
alkisgHi, the socat  in focal has a regression that breaks another package called "epoptes". I asked debian to package the new bug fixing version in sid, and they just did: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=95845205:16
ubottuDebian bug 958452 in src:socat "Please package as breaks epoptes" [Normal,Fixed]05:16
alkisgHow can I ask for focal to get that new version? It's hard to pinpoint the exact part that causes the regression, but it's a bug fixing "microupdate", can I just ask for an SRU even if ubuntu+1 hasn't started yet?05:17
* alkisg tries to be more clear: asking for focal to get a new socat version, instead of pinpointing a patch05:18
alkisgGiven that it's not in any .iso, could someone just syncpackage it, even now after release?05:19
* alkisg reported that as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/socat/+bug/187512905:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1875129 in socat (Ubuntu) "Socat in focal has regression, please sync with sid" [Undecided,New]05:26
RAOFalkisg: SRUs are perfectly fine pre-Gorgeous opening.05:49
RAOFYou can't quite just syncpackage (you need the actual SRU tracking bug in the changelog, among other things), but there's no reason not to start the SRU process right now.05:50
RAOF(There are already a bunch of Focal SRUs, from the time between release freeze and release)05:52
alkisgRAOF: but doesn't SRU mean that "it's already fixed in the current development release"? Gorgeous doesn't have the new socat yet05:53
alkisgIt's only there in sid05:53
alkisgShould I wait for it to sync first, then start the SRU?05:53
RAOFNah, you can start the SRU.05:53
alkisgOK, ty05:53
RAOFAt this time of the release cycle we can copy the package out of focal-proposed into gorgeous when we release the SRU.05:54
alkisgRAOF: to be clear, this is an SRU for a "microrelease", not for a "patch backport", as I haven't pinpointed the exact lines, is that OK?05:54
RAOFIf it hasn't autosynced by then.05:54
RAOFalkisg: If it's *really* a bug-fix-only release, SRUs are fine.05:55
alkisgI think so. Ty, inserting the [SRU] stanzas in the bug report...05:55
RAOFYou don't necessarily need to pick just the patches that fix the bugs you've particularly hit.05:56
alkisgDone, I think :)06:10
cjwatsontomreyn: done15:11
tomreynthanks for the notice.17:34
jbichamapreri: btw, Debian did package cairo 1.15 once important enough stuff started depending on it21:03
jbichaI don't trust my memory, but I think that important stuff was color emoji ️‼️21:04
Unit193Ah, so entirely useless stuff.  I see.22:10
valorieUnit193: the 20th century Man22:23
Unit193Yes, teenagers seem unable to articulate well enough to express themselves in understanable ways. :P22:25
valorieUnit193: I use the occasional :-) or <322:52
valorieand there is a cup of coffee emoji I like, but for that one does not need color22:53
Unit193valorie: Indeed, though as my mother used to say "A little bit goes a long way."  Also I believe the word for those is 'emoticon'.23:31
valorieI have my fonts rather small in irc so when people use emoji, they are usually too small for me to "get" them anyway23:32

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