
babbageclunkwallyworld: quick review? Once that's landed I'll tag another juju-restore release. https://github.com/juju/juju-restore/pull/1603:19
wallyworldsure, just otp will try and do concurrently03:20
wallyworldbabbageclunk: lgtm, ty03:28
babbageclunkwallyworld: nice one03:28
babbageclunkhey, anyone have any idea why merge commits in juju-restore are full of \rs? (I guess it's a setup problem with the bot?)04:19
babbageclunkI thought it might be because of the pull request template but it doesn't seem to have them04:20
hpidcock"pr_descr=$(echo ${ghprbPullLongDescription} | sed $'s/\\r\\n/ \\\\\\n/g')"04:28
hpidcockbabbageclunk: https://api.github.com/repos/juju/juju-restore/pulls/1404:31
hpidcockshould have worked04:31
babbageclunkthanks hpidcock - I'll check against the juju one04:34
babbageclunklove that quoting04:35
babbageclunkhpidcock: what does that $' syntax mean? It's totally ungooglable04:47
babbageclunkoh no, it's googlable as "bash dollar quote"04:50
babbageclunkweirdly, the line from the juju/juju bot uses $"04:52
babbageclunkpr_descr=$(echo ${ghprbPullLongDescription} | sed $"s/\\\r//g")04:52
babbageclunkfrom what I can find $" doesn't actually do anything, assuming the locale's C04:54
babbageclunkman, that is some super-weird shell-quoting madness.05:23
hpidcockshell fun05:25
manadartstickupkid: Any special reason to go from `//go:generate mockgen...` to `//go:generate go run github.com/golang/mock/mockgen...`?08:11
hpidcockmanadart: it will use the go.mod versioned mockgen11:41
manadarthpidcock: Yeah, figured that since.11:41
hpidcocktools.go in the root dir pins it as a dependency11:41
achilleasaDid we rename other pre-existing go:generate bits?12:54
hpidcockachilleasa: just mockgen at the moment13:34
stickupkid_hml, manadart petevg, I was working on this yesterday and is required for testing focal for 2.8, can somebody shepherd it through? - https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1149714:56
hmlstickupkid_: sure.14:57
hmlstickupkid_: what’s left?  review and qa?14:57
hmlstickupkid_: rgr14:57
stickupkid_was meant to do that today, but never got around to it14:57
petevgthx, hml!14:57
hmlstickupkid_: no worries14:57
stickupkid_hml, thanks, later \o14:58
flxfoohi all,18:29
flxfooWhat does it costs to boorstrap a new controller (with custom image ID, simplestream) and migrate the a current model to new controller, especially in turns of availability (we are talking about a dozen of containers) thanks18:31
rick_hflxfoo:  so when you migrate the model the actual units running don't go anywhere. It's just the db that tracks state that's moving.18:33
rick_hflxfoo:  so the cost would be a new controller node (t3 medium ish sized?)18:34
flxfoorick_h: thanks, so no service downtime18:36
rick_hflxfoo:  no, just the downtime during transition in controller/changing the model18:37
flxfoorick_h: sorry, can you elaborate that?18:37
rick_hflxfoo:  so while the model is migrating, there's safety checks going on to make sure all the units running can reach the new controller, that the db is copied over correctly, etc.18:42
rick_hflxfoo:  so while that's taking place you can't juju deploy new things into that mode, or make config changes in that model, etc18:43
flxfoorick_h: ok ok thanks for the details.... :)18:43

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