[00:15] 👍 [03:45] Lubuntu 19.10/eoan wouldn't have used https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/eoan/+package/fcitx-frontend-qt4 would it? (it's not a dep for lubuntu-desktop for disco&eoan in packages.ubuntu.com); I've seen a couple of bug reports (upgrade 19.10->20.04) have issues with it (if anyone knows off the top of the head) [04:07] * guiverc forget my last.. it's a manually added program that creates the issue [08:22] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rLXQTARCHIVERPACKAGINGfa9adf53dfc1: Fix lxqt-archiver.install] apt-ghetto (apt-ghetto) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rLXQTARCHIVERPACKAGINGfa9adf53dfc1 [09:31] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rQPSPACKAGINGf86d7ca5c4e8: Fix missing build dependency] apt-ghetto (apt-ghetto) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rQPSPACKAGINGf86d7ca5c4e8 [09:51] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rQPSPACKAGING7f7f45e40fe4: Fix version of liblxqt0-dev] apt-ghetto (apt-ghetto) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rQPSPACKAGING7f7f45e40fe4 [13:18] i don't know how but my lxd containers got nuked. [13:18] RIP focal-dev [13:18] I was anyway gonna nuke them myself to prepare new ones for groovy [13:19] but whole lxc itself got nuked [13:19] keep getting Error: Get "http://unix.socket/1.0": dial unix /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket: connect: connection refused [13:20] tried googling, adding user to lxd group, updating the lxd snap, etc. nothing worked. [13:20] ^ wxl: you faced something simillar? [13:20] will wait till tomorrow to uninstall lxd and purge everything. [16:59] @wxl [ who plays with qemu? https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/20-04-installer-not-wo …], Looks like @aptghetto got to this one before i had a chance to look. Thanks for doing that. [17:21] @kc2bez No problem [17:48] just found out that to reduce tearing using compton with glx is a good path. [18:03] @The_LoudSpeaker: nope [18:04] I thought about it a bit now. I think I know where I messed up [18:04] okie [18:07] portugese comment for somenoe to reply to [18:07] https://lubuntu.me/focal-released/#comment-4890583972 [22:02] rail [22:02] * guiverc oops [22:42] read a comment of a blind person on youtube, about which linux distros come along w orca or a screenreader. I think lubuntu doesn't? I know it works though, as i've tried it [22:42] ...before [22:42] but there is no accessibility entry in the menus. Shouldn't that be a thing ? [22:43] (sorry if it's not the best place to ask) [23:25] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL332c7cef35a7: Improve wording] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL332c7cef35a7 [23:27] santimir[m] lubuntu currently does not ship a screenreader