
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I am satrting to question if plugins with a jack version should even show up in the menu. There are a lot of them... so many that most people will take one loo and not bother.00:10
OvenWerks*one look00:10
OvenWerksIt is almost worth it's own menu, sub menus and  sub sub menus00:12
EickmeyerOvenWerks: If you install the version of -menu from the Backports PPA, it has the jack versions of lsp-plugins in a submenu of the Effects submenu.00:14
OvenWerksI am not even sure providing lv2, vst, jack client and ALSA application make sense.00:14
OvenWerkscool, I will do that00:14
EickmeyerIn other words: I did a thing this morning.00:15
EickmeyerRegarding DjZU's issue, I think it was a one-off.00:16
OvenWerksAnything that has an OSS variant should have the OSS variant .desktop file with NoDisplay=true00:17
OvenWerkswe should not support OSS00:18
EickmeyerAgreed. OSS needs to die in a fire.00:18
OvenWerksOSS is the thing for free BSD00:19
OvenWerksit is more "unix-y"00:19
EickmeyerWell, they can have fun with it. As for me an my house, we shall have ALSA.00:19
OvenWerksit is not real time friendly00:20
OvenWerkstotally file handle based... blockable00:21
OvenWerkshowever, I think the switch to plasma should get done first when GG opens up in a few weeks00:22
OvenWerksI have set mine up to look pretty much like what we have now.00:22
OvenWerksdeskbar at the top, etc.00:23
OvenWerksthe plasma default for menu is close to whisker but I switched to the win95 style menu whic for me is the most productive. (me being strange)00:25
OvenWerksin the past we have set the title bar colour of the focused window to Studio blue00:25
EickmeyerGroovy Gorilla.00:25
ubottuUbuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla) will be the 33rd release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release October 2020 ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GroovyGorilla/ReleaseSchedule ). Join #ubuntu+1 for support and questions.00:26
EickmeyerI don't know if I'm going to go as far as customizing color schemes.00:26
OvenWerksso long as it contrasts... while I have a CDE look alike, I am not suggesting we do that00:27
OvenWerksbreeze works quite well with gnomed titlebars for now (untill they change to make it look "new"00:28
EickmeyerI think I'm going to keep Materia (I've already packaged the KDE version), but I'll change the inactive titlebar to a "light" color as the default. Basically, I'll make a new color scheme. Would that be a fair compromise?00:30
OvenWerksI'll know when I see it :)00:30
OvenWerksmerely changing the text colour does not seem to be enough. a good Title bar BG difference helps a lot00:31
OvenWerkssome of us are over 45...00:32
* OvenWerks will be 60 this year00:32
OvenWerksbut the rality for me is, if I don't like it I will change it :)00:33
OvenWerksso do what the artistic people like.... I'll try to be quiet and not throw too much popcorn00:34
EickmeyerIn all fairness, I just turned 40.00:35
OvenWerks4 more years to go...00:36
eylul[m]is suddenly actually feeling young in this conversation00:36
OvenWerkseylul[m]: you are probably about my daughter in law's age00:36
EickmeyerThen there's tsimonq2 who is young enough to be my son. But not as young as my actual son. Just 10 years difference though.00:36
eylul[m]I would say that 10 years of age in that context is still quite a bit :))00:37
EickmeyerThat's true.00:38
OvenWerksmy son is a Dr. chemmist his wife is an engineer... they met at university00:38
StevenJayCohenBoth my kids are at university, they are 21. He's studying CS and she's studying documentary film01:21
=== Eickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer[q]
OvenWerksjust listening to https://soundcloud.com/davephillips69/the-spring-of-2306:15
OvenWerksmade on Ardour06:15
OvenWerksArdour 2 actually06:16
StevenJayCohenOh, I'm sharing that to book twitter06:28
StevenJayCohenIf a machine took stock Ubuntu 20.04, added the Low Latency Kernel and the Music stuff via Ubuntu Studio Installer, and wants to upgrade to 2X.04 in a year or two, does the upgrade take care of the Low Latency Kernel and the Music stuff? Or will I need to upgrade those after the fact via Ubuntu Studio Installer. I'm guessing that the Kernel will be updated, and possibly the pieces that I had installed too,06:33
StevenJayCohenbut that I should re-install the Music stuff to pick up any new additions to the distro. Will Ubuntu Studio Control update automatically?06:33
OvenWerksStevenJayCohen: I do not know the answer to that question.15:39
OvenWerksStevenJayCohen: Eickmeyer says that there needs to be a ppa purge before upgrading can be done and I do not know what that does to the system15:40
EickmeyerAll the ppa purge does is remove the PPA and downgrade the packages that are in the PPA to whatever is in the repo.15:41
OvenWerksEickmeyer: ok, so what happens to software installed out side of the release?15:42
OvenWerksare they upgraded?15:42
OvenWerksI think that is what is being asked15:42
EickmeyerAnything that is in the repos and is installed on the system is upgraded.15:43
OvenWerksStevenJayCohen: so the answer to your question is "yes"15:43
OvenWerksStevenJayCohen: the Studio packages will also be upgraded15:44
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I don't think a clean install will help DjZU. He is likely to make the same mistake on a new install15:45
EickmeyerAt least it would be a good starting point to see where he went wrong.15:46
OvenWerksI would like to see the line in /etc/passwd for this user15:47
OvenWerksthe last entry should be: /sbin/nologin or /bin/false15:48
OvenWerksI am wondering if as a part of installing the sw he had to create this user and did so using the new user GUI15:49
OvenWerksAlso the user number should be less than 100016:04
OvenWerksA package install should take care of that...16:04

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