
bannaHello! Anyone have any luck with the 20.04 x64 image torrent?00:12
bannaokay, it looks like the tracker finally decided to respond!00:18
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Celso3 canais só02:53
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tf2ftwhow do I upgrade to 20.04? I've done dist-upgrade by my sources.list is still pointing to bionic..03:52
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade03:58
CO2Hello, I found a tiny little annoyance in 20.04 and I was wondering if this is worth reporting somewhere. If I open the program menu (xubuntu logo) on the bottom left, then start typing to search, e.g. "soft" to get the Software and the Software & Updates applications, and then press the down arrow key to start going down the list, I have to press the down arrow twice to get from the first09:20
CO2entry to the second. In 18.04 which I upgraded from I'm pretty sure I had to press it only once.09:20
CO2This way of opening things is burned into my finger memory so I noticed it immediately09:20
diogenes_hmm nothing. Whiskermenu afaik is maintained by one person only.09:24
CO2found a bug list page for it here, I guess doesn't hurt to file it there https://bugzilla.xfce.org/buglist.cgi?product=xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin&query_format=advanced09:26
xubuntu28ihi is it possible to use awesome in xubuntu ?10:00
diogenes_xubuntu28i, try and see.10:01
xu-irc15wi just switched to xubuntu and im having a very specific problem with a drive not showing up can someone help me?10:14
brainwashxu-irc15w: please provide some details10:20
xu-irc15wsure, i have an veracrypt encrypted hard drive, which was previously booting windows. Now i have xubuntu on the second drive and installed veracrypt to decrypt the first drive and wipe it so i can use it again, but it doesnt show up anywhere10:21
xu-irc15wi cant boot from it either or use it in any way since the windows install is completely bricked10:22
brainwashxu-irc15w: not sure how that is supposed to work10:25
xu-irc15wid just need to access the drive10:26
xu-irc15wwould creating a raid volume help maybe?10:27
brainwashI found this https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Removable%20Medium%20Volume.html10:27
xu-irc15whmm i cant even get the drive to show up in vera tho10:29
xu-irc15wwell it says sdb and sda10:30
xu-irc15wbut thats the same drive i guess10:31
xu-irc15wunless im completely misunderstanding the xubuntu naming here10:33
Unit193sda and sdb would normally be different drives, sda1 vs sda2 would be partitions.10:36
Unit193gparted is a partitio editor, it may help you see them better.10:36
xu-irc15wahh thanks so much10:36
sorinelloHello. Any idea where can I see a list of xubuntu mirrors ? It seems that when I run do-release-upgrade, no new release are found.10:36
Unit193sorinello: On 18.04?10:36
xu-irc15wshould i just try mounting the first drive then and see if it may have wiped itself in the install process?10:37
Unit193You can try to use veracrypt and mount whichever wasn't used for Linux, sure.10:37
sorinelloUnit193, no, I am on xubuntu 19.10 and want to migrate to 20.0410:37
xu-irc15wawesome ima try that. maybe im lucky and it got wiped. it shows up as empty.10:38
xu-irc15wthanks so much :)10:38
Unit193sorinello: Usually it starts getting offered a day or two after release, to force it you can use '-d'10:38
sorinelloUnit193, worked. thanks !10:39
Unit193Sure thing!10:39
sorinelloUnit193, is possible that an Ubuntu (main operating system) to have mirrors in one place, and Xubuntu to NOT have in that place ? How are mirrors working ? do they contain ALL ubuntu flavors ?10:41
Unit193sorinello: This is metadata, there are no mirrors that I know of.  Otherwise, do you mean ISO or package?  If ISO, yeah you can only have one and not the other, but that's not possible for packages since it's the same repos.10:42
Unit193Check the file in /etc/update-manager/ (or /etc/update-notifier?  But pretty sure it's manager.)10:42
sorinelloUnit193, no, not ISO. I am talking about packages and updates from software sources10:50
Unit193In regards to repositories, there's not much of a concept of flavors.  Closest you get is tasks.  So doesn't matter if you use Ubuntu server, Kubuntu, or Xubuntu.  Same repos.10:51
Unit193There's the Canonical ones, then external mirrors that are tracked on launchpad, and you can even use mirror:// to hit a round-robin of sorts.10:52
Unit193IIRC, that'd look like mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/US.txt focal main universe restricted multiverse10:55
sorinelloah ok. the mirror I am using is reported to be one week behind10:57
sorinellolooking ar archivemirrors, your last link10:58
Unit193You could just update that to hit one of the mirrors for your region rather than a specific one.  You should at least be more likely to hit up to date stuff. :)11:00
xu-irc17whello is there a way to disable having to authenticate and put in my password for literally everything i do?11:09
xu-irc17wanyone? i cant find anything online11:22
Unit193When you say "everything", can you give some examples?11:28
Unit193So, running system updates should prompt you, opening firefox shouldn't.11:28
xu-irc17wuninstalling and installing programs11:29
xu-irc17wim fine with system stuff11:29
xu-irc17wjust having to type it in everytime i uninstall something is tedious11:29
Unit193Uninstalling and installing packages is indeed a system task.11:29
xu-irc17woh so theres no way around that?11:29
Unit193I suppose there could be, but is something the matter that causes you to install/uninstall things so often?11:30
xu-irc17wim just setting it up for the first time, so im cleaning stuff out i dont need11:30
xu-irc17wsince i never used linux11:30
Unit193If you have a GUI such as synaptic open, it will only prompt you when you open synaptic, not for each un/install.11:32
xu-irc17wim using the built in software program and it prompts me every time11:33
xu-irc17wis that synaptic manager better?11:36
Unit193It's not as pretty and shiny (It's also perhaps not as friendly for a user starting out), but it does tend to show more info and whatnot.11:41
xu-irc17wok coll thanks for the help. have a good one11:41
tf2ftwDid the blue icons go away with the 20.04 update?12:07
tf2ftwMy icons are light orange now12:07
sorinelloUnit193, switched to "Download from: Main Server" still no update found. I will wait some days, I think it will eventually pop out12:11
brainwashtf2ftw: that is what happened12:12
tf2ftwbrainwash, thanks. bummed it did but glad to know my system didn't get borked during the update12:13
brainwashtf2ftw: https://github.com/elementary/icons/pull/63412:14
brainwashbut it's true, it will take some time to get used to the new coloring :)12:17
adderhello, does 'xset s blank' do something for you on new xubuntu?12:27
addernothing happens here, that's why i'm asking12:27
adderalso in the power manager, if i try to set it to show blank screen after n minutes, nothing happens after n minutes have passed12:28
xu-irc4whello, i cant get wine to work. no matter where i put the exe or what commands i use it cant find it. I even get the error that the file doesnt exist even when just looking for it normally ur using the cp command to put it elsewhere. I tried installing some libraries that other users suggested to fix it but it seems completely bugged12:46
diogenes_xu-irc4w, how did you install wine?12:50
xu-irc4wvia the commands provided on the wine website12:53
xu-irc4wbut i cant even find my file normally it just says that theres "no such file or directory"12:53
xu-irc4wwine itself seems to be working, i dont have it showing up under software, but it created the hidden windows directory12:54
diogenes_xu-irc4w, the command to install wine is: sudo apt install wine12:54
diogenes_that's it.12:55
xu-irc4whttps://wiki.winehq.org/Ubuntu thats what i did12:55
xu-irc4wis there a way to uninstall it?12:55
xu-irc4wor should i just run ur command over it12:56
diogenes_xu-irc4w, you did a complete mess and you should have asked here first.12:57
xu-irc4wi know i just thought the official wine website would give the proper instructions lol12:57
xu-irc4wso what do i do now12:59
coconutxu-irc4w: *always* consider your default repo first when installing things12:59
diogenes_xu-irc4w, the information you find on winehq or other upstream sites is for unstable or developers or it requires experience, i mean the person must know exactly what the commands do and what impact it would have on their system.12:59
xu-irc4woh ok i didnt know that13:00
xu-irc4wim just going after what i find online and what makes sense13:00
diogenes_xu-irc4w, that's a mistake we all made at the beginning of our linux journey but do not do that anymore, what you can do now is to run in terminal the following command: ls /usr/bin | grep wine13:01
diogenes_then copy the output and pastebin it.13:01
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:01
diogenes_and share the link here.13:01
xu-irc4wok 1 sec13:01
xu-irc4wi also did all that stuff https://superuser.com/questions/344533/no-such-file-or-directory-error-in-bash-but-the-file-exists13:05
diogenes_xu-irc4w, and now run the following command: find / -type f ! -path '*/home/yourusername/*' 2>/dev/null | grep winehq13:10
diogenes_and pastebin the output.13:10
diogenes_xu-irc4w, and now: grep -r --include '*.list' '^deb ' /etc/apt/sources.list*13:14
diogenes_xu-irc4w, so you have repositories from focal and installed from eoan PPA, that's a big problem.13:17
xu-irc4widk what that means :D13:18
xu-irc4wis there a way to fix it or should i just reinstall the os13:19
coconutxu-irc4w: it is a mix of repo's for different ubuntu releases, which never works...13:19
diogenes_now run: pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list13:20
diogenes_remove the following line: deb https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/ eoan main13:20
diogenes_save, close and run: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade13:20
diogenes_and now run: sudo apt purge wine && sudo apt autoremove13:22
diogenes_reboot after that and after reboot install wine with: sudo apt install wine13:22
xu-irc4wok awesome thanks so much13:22
diogenes_that doesn't guarantee anything but that's a try.13:23
xu-irc4wone more thing, is it bad that i did "sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386" it apparently enables 32 bit architecture13:23
diogenes_not a bad thing at all.13:23
xu-irc4wgreat at least i did something right haha13:24
xu-irc4walright ima reboot now, thanks again. ill be back if i need anything else13:24
xu-irc4whave a great day!13:24
diogenes_you too13:24
gareppai have 2 keyboard layouts on my systems, during the update to 20.04 i set it up so that by pressing caps lock, the layout changes. how do i revert this configuration back to default?13:59
xu-irc4whello is there a way to completely wipe a drive?15:05
diogenes_xu-irc4w, yes.15:05
diogenes_with gparted or gnome-disk-utility.15:06
xu-irc4wdoes gparted also do random writes or just delete it in one go?15:07
diogenes_xu-irc4w, gparted can't wipe, gnome-disk-utility can.15:13
xu-irc4wcould u tell me how to install that, pls?15:17
diogenes_sudo apt install gnome-disk-utility15:18
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xu-irc89whello im trying to install xubuntu on a bios raid0 volume consisting of 2 drives. The Installation fails and tells me it cant create a boot loader, and i cant continue no matter which option i choose. Is it possible to just install it on that bios raid volume or do i need a work around?17:42
fyrriI'm running xubuntu 18.04 - was the 'do-release-upgrade' supposed to work yet, or is there somesort of a waiting period before the upgrade works?18:14
xu-irc22wHello, I'm trying to upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04, but I am not getting an upgrade message on Software Updater20:05
Unit193sorinello: As noted, for a release (`do-release-upgrade`) it's not searching mirrors anyway.20:36
johndoohi guys, I use the 16.04 LTS version of xubuntu and I would like to upgrade to 18 or better, but the software updater doesn't work... It notify me that I could upgrade to 18.04 but when I click on upgrade it close itself and nothing happens...20:38
johndooif I do a "sudo apt dist-upgrade" it tells me that there are "0 upgraded 0 newly installed 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded"20:41
Unit193dist-upgrade isn't for release jumping, it's for normal updates.  Perhaps instead try `do-release-upgrade`?20:55
johndooyes, I was doing just that and with that command it appears to work...20:56
johndooI wonder why it doesn't work with the software updater GUI20:57
johndooanyway, thanks Unit193 ;)20:57
Unit193You can run the GUI upgrader from the terminal and see if it crashes or gives you any other feedback.  Also, you'll be jumping to 18.04 LTS, though 20.04 LTS just came out.21:00
johndoowell,  yes that's a good idea, but I think now it's better to not stop the upgrade process...21:04
Unit193Hah, yeah very much so.  Good luck!21:05
johndooThanks! Are there significant improvements in the 20.04 ? I mean, from the screenshots it looks the same... Is there an improved XFCE?21:09
GoksuHello everyone. I have an issue where I cannot login after the screensaver is activated. I keep getting the login prompt. did the .Xauthority and /tmp folder fix. Did not work. Now have done an update to Focal/20.04 but issue persists. Now the login screen changes to another theme after first atempt. Running Xubuntu. I think I am doing something wrong because this did happen before and I had to reinstall was so frustrated. Can you poi21:16
Goksu me in the right direction please. I have no clue.21:16
Unit193johndoo: It has Xfce 4.14, which for one thing handles dual monitors better.21:19
Unit193Goksu: What screen locker are you using at this point?21:22
johndooUnit193: thanks. I don't know if I should upgrade to 20.04 soon after the 18.04 LTS... Maybe is it better to wait some months? I'm for stability...21:23
Unit193johndoo: Yeah, as a LTS user you won't be offered until the first point release in a couple months.21:27
johndoook thanks!21:29
RukkooonHello. I installed UbuntuStudio and every reboot it changes my display settings back to [-] mirror displays. any way to prevent that?I made a profile so i can quickly revert to the proper settings. But would be nice if i would not have to do that every reboot so any tips would be appreciated.21:37
RukkooonI found something about editting Monitors.xml but that file is not where they said it would be so i gave up on that.21:37
RukkooonAnother thing i cant get working is edge-resistance or sticky-edges. Googled several stuffs. (UbuntuStudio 2020 LTS)21:40
RukkooonThat's where when your mouse hist the border between two screens there is s resistance so it doesn't go to the next screen directly.21:41
Goksu@Unit193: I have no clue.21:45
Unit193Goksu: dpkg -l | grep -e locker -e screensaver   ?21:47
Rukkooonok tried some setting gonna reboot to test.. brb21:47
Goksudpkg -l | grep -e locker -e screensaver shows two. light-locker 1.8.0-1ubuntu1 and xfce4-screensaver 0.1.10-oubuntu1.21:52
Unit193Purge the former.21:52
GoksuI have disabled the screen lock to be able to continue using the machine. will purge the first one now.21:53
GoksuUnit193 is there anything else I should do?21:54
RukkoonOkay i fixed the display thing. Only problem i have now is that i want edge resistance as i said above (Can't see it myself coz i relogged to test the other fix)21:57
RukkoonI have seen it called 'sticky edges' and also 'edge resistance' i think.21:58
Unit193Goksu: Ensure it's not still running, then see if that works out better for you.22:09
GoksuUnit193: It seems that the keyboard does not come online right after logging in at the screensaver. would that be related?22:11
Unit193Doesn't sound ideal.22:13
GoksuUnit193: the cursor is not visible and does not blink. but opening another app or window activates it. annoying.22:13
Goksusorry. killed my desktop manager while killing the screensaver22:18
erlandsHi. First time here. I have just installed xubuntu  20.04 LTS. In Thunar under "Browse Network" I'm not able to browse windows network. Message: Failed to open "Windows Network". Any ideas?22:32
P-ChanGuys does is possible to upgrade from mint 18 to xubuntu focal fossa?22:39
Unit193Nope, need to re-install when changing distros.22:40
erlandsHi. Is my connection working?22:48
erlandsAnybody here?22:49
dl036sorry.. trying to change my nick22:57
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GoksuSeems my problem is resolved. I at least do not need to do a forced reboot each time the screensaver activates. Thanks Unit193 for the help. very much appreciated!23:14
Unit193Goksu: Glad I was able to help!23:14
HenryGI am unable to install 20.04 in a VirtualBox VM under Windows. https://imgur.com/a/WB0Y8i023:54
HenryGI have downloaded twice and checked the shasum.23:55
Unit193It doesn't let you continue?23:57
HenryGIt does, then fails23:59

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