[00:00] fwiw 'ubports' is now the name of the foundation not of the os, the os is allowed to be called 'ubuntu touch' [00:00] Happy hacking tho [00:08] Fuseteam: libertine worked on the tablet, but not on the mx4 [00:08] or on the mx4 it's differnet [00:09] Fuseteam: yes I know what ubports is and ubuntou touh etc [00:20] Fuseteam: its also a bit old in a way in bafckground since 16.04 baased [00:20] but doens't matter for that [00:20] that much [01:39] Yeah the foundation is kinda pushing to separate the two concepts === andr01d is now known as AndrogynousRobot === AndrogynousRobot is now known as andr01d [22:53] :)