 |
blohshyboi | Do you have safe mode activated? | 09:54 |
blohshyboi | *Safe boot actually | 09:54 |
Antoine- | I should probably remove the driver that was manually installed and let xubuntu do it | 09:55 |
Antoine- | Ehm | 09:55 |
Antoine- | How can I check? Is it a bios setting? | 09:55 |
blohshyboi | I'm not 100% sure but I think it's a bios setting | 09:55 |
Antoine- | I can't see safe boos settings in my BIOS | 09:59 |
Antoine- | My laptop is from 2012 | 09:59 |
blohshyboi | So it probably doesn't have it | 09:59 |
blohshyboi | You should do what you said earlier on about removing and letting xubuntu do it | 10:00 |
xu-help4w | if i install xubuntu 20.04 daily now, it will update to stable tomorrow? | 10:01 |
blohshyboi | I'm not sure but I don't think so | 10:03 |
blohshyboi | Also, daily releases are very unstable and it's not recommended to install on your disk | 10:04 |
blohshyboi | Most people install on a Virtual Machine | 10:04 |
blohshyboi | If I were you I would wait a bit longer and download the 20.04 or update from another version like 19.10 | 10:05 |
Antoine- | I wonder if I should choose nvidia driver, nvidia binary driver or nouveau | 10:05 |
Antoine- | ill try nvidia driver. It says tested | 10:06 |
Antoine- | I can change later if I want to try the libre nouveau driver | 10:06 |
Antoine- | I wonder how it compares | 10:06 |
blohshyboi | ok good luck | 10:06 |
blohshyboi | keep us posted :) | 10:06 |
xu-help4w | ok, tha's the way, thanks blohshyboi | 10:07 |
xu-help4w | i'm very excited for it | 10:09 |
xu-help4w | xD | 10:09 |
blohshyboi | Me too!! | 10:09 |
xu-help4w | '=D | 10:10 |
Antoine- | Well neither the nvidia or nouveau driver work :( | 10:28 |
joris | Is 20.04 iso already somewhere? | 10:41 |
blohshyboi | I don't think so | 10:41 |
blohshyboi | Only the betas | 10:41 |
well_laid_lawn | !20.04 | 10:41 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) will be the 32nd release of Ubuntu, scheduled for April 2020 ( ). It will be a long-term support release. Join #ubuntu+1 for support and questions. | 10:41 |
joris | Is it expected today? | 10:42 |
blohshyboi | yes | 10:42 |
joris | ok cool | 10:42 |
Antoine- | blohshyboi: It works now | 11:00 |
Antoine- | I believe it was working all along... | 11:00 |
blohshyboi | really? xD | 11:00 |
Antoine- | Do you remember the screenshot I sent you? I had to click the little arrow on the top right corner to access other tabs | 11:00 |
Antoine- | I needed the configuration tab | 11:00 |
Antoine- | I didn't think about it because the window started up small on my big screen. I didn't think it wouldn't display all the tabs even when it had the space to do it... | 11:01 |
Antoine- | All good now :) | 11:01 |
blohshyboi | ok nice | 11:02 |
blohshyboi | sorry for not being very useful | 11:02 |
Antoine- | blohshyboi: No no, don't say that!! Thanks a lot for your time!! :) | 11:22 |
Antoine- | bbye, have a good day! | 11:22 |
blohshyboi | have a good one :) Antoine- | 11:29 |
xubuntu-fan-666 | When will 20.04 be released? | 12:07 |
blohshyboi | a source says its coming at about 17pm GMT | 12:09 |
blohshyboi | but it's not official | 12:09 |
blohshyboi | you can always check and see which flavours have been marked as ready | 12:10 |
blohshyboi | | 12:12 |
blohshyboi | sorry for double link | 12:13 |
blohshyboi | meant to send this: xubuntu-fan-666 | 12:13 |
joris | so Xubuntu Desktop amd64 is ready? | 12:16 |
Andrio | Is 20.04 an LTS release? | 12:17 |
blohshyboi | Andrio yes | 12:17 |
blohshyboi | @joris apparently yes but not released yet | 12:18 |
joris | ah ok.. | 12:18 |
blohshyboi | things like netboot aren't ready yet so they can't release it | 12:18 |
blohshyboi | They are probably going to release everything at once | 12:18 |
blohshyboi | !isitout | 12:19 |
ubottu | It's not out yet! Come visit #ubuntu-release-party and hang out. Don't forget your party hat! | 12:19 |
Figaro100 | Anyone that know when the Xubuntu 20.04 will be release the info I found it should be release today, but seem not be the case yet? | 12:38 |
mtorpey | !isitout | 12:58 |
ubottu | It's not out yet! Come visit #ubuntu-release-party and hang out. Don't forget your party hat! | 12:58 |
mtorpey | Best guess is in the next few hours! :) | 12:58 |
sorinello | Hello. Do you have any idea if xubuntu-core's issues have been fixed regarding Virtualbox/VmWare ? I am unable to install xubuntu-core from ISO since 2 versions ago. The instalation crashes at one point. cc Unit193 | 13:00 |
blohshyboi | !isitout | 13:10 |
ubottu | It's not out yet! Come visit #ubuntu-release-party and hang out. Don't forget your party hat! | 13:10 |
Antoine- | Hello, I have the following error message "apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.tvheadend.tvheadend" name="/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0" pid=992 comm="tvheadend" requested_mask="wr" denied_mask="wr" fsuid=0 ouid=0" | 13:17 |
Antoine- | How can I allow tvheadend to avvecc /dev/dvb? | 13:17 |
Antoine- | access* | 13:17 |
benixfce | Hope to see Final lts release soon 👍🏻👍🏻 | 14:00 |
blohshyboi | apparently the torrent is out but I would only download whenever the announcement is out | 14:13 |
Andrio | So the website recommends having 20 GB storage space where installing Xubuntu | 15:08 |
Andrio | is that recommendation still valid for when /home is on another drive? | 15:08 |
xu-irc77w | just curious what time of the release | 15:09 |
blohshyboi | there's no official time of release | 15:10 |
xu-irc77w | k thanks | 15:10 |
Jzjz | Hi | 15:19 |
Jzjz | Anyone here? | 15:19 |
cmb | Andrio, yes, you need about 16-18Gb for the OS itself. I've a 30Gb root partition on my laptop, /home on another partition, and currently 18Gb of the root partition is used... | 15:22 |
Andrio | Ah | 15:25 |
Andrio | Thanks. | 15:25 |
blohshyboi | Are you going to install on a external drive? | 15:25 |
xu-help6w | hello | 15:40 |
blohshyboi | hello! | 15:41 |
xu-help6w | so is it ok to do "sudo do-release-upgrade " to force it | 15:41 |
xu-help6w | i first started using xubuntu on 19.04 then went to 19.10 | 15:41 |
xu-help6w | still pretty linux new | 15:41 |
xu-help6w | 20.04 i mean force that | 15:42 |
blohshyboi | As there isn't an official post yet, I don't think so | 15:42 |
xu-help6w | ok | 15:42 |
blohshyboi | i tried and it's not available | 15:42 |
xu-help6w | i chose xubuntu cuz im having to use a really old mac that i salvaged as a computer | 15:42 |
xu-help6w | it said it was on the terminal | 15:42 |
blohshyboi | I know | 15:43 |
blohshyboi | i tried on the terminal | 15:43 |
xu-help6w | but it said "ubuntu" instead of xubuntu that's normal right | 15:43 |
blohshyboi | Yes | 15:43 |
xu-help6w | But yeah saw some stuff about what's new and saw a new darker version of greybird that looks neat i might try that | 15:44 |
xu-help6w | any real big new features though | 15:44 |
blohshyboi | It looks really cool | 15:44 |
blohshyboi | I don't think so | 15:45 |
blohshyboi | apart from a newer kernel | 15:45 |
drleviathan | so I fired up Transmission and am downloading/uploading ubuntu, xubuntu, and kubuntu. Interestingly, xubuntu peering is downloading much faster than the other two. | 15:45 |
drleviathan | Maybe becuase its image is only 1.66G instead of 2.72G | 15:45 |
blohshyboi | I downloaded straight as it came out and it was slower than the others | 15:46 |
xu-help6w | ah i was just gonna do upgrade | 15:46 |
blohshyboi | but the others were out for a while | 15:46 |
xu-help6w | i dont think i had issues doing it the first time but who knows | 15:46 |
xu-help6w | first time was 19.04 to 19.10 | 15:46 |
blohshyboi | I am going to fresh install because my PC is full of stuff and a fresh install will make it slightly cleaner | 15:46 |
blohshyboi | My first time installing was 18.04 | 15:47 |
xu-help6w | or maybe it was the second time | 15:47 |
xu-help6w | i did it jan of last year so | 15:47 |
drleviathan | backup your data whatever you do | 15:47 |
lighterowl | drleviathan: nah, that's because all the cool kids with fastest internets use Xubuntu .;) | 15:47 |
lighterowl | believe me! | 15:47 |
xu-help6w | maybe was 18.04 or 18.10 | 15:47 |
blohshyboi | lighterowl true xD | 15:47 |
xu-help6w | i did run a timeshift | 15:48 |
blohshyboi | I've been using 18.04 and never used the non-LTS versions | 15:48 |
xu-help6w | already | 15:48 |
xu-help6w | the thing that backs up the system file stuff | 15:49 |
blohshyboi | Yeah I know | 15:50 |
blohshyboi | Ill back up stuff to my network share | 15:50 |
xu-irc65w | Hello! I'm just curious if there's an ETA for the xubuntu 20.04 LTS download link being posted. | 16:07 |
drleviathan | the torrent is already up | 16:08 |
drleviathan | meanwhile... the ubuntu release party is practically counting down the seconds | 16:08 |
drleviathan | well... some torrent is already up. Is it the final correct one? Dunno. | 16:15 |
xu-irc65w | Yeah I think I'll just wait until it's posted on :) | 16:16 |
Fte | Will we get a prompt to update to 20.04, do we do it via the software updater or do we have to download? I've not done this before | 16:17 |
xu-irc65w | Per you won't get prompted to update until the first point release, which is expected in July. | 16:19 |
drleviathan | I think there are ways to upgrade from the software updater, but I always backup my data and re-install. | 16:19 |
Fte | Okay thanks | 16:19 |
xu-irc65w | A fresh install is the way to go imo. Mount your /home dir separately to make that less painful. ;) | 16:20 |
Fte | Ha yeah I have done fortunately so I'll do a reinstall when the download is out | 16:21 |
xu-help24w | Would like to down version 20.4. When can I do it? | 16:58 |
blohshyboi | The ubuntu website already has the download page updated but nothing on Xubuntu though | 17:26 |
blohshyboi | Should be appearing soon I assume | 17:27 |
blohshyboi | ? | 17:27 |
dispo | Hi, Where can I dl xubuntu 20.04.0 lts ? | 17:31 |
Guest_27 | exciting day? new verion | 17:32 |
blohshyboi | dispo | 17:33 |
blohshyboi | sorry wrong link | 17:33 |
blohshyboi | that's for ubuntu | 17:33 |
blohshyboi | Xubuntu doesn't have an official release yet | 17:33 |
blohshyboi | should be coming | 17:33 |
dispo | ill wait for xubuntu release | 17:33 |
drleviathan | there is a torrent available if you guess the url | 17:33 |
dispo | i use xubuntu | 17:33 |
dispo | xfce is too solid | 17:34 |
Guest_27 | yeah just waiting til i know it's ok to upgrade | 17:34 |
blohshyboi | drleviathan Indeed, there is but I would hold on as it can be changed last minute | 17:34 |
blohshyboi | I'd wait until an official statement | 17:34 |
Guest_27 | but wooo new release day | 17:35 |
dispo | well im running 18.04.4 its got another year of support left | 17:35 |
dispo | no hurry | 17:35 |
drleviathan | heh, I'm watching the ubuntu release party channel and... the official announcement appears to take a long time to reach all the official megaphones | 17:35 |
drleviathan | website says it is, but the bot dosn't know yet, and the email hasn't gone out yet | 17:35 |
blohshyboi | Is the announcement supposed to be just ubuntu or all flavors? | 17:36 |
drleviathan | I guess my take is going to be... I'll assume the torrent is functional. Whatever replaces it might have a few bugs fixed but will be pretty much the same thing. | 17:37 |
drleviathan | In the meantime: I'll peer the asset. | 17:37 |
drleviathan | The Kubuntu site was up early. | 17:37 |
drleviathan | The realease really is a multi-tentacled monster with its brain distributed across its limbs. | 17:38 |
blohshyboi | I'm already peering Xubuntu | 17:38 |
blohshyboi | makes sense | 17:38 |
dispo | | 17:46 |
Guest_27 | dont think i would need to download the whole thing if im just doing upgrade instead | 17:47 |
Guest_27 | shouldnt be an issue im just waiting to know it's ok | 17:48 |
drleviathan | personally I'd consider an upgrade from reposotories on release day to be... risky | 17:51 |
drleviathan | for fasted path, download the torrent, pull the asset, backup your data, and reinstall | 17:51 |
Guest_27 | well i mean i can wait | 17:52 |
Guest_27 | im on 19.10 | 17:52 |
Guest_27 | not 18.04 | 17:53 |
blohshyboi | We got release notes!! | 18:06 |
blohshyboi | | 18:06 |
blohshyboi | Now we wait for the release | 18:07 |
lighterowl | I just ran do-release-update and it broke halfway due to somehow messing up Python packages. running apt-get --fix-broken now... | 18:10 |
lighterowl | *do-release-upgrade | 18:11 |
xu-irc12w | dropping python 2? Thats going to be interesting, I thought there was loads of python 2 scripts in a modern distro | 18:12 |
blohshyboi | Apparently Python 2 is in End Of Life since January | 18:14 |
lighterowl | yup | 18:14 |
xu-irc12w | yeah I guess we had to make the jump eventually | 18:15 |
lighterowl | hasn't stopped some people from still writing Python 2, though. | 18:15 |
xu-irc12w | I don't know python is it hard to convert 2 to 3? | 18:15 |
blohshyboi | Yeah, apparently only apt-offline needed it | 18:15 |
blohshyboi | Not sure | 18:15 |
xu-irc12w | I guess its going to be one of those things that vairy | 18:15 |
blohshyboi | Probably, it's hard to find a balance between compatibility and security though so... | 18:16 |
blohshyboi | I guess it needed to happen | 18:16 |
lighterowl | blohshyboi: you could do what my company is doing, namely still have 30-year-old code and packages in their systems. | 18:19 |
lighterowl | ;) | 18:19 |
blohshyboi | Ouch | 18:19 |
lighterowl | (unfortunately, I'm *not* exaggerating) | 18:19 |
blohshyboi | that's bad | 18:20 |
xu-irc12w | I can believe it, look how popular freedos is for that reason! | 18:20 |
lighterowl | :) | 18:21 |
blohshyboi | My school still uses Macromedia Dreamweaver, but only for teaching (as far as I know) but it's not as bad compared to that lighterowl | 18:21 |
lighterowl | wow, Dreamweaver! that takes me back. | 18:22 |
lighterowl | I've never used it myself since I have no graphical talent/proficiency at all, but I've certainly heard the name and know which era to associate it with. :) | 18:22 |
blohshyboi | It's an oldie | 18:23 |
blohshyboi | Before Adobe purchased them | 18:23 |
lighterowl | yeah, no kidding. | 18:23 |
blohshyboi | But I can tell you it's a bit of a nightmare land | 18:23 |
lighterowl | I still remember the "Macromedia Flash" splash/info screen from some self-contained exes with Flash applications. | 18:23 |
blohshyboi | That's a classic | 18:24 |
blohshyboi | And also Good Ol' Visual Basic 2008 | 18:24 |
lighterowl | wonder if they'd run okay under wine. ;) | 18:24 |
lighterowl | blohshyboi: 2008 is considered bleeding edge in my company. we still use Visual C++ 6 for a lot of our development. | 18:24 |
blohshyboi | Oh damn | 18:24 |
lighterowl | fortunately, most of the developers have more modern IDEs just configured to use the MSVC6 compiler... I wouldn't want to touch the old IDE with a ten foot pole. | 18:25 |
blohshyboi | I remembered the first time I used Visual Basic I was using 2010 and it was already quite old so I was surprised that my school has it | 18:25 |
blohshyboi | Indeed | 18:25 |
blohshyboi | Unfortunately some teachers aren't exactly liberal with alternative software | 18:26 |
lighterowl | that sucks | 18:26 |
blohshyboi | Some of them don't allow us to submit OpenDocument files | 18:26 |
lighterowl | :( | 18:26 |
lighterowl | blohshyboi: though I kind of understand ... some of my more "seasoned" colleagues also seem to have become very set in their ways. | 18:27 |
blohshyboi | Wish we used more open software in school :( | 18:27 |
lighterowl | i.e. having "n" years of work experience isn't really synonymous with actually *progressing* "n" years in your field. I guess the same/similar goes for teachers in this case. | 18:27 |
blohshyboi | Yeah it makes sense, some teachers have been in the field for a while | 18:28 |
lighterowl | :) | 18:28 |
blohshyboi | And it's probably easier for someone who's still learning to change rather than someone who's been working with the same stuff for so long | 18:28 |
lighterowl | I need to go to bed at a reasonable hour today ... hopefully this upgrade ends successfully. | 18:29 |
blohshyboi | let's hope for that | 18:29 |
lighterowl | alrigh, finished, about to reboot. | 18:37 |
blohshyboi | nice xD | 18:37 |
xu-irc12w | good luck! | 18:37 |
lighterowl | yeah, that went well. | 18:42 |
xu-irc12w | that's good to hear, I'm going to install on quite a new rig, I think XFCE running on an SSD is going to be lightning quick :) | 18:43 |
lighterowl | I have it running on a Lenovo P53 with an nvme ssd, can vouch for the speed. | 18:43 |
xu-irc12w | I've put in a ryzen 7 and 16gb of DDR4 this should be a quick box :) | 18:44 |
blohshyboi | Welp I'm going to install it on my almost 10 years old pc. | 18:46 |
blohshyboi | This is going to be fun xD | 18:46 |
lighterowl | xu-irc12w: yup, I have a similar desktop setup and it's running very fast as well. not xubuntu, though, but Arch with xfce. | 18:46 |
lighterowl | blohshyboi: 10 years, so that's a ... Core 2 Duo? | 18:47 |
blohshyboi | Pentium | 18:48 |
blohshyboi | oof | 18:48 |
blohshyboi | it's going to hurt | 18:48 |
dispo | xubuntu runs well on my lenovo t400 core 2 dual 8 gigs of ram | 18:48 |
dispo | :) | 18:48 |
dispo | | 18:49 |
lighterowl | dispo: very cool desktop! | 18:50 |
dispo | thanx :) | 18:50 |
blohshyboi | i will post here when its done | 18:50 |
lighterowl | ok, another reboot to see if the password prompt comes up on the HDMI-connected monitor. | 18:51 |
dispo | the panel on the left auto hides :) | 18:51 |
blohshyboi | so sunday be sure to check for updates from me xD | 18:51 |
dispo | why use plank or docker | 18:51 |
blohshyboi | @dispo hot damn | 18:52 |
P-Chan | Hi guys! Do you tried upgrade from xubuntu bionic beaver to xubuntu focal fossa? | 18:55 |
lighterowl | I did just that, in fact. | 18:55 |
xu-irc45w | i have 19.10 so no havent done anything yet | 18:56 |
dispo | P-Chan: i'll probably wait for it to go to .01 before updating | 18:56 |
lighterowl | do-release-upgrade broke halfway due to (presumably) interdependencies and messing up Python packages, I had to continue the process manually via running apt --fix-broken and apt dist-upgrade. | 18:56 |
xu-irc45w | yikes | 18:57 |
dispo | P-Chan: you wanna follow this guide | 18:57 |
dispo | for xubuntu upgrades | 18:57 |
dispo | lts | 18:58 |
xu-irc45w | if im on 19.10 though isnt it sooner than the 18.04 people's upgrade prompts? | 18:58 |
lollersnake | When the release is available? | 19:01 |
dispo | I downloaded the torrent | 19:02 |
dispo | going to test it later flash it on a usb flash | 19:02 |
blohshyboi | Proud to say that Xubuntu is now installing on my (10 yr old) PC xD | 19:10 |
P-Chan | blohshyboi: do you downloaded the iso or upgrade from previous version? | 19:12 |
blohshyboi | iso | 19:12 |
blohshyboi | it was available through torrent from ubuntu servers | 19:13 |
blohshyboi | here's a before: | 19:15 |
mneptok | if you want to abuse your F5 button, you can play "refresh the mirror" every few minutes - | 19:17 |
mneptok | | 19:22 |
xu-irc45w | i'm using xubuntu on a 10 year old imac that I got for free because someone was recycling it, cant afford a new build yet | 19:26 |
xu-irc45w | so it's an interm between builds | 19:26 |
xu-irc45w | been using it over a year | 19:26 |
xu-irc45w | i kept osx on it too but only for backup, and i use my own keyboard/mouse instead of the mac ones | 19:27 |
xu-irc45w | decent old machine , why i chose xubuntu | 19:27 |
xu-irc45w | cuz it was for old machines | 19:27 |
blohshyboi | It's surprising how well it runs on old devices | 19:28 |
lighterowl | I used to run it on my sister's old Pentium M laptop. | 19:28 |
blohshyboi | My 10 yr old laptop just installed and it's running like a charm | 19:28 |
lighterowl | wow, that was a fast install! | 19:28 |
blohshyboi | indeed | 19:28 |
blohshyboi | i was very surprised | 19:29 |
xu-irc45w | I don't know if im gonna stick with xubuntu when i eventually can do a new build though no offense | 19:29 |
xu-irc45w | im keeping the options open since better hardware then | 19:29 |
lighterowl | xu-irc45w: sure, you're free to choose. | 19:29 |
xu-irc45w | though there's other stuff that's also using xfce like manjaro | 19:29 |
xu-irc45w | manjaro was one of em i looked at | 19:29 |
xu-irc45w | but ill still "have" this old machine with xubuntu in it i guess i can figure out a use for | 19:30 |
xu-irc45w | once i get a new one | 19:30 |
xu-irc45w | dunno what that would be ... | 19:31 |
blohshyboi | Here's an after: | 19:31 |
blohshyboi | Looking really good and very snappy | 19:31 |
lighterowl | yay! | 19:31 |
xu-irc45w | see i like having the bar on the bottom, also i put a bit of transparency like i had with windows 7 aero | 19:31 |
xu-irc45w | i never went to 10 i went from 7 to xubuntu | 19:32 |
xu-irc45w | cuz old build had 7 | 19:32 |
xu-irc45w | but yeah that's personal pref, im a person that's too used to it being on the bottom | 19:32 |
xu-irc45w | ever since windows 95 | 19:32 |
xu-irc45w | and i manually set the windows super key to open it as well | 19:33 |
xu-irc45w | too bad it's a cheapo keyboard i cant change the cap with a penquin | 19:33 |
lighterowl | :) | 19:33 |
xu-irc45w | it's not one of the mech ones | 19:33 |
xu-irc45w | it's a cheap insignia one | 19:33 |
blohshyboi | xu-irc45w i wanted to have a penguin key but mine is a laptop | 19:34 |
blohshyboi | might get a sticker though | 19:34 |
xu-irc45w | but yeah one of the reasons i wanted to avoid w10, aero isnt there | 19:35 |
xu-irc45w | while i dont get the upper transparency my taskbar can have it | 19:35 |
xu-irc45w | and it looks decent | 19:35 |
xu-irc45w | the left side of the file manager does kinda remind me of osx though | 19:36 |
simon | hi folks. Does anyone if/when 20.04 will be officially released today? Failed BIOS flash has bricked my machine so now would be a great time for that fresh install! | 19:38 |
blohshyboi | I don't know yet. This seems to be taking a while compared to other distros, but the release notes are out already and the iso is made and on the servers already | 19:40 |
xu-irc45w | shouldnt you fix the bios issue first heh | 19:40 |
xu-irc45w | oh whats the release notes | 19:40 |
blohshyboi | yeah true | 19:41 |
mneptok | | 19:41 |
blohshyboi | | 19:41 |
blohshyboi | xu-irc45w | 19:41 |
xu-irc45w | hmm might be what i saw already | 19:41 |
xu-irc45w | or maybe it wasnt a finalized one i saw yet | 19:41 |
xu-irc45w | >System doesn't boot after installation - Legacy mode / 2 disks | 19:41 |
simon | thanks meptok | 19:42 |
xu-irc45w | what is this? | 19:42 |
xu-irc45w | legacy 2 disks? | 19:42 |
blohshyboi | legacy BIOS with 2 disks | 19:42 |
blohshyboi | older non-UEFI Bios | 19:42 |
xu-irc45w | does that include old macs? | 19:42 |
xu-irc45w | i dont know if this uses that | 19:42 |
simon | xu-irc45w absolutely; trying that now. Full nightmare mode engaged. | 19:42 |
blohshyboi | don't know | 19:42 |
blohshyboi | Do you have 2 disks? | 19:43 |
xu-irc45w | hard drives? no | 19:43 |
xu-irc45w | partitions yeah i got multiple of em | 19:43 |
blohshyboi | Then you shouldn't have any issues | 19:43 |
simon | but if one has >1 hard drive....? | 19:43 |
xu-irc45w | it's a core 2 duo imac i think from like 2009? | 19:43 |
blohshyboi | My laptop has multiple partitions and legacy BIOS but only one disk | 19:43 |
blohshyboi | simon shouldn't be any issues whatsoever | 19:43 |
xu-irc45w | i dunno when the original owner got it | 19:43 |
simon | groovy cheers blohshyboi | 19:44 |
xu-irc45w | but hey free computer is free computer | 19:44 |
simon | core 2 duo's a classic | 19:44 |
blohshyboi | indeed | 19:44 |
xu-irc45w | saved it from being recycled | 19:44 |
xu-irc45w | less ewaste heh | 19:44 |
blohshyboi | a friend has a laptop with a core 2 duo and 2 gigs of ram rocking windows 10 64 bit | 19:44 |
blohshyboi | tried to convince him to use xubuntu | 19:44 |
xu-irc45w | yeah my old actual build that died (think it was the cpu or mobo) was an i5 2500k | 19:45 |
simon | tempted to get mine from the garage given how well this system saving job is going! | 19:45 |
xu-irc45w | the 2500k lasted like 8 years | 19:45 |
xu-irc45w | got it in 2011 | 19:45 |
blohshyboi | nice | 19:45 |
xu-irc45w | what happened was i put in some new ram and i guess the cpu didnt like that or was just old/overworked/heated | 19:45 |
xu-irc45w | or something | 19:45 |
xu-irc45w | who knows | 19:45 |
xu-irc45w | even though early as i dont even have money for new build im leaning to ryzen | 19:46 |
xu-irc45w | i never had an amd before though | 19:46 |
xu-irc45w | and "maybe" amd gpu too never had that either but both seem to handle linux better from what i understand? | 19:46 |
blohshyboi | i think so | 19:47 |
blohshyboi | but my only experience with amd and linux is my laptop which has amd graphics but it's from around 2009 so, probably not the best examle | 19:47 |
xu-irc45w | yeah it looks as if amd is more open to linux | 19:48 |
xu-irc45w | just from observations | 19:48 |
Figaro84 | Any update when 2020.04 LTS of xubuntu will be release? | 19:49 |
xu-irc45w | i dont have the experience , i mean this has an old ati | 19:49 |
blohshyboi | it is a bit weird but amd has had great approaches at various technologies that intel for some reason isn't having | 19:49 |
blohshyboi | also seen that with video encoding | 19:49 |
blohshyboi | amd has been better at it lately | 19:49 |
xu-irc45w | yeah i guess ive been in the past a bit of a brand whore it was always a combo of asus mobo, intel cpu, and nvidia gpu for me going back like almost 20 years | 19:50 |
xu-irc45w | through 3 dif build | 19:50 |
xu-irc45w | just how it kinda always was | 19:50 |
blohshyboi | its a "classic" config | 19:51 |
blohshyboi | tbh I would be inclined into something like that for a desktop build | 19:51 |
blohshyboi | it feels natural | 19:51 |
blohshyboi | a couple years ago it was weird using amd and now they are killing it so it might change | 19:52 |
xu-irc45w | but yeah the 20.04 release notes doesnt seem to show anything that signifigant in changing | 19:52 |
xu-irc45w | or feature adding | 19:52 |
blohshyboi | apart from removing python 2 not much | 19:52 |
xu-irc12w | other than the xubuntu twitter and is there anywhere else they will be likely to post the release anouncement? | 19:52 |
blohshyboi | not even the ubuntu release notes add much | 19:52 |
blohshyboi | i don't thik so | 19:52 |
blohshyboi | *think | 19:52 |
xu-irc45w | i may give that new dark greybird a shot | 19:53 |
blohshyboi | someone might put it here but I'm not sure | 19:53 |
blohshyboi | xu-irc45w it's kinda nice | 19:53 |
xu-irc45w | yeah im looking at the ubuntu area of the notes too | 19:53 |
xu-irc45w | New graphical boot splash (integrates with the system BIOS logo). | 19:53 |
blohshyboi | it feels weird going back to greybird after using a different theme for so long but it's very simple and feels good | 19:54 |
xu-irc45w | So is the xubuntu black one updated too? | 19:54 |
blohshyboi | does that happen with xubuntu? | 19:54 |
xu-irc45w | that's just what the ubuntu one says | 19:54 |
xu-irc45w | which was linked on the xubuntu one's page | 19:54 |
xu-irc45w | | 19:54 |
blohshyboi | i know but i didnt see it on my pc | 19:54 |
blohshyboi | again my pc is 10 years old so | 19:54 |
dispo | would be nice if xubuntu had 5 years of support instead of 3 | 19:54 |
xu-irc45w | did the boot screen itself look dif though | 19:55 |
xu-irc45w | or is it still the black | 19:55 |
blohshyboi | yes | 19:55 |
blohshyboi | i have an image but its very blurry | 19:55 |
blohshyboi | | 19:55 |
blohshyboi | its very low quality but it's now black background and white accent | 19:55 |
xu-irc45w | that looks like the one i already know | 19:56 |
xu-irc45w | but yeah a lot of this changelog is stuff way beyond me lol | 19:56 |
blohshyboi | i think it had a bit of blue on the 18.04 | 19:57 |
blohshyboi | that's the one I was using | 19:57 |
blohshyboi | maybe 19.10 was different | 19:57 |
xu-irc45w | yeah might just be the same one i have already | 19:57 |
blohshyboi | xu-irc45w here's a high quality screenshot of the boot animation: | 19:59 |
blohshyboi | | 19:59 |
blohshyboi | I'm considering making a CD installer using the minimal iso if 20.04 still supports it | 20:01 |
blohshyboi | just for the laughs | 20:02 |
xu-irc45w | ah yeah i think that's the same boot screen | 20:02 |
blohshyboi | interesting: my laptop's fans seem to be quieter while idle | 20:04 |
blohshyboi | like WAY quieter | 20:05 |
xu-irc45w | neat | 20:06 |
blohshyboi | Also the login has dark mode : | 20:08 |
xu-irc12w | does this count as them announcing it? | 20:29 |
dispo | | 20:32 |
dispo | running it on a virtual box machine now | 20:33 |
dispo | 20.04 | 20:33 |
dispo | lts | 20:33 |
dispo | <-- there we go xubuntu 20.04 LTS on a vm machine | 20:36 |
vata0 | anyone round | 20:41 |
vata0 | i was wondering if the new lts will be pushrd today along with everyone elses | 20:42 |
xu-irc12w | I'm personally waiting for it to be officially announced but you can grab it now if you want to | 20:45 |
xu-irc12w | | 20:46 |
vata0 | i was looking for it on the site and didnt see it thats why i was asking | 20:47 |
xu-irc12w | I got that page from the blog section | 20:48 |
vata0 | so that is the actual lts? | 20:48 |
vata0 | wonder if thet just havent had time to update the site yet | 20:49 |
xu-irc12w | well thats why I'm waiting for the official announcement | 20:49 |
vata0 | lol ive been site checking everyday | 20:49 |
vata0 | im really excited im switching from original to xubuntu | 20:50 |
xu-irc12w | me too! I have a brand new rig thats without an OS so I'm hoping they announce soon :) be great to set this up before bed if I can | 20:51 |
vata0 | gnome is just to heavy for this little laptop and i need to do a clean install anyway | 20:51 |
vata0 | thats awesome man | 20:52 |
dispo | <-- there we go xubuntu 20.04 LTS on a vm machine | 21:00 |
vata0 | xubuntu has the regualt ubuntu software center in it as well correct | 21:03 |
lighterowl | looking good | 21:05 |
bluesabre | For everybody so patiently waiting, Xubuntu 20.04 is now available! | 21:28 |
lighterowl | great! | 21:29 |
bluesabre | Thanks everybody for all the hype! We hope you enjoy using this release. | 21:29 |
xu-irc12w | thank you!!! | 21:29 |
xu-irc12w | hype! | 21:29 |
SJudge | !isitout | 23:42 |
ubottu | It's out! Downloads are on and and there's a party in #ubuntu-release-party! | 23:42 |
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