
vegardxUsing NoCloud, what part of meta-data or keys take presence of values provided in SMBIOS or values defined in meta-data and user-data? I was hoping to create a somewhat generic user-data, but be able to provide the instance with a unique hostname using the parameters in SMBIOS.00:01
vegardxUnless I've misunderstood something I have to basically specify the same thing twice. Which means I have to generate a new disk image for every machine.00:02
vegardx(using KVM with libvirt and virt-install locally)00:02
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blackboxswvegardx: could you provide a bit more information on that. NoCloud can obtain metadata from a seedfrom url so you can provide dynamic metadata from custom urls if we wish.02:23
blackboxswif *you* with I mean https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/datasources/nocloud.html02:23
blackboxswe.g. you can pass this option to QEMU: ...    -smbios type=1,serial=ds=nocloud-net;s=
blackboxsw's' a short option for  seedfrom= which can be customized with whatever meta-data and user-data you want to provide02:24
blackboxswvegardx: and for more generic userdata you could use jinja templates in your cloud-config that react to the underlying environment of a system (dhcp hostnames, ip address range, distro etc) https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/instancedata.html#using-instance-data02:26
* blackboxsw has to fall off into the end-of-week abyss. see folks later02:29
LongLiveCHIEF👋 new to the room! I'm the maintainer of the official octoprint docker image. Came here as a result of some testing I'm doing to prepare new user docs for the octoprint image17:01
LongLiveCHIEFwhat I'm running into atm, is user-data being ignored at boot on raspberry-pi devices when it's in the root of the `system-boot` partition, and i'm wondering if I should be placing user-data in the writable partition instead17:03
LongLiveCHIEFi've spent a few days getting up to speed with cloud-init, so i'm familiar with the boot stages, user-data and meta-data formats, etc..  don't be afraid to ask low-level questions if you need more info from me17:10
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