
niemeyerGood mornings09:15
facubatistaMuy buenos días a todos!11:30
jammorning facubatista and niemeyer11:32
facubatistahola jam11:33
jamplenary in 712:23
jambtw, Chipaca, there was some discussion about presenting in Blue Jeans and needing to use real Chrome and not chrome-from-a-snap. Something about BJ needing Flash and not being able to install that in a snap12:25
Chipacaniemeyer, jam, facubatista, I've added a couple of things to our calendars12:25
Chipacajam: yeah, i still need to dig into that12:25
Chipacajam: that's part of the reason for me not diving straight into "let's each present a little bit" mode12:26
jamyou still have time, but you'll certainly want to try it out before Thurs12:26
jamChipaca, yeah, typically in a Roadmap we alternate through people, but that feels harder to do virtually12:26
jamsince none of us have BlueJeans experience.12:26
Chipacajam: facubatista: what browsers do you use/have already working?12:27
facubatistajam, I failed to make chromium to use flash, will interact with meetings through the phone12:27
facubatistaChipaca, ^12:27
jamFF and Chrome12:27
Chipacafacubatista: firefox doesn't work either?12:27
Chipacaand that's just as a client, the onerous bit is when you present :-|12:28
facubatistaChipaca, didn't try firefox, as mails kept telling to use chrome/ium to have some interactivility12:28
jamChipaca, for "let's talk packaging" I have a conflict with a Juju session, but I probably don't need to go to that one.12:29
Chipacafacubatista: chrome, not chromium, to be clear12:29
Chipacafacubatista: for the client12:29
Chipacafacubatista: to present, chromium and not chrome (????)12:29
Chipacabut that's all hearsay12:29
facubatistaChipaca, I'm on the phone already12:29
Chipacad'oh. half an hour later?12:29
jam1 minute to Opening Plenary12:30
Chipacafacubatista: I'm asking because I'm thinking about our presentation, not because of this one12:30
jampeople are at least saying hello in bluejeans chat12:30
facubatistagrrr, I'm getting serious interruptions13:14
jamI had a couple of blips from mark, but generally was smooth13:30
niemeyerYeah, works well for me as well13:31
facubatistaIt's almost not working for me :( and my internet connection is fine: low ping, and speedtest is giving me >20Mbps13:39
facubatistain international speed tests I get ~2.5Mbps, and I'm barely getting anything from bluejeans :(13:41
jamChipaca, so far the groups seem to just do the one presenter13:42
Chipacajam: yes but with a lot of the team there13:43
jamChipaca, indeed13:43
Chipacafacubatista: have you tried in the browser instead of the phone?13:43
facubatistaChipaca, yes, same13:43
jamChipaca, so you, you, you and you? You have multiple devices, right?13:43
facubatista(I thought it was my wifi)13:43
facubatistaI phone-dialed a local number, at least I have audio, but this doesn't scale for the whole week :(13:46
Chipacafacubatista: did you get the prompt about switching to low-bandwidth mode on the desktop?13:46
facubatistaChipaca, yeap, still sucking13:47
facubatistathis on firefox, however, couldn't make it work in chromium13:47
mup_Issue operator#174 closed: Support application-version-set hook tool <Created by stub42> <Closed by jameinel> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/issues/174>14:17
mup_PR operator#238 closed: ops/model.py: Unit.set_workload_version <Created by jameinel> <Merged by jameinel> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/238>14:17
jamare we all back from our coffee breaks14:30
* facubatista doesn't see any other particular today to attend14:48
Chipacafacubatista: me neither :) (except 1:1s)14:50
facubatistaChipaca, do we have ours?14:50
Chipacafacubatista: not this week unless you need it14:51
facubatistaChipaca, nop, I'm fine14:51
=== mup__ is now known as mup_
=== mup__ is now known as mup_
* facubatista -> lunch16:09
jamtaking the dog out for an "early lunch" bbiab16:56
=== narindergupta is now known as narinderguptamac
facubatistado we have an example of a charm under operator framework that is registering a method to be called when an **action** happens?19:26
jamfacubatista, https://github.com/dshcherb/ceph-iscsi/blob/master/src/charm.py has 'create_target_action'19:33
jamand add_trusted_ip_action19:34
facubatistajam, line 123 there, `self.on` is charm.CharmEvents ?19:35
jamfacubatista, yeah, I believe so19:35
facubatistajam, and where/how does it grow an `add_trusted_ip_action` attribute?19:36
jamfacubatista, https://github.com/canonical/operator/blob/master/ops/charm.py#L43319:36
facubatistajam, thanks19:39
jam good night all, I hope you had a good first day. I'm off to sleep19:58
* facubatista eods20:43

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