[00:21] well running that fresh install [00:22] xfce seems like its running a little smother and that fresh install helped [00:23] i have a question tho. how do i add like firefox to my dock and have it locked in place so nothing goes in front of it [00:25] sorry didnt mean to exit [01:02] hmm did a 19.10 to 20.04 upgrade seems mostly ok except now i cant start steam [01:02] weird [01:03] it says failed to run steam.desktop === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [01:06] oh wait i think i gotta enable the other packages back [01:06] in software and updates [01:22] we will no longer have the xubuntu-restricted-extras package on xubuntu === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [02:40] How to make an application shortcut for hiding all windows on the screen? For minimizing them. It always was Ctrl+Alt+D (like Win+D in MS Windows) but in 20.04 it does not work :( I'm so used to this feature because some people like to stare at my screen... lol [02:42] I don't know if it is a problem of mine or of the new release. I've installed Xubuntu 20.04 minimal installation (xubuntu-core) through netboot-installation [02:43] I thought I could find shortcuts in previous releases' keyboard settings, but there are no any shortcuts for such a thing. [02:43] xu-help94w: That's Super+D now. [02:44] ..So like on Windows now. [02:44] What is Super? I thought Super is equal to Ctrl+D [02:44] The "Windows" key. [02:45] I've set up the Windows Key as the one that changes keyboard layouts. Is it the reason of which it doesn't work? [02:46] Yeah... I've just tried and indeed it works when I changed "change layout option" to another key [02:46] thank you! [02:46] Sure! [02:51] It's a pity I have to set another key for changing layouts in order to make Super+D work... I've used to changing layouts with only one key, not a combination of them. Is there a way to create an application shortcut for Ctrl+Alt+D? [02:52] I wonder which terminal command it is... [02:53] Well yeah, in the Window Manager settings you can simply revert it to the previous shortcut - or anything else you like. [02:55] Thank you so much! I was literally staring at Keyboard setting and I did not see it in there [02:55] Now I see it in the Window Manager :) :) :0 [02:56] Yeah, that separation confuses many.. [03:58] Any idea why df shows 1.1 TB space used on my hard drive even though `tree -h` shows only a handful of files that add up to about 750 GB? [03:58] (NTFS file system) [03:58] Probably will just format it anyway === CO2 is now known as Guest11276 [05:36] Does anyone know when the new version will be available as an upgrade on the LTS path? I kinda don't want to switch the updater to the develop path for this. [06:30] is the snap store extremely slow loading for anyone else [07:41] Are you there? [08:26] Eh, Adwaita icon theme is still broken... I thought it was going to be fixed in 20.04 3: [08:47] xu-help2w: how is it broken? [08:47] It was broken in 19.10. Many of the icons didn't work. You can check it on the DistroTest site. In 20.04 the same problem... oh [08:48] probably because Ubuntu splits the Adwaita icon theme into two packages [08:49] adwaita-icon-theme: default icon theme of GNOME (small subset) [08:49] adwaita-icon-theme-full: default icon theme of GNOME [08:49] installing -full should fix the problem [08:51] Thank you a looooot! ^_^ I was waiting half a year for this problem to fade away lol [08:51] Just installed it and it finally works [08:52] well yeah, I guess this can be confusing for users [08:52] not sure if this was reported to the Xubuntu deam [08:54] team [08:54] bug 1866814 [08:54] bug 1866814 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Adwaita icon theme is broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1866814 [08:56] * diogenes_ wonders what was the bug nr.1 [08:56] I even know that one. [08:57] do tell us please. [08:58] "Microsoft has a majority market share" :) It is a well-known "bug", because it's become a meme. [08:58] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 [08:58] Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] [08:59] hehe good one thanks. [09:00] ug #1 reported by Mark Shuttleworth on 2004-08-20 [09:00] :D [09:00] Bug* [09:16] Hello all. I'm planning on installing xubuntu 20.04. But I have read that this is not supported for 5yrs like regular ubuntu. What does this mean, precisely? [09:18] 3 instead of 5 years [09:20] does this only affect the xfce packages, and the rest of the packages has regular 5yrs support? [09:21] rest? the ubuntu core and other packages in the "main" repository have longer support [09:21] you can check with the terminal command "ubuntu-support-status" [09:22] !info thunar [09:22] thunar (source: thunar): File Manager for Xfce. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.14-0ubuntu1 (focal), package size 295 kB, installed size 1063 kB [09:22] thunar is in the "universe" repository [09:23] or it's called channel [09:24] okay, thanks. This means I'm not necessarily screwed with xubuntu 20.04 after 3yrs [09:25] How to add Presentation App in Libre office [09:52] 11:21 < brainwash> you can check with the terminal command "ubuntu-support-status" [09:52] thanks for that! [09:52] Had no idea that was a thing [11:39] help, i forgetten what i typed in the terminal, it says my sd card has no permission [11:39] sda ├─sda1│ vfat 4D19-9B26 402.9M 19% /boot/efi├─sda2│ swap 9ffda882-47ed-43d9-8220-ebc654b3c2cb [SWAP]└─sda3 ext4 4f954dab-0a15-450e-a41c-1cf2e4fe8ffc 414.5G 1% /mmcblk0 [11:40] it can detect but unable to mount as you can see, can anyone help? [11:41] Didn't work before and after --> sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils [11:42] HI herby [11:42] help, i forgotten what i typed in the terminal, it says my sd card has no permissionsda ├─sda1│ vfat 4D19-9B26 402.9M 19% /boot/efi├─sda2│ swap 9ffda882-47ed-43d9-8220-ebc654b3c2cb [SWAP]└─sda3 [11:42] ext4 4f954dab-0a15-450e-a41c-1cf2e4fe8ffc 414.5G 1% /mmcblk0 it can detect but unable to mount as you can see, can anyone help?Didn't work before and after --> sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils [12:40] Hi, I would like to upgrade from xubuntu 19.10 to 20.04 by GUI update-manager, but no new notification is shown to me. I have tried to setting "Notify for any version" and "Notify for LTS version" [12:43] gst568923: just do it through the CLI, man.. [12:44] kgb yes I know, but I asked through gui [12:44] just sudo apt clear cache b4 you start and you'll be golden!..:) [12:45] https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/debian-ubuntu-linux-clear-the-package-cache/ [12:45] ++ https://askubuntu.com/questions/144222/how-do-apt-get-clean-and-apt-get-clean-all-differ [12:45] =) [12:47] @ kgb I should run `sudo apt-get clean` ? [12:50] kgb I have run `sudo apt-get clean` and than update-manager but not works! [12:55] gst568923: it most likely takes some time until upgrading is available via GUI [12:55] in case there are some last minute bugs [12:58] brainwash: ok, well for GUI you've got: 1) Synaptic and 2) Aptitude [12:59] I was talking about update-manager [12:59] bt it should be *no* different from the apt package manager.. unless, I don't know what-all you might've added for it not to work. :o [13:01] "Upgrades from 19.10 will not be enabled until a few days after 20.04's release. Upgrades from 18.04 LTS will not be enabled until a few days after the 20.04.1 release expected in late July 2020." [13:01] there's *some* help for update-manager, like @https://xubuntu.org/m-update-manager/ but why bother with it. =) [13:02] idk., Synaptic is always good to me.. [13:02] you don't seem to understand the matter [13:02] (and Aptitude for 'tricky' leftovers, sometimes; when there are lots of repos added. :)) [13:03] oh. [13:03] this is about upgrading from 19.10 to 20.04 [13:03] via update-manager [13:04] yes ok, got it; bt WHY use update-manager, meh. [13:04] because it can do release upgrades [13:19] bah, even server instructions say to just "upgrade" and that's that! xD https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/0032cef9-ubuntu-server-guide.pdf [13:19] aanyway. :) [13:21] and /or simply more examples (& it gets done with three commands, literally), https://www.linuxbabe.com/ubuntu/upgrade-ubuntu-18-04-19-04-to-ubuntu-19-10 [13:22] brainwash: honestly, I don't know what's your beef w/update-manager :)) [13:23] ... here's more, it's the simplest thing in the world: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Upgrades [13:24] *always has been: https://www.howtogeek.com/351360/how-to-upgrade-to-the-latest-version-of-ubuntu/ [13:24] well okay. one more time for you in case you did not see the message: [13:24] "Upgrades from 19.10 will not be enabled until a few days after 20.04's release. Upgrades from 18.04 LTS will not be enabled until a few days after the 20.04.1 release expected in late July 2020." [13:24] there is nothing more to add [13:25] well, ok - but, then, WHY even ask?? :)) [13:27] because the user was not aware of this fact until I shared the information [13:27] maybe you should scroll up and read the chat log [13:29] i wish!..:) np vps [13:29] err no vps for me [13:42] Gongratz on 16.04 release: https://xubuntu.org/screenshots/ [13:51] I'm getting a Panda PAU06 USB wifi adapter to add wifi to a desktop machine running Xubuntu 17.10. What do I need to do to get it working? Just plug it in? [14:00] xubuntu nasıl kuruluyor 23 bit için? [14:00] 32* === xubuntu96i is now known as acdw [16:54] do we report bugs here? [17:20] apt update and upgrade doesn't automatically upgrade to 20.04 right? [17:24] Hamilton, right. [17:25] diogenes_, I need to issue a `apt dist-upgrade` or something explicitly right? [17:25] !upgrade | Hamilton [17:25] Hamilton: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade [17:39] Can I running Xubuntu LiveCD with another language? When I boot in the BIOS system the live usb show me this, and pressing can I change the language: `https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Uefi?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=install_00_precise.png` but when I run live usb into UEFI system the live usb show me only: [17:39] https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Uefi?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=grub_20.04.png [17:45] oh, I absolutely loathe localization ^^ everything has been designed, produced in English - original terminology, which often cannot be translated and then people make stuff up and a (majority) consensus is reached... while that translation usually SUCKS, big time. xF [17:47] @kgb the screenshots are: Can I running Xubuntu LiveCD with another language? When I boot in the BIOS system the live usb show me this, and pressing I can change the language: `shorturl.at/pGTZ6` but when I run live usb into UEFI system the live usb show me ONLY: `https://i.stack.imgur.com/UZiPB.png` [17:49] @kgb with mbr system I can change: https://i.stack.imgur.com/ZKC9O.png [17:49] @kgb with uefi no! [17:50] you can change the language after booting the Live ISO [17:50] https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EWFKxTfUcAURH2g?format=jpg [17:51] gst568923: honestly never had an interest in *anything* which has to do with localization - other than to HOW to enable en_US (and throw away all of those other "en" entries which Ubuntu comes with; wish that could all be fixed to en_US as if useful. :)) [17:51] * kgb can't type, sheesh! [17:53] brainwash your screenshot appears before of this screen?: https://i.stack.imgur.com/UZiPB.png [17:54] after [17:55] after that I press "Try Ubuntu without installing"? [17:55] do you open the grub boot menu? [17:56] normally, it does not open and you just boot to the screen in my screenshot [17:57] brainwash thanks, i will try again as you are telling me [17:59] another question: actualy update-manager not notify me of 20.04 new version? [17:59] it will in few days [18:02] brainwash ok..., because I have this bug problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/+bug/1865130 [18:02] Launchpad bug 1865130 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu) "[drm:uvd_v1_0_start [radeon]] *ERROR* UVD not responding, trying to reset the VCPU!!!" [High,Fix released] [18:02] brainwash I use open source driver radeon [18:03] hello everyone. [18:03] udzguru welcome [18:03] gst568923: but it says Fix Released [18:04] in 18.04, 19.10 and 20.04 [18:04] i have an issue with xfce4-settings-manager. no matter how i launch it (via cli or whisker-menu) the window is simply empty and shows no settings [18:05] anyone got an idea? [18:05] could be a broken menu file [18:05] you don't get any error message in the terminal output? [18:05] brainwash yes, but for ati mobility hd 3450 the problem persist and I have also the screen black, I can run xubuntu only with VGA external port and nomodeset option :( [18:05] no error output from the cli [18:06] gst568923: no idea then. you could install 20.04 now if you don't want to wait some more days.. [18:07] udzguru: is that a new issue in 20.04? [18:07] no i am not yet on 20.04 [18:08] it's 19.10. [18:08] have not yet been offered the option for the release-upgrade. [18:09] brainwash: i already searched the internet and found mention of .menu files in ~/.config but there are none for me and I do have the default ones it seems in /etc/xdg/.... [18:09] did settings-manager work fine before? or did some recent change/update introduce this glitch? [18:09] brainwash I tried to write in the irc section #radeon days ago but there is more silence than a cemetery! [18:10] it did work when i set up this laptop. somewhere on the way through upgrades it stopped working. i tried to find the error some months ago but ran into a dead end .. now i had time and wanted to give it another shot [18:11] is there an option to "reset" the settings-manager somehow? [18:11] not sure. it does not actually save much information other than window size I think. [18:12] I would create a second user account and check if the problem is affecting this fresh account also [18:12] this is something i found in ~/.config. an xml file with a window size defined. [18:13] ok gimme a sec [18:14] so a freshly created user has all the settings it seems [18:15] just as i would expect to find for my current user [18:15] that confirms that there is something wrong with your user account [18:16] and the settings-manager only stores window size information [18:16] the question is: what could that be? [18:16] my guess would still be menu file [18:16] or GTK theming issue [18:16] mmh [18:19] i am pretty clueless ... i did not change anything regarding themes or so ... and the menu file in /etc/xdg/.. looks pretty much stock and contains information about all the settings. [18:20] at least to my knowledge [18:22] not sure what to suggest [18:24] thank you for your support even if we didn't find the solution. i really appreciate people being friendly and helpful ;) [18:25] i also joined the xfce support channel ... perhaps the guys there have an idea on how to approach this [18:25] it really is an odd issue :/ [18:26] in very old posts i found there were hints on .menu files in the ~/.config folder. but i searched using catfish and did not find any [18:27] i camr across a bug with screensaver preview. when i click preview it kills my mouse and i cant get out [18:29] also there seems to be a bug in firefox. when clicking to copy something it glitches and dosnt let the menu stay up. you have to scroll over it without letting go to copy [18:31] xubuntu 20.04 fresh install === kgbme is now known as kgb [18:36] hi. got this issue when screen locks: keyboard does not work only mouse so i cant type the password. first noticed when upgrading to 19.04 then on another masine when going from 18lts to 20lts. any ideas? [18:40] e3k: 20.04 uses the new xfce4-screensaver as screen locker. so, remove the old light-locker and install the new one instead. [18:41] i did disable every lock in screensaver and powermanagement it locks anyway... [18:41] that shouldn't happen [18:42] the old light-locker? got to check that but currently on some other system. i use ubuntu only at work. [18:43] brainwash - yes it looks that something is locking the session in addition despite the fact i disabled all locks via settings. [18:43] "old" as in it was replaced [18:44] the only way to workaround i have now to run: service lightdm restart - so i guess it could be lightdm related. any changes there? [18:44] hard to tell [18:44] best to check what processes you have running [18:44] $ ps aux [18:45] will print them in a terminal window [18:45] look for "locker" and "screensaver" [19:21] Hi, I installed xubuntu 20.04 yesterday and have a quick question and an fyi [19:21] first the fyi, the libreoffice help does not work [19:21] what's the error you're getting? [19:21] reports a permissions issue [19:22] what permission issue [19:22] in the end I ended up uninstalling the bundled version and instead installing the current from libreoffice [19:22] I would have to spin up a new vm to give you the error [19:22] need 10 min but I will get it for you [19:22] ok [19:22] my quick question is network manager GUI support for wireguard [19:23] should be [19:23] supposedly the cli has it [19:23] but I see no way to add a connection via the applet [19:23] even though wireguard is installed [19:24] is the snap store slow for anyone else? [19:25] couldn't tell you, I don't use snap [19:28] why not [19:29] why [19:29] ? [19:30] I can install whatever I need from terminal in 5 seconds and then i never need any apps ever again. [19:30] I only use about 5-6 pieces of software on linux [19:32] forgot I had deleted my template (want to rebuild it) so its taking a bit longer to do fresh install from iso..... [19:35] booting now [19:37] error when I try to access libreoffice help (f1) [19:37] maybe it's not installed [19:38] Object not accessible. The object cannot be accessed due to insufficient user rights. [19:38] idk how but my memu seems to be messed up. none of the software programs are showing unless i actually search for them [19:40] also language support is telling me that writing aids for my chosen language (english) are not installed. [19:41] offers to install dictionaries and help files for en-za, gb, au and ca [19:42] is there anything you want me to check or give you on this fresh install vm? [19:44] is the package "libreoffice-help-en-us" installed? [19:44] let me check [19:44] no idea if language support would pull that in or not [19:46] yes it is [19:48] bug 1869561 [19:48] bug 1869561 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Focal) "Libreoffice Help does not work" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1869561 [19:49] ah [19:49] glad it was already known :) [19:50] what about wireguard in network manager gui? [19:52] brainwash i have got no locker running but: 1. /usr/bin/xfce4-screensaver 2. xscreensaver [19:53] xscreensaver? [19:53] don't ask me why [19:53] you should probably uninstall it [19:53] probably i shoul [19:53] d [19:54] unexpected behaviour can occur when two screen lockers try to lock the session [19:55] unexpected behavior can occur when using ubuntu ;) [19:55] abtm: are you asking if there is support builtin now, or do you have a problem setting it up? [19:55] if built in [19:55] have wireguard module installed [19:55] but cant find a way to add in nm applet [19:56] brainwash ok. uninstalled and will test it on monday. shell i report back when it is fixed (the test will run 8h) [19:56] abtm: maybe this https://blogs.gnome.org/thaller/2019/03/15/wireguard-in-networkmanager/ [19:56] read that [19:57] and read others that confirm gui is avail in kde versions so wanted to know if in xfce as well [19:57] Xfce does not have/provide a network manager [19:58] we are using the gnome nm applet I believe [19:58] not sure if it is a gnome project [19:59] but yes, nm-applet is used in Xubuntu [19:59] and obviously network-manager [20:01] abtm: all I can find are tutorials for nmcli or configuration import, so no GUI setup [20:01] got it [20:41] did any of yall switch the window mannager out [20:45] any one upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04 ? [20:45] any issues ? [20:45] i did on ubuntu stock [20:45] worked fine [20:46] took way longer then a clean install [20:46] I did 19.10 to 20.04 yesterday. [20:46] I've got a custom setup here with my xubuntu [20:46] 18.04 [20:47] what do u mean custom [20:48] Vata0_: https://i.imgur.com/S7RBBwN.png [20:49] how did u add that side bar [20:49] its actually a hidden bar [20:50] or hidden panel [20:50] its there by default? [20:50] no I added it [20:50] panel 1 [20:51] I dont like ubuntu [20:51] xubuntu is the best distro of them all [20:51] so solid [20:51] you cant go wrong with xfce [20:51] it just works its solid and its a great daily driver [20:51] xfce seems just as slow as gnome for me [20:52] Vata0_: crate panel 1 chose deskbar [20:52] row size 26 [20:52] i found it thx [20:52] number of rows 1 [20:52] i like ur setup [20:52] automatically hide panel always [20:52] thanks [20:53] :) [20:54] hang on ill share mine [20:57] https://imgur.com/a/ZcrN6Oa [20:59] nice wallpaper :) [20:59] thx [21:00] im not done this was just to get me up and goin [21:00] the icon set I use is papirus [21:00] also for the panel I use a separator for each icon [21:01] I might look into adding something in conky [21:01] eventually [21:01] for the background [21:01] not a fan of conky [21:01] is there a night shift for xubuntu [21:02] i cant think of what its actally called right now [21:03] not sure [21:04] you can try compiz docky and plank [21:04] but I prefer to use the defaults as it is [21:05] i wish i could think of what its called [21:06] ubuntu had it by default [21:06] puppy linux even has it [21:07] you should check out irssi [21:08] whats that [21:09] it's a console IRC client. [21:09] I've been using it since I can remember. [21:09] im useing hex [21:10] cool [21:15] he use gtk right [21:15] gtk [21:17] Vata0_: if you mean dispo , he specifically mentioned using xubuntu [21:17] 22:46:29 < dispo> I've got a custom setup here with my xubuntu [21:17] fount it [21:17] sudo apt-get install redshift-gtk [21:17] ur all welcome [21:18] okay [21:18] I don't enjoy eyecandy, but sure. [21:18] mot eye candy [21:18] its nightshift [21:18] used it on puppy [21:19] oh, ok. [21:19] https://github.com/jonls/redshift [21:21] will check that out thanks :) [21:23] Vata0_: red shift is in the software center [21:23] repo [21:23] ill get it from there [21:24] works well :) [21:27] dam really [21:28] yep that software center rocks [21:28] has everything [21:30] i wish this version was like puppys tho [21:31] it would allow you to adjust it from a menu and turn it on and test it and stuff [21:38] well I have a menu on the icon [21:38] panel [21:38] if I right click [21:38] with options [21:43] i have that but its not like the puppy menu [21:44] Question... I am on Xubuntu 19.10 and just saw that 20.04 was released... I tried a "sudo do-release-upgrade" but it says no new release found? I made sure it was flagged for NORMAL vs LTS. Any ideas? [21:46] Thanks for any advice... [21:48] xu-irc69w: no idea, I did the exact same thing yesterday and it worked "somewhat okay". [21:48] xu-irc69w: 20.04 is still under the development channel - is recommneded to aeait the .1 release, However, if you so desire the 20,04 rlaese now there is the -d flag in do-release-upgrade command to make it happen. [21:49] the upgrade process itself wasn't entirely successful, but at least do-release-upgrade found the new release okay. [21:55] hello, i am running xubuntu 20.04, after reboot i always get initramfs and need to run fsck [21:56] does it mean i have bad blocks ? [21:57] well, it might. [21:57] Noboru55: Consider too hardware issues: what shows from the smartctl tool ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools [21:57] it might also mean that your volume is not unmounted properly for some reason while shutting down the system. [21:59] in any case, what should i do ? [22:01] Noboru55: My 1st step is to read the system logs - primary is /var/log/syslog . [22:07] not sure, maybe when i run the ms office on playonlinux it doesn't close properly [22:07] and when i reboot something happens. [22:08] yeah, tracking down that "something" is crucial to solve this :) [22:09] hello [22:09] lol [22:09] taxdude: please don't take my money! [22:09] since it doesn't broken my xubuntu [22:09] ok [22:09] its ok [22:09] donations only [22:10] do the devs of xubuntu actually come here? [22:10] so is the the update immediately after install that installs the snap-store a bug? [22:11] after install the first thing I did was to remove snapd, but it wasn't installed [22:12] then I get a notice about an update and it installs snapd [22:12] i gave up to uninstall snapd because many softwares install it like a dependency [22:12] example chromium-browser [22:12] now going to dinner. [22:12] is that because of chromium or because of the snap-store [22:13] chromium-browser was using snapd in 19.10 already. [22:13] I wouldn't know, I always install Chrome [22:14] you are installing it from the Software thing, right? Becuase that has snaps enabled. If you disable snaps I don't think it would install the snap version. [22:15] nah, unfortunately that's not the case for Chromium at least. [22:15] I can test that out on a VM now I think [22:16] taxdude: you don't need to :) here's the official announcement : https://snapcraft.io/blog/chromium-in-ubuntu-deb-to-snap-transition [22:18] guess you are right: apt-cache depends chromium-browser [22:18] chromium-browser PreDepends: debconf PreDepends: snapd [22:18] I really don't like snaps :( [22:19] me neither [22:19] they remind me of snapchat. [22:21] lol [22:28] dispo is it possible to make a panel amd have somthing centered without all the seperators === kgbme is now known as kgb