
sil2100wgrant: ceph is already in -proposed and we could basically treat it as an 0-day SRU00:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted linux-signed-oem-osp1 [amd64] (bionic-proposed) [5.0.0-1050.55]02:54
=== Eickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer[q]
vorlonLaney: btw I'm not sure the i386 cowboys are actually required; I had implemented it differently in git and waffled about whether to drop the cowboyed bit03:57
Laneyvorlon: great, let's get that sorted out then08:11
Laneyright, autopkgtests look good to me08:38
Laneylet's do a run08:38
Laney(of proposed-migration)08:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted openmpi [sync] (groovy-proposed) [4.0.3-6ubuntu1]09:33
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: weechat-scripts (groovy-proposed/universe) [20191009-1 => 20200421-1] (no packageset) (sync)09:34
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: golang-google-grpc (groovy-proposed/universe) [1.22.1-1ubuntu1 => 1.27.1-1] (ubuntu-mate) (sync)09:35
Laneycould someone in ubuntu-archive reject those three syncs to groovy *release* please?09:36
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted golang-google-grpc [sync] (groovy-proposed) [1.27.1-1]09:36
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted weechat-scripts [sync] (groovy-proposed) [20200421-1]09:36
dokoLaney: done10:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected golang-google-grpc [sync] (groovy-release) [1.27.1-1]10:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected weechat-scripts [sync] (groovy-release) [20200421-1]10:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected virtualbox [sync] (groovy-release) [6.1.6-dfsg-2]10:27
Laneydoko: thanks10:27
Laneylooks good to open to me I'd say10:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: gcc-9 (groovy-proposed/main) [9.3.0-11ubuntu1 => 9.3.0-11ubuntu2] (core, i386-whitelist)10:31
dokoyes, the s390x gcc-9 build on s390x succeeded, for the other archs it's just a normal upload10:33
dokoLaney: does britney migration now wait on riscv64?10:33
Laneyno change since focal yet10:34
dokoplease enable that, or else transitions will be out of sync in a day or two10:36
juliankUpgraded my server to focal, everything seems to work fine10:36
dokoduring the freeze we didn't have any transitions10:36
Laneyok, but it implies active fixing will likely be required so we should probably mention it in the opening email10:37
dokoLaney: and probably it should be enabled for focal now as well10:37
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted gcc-9 [source] (groovy-proposed) [9.3.0-11ubuntu2]10:41
juliankubuntu-security-status does not give me a list of packages, sigh10:44
juliankLet's enable esm-infra and esm-apps10:46
juliankAnd I gotta upload python-apt with groovy template10:46
Laneythere's a list somewhere of packages that need uploading10:47
juliankyes, but I already got a bug report from unhappy users about it, and it breaks a ton of autopkgtests :D10:48
juliankI think it needs moving up in the list we have, because it does cause quite a few unnecessary test failures10:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: gcc-10 (groovy-proposed/main) [10-20200411-0ubuntu1 => 10-20200425-1ubuntu1] (i386-whitelist)10:51
juliankOh Laney, I thought it's groovy gorilla, but archive just says Groovy?10:52
juliankLaunchpad says Groovy, focal is The Focal Fossa10:52
Laneyit is, that'll be changed10:52
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: python-apt (groovy-proposed/main) [2.0.0 => 2.0.0ubuntu1] (core, i386-whitelist)11:00
juliank^ Anyhow, I'll just leave that here, accept as needed11:00
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted python-apt [source] (groovy-proposed) [2.0.0ubuntu1]11:03
juliankWe can then sync python-apt 2.1.3 over it later (not yet available), which removes the python-apt binary package (aka python2 support)11:09
juliankThis way we get the minimal thing to unblock migration for various packages without entangling it with py2removal :)11:10
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted gcc-10 [source] (groovy-proposed) [10-20200425-1ubuntu1]11:10
ginggsi can't retry autopkgtests:15:35
ginggsYou submitted an invalid request: Unknown release groovy15:35
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: gcc-10 (groovy-proposed/main) [10-20200425-1ubuntu1 => 10-20200425-1ubuntu2] (i386-whitelist)16:21
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted gcc-10 [source] (groovy-proposed) [10-20200425-1ubuntu2]16:21
dokoLaney: ^^^16:22
ginggsautopkgtests retries working now, thanks whomever :)16:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: llvm-toolchain-10 (groovy-proposed/main) [1:10.0.0-4ubuntu1 => 1:10.0.0-4ubuntu2] (i386-whitelist)16:50
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted llvm-toolchain-10 [source] (groovy-proposed) [1:10.0.0-4ubuntu2]16:50
juliankOh, forgot distro-info-data18:43
juliankAh it's in there, just gotta retry failures18:43
vorlondoko: britney did already wait for riscv64; so there's no change, and transitions should not go out of sync?19:42
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: remmina (groovy-proposed/main) [1.4.2+dfsg-1ubuntu1 => 1.4.3+dfsg-1ubuntu1] (ubuntu-desktop)21:43
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ruby2.7 (groovy-proposed/main) [2.7.0-5ubuntu1 => 2.7.0-6ubuntu1] (i386-whitelist)21:46

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