
IrcsomeBot<Arun V> hanguo00:10
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IrcsomeBotTimothySheard was added by: TimothySheard01:15
threebarWhy does do-release-upgrade not show 20.04 LTS unless I go for devel versions?01:20
IrcsomeBot<dryllmedaddy> it will not work until the next point release on July(?)01:21
RikMillsrelease-team do not enable upgrades immediately.01:24
threebarCan I force it to upgrade somehow?01:24
threebarOr is it really just "wait until release-team hits the switch"?01:25
valoriefrom the Discourse thread I just read, it seems they do not intend to do it for 19.10 until 20.04.101:25
valorieof course: sudo do-release-upgrade -d01:25
threebarAlso, what's the reason for this? The doc you sent and the subsequent link do not detial why01:25
valorieas usualy01:25
RikMillsvalorie: from 19.10, they will likely enable them in a few days01:26
valorieok, it was not clear on Discourse01:26
threebarSo, what's the reason for this?01:27
RikMillsthreebar: (a) so the infra does not get completely hammered on release day, and (b) so they have a chance for any undiscovered upgrade bugs to show themselves01:27
threebarAh, cool. I'm a c++/qt coder so I'll be glad to upgrade and help debug if anything goes sideways01:28
RikMillsalso you don't turn things like that on on a friday, when the people who can fix things are not at work01:28
valoriemine were both flawless01:29
threebarhahah, good point01:29
threebarI used to work for a company that did prod releases on Friday01:29
valoriethat seems unwise01:29
threebarwell, until we did a prod release and then went out for drinks and started getting e-mails about the software doing crazy things after everyone was already several drinks in. it was when we decided releases happen Monday morning in our timezone after that.01:30
RikMillsI expect the release-team will turn up on monday morning, take stock, check bugs, and decide01:30
valorie"what could possibly go wrong?"01:30
threebarit was actually a cool project. c++/qt software for viewing medical images and simulating surgery01:31
threebaras you can imagine, pissed off surgeons hearing a bunch of drunk people trying to debug their issues on a Friday night was not a pretty sight. lots of angry cursing from our "god complex" surgeon-friends01:32
sharmarranI have tried the sudo codes to change my password, twice, and it is not working. any suggestions?01:33
valoriewhat password?01:33
valoriewhat command?01:33
sharmarranon my computer01:34
valoriesharmarran: please be specific01:34
valorieuse a pastebin if necessary01:34
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:35
sharmarranI am new to ununtu and even newer to kubuntu 20.04 focal fossa. Since first installing ubuntu, I have had one password for everything. I need to change that password. Using the commandline, I changed my password. It stated that it was successful, but it was not. I then used the commandline again to change mt root password. Again it stated that it w01:39
sharmarranas successful, but it was not. Is that specific enough for you?01:39
valoriecan you copy into a pastebin what you tried to do?01:40
threebar`sharmarran, you can find the commands you ran with the "history" command in bash01:40
threebar`or if you still have the terminal open, the full output is even better.01:41
sharmarranlol As I said, this is all new to me01:41
threebar`you use ctrl+shift+c/v to copy and paste from terminal01:41
threebar`yep, that's why i'm sending you more info01:41
threebar`but, as valorie said, all the info you can provide would be really helpful01:42
valoriethanks threebar`I'll leave it to you!01:42
threebar`commands from "history" would be good, copying the full output frm your terminal would be even better.01:42
valorieI didn't know about the history command01:42
threebar`valorie, no problem. i've been using bash since the 90s and I found out about it only 7 years ago01:43
threebar`there's a big caveat with "history" and that's that it provides history for the current user/session so if you had multiple sessions open or you su'd to another user, you have to do a bit of digging to find your history01:43
sharmarranThis is the problem with people who help with ubuntu/kubuntu. They want to make things unnecessarily complicated for people. Can you just give me the commands to change my password?!01:44
sharmarranyep did that01:44
threebar`"man passwd" for syntax01:44
threebar`if you do "passwd" by itself, it changes the current user's password01:45
threebar`"sudo passwd root" will help you change the root password01:45
threebar`sudo uses your current user password, btw. so when you do "sudo su", it's not asking you for your root password, but for your current user's password01:46
threebar`use "su" by itself or "su root" in order to be prompted for the root password01:46
valoriemost users do not need the root passw ever01:46
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:46
sharmarrani did all that01:46
threebar`if you want to change your current user's password, use "passwd" by itself, or even better, use "passwd [user]" where [user] is the username for the user whose passsword you'd like to change01:47
threebar`sharmarran, so what's the problem?01:47
sharmarranas i said, the system said the password change was successful but it was not01:47
sharmarranit will only take the old password01:48
sharmarranwhat is the problem?01:48
threebar`sharmarran, do "sudo passwd root" and set the password for root. then "su root" and type in that password and it should accept the password you changed. now do "passwd" to change your current user password. and then do "sudo su" to su to root and it'll prompt you to enter the password you entered for the current user. got it?01:48
sharmarranas I said I did all that01:49
threebar`do it again.01:49
sharmarrani did01:49
threebar`do everyting I typed in the previous message. 1) sudo passwd root 2) su root 3) passwd 4) sudo su01:50
sharmarrani am 67 years old. I do not have the time to waste01:50
threebar`1 will set the root pw, 2 will help you check it, 3 will set the current user password 4 will help you check it01:50
threebar`sharmarran, it's 4 commands and should take no more than a couple minutes01:51
threebar`oh, important: between step 2 and 3 type "exit" to go back to the current user01:52
threebar`otherwise steps 3 and 4 will work on the root password as well, which is not what you want. my apologies, but I forgot01:53
sharmarranyep the same thing I did before01:54
threebar`Here's what mine looks like:01:56
threebar`If you go to pastebin.com, you can select the commands from your Konsole window, hit ctrl+shift+c to copy them, and then paste them in the textbox in the pastebin.com window, and click the gray "Create new paste" button in the center of the page. Then you can copy the link from the browser address bar and paste it here. Can do you do that so I can see what you're going through on your side? It'll help me understand what's happening01:58
sharmarranyes and mine also says 'passwd: password updated successfully'01:58
sharmarranit said the same thing twice before but when I restart my computer, it will only take the old password01:59
sharmarranso it changed nothing01:59
threebar`Are you logging in as root when you restart your computer? Most people don't log in as root by default01:59
threebar`Can you open a new Konsole window and type in "id"?02:00
threebar`Mine looks like this:02:00
sharmarranhere, let me repast what I said before02:00
threebar`$ id02:00
threebar`uid=1000(user) gid=1000(user) groups=1000(user),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),118(lpadmin),128(sambashare),133(vboxusers)02:00
threebar`Maybe you need to change another, non-root password in order to change your login password02:00
sharmarranI am new to ununtu and even newer to kubuntu 20.04 focal fossa. Since first installing ubuntu, I have had one password for everything. I need to change that password. Using the commandline,02:01
threebar`Okay, so open a new Konsole and type in "id" and that should tell you as which user you're logging into your computer.02:01
sharmarranIt is that password i am trying to change. It is the password that is used for everything!02:02
threebar`Yes, so try the following: type "id" and get the user name. It'll be the first few characters of output.02:03
sharmarrani know my user name02:03
threebar`Then, type in "passwd [user]" where [user] is the user name you got from "id" to change your password, then hit ctrl+alt+L to lock your screen, and then type in the new password and confirm that the new password works with the lock screen02:03
sharmarranagain ...it says it was changed successfully. One moment I will restrart02:05
sharmarranthank you! That Worked.02:15
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest1742
threebar`Glad it worked. Hope he knows I was happy to help even though he left02:21
sharmarranwhat a mess02:28
sharmarranthe code given did indeed change my password to login to my computer, and for the kernal. However, every thing else still requires the old password. I was looking for a way to change my main password for everything on my system. (for instance, I was just asked to enter a pw for a wallet. it took the old password. I was never asked that question bef02:31
sharmarranore)So i will keep searching for the answer. thanks anyways02:31
threebar`ah, changing your wallet password is a different beast02:33
threebar`This will help you delete or change your kwallet password02:34
valorieI was wondering if that would come back to bite02:36
valorieI always set them to be the same as well02:36
valoriebut changing them is ....02:36
sharmarranI am wow many more beasts I will come across. wondering at this point, just how many other beasts I will run across. So I guess there is no way to change the main password.02:38
valorieyou have changed your user password02:39
sharmarranI am wondering02:39
valoriethat is the "main" one02:39
valorieshort answer: there is no "main" one02:39
valoriebut the user passw is the most used02:40
sharmarranwell when I first installed ubuntu a week ago. I was only ever asked to make one password. So, do i have to install everything all over again, just to change the password? lol02:41
valorieunless you encrypt your drives -- that can be yet another, and I'm unsure it *can* be changed02:41
valoriesharmarran: changing your user password is rather major, as you have noticed02:41
valoriemost people never do it02:42
sharmarranThis, should also be explained to people who are new to the linux system02:42
sharmarranwell ... I have never been 'most' people02:43
valorie'most' people don't use linux, I've discovered02:43
sharmarranprobably, like me, they could not find a way to do it.02:44
sharmarranubuntu/ kubuntu are Linux systems02:44
sharmarranokay I am going to go. It is late. Have a lovely evening02:45
valorieI had my son to help me many years ago02:45
Metamorphosishello deknos-M, unfortunately I couldn't install Viber.deb with the solution you mentioned.02:48
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valorie!info viber02:49
ubottuPackage viber does not exist in focal02:50
valorieMetamorphosis: is there a snap for it?02:50
valorieor flatpak/appimage02:50
Metamorphosisvalorie there is an unofficial one but it's very old (2017)02:50
Metamorphosisvalorie, the Viber website provides Deb/RPM packages but qapt says dependencies are missing while doesn't tell which dependencies these are02:51
Metamorphosisthe same .deb file worked perfectly on 18.0402:51
valorieyou can always run it in VM02:52
MetamorphosisI want to know which dependencies are missing in order to install them.02:53
valorieI have a windows program for genealogy that I can only run that way02:53
MetamorphosisViber is an alternative to skype, while it's proprietary in nature, it works better with slow internet connections.02:53
valorieyes, I got rid of skype long ago02:53
MetamorphosisAnd why should I run a software that has native linux support in a VM?02:53
valorieit doesn't have up-to-date support, as you have found02:54
valorieI like jitsi, myself02:54
valoriefree software, nothing to install02:54
valorieunless you want to02:54
valorieworks in the browser02:54
Metamorphosisvalorie I like jitsi but seriously I can't tell an employer or supervisor who wants to interview me that skype is bad and you should try free software.02:55
valoriegot it02:56
valorieand I know some still use such bad applications (see Zoom)02:56
ubottudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.02:56
MetamorphosisZoom is completely rubbish02:56
MetamorphosisSkype is better02:57
valorieso dpkg didn't work for you/02:57
valoriewell, skype started to get very full of spam02:57
valorieand the M$ bought them02:58
MetamorphosisWell. the qapt software should show the list of missing dependencies. That's what Zypper/YaST is doing in OpenSUSE02:58
valorieand I purged the remnents from my system02:58
valorieone would think so02:58
MetamorphosisSeriously, all linux distros should have a YaST alternative.02:58
valorieI like apt02:58
MetamorphosisI wonder if one could install it on Kubuntu?02:59
MetamorphosisPCLinuxOS runs apt with RPM packages, so I think it's technically possible to do the opposite.02:59
valoriehave you tried pkcon?03:00
valorieinstead of apt, I mean03:01
Metamorphosisvalorie, no03:02
valorielook at pkcon -help03:03
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IrcsomeBot<PIdYw3M3YhGG> macos06:25
IrcsomeBot<PIdYw3M3YhGG> θ‚Ίη‚Ž06:25
IrcsomeBot<PIdYw3M3YhGG> chenglong06:25
IrcsomeBot<PIdYw3M3YhGG> ι›ΎιœΎ06:25
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=== rory__ is now known as rory___
JakeSaysso i'm trying to upgrade to 20.04, and the software updater keeps failing with "required_download could not be calculated: E:Can't find a source to download version '5.3.0-23.25' of 'linux-image-5.3.0-23-generic:amd64'" - any ideas?07:08
uuhhhhhhhhhow extensible is Koversation?07:34
IrcsomeBot<E> I'm really grateful to you Mr Mich, I bless the day i started investing with Mr @Mich_Person all started when I saw someone  testifying of his generousity about bitcoin trading, strategy and signal impact and how he earn a good and successful profit under his trading platform. So I decided to give him a try. After his trading period I got an excellent Withdrawal. I am really grateful to him.sincerely speaking I have never seen a expert08:04
IrcsomeBottrader like him. I highly recommend him to you all contact Mr Mich via his trading platformπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ … πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ … https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE3wktkwLnvsac2bZA08:04
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m_tadeuhi...I defined the system language to english, but localization to my local...dispite all gui is in english, the console output is in my language...how can I make it english too?09:59
BluesKajHey folks10:22
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Hi BluesKaj10:23
BluesKajhey Franzpow10:26
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> hey guys!  My panel and menu just vanished on Kubuntu 18.04. a file transfer was running. How do I restart the plasmashell? kstart plasmashell (tip from the net) did not work.11:17
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Try plasmashell --replace &11:22
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> nothing after the "6"?11:24
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> "&"11:24
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Nope11:24
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> I always used that command11:24
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IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> You can also run it in krunner (Alt+f2)11:25
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> Konsole says "Unknown option 'replace'.11:25
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> @Franzpow, Konsole says "Unknown option 'replace'.11:26
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> I am lucky enough to have had a Konsole window open. πŸ˜‰11:27
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> That's strange11:29
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> The command worked in krunner for me11:31
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> There are two "--" before "replace"11:32
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> It is working also in Konsole11:32
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> just tried it in krunner as well. no effect.11:37
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> ha! Even sudo reboot via krunner does not work.11:37
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> Telegram just keeps working.11:37
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> I am writing from this very machine!11:38
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Oh wow11:38
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> I think that you should ask to someone else because I can't be more helpful than this11:38
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> You can also try to reboot via alt + stamp and write Reisub11:39
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> That will reboot the system11:39
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> But it's quite like pressing the reset button11:39
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> On your pc11:39
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Just use it if you don't want to hard reset with the button11:40
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> If you will not be able to recover it11:40
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Aren't you able to close the session and login into another one?11:41
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BluesKajhi Jame12:00
Jamehello BluesKaj12:00
JameI have a question. Extend monitor options pops up every now and then. Goes away if I kill KScreen 212:00
JameIs there any fix available ?12:00
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> @Franzpow, Actually I just did a sudo reboot in the Konsole. That worked.12:05
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> Thanks for your time!12:05
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Oh, fine! I am happy you solved the problem!12:16
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> @Linuxophil, No12:16
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> @Franzpow, Well, I did not solve it. I took the easy way out. A reboot.12:22
Jamesuggest me some nice themes for KDE. The default is good, but simply to try something new12:22
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Yes but now it didn't crash again, right?12:22
JameIn Ubuntu I used to like Materia and Adapta12:23
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unknownTXsoo, I have this external drive that is formatted in exfat and I desire to use the free space and create a new partition in a format that linux can actually use properly... then move files from the exfat to the ext3 (or whatever is best) partition, and continue the process of resizing the partitions until the drive have been eradicated of the exfat and all files are on the new partition.... my question is : Is this actually workable? If so, what would12:58
unknownTXbe the best way of going about this - assuming there is only a few GB of internal drive space to use12:58
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> @Franzpow, Correct.12:59
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Oh that's cool. I have this annoying bug that is keeping my machine crashing. Yesterday it crashed two times13:00
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> The system just freezed13:00
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> @Franzpow, 20.04?13:01
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Yes :(13:01
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> Well, it is good then that I did not upgrade then!13:01
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> All machines on 18.04 here...13:01
DragnslcrunknownTX- check if KDE's partition manager can shrink partitions. If so, that should work fine.13:03
unknownTXthanks Dragnslcr, I will check that out13:04
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> @Linuxophil, well I would not blame the 20.04 version.13:05
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> Why is that?13:05
user|80692hi all13:05
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IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> @Linuxophil, I don't know what's the problem.. I have that machine with dual boot and windows 10 but I never used linux on that machine. I have two other computers that are running kubuntu 19.10 just fine13:06
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> so maybe there are other issues.. 20.04 version should be more stable than 19.1013:06
DragnslcrunknownTX- I just checked, and it can shrink partitions13:07
BluesKajunknownTX, is the exfat partition seen by the partitioner? I've read that there have been problems with reading files on that FS13:09
user|80692Q: i've Kubuntu 19.10 , and upgrade to 20.04 seems still disabled, is it possible?13:09
unknownTXgetting a warning : Unable to read the contents of this file system!13:10
unknownTXBecause of this some operations may be unavailable. ... this is an exfat partition so now i am wondering if its possible13:10
unknownTXi try to resize the drive but it wont let me move the slider13:11
BluesKajuser|80692, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d13:11
unknownTXI was thinking, back in the day, that if i did exfat for my drive, i could use it between windows and linux no problem.. pfft, big problems... i cant stand exfat now and i dont even use windows anymore13:12
BluesKajuser|80692, make sure you update and upgrade your 19.10 packages first13:12
user|80692#BluesKaj, -d means "develompent release", is it the only way to do it ?13:13
BluesKajunknownTX, if you use nfts instead of ext4 you'll still have access from linux13:14
BluesKajuser|80692, yes, but i was old to use that until the point release comes thru in july13:14
unknownTXBluesKaj, i guess I should have done that but i kept falling into problems with corruption in the external device after switching between Oses which prompted me to exfat.. im good with just a linux fs now13:15
user|80692ah, ok.. thank you BluesKaj13:15
BluesKajunknownTX, you'll have use windows to transfer your files tho13:15
unknownTXBluesKaj, I have a feeling that i need to evaluate what all is really important to keep and purge the drive of non-pertinent files and try to copy over to my internal drive, God willing there is enough space.. then just resurrect the drive with the new partiton.. this is going to be nerve wracking lol.13:17
unknownTX2TB external, my internal is only 250GB13:17
unknownTXtoo bad there wasnt a way to just convert exfat to ext* type partition13:19
BluesKajthere is but you'll lose all your files13:21
unknownTXlol, true BluesKaj13:22
unknownTXSo what does everyone belive is the best filesystem to use for an external drive? Assuming its only going to be used on nix systems13:23
unknownTX...first thing im purging is all the old windows files and packages.. not like i need them anyways.. i have no desire to return to windows 10 on this unit13:24
BluesKajunknownTX, I've had success with both ntfs and ext4, but nfts is more portable if you have alot of media files and you can plug the drive into a smart tv and watch movies directly, some tvs don't recognize ext* file systems13:26
MetamorphosisKmail can't work with Gmail?13:26
BluesKajMetamorphosis, it should, but I gave up on Kmail many yrs ago, it's just too clunky for a home user13:28
unknownTXBluesKaj, the only thing that causes me pause is any files becoming corrupt by the drive being accessed between differing systems/devices so ntfs should work just fine as far as permissions and full linux functinallity?13:28
MetamorphosisBluesKaj I'm a bit KDE purist but maybe I should move to Thunderbid too. The last time I checked Thunderbid it couldn't work with Microsoft Emails.13:31
BluesKajyup, works well for me unknownTX ...i have an outboard drive rescued from a laptop formatted to ntfs and it works fine on all 3 platforms, Windows, Mac, and Linux13:31
unknownTXthanks BluesKaj, ill have to rethink this.13:32
MetamorphosisAfter removing Kmail using Discover, many other KDE mail stuff are still present, including Kmail Header theme editor, KTnef and Sieve Editor. Is it normal?13:38
BluesKajMetamorphosis, they're all part of the kde/plasma PIM suite, or used to be, not real sure since i've used any of those apps since kde413:42
BluesKajhaven't used rather13:42
BluesKajanyway ...BBL13:43
unknownTX...purging over 156GB of windows packages lol...13:48
unknownTX1.82GB down to 602GB13:51
=== Roey is now known as Joe330314159
=== Joe330314159 is now known as Roey
unknownTXodd occurance just now, trying to get into my drive in dolphin and says i cold not enter into folder ..... i run a ls -lad and get: drwxr-x---+ 3 root root 4096 Apr 27 08:34 /media/unknown14:12
unknownTXlooks like some kind of permissions problem now ... i was just going and deleting folders and renaming folders on my exfat drive and now this14:13
unknownTXthe drive is steady running but i dont know what is now causing the drive to be in use14:13
user|49342hi all, where can I find minimum requirements for Kubuntu (20.04)?14:14
unknownTXi see dolphin is still running via the ps command but the GUI is not.. if i were to kill dolphin, might i suffer corrupt files?14:15
unknownTXuser|49342, I am guessing it does not say on the download page?14:16
user|49342it doesn't14:20
unknownTXuser|49342 i found this: https://techspirited.com/kubuntu-system-requirements14:20
unknownTXnot sure the date or the version of kubuntu it speaks of but from my experience, kubuntu is a great lightweight distro , expecially great for older hardware with minimal specs14:21
user|49342yeah, I want to put a lightweight *ubuntu into a 2GB ram (but good processor and SSD), and I'm choosing between Kubuntu and Lubuntu14:27
user|49342that page has not date indeed. I guess i'll try both and decide then. Thank you!14:29
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Either DE should work very well.14:29
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usr7rst1Hello! I want to move to this distro, but I've had multiple issues with plasmashell crashing earlier. Segmentation fault. Happens after a while when computer goes into lockscreen. Can someone point me in the right direction of fixing this?14:41
usr7rst1Found no successful solutions online as most of them are outdates14:42
Metamorphosisusr7rst1 Can you explain more? I never had such issue.14:59
usr7rst1Everything would work fine until I logged in after it going to lock screen. Programs would be there, everything would be responsive except the desktop itself. After doing kquit and kstart plasmashell in the terminal the desktop would be back15:02
usr7rst1It seems to be an issue with the desktop environment though, as Manjaro KDE also has the same issue15:03
usr7rst1I've also seen some people connecting it with the fact that they have an AMD gpu, which I also have. Could this be part of the problem?15:04
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @usr7rst1, I have range of NVidia cards and one Intel laptop and I do not have this issue.  So likely could be an AMD specific issue.  I recommend searching bugs.kde.org for similar issues and contacting the KDE channel once the bug has been found or reported.15:17
eeosHi everybody. I am trying to active the Chinese keyboard on Kubuntu 18:04 LTS .... I used to have the keyboard on another mahcine, and it was relatively easy,but in this case I cannot do so .... I used to have xim now there is something called ibus? Anyone who can help?15:49
=== federico is now known as Guest99858
LinnerisGreetings! I have upgraded from Kubuntu 19.10 to 20.04, and the Alt-F2 shortcut for running commands has stopped working.16:07
LinnerisIt started working again after running /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/kconf_update_bin/krunnerglobalshortcuts16:07
LinnerisJust thought I'd share that here. :)16:07
matthias_Could you also use <Alt> <Space> to get the Krunner-Promt?16:11
LinnerisNope, I couldn't. But that command fixed both shortcuts16:13
matthias_Hm, interesting. For me (fresh install of 20.04) it also has some strange bugs... Sometimes, after booting, my Touchpad is just not working properbly. No right-click, no left-click (on tab) only the mouse-keys (thank god I have one...) are working. No problem after another reboot.16:16
matthias_Seems like we have to wait a few more update-rounds ;-)16:16
IrcsomeBotandanza was added by: andanza16:18
IrcsomeBot<andanza> Hi, has anyone deployed kubuntu 20.04 with theforeman so far and can show me a link for installation media settings?16:22
eeosHi everybody! I am trying to install the chinese keyboard on kubuntu 18:04 LTS , but to no availe. Anyone who can help?16:26
Taggnostreeos, I use fcitx16:28
Taggnostreeos: something like http://dpaste.com/1GXXZMT16:29
eeosThank you Taggnostr, I have installed fcitx, but I need to use stroke based keyboard16:31
eeosTaggnostr: I do not seem to be able to switch to a stroke based keyboard.16:32
niktarisHi, I have a problem with the sound in 20.04. Problem is that If I disconnect and then reconnect the headphone jack I have no sound in the headphones. I have to go to the systemsettings and change profile in the audio settings to something else and then re-select  the  settings in order to work. Anybody can help ?16:32
TaggnostrI haven't used stroke-based keyboards, are there any for fcitx?16:32
eeosI think so!16:34
eeosTaggnostr: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/fcitx#Chinese16:34
Taggnostreeos, and did you manage to install it and select it from fcitx?16:35
Taggnostreeos, you might also have better luck on #ubuntu-cn or #Mandarin16:37
eeosTaggnostr: no luck whatsoever ....16:38
eeosTaggnostr: in  your case, how do you switch from one keyboard to the other? using system tray icon?16:38
Taggnostreeos, cltr+space16:38
eeosTaggnostr: I ried reinstalling everything16:40
eeosTaggnostr: and how do you chose on which input methods to rotate with ctrl+space?16:40
TaggnostrI have 2 inputs, so it switches between the two16:41
eeosTaggnostr: yes, but how do you configure it?16:41
Taggnostrhave you tried im-config and restarting afterwards?16:41
eeosTaggnostr: because I always tried to configure it from the fcitx configure ....16:41
Taggnostrin the fcitx settings you can decide which inputs to use16:41
eeosTaggnostr: not with im-config, I have always used fcitx settings16:42
Taggnostriirc im-config is required to "activate" fcitx, once fcitx is active you can configure/use it normally16:42
eeosTaggnostr: so, I need to install im-config as well .... the issue is that whatever I do, fcitx configure doe snot accept keyboards that aer stroke based ....16:43
Taggnostreeos, not sure if it's still required, I used those instructions I pasted when I installed it a while ago (but since you are on 18.04 they might still relevant)16:44
eeosTaggnostr: I will try again from scratch16:45
Taggnostreeos, have you checked if other keyboards work with fcitx?  if you can use a pinyin-based keyboard, then the problem is with the stroke-based one, if not, there might be some problem with fcitx16:45
eeosTaggnostr: several! Wubi New Century, Zhegma, etc. etc.16:47
eeosOK! I am going to log out, because I need to restart! Thanks a lot for your help.16:47
Taggnostrif they work, then fcitx is probably fine and you shouldn't need to play with im-config, and the problem might be specific to the stroke keyboard16:48
Taggnostrok, good luck :)16:48
doug_Good morning (in my locale). Has anyone succesfully "wiped" all information to start fresh with kontact?16:49
doug_There is a dated entry in the KDE wiki, but it seems that people are reporting variable results.16:49
niktarisThink I found a bug in 20.04. Problem is that if I start my dell laptop with the headphone connected, If I disconnect and then reconnect the headphones, I have no sound from headphones. disconnecting the heaphone the speakers work ok17:45
IrcsomeBotDavid Smith was added by: David Smith17:47
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user|39974Good morning! I speak English badly so I will paste Google translations.18:29
user|39974Namely, during the installation of Kubuntu 20.04 I choose Polish but the system installs in English anyway. So there is a mistake.18:30
user|39974What to do with this?18:30
mattmuanyone know why I'm getting "ISO is invalid: Could not find SHA256SUMS, please download PGP signature file to same directory" when I'm trying to Write the Kubuntu 20.04 to a USB so I can test it out?19:17
Techniquehas anyone used Elisa - music player?  If so is it the best one out there?20:12
ImprePersonally I use Cantata, but I've heard very good things about Elisa20:14
Techniquethank you i like open source projects, i will check this out20:15
masonbee-M1Technique: Also try Clementine, Amarok and lollypop.20:16
masonbee-M1Technique: https://launchpad.net/~gnumdk/+archive/ubuntu/lollypop is pretty cool. Clementine is still being ported to qt5 and Amarok is a little out of date.20:18
* diogenes_ likes DeaDBeeF music player.20:20
* genii hugs his VLC20:21
viewer|53I can't upgrade kunbutu 19.10 in 20.0420:31
viewer|53could you please help me20:31
ImpreWhat's the problem?20:32
viewer|53I can't upgrade20:33
viewer|53my update no found the nex version20:33
viewer|53new sorry20:34
ubottuRegular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d20:35
oerheksi wuld wait20:35
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ImpreSame, I'd wait until .1 at minimum20:35
oerhekssee known issues20:36
shaunm1963Hi everyone, if answered elsewhere please advise and apologies. Simple question: using Kubuntu 19.10; how do I make Dolphin open folders with Single Click: can find no options. Thanks!20:36
ImpreSystem settings, workspace, click behavior20:38
viewer|53thanks ubottu20:42
shaunm1963Problem resolved. Thanks20:44
highmesaranchafter initial install, the password and username were accepted 1 time only and rejected each time after on 2 separate machines21:01
sigNeonis kvantum the only tool that can modify kde's Dolphin to remove borders and such? Or is there another way?21:17
sigNeonlike this... https://ibb.co/0yJHmMS21:18
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ceskaAny one knws how to set back Python 2.7 as default on 18.04? I have played and set alternatives to Python 3.7 and now my system doesnt work properly.23:34
ceska hey. How to set back defaults relatined to Python in system? I think I;ve brake my system with trying to change defaults.  Thanks in advance.23:58
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