
tangarora20.04 seems buggy with NVidia. I cant put my finger on it, but I had to reinstall eventually after setting the NV to be on demand in the control center... It worked great for a while, the screen artifacts, the blangk... 06:04
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers, happy Monday!06:26
didrocksgood morning06:32
callmepkgood morning oSoMoN didrocks 06:33
didrockshey callmepk 06:36
oSoMoNhey callmepk, salut didrocks 06:36
didrockssalut oSoMoN, bon week-end ?06:49
oSoMoNoui, et toi?06:49
didrocksça va, mais ça commence à devenir longuet pour être honnête :)06:50
oSoMoNoui, faudrait pas que ça s’éternise…06:53
jibelhi world06:55
didrockssalut jibel 06:58
jibelSalut didrocks, tu vas bien?07:01
didrocksjibel: ça va, vivement qu’on puisse se projeter dans quelques semaines, mais ça va :) et toi ?07:02
jibeldidrocks, il commence à y avoir des ornières dans le carrelage à force de tourner en rond.07:03
jibelmais sinon ça peut aller07:03
didrocksfais gaffe à ne pas passer au tavers du plancher07:04
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oSoMoNsalut jibel 07:05
jibelbonjour oSoMoN 07:06
marcustomlinsonmorning callmepk oSoMoN didrocks jibel07:11
didrockshey marcustomlinson 07:16
oSoMoNgood morning marcustomlinson 07:28
seb128lut didrocks, oSoMoN, jibel, vous avez passé un bon w.e?07:56
seb128hey marcustomlinson, how are you?07:57
didrocksça va, et toi ?07:57
jibelSalut seb128, le w-e est passé, en attendant le prochain07:57
marcustomlinsonhey seb128 and Laney08:02
marcustomlinsonseb128: doing ok for a Monday :P you?08:03
oSoMoNhey Laney 08:03
Laneyhey marcustomlinson & oSoMoN 08:06
didrockshey Laney 08:11
seb128hey Laney, how are you?08:30
seb128I'm good :)08:30
Laneymoin didrocks & seb128 08:35
ricotzgood morning desktopers08:51
marcustomlinsonhey ricq08:54
marcustomlinsonhey ricotz08:54
cpaelzerhi Desktop people09:04
cpaelzerI'd need your guidance on a discussion about appindicator / ayatana09:04
cpaelzerfor years we have had our virt-manager recommend gir1.2-appindicator3-0.109:04
cpaelzerbut now I was made aware that this is more or less dead https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=89503709:05
ubot5Debian bug 895037 in src:libappindicator "libappindicator: deprecated in Debian; AppIndicator based applications, please switch to Ayatana (App)Indicator(s)" [Serious,Open]09:05
cpaelzergir1.2-appindicator3-0.1 is still in main in focal, so I guess I'm fine for now09:05
cpaelzerbut should - going forward I switch to ayatana - is that fully integrated and default in our desktop?09:05
seb128hey ricotz cpaelzer09:05
cpaelzerseb128: didrocks: (not sure who to ping, so I ping the most active people I know around here) ^^09:05
seb128cpaelzer, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libayatana-appindicator/+bug/177014609:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1770146 in libayatana-appindicator (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libayatana-appindicator" [High,Invalid]09:06
didrocksyeah, long story there :)09:07
didrocks(and hey cpaelzer, ricotz)09:07
seb128cpaelzer, the ayatana packages are semi-hostile forks that were not needed and which were made incompatible with no real need to be, we have no seen evidence they are better quality or worth the effort to switch at this point09:08
cpaelzerseb128: ok, so for now I can answer (on a debian discussion) that for now we will stick to  gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1 then?09:10
seb128for Ubuntu yes, the people doing indicator in Debian seem to have decided they favor the ayatana variants09:10
seb128(but that's a side effort in Debian and most lead by the guy who forked/created ayatana)09:10
ackkoSoMoN, hi, do you know if bluejeans is supposed to work with chromium (snap)?09:10
ackkI could never get it to work, while it seems to be working with chrome09:11
cpaelzerok seb128 that is fine, thank you a lot09:12
oSoMoNackk, it works for me as an attendee, not sure about using bluejeans to present though09:12
ackkoSoMoN, oh, I never could use it even as attendee09:12
ackkoSoMoN, always tells me I have to install flash09:13
ackkoSoMoN, do you have flash installed?09:13
ackk(can believe I'm saying this in 2020)09:14
oSoMoNyeah, flash will be dead and gone by the end of the year, finally… in the meantime, you can use this to get it working in the snap: https://git.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/+git/snappy-packaging/commit/?id=04e7a9c9d452437b8540dc50e6d87092f3ea4af209:14
seb128cpaelzer, np!09:15
ackkoSoMoN, oh I see, so bluejeans does still require flash with chrome/ium09:16
ackkoSoMoN, oddly the html5 video test they have on their website does work fine with chrommium09:16
ackkoSoMoN, worked now with flash, thanks09:24
GunnarHjGood morning (well..) seb128! Did you see my ping from this upstream IBus issue?10:32
GunnarHjYour input as regards what to do in Ubuntu going forward would be appreciated.10:32
gitbotibus issue 2163 in ibus "Remapping CTRL+SHIFT+U doesn't unbind original keybind" [Closed]10:32
seb128GunnarHj, hey, I saw the email but post W.E/release backlog is busy, I will try to have a comment later10:35
GunnarHjseb128: Sure, no urgency AFAICT.10:36
seb128tseliot, hey, could you add bug #1874567 to your backlog of bugs to look at? it seems quite popular13:01
ubot5bug 1874567 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-440 (Ubuntu) "Secondary (rotated) monitor configuration is not applied correctly in gnome settings" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187456713:01
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hellsworthgood morning desktopers14:20
marcustomlinsonmorning hellsworth14:21
hellsworthhey marcustomlinson 14:21
didrockshello hellsworth 14:27
hellsworthhey there didrocks 14:28
jibelxnox, from a syslog, do you know how to know if a machine has been booted in UEFI or Legacy?14:51
ograhey ... after doing a 16.04->18.04 upgrade, immediately followed by an 18.04->20.04 one ,i end up with a pretty messed up desktop https://imgur.com/a/z8jDqUB ... there are also font issues (violet blocks across characters) ... and things like alt-tab do not work at all14:57
ograi assume it is some setting in my homedir ... any idea what i could try to remove there ?14:57
ograseems drag and drop also doesnt work14:58
ogra... at least from/to desktop14:58
ograsigh and i'm bombed with online-account popups to an extend that working is impossible 15:00
ogra(yet the online accounts are properly set up, i even deleted them and added them anew)15:00
xnoxjibel:  in sessions, not now15:02
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xnox|sessionsjibel:  grep for "efivars" ? Apr 27 12:58:27 ottawa kernel: Registered efivars operations15:03
seb128ogra, can you share your journalctl log? the image looks like a kernel/video driver issue ... could you screenshot the online account prompt?15:06
ograseb128, note that i have been running from USB key for a week now ... the fresh install on the USB key doesnt expose any such issues ... it is only the upgraded internal install that does ... i'll push my jounral somewhere ... 15:07
ograthe popup prompt looks like an evolution one (but seems to pop up when the panel clock tries to sync even if evo was never started after a reboot)15:08
ograhere is my journal https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fJwsRCT2yg/15:09
* ogra sees the kernel cmdline in there and wonders where all these i915 options come from !15:10
ograi guess thats the issue :D15:10
ogralol, sorry15:10
seb128ogra, likely for the video corruption yes ... old local hacked parameters to workaround issues?15:11
ograyeah ... 16.04 crap15:11
seb128ogra, the journal also suggests you have buggy extensions15:12
seb128Apr 27 16:52:52 acheron gnome-shell[5128]: Usage of object.actor is deprecated for CalendarMessageList15:13
seb128                                           get@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/environment.js:287:2915:13
seb128                                           right@/home/ogra/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/notification-banner-position@Selenium-H/extension.js:24:215:13
ograyes, one of them (i think the one remvoving the meters of padding between the systray icons) 15:13
seb128well unsure if they are problematic for your notifications, but might be worth turning them off15:13
ograoh, the positional one ... yeah15:13
ograwell, it works despite the error, i have seen it on the usb install too 15:14
ogradidnt seem to have any ill effects apart from spamming the log15:14
* ogra reboots with fixed grub15:14
ograhrm .. editing /etc/default/grub and running update-grub doesnt seem to have any effect :/15:19
ograthe options still stick in there 15:19
ograhmm, okay ... options gone but still messed up wallpaper15:26
Laneyseb128: do you know if there's an action to mir libinih recorded somewhere?15:35
ograokay ... recursively unsetting all gsettings got me rolling 15:39
KGB-0gnome-control-center ubuntu/master 3badf8b Olivier Tilloy debian/ changelog patches/series patches/0032-online-accounts-maybe-leak-a-reference-to-the-panel.patch * https://deb.li/bHr221:08
KGB-0debian/patches/0032-online-accounts-maybe-leak-a-reference-to-the-panel.patch: maybe leak a reference to the panel, to prevent a crash (LP: #1862553)21:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 1862553 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "gnome-control-center crashed with SIGSEGV in cc_panel_get_title_widget()" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186255321:08
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