[00:25] @wxl [ https://www.qt.io/blog/qt-and-open-source], is this mean qt s not free source? [00:25] it doesn't mean much of anything yet [00:27] if i dont misunderstand those terms, it means they can sell it by force now [00:27] i dont mind much since i ll follow u guys:D [00:27] nothing is set in stone [00:28] hmm [00:30] "since im just a little sand in linux sea, i ll trust u guys' waves to go anywhere" i just thought this sentence, doesnt it look cool? :D === BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK === BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK [02:36] where can i download lubuntu 20.94 ? i cannot find it on lubuntu.net [02:36] wikipedia says lubuntu 20.04 release was 23apr20 which was yesterday [02:41] nvm i found another website lubuntu.me [02:47] @klu3 [ nvm i found another website lubuntu.me], that's the one [03:06] Hello everyone! [03:06] I have Lubuntu 19.10 installed on my laptop and want to upgrade to 20.04 [03:07] sudo do-release-upgrade returns "No new release found." [03:07] A reddit comment said I can do sudo do-releasu-upgrade -d [03:07] Any help? [03:11] KRAV was added by: KRAV [03:11] Hey sorry for the annoying Q. Its quarantine so times are rough but... [03:12] How long does the upgrade take on an average 2014 laptop? 20-30min? Does the pc remain usable until the end? [03:12] Christos: Yes, they are right about that. [03:12] Using the do-release-upgrade approach [03:13] Ehm what version will you upgrade from? [03:16] kryten Thanks mate :-) [03:17] Sure. :) [03:19] Does a PC stay usable while running the upgrade with do-release-upgrade? [03:20] If not, how long should i expect it to take (on a 2013era laptop, which i love Lubuntu on) [03:20] Sorry to be that annoying prick. These are hard times of quarantine [03:21] lekrav, during the download stage I frequently use it, but once install has started I tend to leave it alone (it can slow down the machine somewhat when packages are being installed) .. it'll somewhat depend on the resources in your box [03:22] I wouldn't be doing much, just playing a podcast on VLC -> bluetooth speakers while i do stuff around my place [03:22] It's just the prompt told me upgrade can take "several hours" but im hoping that's an overestimation as a catch-all for all cases lol [03:23] AKA insurance for people using very old and slow hardware :P === Eickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer[q] [03:27] yes upgrades can take a long time (esp. on lower speed internet & older boxes), I'd use it normally during download stage, at times during install of new packages you could not brief pauses if box is struggling with resources, so I'd recommend keeping it light during install phase (if pauses occur reduce workload), audio should be better than higher-res video but it's resource dependent I suspect (diff boxes will perform better/worse than others) [03:29] Thanks! As long as it doesn't lock me into a BSOD for 5 hours [03:29] leaving me to do sudoku all evening [04:33] how is lubuntu.net still a thing? [04:42] It is lubuntu.me [04:42] lubuntu.net is not run by Lubuntu [04:43] Hill I hope that answers your question [04:43] I see thanks [04:43] no worries [07:15] is anyone here usein quassel [07:15] Vata0, if you have a question, please just ask it. [09:11] lekrav alread left. I like to use nice -n19 ionice -c3 apt update; nice -n19 ionice -c3 apt -y [dist-]upgrade. The updates may last longer but even old hardware responses faster [09:45] dpkg: error processing desktop-file-utils when running almost any install command on terminal. Any idea? [09:48] the next line adds: 'desktop-file-utils package post installation script sub process returned error exit status 1' [09:49] i'll to reinstall probably [09:51] santimir[m], please pastebinit your command & messages, and provide release details, and I'll have a look in a bit [09:57] https://pastebin.com/vsum3eL0 [09:58] those messages don't appear complete, are they edited? (if they aren't edited, `sudo apt -f install` should show the issues) [09:59] they aren't edited, i get another error using -f [10:00] the "E: Sub-process" I think of as a summary; the 'another error' is likely the real error I'm looking for [10:00] can you please pastebin `sudo apt -f install` [10:00] fyi: you can `sudo apt -f install |pastebinit` [10:03] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KWByBs46hC [10:04] nope I don't see anything extra, but give me a bit.. [10:08] santimir[m], try `sudo dpkg --configure -a` [10:15] no luck. maybe i did something wrong using mkusb [10:21] sorry I can't think of anything else, Lubuntu is an official flavor so you could try #ubuntu [10:33] no worries, thanks for helping anyways [12:35] orboti2p was added by: orboti2p [12:35] halo [12:36] how to import wireguard conf into network manager? [12:37] I try didn't work [14:19] hi [14:19] hello [14:19] /msg NickServ identify [14:19] /msg NickServ identify [14:46] hello guys [14:47] I am trying to save the settings for multiples monitors [14:47] but doesn't work [14:47] any idea ? thanks a lot [15:20] tomy: what doesn't work? [15:20] wich version? [16:01] Hello. Lubuntu 20.04 - Q: How can I edit the menu, which has become quite chaotic with LXQt ;-)? I would like to add also some starters. Thx for some comments [16:07] Blendphys: currently the best way to do it is understand how .desktops and menu entr entries work [16:08] https://specifications.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ [16:09] https://specifications.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/menu-spec-latest.html [16:09] Oh dear okay ... . Under 18.04 I used menulibre but this doesn't work anymore in a right manner === f is now known as Guest83159 [16:20] If I may ask a 2nd question: with 'pcmanfm-qt -w ' I cannot change the desktop wallpaper anymore (under 18.04 it worked with pcmanfm -w). Any ideas? [16:40] Blendphys this should work. It might be necessary to move the mouse over the desktop. [16:47] Blendphys menulibre can make things worse... [17:39] Re all. I set up my new Lubuntu 20.04 and have to restart several times ... Anyway, sry to annoy you again: with 'pcmanfm-qt -w ' I cannot change the desktop wallpaper anymore (under 18.04 it worked with pcmanfm -w). Any ideas? [17:53] anybody? [17:55] Blendphys: Currently finishing something up and I will give it a look. [17:56] kc2bez, thx a lot [17:56] Just poste I have quickly dinner [17:57] Blendphys: It should work, but testing with some files, it does not always work [17:57] And there is a known little bug, that you have to trigger pcmanfm-qt to update the wallpaper [17:58] Blendphys: Are you using absolute paths? [17:58] apt-ghetto, yes [17:59] and the path is correct [17:59] gimp can read the image [17:59] it is an jpeg [17:59] I only have a few images on my VM but they all seem to work so far. [18:00] when you set the path, can you check with `grep .config/pcmanfm-qt/lxqt/settings.conf` [18:13] kc2bez, thx, hmm strange ... [18:13] apt-ghetto, good idea! result: the correct path is in the file .config/pcmanfm-qt/lxqt/settings.conf [18:13] So, from this point of view, everything is correct [18:14] Yes, it looks like a bug [18:14] there is this here: https://github.com/lxqt/pcmanfm-qt/issues/935 [18:14] It should be noted that you need to move the mouse cursor over the desktop for the change to take place. [18:15] kc2bez, yep, true, and this is not the case here. I just wanted to mention that there was already a problem of 'updating' the desktop [18:15] The fix from issue 935 isn't included in our version, but moving the cursor is enough to workaround the bug [18:15] Is there another way to change the wallpaper? May be some old X11 command? [18:18] I am unsure of another way to do it via the CLI but there is a gui if you right click on the desktop. [18:18] You can set up a slide show https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/3/3.2/3.2.5/desktop.html [18:18] HEY ALL: I can reproduce this phenomena that the wallpaper gets updated when moving the mouse !!! [18:23] So, I can fully reproduce this [18:24] apt-ghetto, thx for the suggestions but I want to do it from the terminal ... [18:25] Question: shall I report the bug? But where? [18:25] The bug is solved upstream [18:26] The fix is missing in the current version, it is a one liner [18:26] so? [18:26] :) [18:26] If you like to file a bug, you can do it on launchpad.net [18:27] You can do `ubuntu-bug pcmanfm-qt` [18:27] I see, it is in line 600: desktopWin->update(); [18:27] :) [18:52] kc2bez, 'ubuntu-bug pcmanfm-qt' is only for a crash, right? I cannot really write a report ... [18:53] ubuntu-bug is for bug reporting. You can read more about reporting bugs here on our wiki page https://phab.lubuntu.me/w/bugs/ [18:54] Using ubuntu-bug walks you through the process. [18:54] kc2bez, and I can write a text? [18:54] Yes, it will open a web browser. [18:55] ah, okay. Otherwise, I'm already logged in in launchpad [18:55] it's the first time for me that I report a bug! ;-) [18:56] There is a video on the wiki page that shows what takes place. [18:57] kc2bez, you get 10 points today, thx a lot ;-) [18:58] Thanks. Happy to help. [19:13] kc2bez and others, here the bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pcmanfm-qt/+bug/1875078 [19:13] Launchpad bug 1875078 in pcmanfm-qt (Ubuntu) "'pcmanfm-qt -w ' does update wallpaper only after mouse movement" [Undecided,New] [19:14] kc2bez, that was really easy! Long live the Linux world! [20:45] wewee, 20.04. thank you devs [20:52] i get: command useradd -m -U -s /bin/bash - c 0 finished with exit code 3. output: useradd: invalid user name" [20:53] Does anyone know why some app icons get messed up in the tray? [20:54] Touchpad-indicator and discord both are both missing their icons in the tray and a generic icon shows up instead of their app icons. [21:10] needed to erase the MBT before install with kde package manager [21:10] @mccarty [ needed to erase the MBT before install with kde package manager], kde partition manager, maybe [21:11] ya [21:11] hello [21:11] it is me gamer boy === BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK [23:04] Hi [23:04] I want help [23:05] Somebody??? Help me [23:08] !ask | eze [23:08] eze: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [23:11] Ok! SORRY!. the ask: i want install zoom marketing in lubuntu 20.04 What archive i must download of the page of zoom? [23:12] Zoom meeting (correct) [23:12] Zoom is proprietary and isn't in the archive. [23:13] You can install the deb package from zoom.us [23:13] There is also a snap https://snapcraft.io/zoom-client [23:15] Know that. But for lubuntu 20.04 is compatibility the package for ubuntu? [23:15] Yes, Lubuntu is Ubuntu with the LXQt desktop environment. [23:16] The base is the same. [23:17] Thank kc2bez! I trate with the snap. [23:22] Bye bye everythings. And MD. (Maintence Distance) [23:22] Take care eze [23:23] Ok === sam_ is now known as Guest75163