
=== tds0 is now known as tds
=== vrubiolo1 is now known as vrubiolo
blackboxswGoneri: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/298#pullrequestreview-400211001 is good if you can resolve merge conflicts19:21
Goneriblackboxsw, yup, give me 2 minutes19:22
blackboxswexcellent thanks19:22
blackboxswI'm on your PR 305 now19:22
Goneriblackboxsw, done19:24
blackboxswmerged Goneri thx again19:42
Gonerihas anyone already considered a MacOS port?19:43
Odd_BlokeWhat's the use case for cloud-init on MacOS?19:57
blackboxswhrm. are you thinking xcloud.me type stuff?19:57
blackboxswGoneri: review posted on https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/305/files minor unit test suggestion based on the new pytest style we have at https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/hacking.html#unit-testing19:59
blackboxswotherwise good to go on that PR19:59
GoneriOdd_Bloke, yeah, to be able to start a MacOS VM and create the user on the fly20:00
blackboxswWoot thx for the review rharper write_files schema is merged20:39
rharperblackboxsw: \o/20:54

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