
=== pauljw_18 is now known as pauljw
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chalcednyif a person wanted to buy a 20.04 dvd where is the right place?00:16
chalcednydownloading here is iffy00:16
nightBulbbad internet connection or bad download speed from server ?00:17
chalcednyvery slow dsl00:18
nightBulbso recommending torrent download is pointless ...00:18
chalcednynightBulb, yes afraid so00:19
oerhekstorrent on a public wifi,, https://torrent.ubuntu.com/tracker_index00:19
chalcednyhave to look into that.00:21
chalcednywe aren't supposed to go places00:21
chalcednyeven the library is closed00:22
nightBulbany trouble with download resume ?00:22
chalcednyfrankly he's had endless problems with 18.04 he's hoping to get a clean good copy and start over00:23
nightBulbYup did that day before yesterday  ... completely removed Windows , instead installed KDE neon & Ubuntu 20.0400:25
nightBulbLeft the Ubuntu 18.04 intact though ...00:26
RoadRunnernightBulb: the install process instructions say to download both the LPR driver AND the cupswrapper driver; does that make sense to you?00:26
chalcednyhow can he be sure he's got the whole thing?00:26
nightBulbRoadRunner, the instructions are accurate ...00:28
nightBulbchalcedny, ?00:28
nightBulbsure of getting what whole ?00:28
chalcednythe full download of Ubuntu 20.0400:29
nightBulbvia bittorrent ?00:29
chalcednyour internet speed is really tiny00:30
nightBulbabove 100 KB/sec or below ?00:30
chalcednyi'll let you know in a moment00:31
chalcedny Download Speed 0.35 Mbps (43.8 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed 0.06 Mbps (7.5 KB/sec transfer rate) Latency 76 ms00:33
chalcednynightBulb, that's about what it is00:34
nightBulbUsually in bittorrent clients there is an option of force-recheck00:34
nightBulbthe download (not the speed)00:34
chalcednythat's actually good for here00:34
nightBulbshould download in 19 hours ...   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯00:36
nightBulbso bittorrent is better, if you try ,,00:36
nightBulbcan easily resume from any interruption ...00:36
chalcednythere is a place on ebay that sells ubuntu dvds00:37
nightBulbDSL is limited or unlimited ?00:37
nightBulbis there any download/time cap ?00:38
chalcednythere is some maximum. i think we've only hit it once00:38
nightBulbTime or data ?00:38
nightBulbmonthly ?00:39
nightBulbmonth's about to end ...00:39
nightBulbso can download before that ...00:39
nightBulbif data left ..00:39
nightBulbdownloading is ideally better ... (ensuring you get clean ubuntu) ...00:40
RoadRunnernightBulb: during the instal, after: dpkg -i --force-all  (lpr-HL2040) get: syntax error near unexpected token `('00:40
chalcednyi wasn't excited about buying from an unkown source, so i asked.00:41
nightBulbwhat's the file name RoadRunner ?00:42
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RoadRunnernightBulb: HL204000:42
nightBulbare you in a terminal (bash)00:43
nightBulbtype without bracket00:44
RoadRunnernightBulb: yes, the correct syntax is : dpkg -i --force-all  HL2040 ?00:44
nightBulbif you are in a terminal ...00:44
nightBulbin the directory where you downloaded ...00:44
nightBulbdpkg -i --force-all ./(press tab on keyboard)00:45
nightBulband use autocomplete.00:45
nightBulbinstead of typing manually ...00:45
RoadRunneralso, I've downloaded 2 drivers but can only see one00:45
nightBulbls -l00:46
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nightBulbRoadRunner, ?00:48
RoadRunnernightBulb: dpkg -i --force-all  HL2040 dpkg: error: operation requires read/write access to dpkg status area00:48
tewarddid you use sudo with the dpkg command?00:49
nightBulbsudo dpkg00:49
RoadRunnertrying now00:49
nightBulbsudo dpkg -i --force-all  HL204000:49
RoadRunnerdpkg-split: error: error reading HL2040: Is a directory dpkg: error processing archive HL2040 (--install):  subprocess dpkg-split returned error exit status 2 Errors were encountered while processing:  HL2040 frosty@frosty-desktop:/var/spool/lpd$00:50
vortexxHi, I upgraded to 20.04 from 19.10 yesterday and now my windows key & left-ctrl key have stopped working in the Swiss French keylayout. They both work fine in US English layout. Has anyone else had this issue and is it a known bug?00:50
nightBulbis HL2040 the complete name of the file ?00:51
RoadRunnerthat's all I see00:51
nightBulbare you in a terminal ?00:51
nightBulbterminal / bash ?00:52
nightBulbls -l00:52
nightBulbdo you see the downloaded files ?00:52
nightBulbin last column00:53
RoadRunnertotal 4 drwx------ 2 lp lp 4096 Apr  5  2007 HL204000:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 4096 in meld (Ubuntu) "meld: merge new debian version" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/409600:53
tewardbuggy bot.00:53
tewardRoadRunner: is HL2040 actually a deb package or just an executable?  what does `file HL2040` show?00:54
tewardif it does not show "Debian binary package (format 2.0)" then it is not a .deb file to be installed with dpkg00:54
johnjayi didn't realize file was that specific^00:54
tewardit can be :P00:55
nightBulbRoadRunner, what's inside the directory HL2040?00:55
RoadRunnernightBulb: HL2040 is empty00:55
nightBulbdid you try to extract the downloaded file ?00:56
nightBulbwhich is supposed to be a file ending with ".deb"00:57
nightBulbRoadRunner, ?00:57
RoadRunnerboth driver packages were installed with software00:57
nightBulbdouble click ?00:57
nightBulband the Software App ?00:57
RoadRunneryep, the software manager; both seemed to have installed without issues00:58
nightBulbthen no need for dpkg00:58
nightBulbcomplete the steps after the dpkg instructions ...00:58
nightBulbdpkg  -l  |  grep  Brother00:59
nightBulbrun it00:59
nightBulbdoes it show anything ?00:59
nightBulbRoadRunner ?00:59
RoadRunnernightBulb: sec00:59
Sven_vBcan the focal live USB still use casper-rw as a file inside a FAT32 partition?00:59
RoadRunnernightBulb: well there seems to be 4 files here01:00
nightBulblast 2 should seem familiar ...01:01
nightBulbdo you see anything resembling HL2040?01:01
nightBulbRoadRunner ?01:01
RoadRunnerif you give me a sec I'll put it in paste bin01:02
RoadRunnernightBulb: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rWRHzdDz7y/01:04
nightBulbThat's accurate .01:04
nightBulbProceed with next steps given on brother website ...01:04
RoadRunnerthank's :)01:05
nightBulbYou're welcome :)01:06
murthyI want to upgrade from 19.10 to 20.04 without waiting01:06
Jordan_USven_vB: I didn't know until now that was a feature :) I can't think of a reason why that feature would go away, so probably yes?01:07
Jordan_Umurthy: No need to wait, it's only 18.04 to 20.04 where you're recommended to wait until 20.04.1 .01:07
Jordan_U!upgrade | murthy01:07
ubottumurthy: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade01:07
Bashing-om!ltsupgrade | murthy01:08
ubottumurthy: Regular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d01:08
murthyI am a kubuntu user01:09
murthyquoting from here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FocalUpgrades/Kubuntu01:10
murthy"From 19.10, there may a delay of a few hrs to days between the official release announcements and the Ubuntu Release Team enabling upgrades"01:10
murthywhy does that say days?01:10
oerheksif you take the -d option, prepare a fresh usb with iso, and have fun01:10
murthyoerheks: are you talking to me?01:11
oerheksmurthy, yes, those articles give the upgrade option with -d01:12
oerheksstill, prepare a fresh usb, just in case01:12
RoadRunnernightBulb: 'Check the configuration filename for your distribution (Debian) ': /etc/printcap - is abscent01:13
nightBulbhow are you connecting the printer ?01:14
nightBulbRoadRunner ?01:14
murthyoerheks: if I use the -d option it will not upgrade to a dev version of 20.10 right?01:15
RoadRunnernightBulb: parallel cable01:15
oerheksmurthy, no, it points to focal01:16
oerheksno gorilla :-D01:16
murthyoerheks: groovy!01:16
murthyoerheks: I am upgrading, thank you01:16
oerhekshav fun!01:16
nightBulbRoadRunner, do you mean USB ?01:17
RoadRunnernightBulb: no, I mean parallel cable01:17
murthybtw, whoever suggested the name for 20.04 my thanks.01:17
Sven_vBJordan_U, well, my attempt to boot xubuntu with persistence ended up in an initram rescue shell, with lots of /bin/init errors about no medium in some disk above. I'll try and copy the messages next time. when I searched the web for "focal persistent casper-rw", I found https://askubuntu.com/q/1181854 accepted answer, bullet 2 which uses past tense for the FAT32 method. on the other hand, my attempt with a casper-rw partition seems to01:17
Sven_vBfail as well.01:17
murthysee you people later, have a nice day01:18
nightBulbRoadRunner, Is this your printer HL-2040  ?01:18
RoadRunnernightBulb: that part of instructions actually seems to be clear; my question is where to find that config file; my /etc/printcap dir is abscent01:19
Sven_vBoh I see I need to use another boot entry in GRUB for the loopback.01:19
RoadRunnerand yes, my printer is Brother HL-204001:19
iconoclastheroi was having a problem where libffi.so.7 and libp11-kit.so.0 did not have agreeing version numbers (Error:  /usr/lib/apt/methods/http: /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libffi.so.7: no version information available (required by /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libp11-kit.so.0)) and so I compiled/installed p11-kit from source (version 0.23.20).  i tried apt again and the error remained so I01:19
iconoclastherosudo unlink /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libp11-kit.so.0 && sudo ln /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libp11-kit.so.0.3.0 libp11-kit.so.001:19
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nightBulbdoesn't it only have options for USB & Network ?01:20
rupert160hello all - what channel would you suggest to work with the "S.A.N.E." scanner driver team with Ubuntu?01:20
iconoclastherothis eliminated the problem with apt and curl.  i'm concerned though that I'm going to have a problem down the road with one or both of these libraries being out of sync again.01:20
RoadRunnernightBulb: my printer can do both USB and parallel cable01:20
iconoclastherowill apt just take care of them normally as updates come out?01:20
RoadRunnerbut the parallel cable is already connected so that's what I have01:21
nightBulbRoadRunner ?01:22
nightBulbwhat does that link show ?01:23
RoadRunnernightBulb: nothing01:24
nightBulbno webpage or no printers ?01:24
nightBulbRoadRunner ?01:24
Sven_vBis there a sibling option to the live CD's iso-scan/filename=??? to provide the partition label of the partition in which to look for the iso?01:25
RoadRunnerno printers listed after a search for Brother HL-2040 on that webpage01:25
RoadRunnernightBulb: what is that page?01:26
nightBulbRoadRunner, If your printer is not listed on "http://localhost:631/printers", please go to "http://localhost:631/admin" and click "Add printer" and select proper device and driver.01:26
nightBulbCommon UNIX Printing System01:27
RoadRunnernightBulb: so the drivers I've been trying are the wrong ones?01:27
nightBulbthey enable connection01:27
nightBulbadding a printer is different ...01:28
nightBulbRoadRunner ...01:29
RoadRunnerthe site is asking  me for user name and password01:29
nightBulbof your logged in user01:29
nightBulbthat site is your PC01:29
nightBulbJust through the eyes of the web browser ...01:30
RoadRunnernightBulb: got a bunch of 'found printers' which bullets should I check?01:32
RoadRunnershall I post a screen shot?01:32
nightBulbYes, that might be helpfule ...01:35
RoadRunnernightBulb: https://imgur.com/a/3Wa8bCi01:36
nightBulbBrother HL01:36
RoadRunnernightBulb: nothing else should be selected?01:38
gbs-hi, when ubuntu16.04 update support will end?01:41
Bashing-om!16.04 | gbs-01:42
ubottugbs-: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) was the 24th release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ - Release Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes01:42
RoadRunnernightBulb: https://imgur.com/a/PXvEm5t01:42
RoadRunnernightBulb: just continue again?01:43
nightBulbYou can enter Location if you want ...01:43
nightBulbreal world01:43
nightBulbthen continue01:43
nightBulbYour choice ...01:43
nightBulbdo you want to share the printer through your computer via network ?01:44
RoadRunnerallows access others on the lan only?01:44
gbs-how i can upgrade ubuntu server 18.04.4 to 20.04?01:45
nightBulbRoadRunner, for now leave it blank, you can modify later.01:45
rupert160@gbs- https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/upgrade-ubuntu-18-04-to-20-04-lts-using-command-line/01:46
Bashing-om!ltsupgrade | gbs-01:46
ubottugbs-: Regular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d01:46
Bashing-omgbs-: sudo do-release-upgrade -d on a fully updated system.01:47
gbs-apt-cacher-ng was blocking it01:49
gbs-infra@vm162:~$ do-release-upgrade -d01:49
gbs-Checking for a new Ubuntu release01:49
gbs-Failed to connect to https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts-development. Check your Internet connection or proxy settings01:49
gbs-There is no development version of an LTS available.01:49
gbs-To upgrade to the latest non-LTS develoment release01:49
gbs-set Prompt=normal in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.01:49
nightBulbRoadRunner, * Drone sets quiet on *!*@
RoadRunnernightBulb: which 2040 to select? also (foomatic  filters were removed)...01:50
nightBulbRoadRunner, https://askubuntu.com/questions/206902/cups-restrict-printer-access-to-trusted-users-on-network01:50
nightBulbRoadRunner, (probably) select the recommended ?01:51
RoadRunnernightBulb: several models for 2040 here, none suggested...01:52
RoadRunnernightBulb: why not one of the 2040's?01:53
nightBulbbrother HL 2040 Foomatic/hl125001:53
nightBulbbrother HL 2040 Foomatic/hl1250 (recommended)01:54
nightBulbbrother HL 2040 Foomatic/hl1250 (recommended) (en)01:54
RoadRunnernightBulb: so not 2035 CUPS + Gutenprint...?01:57
RoadRunnersince I've removed foomatic filters earlier...?01:58
nightBulbnot removed01:59
RoadRunnerok, I'll do as you suggest01:59
nightBulbremove something but added something else.01:59
nightBulbthat'd be my guess...02:00
RoadRunnerk, that process seems to have finished, now what?02:01
nightBulbnow print ???02:01
nightBulb ¯\_(ツ)_/¯02:02
RoadRunnernightBulb: amazingly it worked !!!   Bless YOU !!!02:04
nightBulbSuccess !!!02:04
RoadRunnerThank you for spoon feeding me through this nightmare !!!02:05
nightBulbEveryone needs a little help, every now and then. :) Cheers...02:05
tripelbHey dont leave ywt602:06
r3duxnightBulb, Roadrunner: This restored my faith in humanity. Thanks.02:06
tripelbWhat do I do to make the screen turn into all the windows I have as little ones. I've tried corners and I've tried some key combinations02:06
tripelbNever mind I just did it.02:07
RoadRunnerr3dux: I probably took the cake for the dumbest questions on this :)02:07
r3duxRoadrunner: NO SUCH THING... nobody is supposed to know any of this stuff... we all have to learn things from eachother... it's the best way. There is never a stupid question, only elitist who get tired of helping people.02:09
bisectorDoes the new zsysd rollback in uboot consider docker and lxd images as user data or do they get rolled back too?02:10
RoadRunnerr3dux: thank you for your kind words02:10
nightBulb+1 what r3dux said, couldn't have said it better myself.02:12
r3duxnightBulb: :)02:13
RoadRunnernightBulb: thank you again and if you still have the strength for another question, why was the last stage of setup done through the browser rather than terminal or...02:14
nightBulbeasier that way ?02:16
nightBulbyou were not installing anything ..02:16
nightBulbjust configuring02:16
nightBulbin the web browser02:16
Jordan_Ubisector: If it were btrfs, I would say that would depend on what subvolume your docker and lxd images are stored on. Where are your images stored?02:17
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RoadRunnerI guess I don't think of my browser as a config tool for my printer...02:17
nightBulbstandardized GUI ...     (xubuntu probably has some other program for it as well )02:18
bisectorBoth are under separate zfs filesystems. rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_92k9yu/var/lib/docker/xxxx  and rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_92k9yu/var/lib/lxd/images/xxxxx But home dirs are under pool/USERDATA02:18
RoadRunnerin the last section of instructions on Brother's page they tried to do it directly in terminal by modifying the config file but is wasn't were they said it would be; where does it reside?02:19
nightBulbthey say almost what you did.02:22
digitalw00tI'm trying to upgrade an older system from 16.04 to latest through the command line but it's not working.  It's asking me to update before upgrading.  But everything is updated as best I can tell.02:24
digitalw00tapt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade02:24
digitalw00tCalculating upgrade... Done02:24
digitalw00t0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.02:24
bisectorJordan_U: both docker and lxd have a native notion of using zfs as backing. I now see @autozsys_xyz snapshots appear after running 'apt' commands. rollback can now undo bad upgrades while preserving user data (like /home) but I don't see how to tell it what else to consider user data.02:25
Bashing-omdigitalw00t: What is set for prompt in the file /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades ?02:27
RoadRunnernightBulb: I can't help but wonder, since I can't be the only one trying to print under Linux, why didn't they try to make the install and setup more automated?02:27
digitalw00tBashing-om:Yeah.. followed more than a few instructions online to get this done.02:28
digitalw00tBashing-om:Normally I just reinstall, figured I'd do an upgrade for once.02:28
digitalw00tIf I do:02:29
digitalw00tapt install update-manager-core02:29
digitalw00tReading package lists... Done02:29
digitalw00tBuilding dependency tree02:29
digitalw00tReading state information... Done02:29
digitalw00tupdate-manager-core is already the newest version (1:16.04.17).02:29
digitalw00t0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.02:29
digitalw00tOdd.. can't talk.02:30
digitalw00tThere it goes.02:30
digitalw00tSo yeah.. update-manger-core install reports 2 backage not upgrade.02:32
digitalw00tBut I for the life of me can't find what it's complaining about.02:32
Bashing-omdigitalw00t: Ya want that prom[t as "Prompt=lts" - the path is 16.04 -> 18.04 -> 20.04 . A lot of band width and time and possible errors.02:32
RoadRunnernightBulb: I don't know what time zone you are in, but regardless, after this marathon you deserve milk and cookies followed by a good snooze. Thank you and take care!02:33
Bashing-om!tlsupgrade | digitalw00t02:33
digitalw00tAh.. the instructions I followed wanted it changed.  Let me put it back.02:33
Bashing-om!ltsupgrade | digitalw00t02:33
ubottudigitalw00t: Regular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d02:33
eelstreboreverytime i upgrade my distro i end up fighting for hours if not days to make postfix work again02:33
digitalw00tBashing-om:So from a 16.04, I don't mind going from that to 17 then 18.  I just wanted to get this machine upgraded to something near latest.02:34
tripelbWhat do you call that thing on the left that holds icons that are gigantic and I want to make them smaller. I can't look it up cuz it's not called dashboard.02:34
topcat001Dock :)02:35
Bashing-omdigitalw00t: LTS upgrade is a direct path to the next LTS, from 16.04 that is release 18.04 :)02:35
nightBulbRoadRunner, thanks, it is in-fact my sleep time (not in my Time Zone), and I did just have my milk. You too take care. :)02:35
tripelbTy topcat00102:35
tripelbIs there a way I can put Gmail on Thunderbird?02:36
Bashing-omdigitalw00t: to 18.04 the command is with out the -d switch !02:36
digitalw00tYeah.. that's what I tried and the output from it.02:37
digitalw00tAnd without the -d: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bjTx3mzY6V/02:37
tripelbIs there a way I can search for an app in Ubuntu software?02:37
Bashing-omdigitalw00t: 18.04 is out of the development stage - run as "  sudo do-release-upgrade " .02:38
tripelbIs there a way of getting a list version of Ubuntu software with the icon on the left and the one sentence explanation of what it is on the right. Having to click on each one to find out what it is at all is deadly aka difficult boring time-consuming and retarded like a spark.02:39
digitalw00tBashing-om:I did, that's the https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HzMWnv7JjW  output02:39
digitalw00tBashing-om:It's asking me to install updates before upgrading.  But I don't see any updates to apply.02:39
Bashing-omdigitalw00t: ^^ says "do-release-upgrade -d" to get to 18.04 do not use that -d switch ( development).02:40
digitalw00tI've tried it with and without.02:41
Bashing-omdigitalw00t: What results ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' ?02:41
digitalw00tBashing-om:0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.02:41
Bashing-omdigitalw00t: and /etc/update-manager/release-upgrade set to LTS ?02:42
digitalw00tcat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades|grep Prompt02:42
digitalw00tBashing-om:cat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades|grep Prompt02:42
Bashing-omdigitalw00t: ' sudo do-release-upgrade ' should workie . no ?02:44
digitalw00tBashing-om:And it responds  -> Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading.02:46
digitalw00tYou see my confusion;02:46
Bashing-omdigitalw00t: Yeah - lemme see that I find the file we want to have. gimme a tic to hunt.02:46
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eelstreborheh, now i got vlc launching when i try to look at an attached drive - must be a failed upgrade even though it's a fresh install02:50
Jordan_Ubisector: Well, mount the @qutozsys_xyz snapshot somewhere and see what it contains. Again, all my experience is with btrfs, where I have one subvolume for / and another for /home/. When I snapshot /, everything except /home/ is part of that snapshot. So I know by the path what will be included in any snapshot. Also, I can tell what snapshots are mounted where by running "mount" and seeing where the02:53
Jordan_Umountponts are.02:54
digitalw00tBashing-om:Should I just plan on rebuilding this to current?02:59
bisectorJordan_U: thx. I'll go play in a VM for a bit.03:01
Jordan_Ubisector: You're welcome. Please tell me how it goes.03:03
CarlFKthinkpad Ubuntu 18.04.4 - sound was wroking, now settings/sound/output only shows "dummy sound" - including when I plug in an hdmi display that has sound03:12
Bashing-omdigitalw00t: Sorry - drawing a blank still on that control file I am seeking :( still looking.03:16
digitalw00tBashing-om:No worries.03:17
bet0xHello, after a do-release-upgrade from 16 to 18 i get this error: dpkg: error processing package libpam-systemd:amd64 (--configure):03:17
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ayeeI'm on ubuntu 20.04, on a macbook pro (natively running ubuntu). Everytime I boot up on ubuntu, I have to type this command to get wifi to work: "sudo iwconfig wlp3s0 txpower 10dBm". Is there a file I can put in to not have to type this on boot, and have the wifi just work on boot?03:33
bisectorJordan_U: Turns out /var/lib is setup to be system nor user data which is nice. since both lxd and docker images are under /var/lib they won't be messed with by a rollback from uboot. zsys uses zfs attribute 'com.ubuntu.zsys:bootfs' on the sub-filesystem for that.03:46
Bashing-omdigitalw00t: My google-fu fails - frustrated that I can not at this time identify that control file to control do-release :(04:14
digitalw00tBashing-om:No problem.  I'll just have to do a forklift upgrade.04:14
n3wt0nhow can i monitor which application/package/script using how much internet for last month/week(like android's data usage)?04:58
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jezzirolkim having an issue with ubuntu 20.04 server in virtual box, where i have to run netplan apply to get my networking back up. looking at the settings it seems that the bridge isnt getting an ip address. any thoughts?05:50
jezzirolkthe bridge being the linux bridge that im using for lxd stuff in the container05:51
jezzirolkbut is also bridged to my main network via virtualbox05:51
Jordan_Un35xdxb0: I'm not sure that there is a convenient way. It seems that you may be able to monitor data usage by process, but you have to initiate that monitoring knowing the PID (hard for an application that's not constantly running, or has multiple processes). You can also monitor by cgroup, but then you would need to setup all of your apps to run in different cgroups. It's quite possible that there are05:58
Jordan_Uother options I couldn't find in my quick search.05:58
DumbLDoorHi! I just upgraded to 20.04 from 19.10. I have a separate data partition and somehow my desktop folder and contents are all gone06:31
DumbLDoorI have everything else, seemingly.. pictures, downloads, documents, videos etc06:32
DumbLDoorcd /home/<username>/Desktop - not found, folder does not exist..06:33
the_drow[m]Is it safe to upgrade from 19.10 to 20.04 yet? sudo do-release-upgrade doesn't report a new version yet06:34
the_drow[m]I know I can do -d but is it safe or should I wait a couple of more days?06:34
DumbLDoorI did a fresh install06:34
DumbLDoorsince I have a separate data partition.06:34
the_drow[m]Yeh I'm gonna do that on my actual machine06:34
the_drow[m]But this is a VM I work on while using windows because that's what the client wants :/06:35
the_drow[m]The chat app that only works on windows is more important than the rest of my work environment sooooooo06:35
the_drow[m]I'd hate to lose my data06:35
DumbLDoorI have lost just a few files.. desktop folder missing is a very weird thing06:36
DumbLDoori don't have much on desktop but some scratch06:36
DumbLDoorOne file was important06:36
the_drow[m]so the answer is not yet06:37
DumbLDoorwill talk tomorrow, cya06:38
JakeSaystrying to upgrade from 19.10 to 20.04, and i keep getting this: "required_download could not be calculated: E:Can't find a source to download version '5.3.0-23.25' of 'linux-image-5.3.0-23-generic:amd64'"07:11
JakeSaysany ideas?07:11
JakeSaysalso what does a partial upgrade entail?07:12
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic eoan07:17
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (eoan), package size 2 kB, installed size 16 kB07:17
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: update your system to latest first07:18
lotuspsychje!uptodate | JakeSays07:18
ubottuJakeSays: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.07:18
JakeSayslotuspsychje: i did07:18
JakeSayshadn't tried full-upgrade though07:19
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: that kernel -23 doesnt match current 19.10 kernel07:19
geirha!info linux-image-5.3.0-23-generic eoan07:19
ubottulinux-image-5.3.0-23-generic (source: linux-signed): Signed kernel image generic. In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.0-23.25 (eoan), package size 8454 kB, installed size 11162 kB07:19
JakeSayslotuspsychje: i'm actually booting to -2907:20
JakeSaysi also have 45 and 4607:20
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: how come you are not booted into -46 then?07:21
JakeSayswait.. i don't have the kernel or initrd for 2307:21
JakeSayslotuspsychje: and good question07:21
JakeSaysit's a pita because something keeps breaking my grub.cfg07:22
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: try boooting into -46 and make sure your system is fully up to date, then try the release upgrade07:22
JakeSayslotuspsychje: will do07:22
JakeSayslotuspsychje: why is it that i have to use -d on update-manager to see 20.04?07:28
JakeSaysalso the repos have been changed from 19.10 to 20.04 so everything needs upgrading07:29
JakeSaysbut that doesn't seem right07:29
JakeSaysit keeps getting stuck on -2307:30
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: can you boot into -46 please and pastebin what you experience exactly?07:31
JakeSaysi did boot to -4607:32
geirhafor the LTS upgrade (18.04-20.04), the option to upgrade will not appear until 20.04.1 is released. Not sure if that also applies for 19.10, or if it's just delayed a little while to get the upgrade process tested a bit more before opening it up to everyone07:32
JakeSayslotuspsychje: https://pastebin.com/fCnj8MPQ07:33
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | geirha07:34
ubottugeirha: Regular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d07:34
lotuspsychjeour new factoid :p07:35
geirharight, but it doesn't cover why 19.10 doesn't give the upgrade option yet07:36
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: hmm some weird errors there, try sudo apt autoremove please?07:36
JakeSaysis there a way to roll back the failed upgrade?07:36
JakeSayslotuspsychje: E: Can't find a source to download version '5.3.0-23.25' of 'linux-image-5.3.0-23-generic:amd64'07:36
JakeSaysgeirha: 19.10 should be available "in a few days"07:37
JakeSaysit's only been three, so who knows07:37
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: not sure why apt is complaining about an older kernel liek that hmmm, maybe a dpkg forced purge that kernel version manual?07:38
JakeSayslotuspsychje: will it be an issue that my package sources all point to focal now?07:39
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: i dont think so, cause fossa has 5.4 kernel and 5.3 -23 should gotten autoremoved already from eoan07:39
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: dpkg --list | grep linux-image to see all your kernels07:40
JakeSayslotuspsychje: it lists 4.18.0-10.11 to
clarkkI've set my screen to go blank after 5 minutes. In fact, when it I lock the screen via the keyboard, it does it (although doesn't turn off the screen completely). If I leave the system running overnight, after a while, the screen shows the desktop colour and the time - and thus is active all night.  How do I fix this?07:42
JakeSayslotuspsychje: but it doesn't list -2307:42
clarkkI'm using Ubuntu 18.04, btw07:42
JakeSayslotuspsychje: the dpkg purge cleaned it up i think07:43
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: apt should autoremove kernels automatic these days, not sure why you still got such a list of kernels07:43
JakeSaysi dont actually have the files for them all in /boot07:44
JakeSayslotuspsychje: should i do that full-upgrade now?07:45
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: yeah lets try sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade07:45
clarkkactually, forget my question for now - I'm trying some things07:46
JakeSayslotuspsychje: ok it's off doing its thing07:46
lotuspsychjeyay JakeSays :p07:47
JakeSaysi just hope i dont end up with a dev build07:47
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: the command above is just for updating your current system07:48
lotuspsychjenot for release jumping07:48
JakeSayslotuspsychje: it's pulling everything from focal07:49
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: might be because you already done a partial upgrade then07:50
JakeSayshope that doesn't mess things up07:50
lotuspsychjei dont think so, think it will straighten things for 20.04 now07:50
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: maybe before rebooting, doublecheck your sources.list too and make sure there's no leftovers there07:51
spinningCatcan i run matlab in ubuntu?07:54
ToxmiI'm trying to encrypt a big tar archive. However, using openssl wasn't succesfull since in decrypt it gave error (bad decrypt). Is openssl suitable for large argives?08:02
ToxmiIt's OK, when I test on small archives and files but on a 10+GB archive, it encrypt but it doesn't decrypt08:02
DJonesspinningCat: Looks like its possible, I don't know if it works, but this link might give you some pointers on to get started https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-matlab-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux08:03
spinningCatDJones,  thanks08:03
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JakeSayshuh. matlab isn't as expensive as i thought it would be for an individual08:11
DJonesSorry, wrong window08:27
JakeSayslotuspsychje: so rebooted, but my video drivers disappeared. i'm back to 640x48008:29
JakeSaysand there's also a terminal running08:30
JakeSaysa login terminal08:30
JakeSaysthis is really weird08:30
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: there are 2 known bugs about nvidia on 20.04, try to check ubuntu-drivers list for your card08:30
JakeSayslotuspsychje: is that a file?08:31
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: no, command from terminal08:31
JakeSaysfound it08:31
JakeSayslotuspsychje: it lists three versions08:32
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: nvidia-smi to see wich one is active08:32
JakeSayslotuspsychje: | NVIDIA-SMI 435.21       Driver Version: 435.21       CUDA Version: 10.1     |08:34
JakeSayshmm. that's not the latest one08:35
lotuspsychjedid 440 list?08:35
JakeSaysubuntu-drivers devices lists 440 as recommended08:35
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: do you have auto login enabled on ubutnu?08:35
lotuspsychjeok try a switch to 440 and reboot08:36
JakeSaysnvidia-smi only shows 43508:36
JakeSayshow do i switch?08:36
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: i mean with ubuntu-drivers list, did 440 show?08:39
JakeSaysit idd08:41
JakeSaysdo i use ubuntu-drivers install?08:43
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: no, just sudo apt install your-nvidia-driverversion08:44
JakeSaysah ok08:45
FreeBDSMhello, how to install keys from ppa:ansible/ansible? where does launchpad ubuntu store its keys? `add-apt-repository ppa:ansible/ansible` tells me `Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:~ansible/ubuntu/ansible'. ERROR: '~ansible' user or team does not exist.` yet when I curl launchpad's /~ansible page - I do get contents, so, clearly, it exists.08:46
JakeSayslotuspsychje: nvidia-smi shows it's running 440, but nothing changed08:50
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: you dont boot nomodeset or something?08:51
JakeSayslotuspsychje: not that i'm aware of08:52
lotuspsychje!20.04 | JakeSays check the releasenotes08:54
ubottuJakeSays check the releasenotes: Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) is the 32nd release of Ubuntu and is the current !LTS release. Download at Download at https://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseNotes08:54
lotuspsychjethere are 2 bugs about nvidia there, see if they affect you too?08:54
JakeSayslotuspsychje: neither of those apply09:06
JakeSaysdmesg has this in it: nvidia-modeset: Loading NVIDIA Kernel Mode Setting Driver for UNIX platforms  440.64  Fri Feb 21 00:43:19 UTC 202009:07
zoli77hi, where gnome does get the default applications from after I deleted the /etc/gnome/defaults.list file? And what/where is exactly configured in the gnome settings gui at the Defaults Application menu?? Because before the deletion the latter one worked, but editing the file didn't work for some reason.09:14
InteloWill I have any problems for ubuntu if I have AMD?09:23
zoli77Intelo: no09:30
JakeSayslotuspsychje: so i booted in to 5.3.0-46 and it's working fine.09:30
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: right..09:30
JakeSayslotuspsychje: is that right as in i dont believe you?09:31
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: no, as in i asked you to boot into -46 latest in the first place09:32
JakeSayslotuspsychje: i did that when i was on 19.1009:32
JakeSaysjust like you asked09:32
JakeSayson 20.04 5.4 failed09:33
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: oh right09:33
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: lets try to fallback to nouveau09:33
lotuspsychjeJakeSays: sudo apt purge nvidia*09:33
JakeSayswell, i'm fine with 5.3 for the moment. i've recovered from my heart attack and need sleep.09:34
JakeSaysi'll try nouveau tomorrow09:34
JakeSayslotuspsychje: seriously - thank you for your help!09:34
lotuspsychjeallright good luck JakeSays09:34
cpachhi folks. what is the best RDP client for linux? should i use remmina, rdesktop or something else...?09:44
zoli77cpach: probably remmina09:49
cpachzoli77: cool09:51
cpachi have already installed virtualbox-guest-x11 and virtualbox-guest-utils.09:59
cpachwhat are the benefits of installing the package virtualbox-guest-dkms? (my guest vm is xubuntu 20.04)10:19
BluesKajHey folks10:22
martiansoulHi BluesKaj10:24
BluesKajhey martiansoul10:26
ne2kI'm trying to debug an old webcam not working on focal. (ID 0471:0310 Philips (or NXP) PCVC730K Webcam [pwc]) if I try to start a stream with gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src ! autovideosink, I get a window coming up that looks the right size, the light on the camera turns on for a second, and then it quits with an error:<v4l2src0> error: Failed to allocate10:30
ne2krequired memory.10:30
ne2ktried to install v4l2ucp to attempt debugging but package seems to be absent in focal. is this an oversight or has it been replaced with something else?10:31
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amcsidid they remove ecryptfs-utils in Ubuntu 20.04? :(10:35
amcsiI've been trying to reinstall over my older Ubuntu install with 20.04, and I'm having trouble making sure I can continue to access the encrypted home directory of my existing user10:36
deadrom20.04 on laptop. used to run windows 10, not anymore. wifi drops after a moment. suspected UTC/RTC issues, set ubuntu to RTC with  timedatectl set-local-rtc 110:39
deadromworked for a couple minutes, then dropped again. rebooted, checked BIOS clock, was a couple hours off, corrected, booted, same issue.10:39
deadromnow what. I got wifi connection up but not getting dhcp10:40
TowserHello, I have  a USB to serial device to use with an old dot matrix printer? How do I get the drivers and get it to work?10:44
JediMasterHi all, I've consistently had problems with my inbuilt Intel 630 HD graphics on Ubuntu (18.04 and 20.04) getting dual monitors working, the HDMI works at 4k, but the DisplayPort only at 1024x768. It turns out it appears to be an issue with the modeline detection on the monitor. I'm able to manually set the 4k@60Hz resolution with xrandr but I can't find out how to make this permanent, I've tried with ~/.xprofile (set to10:44
JediMasterexecutable) and it doesn't run on login.10:44
JediMasterIf I manually run the .xprofile after login, it corrects the resolution and both monitors work @ 4k. How do I make this permanent & global?10:45
JediMasterThis: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Setting_xrandr_changes_persistently appears to be out of date10:45
jeremy31deadrom: Post URL from terminal for>  cat /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf | nc termbin.com 999910:46
_bradkso i did some more testing with my network dropout issues and it's not just wifi which randomly drops out, it even happens on wired connections10:51
_bradk(context: i recently upgraded from ubuntu 19.10 to 20.04 the other day on my lenovo t420s - system performance is much better but i've got very unreliable network connectivity now)10:51
quadrathoch2_bradk, how did you upgrade?10:54
_bradkquadrathoch2: clean install over the top10:54
_bradkwiped everything during the install process10:55
quadrathoch2so no upgrade, it's a clean install?10:55
_bradkclean install10:55
quadrathoch2can you test it with other devices? or maybe even a live usb on that laptop? so that it's not the network itself?10:56
_bradktest it with other devices? what do you mean?10:56
quadrathoch2yeah, so if the issue is with the OS or if it's maybe your network10:56
_bradkno other devices on the network are having problems and everything was very stable under ubuntu 18.1010:57
quadrathoch2i guess you mean 19.10 ;)10:57
_bradki can try live cd10:57
_bradkyeah, that one :p10:57
quadrathoch2would be nice :)10:57
_bradki don't know why i upgraded tbh, things were working well - i just got swept up with the tlak of the performance improvements10:58
_bradkoh and i also set my wifi to powersave 2 from powersave 310:58
quadrathoch2yeah but that's why there is no supported upgrade path ;)10:58
quadrathoch2(for now)10:58
quadrathoch2just to get the last few bugs10:58
_bradkaight, let me try to find my usb10:59
_bradkand fire it up for a little bit10:59
deadromjeremy31, no such file or dir11:01
deadromjeremy31, no wait...11:02
_bradkquadrathoch2: alright i'm on the live cd now11:03
quadrathoch220.04 or 19.10? _bradk11:03
_bradkhow do i confirm again in ubuntu?11:04
_bradk(i usually use centos)11:04
quadrathoch2what do you mean by confirm?11:04
_bradkignore me, wrong window11:04
_bradkyep, definitely on 20.0411:05
_bradkout of interest, what does this test validate?11:05
deadromjeremy31, wifi.powersave = 311:06
quadrathoch2welp, I thought you would have another distro at the ready xD11:06
deadromcant pastebin without a connection11:06
jeremy31deadrom: run>  sudo sed -i 's/wifi.powersave = 3/wifi.powersave = 2/' /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf11:06
quadrathoch2on the other hand you can still see if the install is borked or not _bradk11:06
jeremy31deadrom: after running thay command, reboot or run>  systemctl restart network-manager.service11:09
_bradkquadrathoch2: i've got 19.10 on this usb too11:11
_bradkso i could boot to that11:11
_bradkhaven't dropped a packet yet (just pinging cloudflare dns servers)11:11
quadrathoch2hm which could mean that the install is somehow borked. did you already customize it to your liking? (maybe there was something that borked the network settings)11:12
_bradkall i really did was change terminal font, install putty (seeing11:13
deadromjeremy31, nope, still no ipv4. router has been checked11:13
_bradkahhh there we go11:13
_bradkit dropped11:13
_bradkso it'sa problem on 20.04 live-cd too11:13
jeremy31deadrom: Is Network Manager set on auto under IPv4 settings?11:14
quadrathoch2did you also test to ping your own devices (like router?) as it could also be that cloudflare just denies your ping, as you are hammering them (that's called a ddos attack (at least on a small scale)11:14
quadrathoch2_bradk :)11:14
_bradkquadrathoch2: it's not a cloudflare problem, i have a telegraf ping test pushing icmp metrics in to an influxdb database and graphing it with grafana, i don't lose any packets there11:16
_bradkand when this reported icmp issues11:16
_bradki lost connectivity to my linux server which is where this irc shell is running from11:16
_bradkso yeah, i lose full connectivity11:16
quadrathoch2_bradk, kk, just wanted to make sure11:16
_bradkyeah, definitely :)11:17
deadromjeremy31, in the gui?11:17
jeremy31deadrom: yes11:17
quadrathoch2_bradk, the weird part is, you are the first who complains about that on a t420 :/11:18
deadromjeremy31, should mention it's a straight 20.04 install, fresh from the iso, no defautls changed11:18
deadrom_bradk, i got wifi issues on a t530 right now, related?11:18
jeremy31deadrom: I had no issues with networking on my 20.04 install, even wifi worked11:19
_bradki was on a microsoft teams call earlier and it dropped out about 5 times in a 20 minute call11:20
deadrom_bradk could you tell me the device string of the wifi adapter from lspci?11:21
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_bradkproduct: Centrino Advanced-N 6205 [Taylor Peak]11:25
_bradkwired is broken too11:27
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deadrom_bradk, nah, wired eth works here11:32
amcsihey, how long is the Ubuntu 20.04 Install window support to appear hanging? The window where it had a carousel of images and text talking about how awesome Ubuntu is while it's copying files. It's been running for 30 minutes already. Note that this is not a clean install.11:53
corshmockI would like to install Ubuntu as a dual boot with my existing Fedora installation.  But any docs I find, are about Ubuntu being the existing install.  Can I install Ubuntu as a second boot option?11:54
JediMasterDoes anyone know how to make xrandr monitor modeline changes permanent in 20.04 (or 18.04)?12:05
JediMasterPutting the commands into .xprofile and making it executable doesn't work12:05
ioriaJediMaster, have you tried to set a xorg.conf  file ?12:08
lorenxhello, i'm on ubuntu 20.04 and i'm trying to replace nautilus with nemo to handle desktop icons. i run this: https://pastebin.com/raw/tkV53g85, but i ended up seeing duplicated icons (and i cannot interact with the nautilus ones). it seems that `gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons false` has no effect at all, any suggestion? thank you12:11
quadrathoch2corshmock, it should offer you an option to install it alongside12:11
quadrathoch2you just need enough disk space12:11
iorialorenx, probably nemo and nautilus are both running ?12:13
brainwashlorenx: sounds like bug 186746212:14
ubottubug 1867462 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Desktop-icons extension runs, shows icons, even when disabled" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186746212:14
lorenxioria, nautilus is not running, i cannot find it with `ps`12:15
iorialorenx, something changed lately; on 18.04 you can see nautilus-desktop running all the time, but iirc, not on later releases12:16
iorialorenx, but id doeas not mean that it's not running12:17
iorialorenx, is nemo-desktop running instead ?12:17
lorenxioria, `killall nautilus` does nothing, if that's what you mean12:17
iorialorenx, is nemo-desktop running instead ?12:17
brainwashplease read the linked report12:17
lorenxioria, yes, nemo-desktop is12:17
lorenxbrainwash, i'm readin it yeah, thanks12:17
brainwashdesktop icons are handled by a gnome shell extension now12:18
brainwashwhich apparently cannot be disabled12:18
lorenxbrainwash, does this `https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/1867462/comments/2` make sense?12:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1867462 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Desktop-icons extension runs, shows icons, even when disabled" [Low,Invalid]12:18
brainwashit looks like an ugly workaround12:19
lorenxif it works...12:19
brainwashI haven't tested it12:19
iorialorenx, try it12:20
lorenxi have to log out and log in again, i guess12:20
kapil_hello i just installed ubuntu 2012:20
kapil_please tell me how to install gui?12:20
lorenxioria brainwash, it seems it worked12:22
lorenxi'm not sure what those commands did though12:23
iorialorenx, what you ran ?12:24
lorenxsudo dpkg -r --force-depends gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons && sudo apt-mark hold gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons12:25
lorenxi guess i removed that package without impacting on the system12:25
corshmockquadrathoch2: I wonder should I create a partition in Fedora first and then try and install Ubuntu on the new partition?12:25
iorialorenx,  sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade12:26
lorenxioria, what about it12:27
iorialorenx,  to check if the systems is consistent12:27
lorenxioria, ;)12:27
kapil_how to install lxqt?12:28
lorenxioria, it's not :D12:28
iorialorenx,  not good .... now i notice it's mark as 'Invalid'12:29
iorialorenx,  paste errors12:31
lorenxioria, it just wants to remove so many packages... i reverted those commands12:31
iorialorenx,  ok, good12:31
iorialorenx,   unhold it12:31
lorenxi marked it as `auto`12:32
corshmockHas anyone ever installed Ubuntu as a second boot option to Fedora or another Linux distro?12:32
iorialorenx,  can you reinstall gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons ?12:33
lorenxi did yeah12:34
lorenxeverything is back to the way it was before12:34
lorenxbut i still have duplicated icons12:34
kapil_`sudo apt install postgresql`12:34
kapil_i cant install postgresql12:34
iorialorenx,  so that report was not the solution .... can you disable that extension ? (i'am stillon 18.04)12:35
kapil_`E: Unable to locate package postgresql`12:35
lorenxioria, i disabled all the gnome extensions12:36
lorenxis that what you mean?12:36
kapil_how to upgrade ubuntu packages list?12:37
lorenxkapil_, sudo apt update?12:37
iorialorenx,  sorry, i'am still thinking that nautilus is  running ....12:38
lorenxioria, it's ok lol... have you any suggestion to check it further?12:38
brainwashioria: the report actually has the solution12:38
ioriabrainwash, what is ?12:39
brainwash"The desktop icons are part of the Ubuntu session, that's why it's can't be turned off (same as the dock and appindicator), if you want a session without those you can install gnome-session and log into a GNOME session"12:39
brainwashanswer from a Ubuntu dev12:39
ioriachange de, ok i see thanks brainwash12:39
lorenxbrainwash, this command makes no sense then: `gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons false`12:40
brainwashit may be simply outdated12:41
lorenxit's almost 2 years it's outdated, since 19.04, lol12:42
brainwashwho claims that the command should still work?12:42
lorenxit's in the settings, in dconf12:42
kapil_how to install packages to latest version?12:42
iorialorenx, can you paste a screenshot of the duplicated icons , please ?12:43
lorenxfirst column is from nautilus and i cannot even tap/click/move/delete them12:44
lorenxsecond column is nemo'sm and they work fine12:45
brainwashlorenx: maybe it's a leftover12:45
lorenxmaybe someone should remove it lol12:46
lorenxanyway, do we know who starts nautilus?12:46
iorialorenx, anything of interest in : gsettings list-recursively | grep shell.extensions.desktop-icons12:47
brainwashdidn't we establish that the desktop icons are rendered by a gnome shell extension?12:47
lorenxbrainwash, ioria thought the problem was nautilus still running though12:48
brainwashyou removed the extension, did a relog and (duplicated) desktop icons were gone12:49
lorenxbrainwash, yeah, it seems so actually... but i had to restore it... it was just to try another way, i'm stuck here12:50
iorialorenx,  can you paste   apt -s remove gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons12:50
brainwashthe thing is that desktop icons are mandatory for the Ubuntu session12:51
brainwashbut apparently not for the default GNOME session12:51
lorenxbrainwash, they removed the ability to handle desktop icons but they are mandatory? funny12:52
lorenxmaybe i'll try to install gnome-session then12:52
iorialorenx,  no, you can't remove it, sy12:52
lorenxioria, i saw lol12:53
brainwashGNOME removed the ability from Nautilus, and it was moved to a gnome shell extension12:53
brainwashthis extension seems to be optional for the GNOME session, but not for Ubuntu session12:53
iorialorenx,  well, that's not correct, because it stops you from using  another file-manager12:53
kapil_hello please suggest good guide to install gui12:53
kapil_on ubuntu 2012:54
lorenxbrainwash, but it's since 19.04 that we don't have the ability to drag&drop desktop icons anymore12:54
brainwashhow is that of relevance?12:54
brainwasheither use the GNOME session or forcefully remove the gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons package (or it's installed files)12:55
corshmockCome on 1267 people in the Ubuntu room, and no one can help me with an Ubuntu dual boot?12:55
lorenxwell, i can't talk for other, but i use drag and drop all the time... and it sucks you cannot anymore, without even a workaround... we are on linux, we should be able to do it12:55
lotuspsychjecorshmock: best to re-ask your issue once in a while, new volunteers join etc12:56
quadrathoch2corshmock, sorry was afk, it shouldn't matter12:56
iorialorenx, i'am sure there's a way to do that ; not handy maybe12:56
kapil_nobody answers my basic question on this channel12:56
quadrathoch2as long as you have enough space, ubuntu will shrink the partition12:56
lorenxioria, that's what i'm trying to find12:56
corshmocklotuspsychje: quadrathoch2 thanks guys.12:56
brainwashlorenx: ah, so you are talking about the desktop icons extension being limited in its functionality12:56
lorenxbrainwash, it it was fully functional, i wouldn't be here lol12:56
cyveriskapil_: A guide isn't really necessary if you follow the instructions and guidance provided in the installer. Additionally, there's a lot of resources available (tutorials, how to guides, etc.) on the internet.12:57
kapil_cyveris, oh thanks12:57
brainwashlorenx: but now you know how to replace the extension with an app that offers full functionality12:57
lorenxbrainwash, do i know? lol12:58
lorenxi can use nemo yeah... but having duplicated icons on the desktop is not that lovely12:58
brainwashif you don't, then I have wasted my time12:58
lorenxbrainwash, do you mean gnome-session?12:59
brainwash>either use the GNOME session or forcefully remove the gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons package (or it's installed files)12:59
brainwashalternatively, use MATE, Xfce, or whatever12:59
lorenxi'm about to try gnome-sessions thanks... but removing gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons it seems it's not possible12:59
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RattleBattle79The "snapshot before installing app feature" in ZFS made me so...oooh :D13:05
lorenxgnome-session is gnome3 actually... no unity anymore13:05
kapil_i do: `sudo tasksel install xubuntu-desktop ` but gui not showing13:07
brainwashlorenx: ubuntu session is a modified gnome3 session. unity is no more.13:08
kapil_only blank cursor is showing13:08
lotuspsychjeunity desktop is still installable on the repos13:08
lorenxbrainwash, so there's no way at all to have unity with icons drag&drop...13:09
brainwashdid you install unity?13:09
brainwashlorenx, not you lotuspsychje13:09
kapil_i followed this guide: https://linuxconfig.org/ubuntu-20-04-gui-installation13:10
brainwashlorenx: if you want the unsupported unity desktop, then you should install it13:10
lorenxbrainwash, i mean the default ubuntu gui with the dock on the left... i used to call it unity but i'm not sure is that's still the correct name13:10
brainwashah okay13:11
lorenxwhat's its name?13:11
brainwashubuntu dock13:12
lorenxthe name of the desktop environment?13:12
lorenxthere are many versions of gnome: gnome2, gnome3, gnome-shell...13:13
brainwashdash to dock13:13
cyverisgnome-shell is not a different version of gnome.13:13
cyverisgnome3 is the default desktop for Ubuntu's desktop release.13:14
lorenxthey made kinda a mess in the last years about it anyway13:14
quadrathoch2which mess? i mean the only version that is supported is gnome313:15
lorenxubuntu used gnome2, then they introduced unity... then they approached gnome3, then modified versions of gnome... the ubuntu DE history is not that linear13:16
lorenxanyway, that's out of the topic lol13:17
quadrathoch2so just because ubuntu used gnome2 in the past they need to still use it nowadays oO13:17
lorenxquadrathoch2, i'm pretty sure i didn't say so lol13:17
cyverisUbuntu uses gnome3, if you want something else, check out one of the supported derivatives. :) And on we go.13:18
quadrathoch2well because every single time you bring up gnome2 ...13:18
lorenxcyveris, ubuntu does not use the standard version of gnome3, it's modified (i guess?)13:19
cyverisWhile Ubuntu may have added some customizations, it is gnome3.13:19
lorenxwell, it's not possible to drag&drop icons into apps with the ubuntu-modified-gnome3 desktop environment then lol13:22
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kapil_hi is ubuntu certificates are expired?13:27
lorenxkapil_, no cert on localhost, try curl -vk https://localhost:808213:28
kapil_lorenx, oh thanks a lot13:28
lorenxanyway, i guess i found the ugliest workaround ever for the dekstop icons13:29
lorenxbraindead_, ioria, thank you both for your time13:34
iorialorenx,  i'll work on it13:34
kapil_lorenx, can i get common certificates?13:37
lorenxwhat do you mean13:37
lorenxioria, ;)13:37
iorialorenx, as i said i'am sure there's a way to do it13:38
lorenxioria, well, it's since 19.04 that it's like that... but i've just found the ugliest workaround ever for now, let's see in the future, thanks ;)13:40
lorenxdon't upgrade lol13:41
braindead_i do my part13:48
WanderingWizardPAm I still able to add "elevator=noop" to my kernel parameters to change my I/O scheduler to it?13:49
WanderingWizardPI'm on 20.04...13:50
spinningCati couldnt install R to ubuntu13:51
wiemk42Hi, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 20.04 over the network automatically (with Foreman). I have followed https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/netbooting-the-live-server-installer/14510 for this, (except that `/srv/tftp/pxelinux.cfg/default` is created using a Foreman PXELinux template). This works. The focal-live ISO is downloaded over the network in13:51
wiemk42initramfs, then mounted and started. However, I now have the problem that the new autoinstall config seems to be ignored when the PXE loader specifies `autoinstall ds=nocloud-net;s=<URL-to-user-data-folder>` as kernel parmeter as shown at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/AutomatedServerInstalls/QuickStart point 6. The system starts with the13:51
wiemk42usual systemd-messages but then `cloud-init: Cloud init v. 20.1-10-g71af48df-0ubuntu5 running 'init-local' at <timestamp>` shows up and execution is held until the network is ready (which I think is because the confguration was not loaded). After a long time the ISO starts again but this time the manual installation overview is shown.Could someone13:51
wiemk42explain to me how I have to provide the configuration file on a network boot or how I have to specify it as a kernel parameter?13:52
v0lksmanwhat is the best Ubuntu channel to discuss packages and repos?  Specifically I'm trying to figure out what is checked/matched in order to determine if a new Release file should be grabbed when apt update is run13:53
lotuspsychje!discuss | v0lksman13:56
ubottuv0lksman: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!13:56
v0lksmanIf a repo originally shipped an InRelease file and then switched to shipping Release files, is there something that needs to be setup on the repo to point to the updated Release file so clients know to change their cached lists?14:05
WanderingWizardPWell, I managed to change my scheduler to noop in the scheduler file, so far it has eliminated the small stutters I had from time to time while torrenting (writing to the disk)...14:12
WanderingWizardPHopefully it'll last :)14:12
benpiccoHi, I've just upgraded to Ubuntu 20.04. Now when I try to compile a 32 bit i686 application I always get skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/libgcc.a when searching for -lgcc /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc14:17
benpiccoI've already installed gcc-9-i686-linux-gnu and libgcc-9-dev:i386 but to no avail14:18
benpiccoThere also is a /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/9/libgcc.a, but the linker doesn't seem to consider it14:18
bugaloohi evernone. So, I'm trying the new Ubuntu 20.04. I noticed I don't have in "Energy" configuration (default gnome), the option to set my laptop power button to Hibernate. I used to do it in previous versions of Ubuntu. I can still hibernate from the Terminal (systemctl hibernate), but does anyone know how to set it to my power button?14:20
dziaduhi, I updated 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS, I removed python2.7, how to set python to run python 3? Is there a proper way to do this beside manual symlinks? I found it to be PITA?14:34
Andriodziadu, shell alias?14:36
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dziaduAndrio: really? I want system wide solution.14:42
AndrioYou could try symlinking python to python3, but no guarantee that it won't break anything14:43
iorialorenx, well, i'am confused; on my 20.04 (an upgrade from 19.10) nemo  it works without issues; i can remove gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons without problems , keep gnome-shell as de and  no duplicated icons.14:44
lorenxioria, omg, what??? lol14:44
iorialorenx, i'am still investigating14:45
dziaduAndrio: apt install python-is-python314:45
dziaduThis is correct solution14:45
dziadufor me14:46
lorenxyou saw my `apt purge gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons` output right? it would remove both buntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop-minimal14:46
iorialorenx, yep14:46
lorenxioria, can i see yours? screenshot i mean lol14:47
iorialorenx, it's on another system14:47
lorenxoh ok14:48
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lorenxsounds weird though14:48
iorialorenx, but the point is that it works also with gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons installed14:49
lorenxioria, can i know the exact list of steps you did please?14:49
lorenxi run these: https://pastebin.com/raw/tkV53g8514:50
iorialorenx, first this : https://sites.google.com/site/installationubuntu/tweaking-ubuntu/change-default-filemanager14:50
lorenxioria, check mines please14:50
iorialorenx, the same14:51
lorenxcool lol14:51
lorenxand you don't see duplicated icons?14:52
iorianope lorenx  'xdg-mime query default inode/directory' what returns ?14:52
lorenxi actually tried on a 19.10 too, and i got duplicated icons there as well14:53
lorenxand it's weird that `apt -s remove gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons` gives you a different output14:55
iorialorenx, it just remove the ubuntu-desktop meta-package14:55
lorenxbut then, `apt autoremove` will remove a lot14:56
lorenx"The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required"14:58
lorenxi would be curious to see your output...14:58
brimestoneHey guys. I have a OpenVPN server running on UbuntuServer14 and I think the Self Sign Certificate has expired. Is there a way to renew the certificate and let users use the same keys they have?14:58
wedrIs Ubuntu 20.04 using Gnome3 or Gnome4?14:58
wedrJust curious14:58
lorenxwedr, 314:59
iorialorenx, https://termbin.com/1obb15:00
lorenxi'm speechless :(15:00
iorialorenx, as i said, it's not a fresh install (a 19.10 box and i had already tested nemo on it)15:01
lorenxanyone having ubuntu 20.04 can try this harmless command please: apt -s remove gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons15:01
quadrathoch2brimestone, sorry but ubuntu 14.04 is not supported here anymore, as the community support was dropped last year15:02
quadrathoch2lorenx, https://pastebin.com/zbqYSXPu15:03
lorenxquadrathoch2, thanks15:03
lorenxi'm the only one then lol15:03
lorenxquadrathoch2, is that a clean install?15:03
quadrathoch2lorenx, yes15:04
deadrom20.04 live stuck repating "fsck:md5sums%" - what's that?15:04
lorenxhow the heck is this possible? lol15:04
lotuspsychjedeadrom: thats a bug that should be fixed by now15:05
lotuspsychjedeadrom: did you grab a latest 20.04 iso?15:05
deadromlotuspsychje, the latest xubuntu 20.04. I don't know if they are behind15:06
lotuspsychjedeadrom: try to bypass the integrity with ctrl+C15:06
quadrathoch2lorenx, you realize that these packages should not be removed, as it would remove the gui: ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-desktop-minimal so still not really great for you15:06
lotuspsychjedeadrom: you sure this is not a beta iso you grabbed right?15:07
deadromlotuspsychje, no response15:07
lorenxyeah, that's true as well... but i still wonder why i get a different output15:07
lotuspsychjedeadrom: at a more early stage, when you see the xubuntu logo, press F1 and skip the test at the beginning15:07
deadromlotuspsychje, went to xubuntu.org, downloads, downloaded the most prominent one15:08
deadromlotuspsychje, oh after a minute or so it skipped the test15:08
lotuspsychjedeadrom: ok tnx for the report15:13
v0lksmanwhen apt update is called and the Release file it is looking for is returned as a 200 response but empty does apt assume that the file is under maintenance or that the error is temporary and just hold on to the existing cached list it has for that repo?15:16
lotuspsychjeplz no crosspost v0lksman15:17
v0lksmanwhich channel is better?15:19
cyverisThe channel that partains to the distro you're asking about.15:19
v0lksmanboth do15:19
apocstrange, I need to do -d in do release upgrade to get focal from eoan?15:23
v0lksmanis this more of a Debian question than an Ubuntu question?15:24
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hussamHello. I am trying to register to launchpad but I am having issues authenticating. Is there a specific channel for help or a support personnel email I can use?15:29
quadrathoch2apoc, the upgrade is still withheld so more bugs can be fixed before the big mass gets the upgrade15:29
apocahh okay thank you15:32
thongpv871Does ubuntu 20.04 enable this by default? https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/prime-and-prime-synchronization/4442315:32
lorenxthongpv871, not by default i guess, but you can install proprietary drivers pretty easily15:33
thongpv871I installed the proprietary driver, but I don't know whether PRIME sync is enabled or not15:34
iorialorenx, i'am on 20.04 , if you want to ask me something ... (with nemo enabled)15:37
lorenxioria, i don't know where to start lol15:37
lorenxbtw, quadrathoch2 made us notice that it's not that safe to remove the ubuntu-desktop metapackage, cause it will remove the gui15:38
iorialorenx, nope, i removed them15:38
ioriastill here :)15:39
iorialorenx, meta-packages are just indexes15:39
lorenxbut i still wonder why i get a different output if i try to remove gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons15:39
ioriayes, that's the question15:39
iorialorenx, but (as i said before) it works also without removing them15:40
lorenxthat's the other question then15:41
lorenxwhy do i get duplicated icons?15:41
lorenxi'm not the only one though, i found people on the web complaining about it15:41
iorialorenx, ps -A | grep nemo15:42
iorialorenx, ls /usr/share/applications | grep -i naut15:43
lorenxnautilus-autorun-software.desktop org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop15:43
definityHi, I am trying to make a bash script that checks the output of my program, the only problem is that the program runs on a continous loop so I cant wait untill it finishes running untill i get the output. Is there a way in which I can get the ouput of a program that is currently running?15:43
lorenxioria, https://pastebin.com/6hwr7GmN15:45
lorenxioria, sorry, this one: https://pastebin.com/9KXBV9Q415:45
iorialorenx, i got the same15:45
lorenxso your nautilus runs as well15:46
iorialorenx, it does not show in ps (i'd say nope, it's not running afaict)15:48
lorenxneither mine shows in ps15:48
kyle__definity: If you redirect the output to a file, your script can read that file while it's being written.15:49
definitykyle__: Ahh good idea. Thanks :)15:49
iorialorenx, cat /var/log/syslog | grep -i naut    (but check the timestamp)15:50
lorenxi have this "Successfully activated service 'org.gnome.Nautilus" but i reboot after that15:52
lorenxioria, i try another reboot and check again15:52
raphain order to update an old disco to its latest packages before trying to upgrade it, are there still repositories for it available?15:53
raphaoh, nvm, just s/archive/old-releases/g; thx!15:58
v0lksmananyone know a channel with folks that would know the inner workings of apt?  I know what I'm asking isn't "normal" support issue.  I'm trying to troubleshoot a repository16:02
cgion ubuntu, how do i record whatever is being played on the speakers as a mp3 file on the disk?16:20
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madumoHi, i was wondering if anybody started having issues with the canadian multilingual keyboard layout in the last version of Ubuntu 20.04. It worked fine, but since the latest update i made, the letters "ù" and "/" switched places on my keyboard. Also, some other alt+key doesn't output the correct char anymore. I tried to reinstall xkb-data with no16:24
madumosuccess. I tried to change the keyboard layout in the settings and change it back to canadian multilingual and it still does not work. Does someone has any idea of what i could do to fix this issue?16:24
lorenxioria, back, any news? lol16:25
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iorialorenx, cat /var/log/installer/media-info16:31
lorenxUbuntu 20.04 LTS "Focal Fossa" - Release amd64 (20200423)16:31
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iorialorenx, run  'gnome-session-properties' and report what applications are set in there16:34
pahow can i stop snapd?16:38
pawould kill work?16:38
iorialorenx, click on nemo -> edit and check how Command is set16:39
khushilpa: systemctl stop snapd && systemctl disable snapd16:39
lotuspsychjepa: keep in mind some programs rely on snapd16:40
payeah, thanks16:41
pajust trying to build something, it's eating all the ram16:41
lotuspsychjesidenote, for those who run 20.04 there is stacer now, can also easy manage systemd dervices a GUI way16:42
lorenxioria, it's still `nemo-desktop` lol16:44
lorenxi told you, i run these steps: https://pastebin.com/raw/tkV53g8516:45
lorenxit's a mystery16:45
iorialorenx, you mean  '/usr/bin/nemo-desktop' ?16:46
lorenxyes, that's the only executable in the PATH16:47
lorenxwith that name, i mean lol16:47
Joelrunning ubuntu 20, kde/plasma, when I use the gui network thing, I can connect to a vpn just fine, but it's offering me no option to save credentials, any idea what package I'm missing?16:47
iorialorenx, ls /etc/xdg/autostart | nc termbin.com 999916:47
d1g1ta1Need help connecting bluetooth from command line.  It works from GUI, but want to connect using a cron script in Ubuntu 16.  Running bluetoothctl trust <hex device id>  bluetoothctl connect <hex device id> worked at one time but no longer works.16:49
CrazySamUnable to install "GStreamer Multimedia Codecs" as download failed16:50
CrazySamE: http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu cosmic/universe amd64 bla bla bla 404 Not Found16:51
CrazySamIs it common to run into these errors on outdated Ubuntu releases?16:52
CrazySamI seem to run into this problem often.16:52
thongpv871Seem like my laptop can not detect nvidia HDMI audio after switch graphics mode. Does anyone has the same problem?16:52
CrazySamWhat does Ubuntu do with old repositories?16:52
lorenxioria, i found the culprit of the apt romove thing16:53
ikoniaCrazySam: it removes them from active mirrors and puts them in the archive16:53
CrazySamAnd the result is a whole bunch of 404?16:53
iorialorenx, what ?16:53
lorenxcat /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99no-recommends  ->  APT::Install-Recommends "false";16:54
lorenxi don't know why though16:54
CrazySamSo unless you upgrade immediately to the next big release, you are out of luck upgrading it?16:54
ikoniajust when it goes EOL16:55
lorenxioria, now i have this: https://i.imgur.com/12NOxLG.png16:55
lorenxshould i proceed? lol16:56
iorialorenx, that's right ;  that file 99no-recommends is not default afaik16:56
CrazySamSo what happens if I failed to upgrade soon enough? I am left in limbo?16:56
iorialorenx, nope, it should work also with those pkgs installed16:57
ikoniayou need to do a manual upgrade - or install a supported version16:57
lorenxno it's not... but it should be to install less packages, not to remove more packages... afaik16:57
iorialorenx, i advice against that method especially because you forget to have set it16:59
oerheksCrazySam, you already are, prepare a fresh usb with iso and follow the eolupgrade instructions16:59
oerheksgrinn, cosmic16:59
lorenxioria, yeah, i removed it ;)16:59
iorialorenx, if you right click on desktop -> create new folder   what happens ?17:00
lorenxit creates a folder prompting me to rename it17:01
iorialorenx, ok .... is it duplicated ?17:01
lorenxbut i guess it just works as a proper nemo desktop now, i just see duplicated icons that i cannot interact with17:01
iorialorenx, ok .... is it duplicated ?17:02
lorenxit's weird, the refresh is not always in real time17:02
lorenxwait, i log out and in back17:02
CrazySamoerheks: ok, so this is normal. I was just making sure.17:03
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lorenxioria, duplicated ;)17:05
lorenxi'm trying to record a video of my desktop17:05
iorialorenx, yes, tahnks17:06
philipp64hi. upgraded to 18.04 LTS from 16.04 LTS, and now my /etc/resolv.conf doesn’t have a “search” line any more… how do I force that? I’m using DHCP.17:07
ioriaphilipp64, ls -al /etc/resolv.conf17:07
philipp64yeah, saw the comment, just wondering why it used to work and now it doesn’t… and why the Principle of Least Astonishment was violated.17:09
kaleidoisnt this controlled by netplan in 18.04?17:09
kaleido /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml ?17:10
ioriaphilipp64, not if you upgrade from xenial ; it should preserver the old settings17:10
philipp64I’d have thought that the dhclient script would take the domain and squirt it into the resolver conf….17:10
lorenxioria, where can i post it, it's 3MB17:10
iorialorenx, imgur17:11
lorenxioria, https://i.imgur.com/jt4vq4W.mp417:15
lorenxcute, right? lol17:16
jeremyxwingHey all, any ack users here? I'm trying to find the arguments to only show file name and line numbers (and not search occurrences). Anyone ever been able to do that?17:18
iorialorenx, and in gnome-tweaks you don't have (on the left  side) a 'Desktop' section , right ?17:19
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Deano59Hi! when I was installing ubuntu about an hour ago, I went through the install and I mounted / for my SSD but I have a 500GB HDD that I mounted as /mnt/500GB/ and a 2TB external drive that I mounter under: /mnt/2TB/ but when I open thunar or pcmanfm, I can't see the mounted drives, did I do something wrong?17:44
Deano59no file manager will see it. but if I browse to / and go to /mnt/ I see the 500GB/2TB drives mounted and I can browse them.17:45
GossetHello. I have a desktop PC with an ATI Radeon HD 5450 (AMD) Graphic Card. I've tried to install the proprietary drivers on Ubuntu 20.04, but I see the last compatible drivers are for version 14.04. So here is my question: must I install Ubuntu 14.04 in order to run Ubuntu on my old PC or are there any alternative? I've read something about OpenGL and AMDGPU, but I'm not able to fully understand how it works... Thanks in advance...17:45
Deano59is this intended?17:46
zutatDeano59: seems like you want the file manager to handle the mounts. simply remove the manual mount entries and the drives will be visible in the file manager17:47
freevheelhello, new here. Are instructions for mac bootable usb listed here: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-macos#1-overview. Accurate?17:49
Deano59zutat, I checked my fstab and it's fine. not sure what's causing it.17:49
lotuspsychje!usb | freevheel17:50
ubottufreevheel: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:50
quadrathoch2Gosset, for that card, you don't need to install anything. the driver is in the kernel backed in17:52
GossetI didn't find it quadrathoch217:53
Gossetmaybe the problem is on the TV monitor17:53
GossetLG 28MT49S-PZ 2817:54
quadrathoch2Gosset, why do you want to install a driver?17:54
GossetI connect the PC to the monitor via HDMI17:54
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Gossetbecause the resolution is so low17:55
quadrathoch2Gosset, you should be able to change it in system settings17:55
GossetI mean, I'm able to enable 1920 × 1080, but the screen is blurry17:56
Gossetyes yes, I can change the resolution17:56
Gossetbut it's blurry when I set the maximum resolution17:57
quadrathoch2Gosset, what is the resolution of the monitor?17:58
Gosset1920 × 108017:58
Gossetit's full hd17:58
Gossetit's an intelligent full hd TV17:58
quadrathoch2hm, was it also on an older ubuntu? or is it new for 20.04?17:59
GossetI had no problem with a previous LG Monitor18:00
Gossetthe problem is for 18:08 and 20.0418:00
lotuspsychjeGosset: share your dmesg please18:00
GossetI have no access now, it's in my village town18:01
Gossetsorry my english18:01
Gossetit's 5 km away xD tomorrow i'm going to the house and install ubuntu 14.04.. maybe18:02
GossetI'm downloading it already18:02
lotuspsychjeGosset: 14.04 is eol18:02
quadrathoch214.04 is not supported anymore18:03
GossetI know, but if it's just a PC for browsing email ..18:03
Gossetand if I have no other options..18:03
lotuspsychjeGosset: install 16.04 for a bit18:03
GossetI've tried everything today18:03
Gossetlook at: https://www.amd.com/en/support/graphics/amd-radeon-hd/ati-radeon-hd-5000-series/ati-radeon-hd-545018:04
lotuspsychjeGosset: and i bet your system can handle 18.04 lubuntu too18:04
Gossetsupport until MD Catalyst™ 15.9 Proprietary Ubuntu 14.04 x86_64 Video Driver for Graphics Accelerators18:04
Gosset14.10 onwaragas onward, no support18:05
lotuspsychjeGosset: did you try a lubuntu?18:05
GossetI tried Ubuntu Mate18:06
Gossetwith the same luck18:06
Gossetthank you anyway18:06
lotuspsychjeGosset: wich version of mate?18:06
GossetI think I can handle with UB 1418:06
Gossetversions 18 and 2018:06
lotuspsychjeGosset: try lubuntu 16.04 and 18.0418:06
Gossetit's just for ocasional sessions this PC18:07
lotuspsychjebrowsing the web on an eol version is not good Gosset18:07
GossetI bet it's riskier browsing the web on Windows 1018:08
lorenxioria, saw the video?18:08
GossetI worked on Ubuntu 12.04 since 2019 without a problem18:08
Gossetwell, yes, Firefox18:09
GossetFirefox support18:09
Gossetthe only problem with UB 1218:09
ahmedamericanHello, am using Ubuntu Server 20.04, how to allow SSH into the server while it's connected to OpenVPN ?18:09
ubunutun5.4.35 amd64 build failed https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.4.35/18:13
ahmedamericanHello, am using Ubuntu Server 20.04, how to allow SSH into the server while it's connected to OpenVPN ?18:21
CrazySamHow do you stop windows in Gnome from following you around as you move the dialog boxes?18:21
quadrathoch2CrazySam, do you have gnome tweaks installed?18:21
Gossetthanks for your responses, good bye18:21
CrazySamquadrathoch2: no18:21
quadrathoch2in there you can change it, in the windows category, called atach modal dialogs18:23
CrazySamquadrathoch2: no chance of doing it without this tool?18:24
Joelubuntu 20 lts, kde/plasma, I have a VPN connection that works great, but the gui provides no method to save username/password, am I missing a package that enables this behavior? I see a checkbox in various screenshots.18:25
quadrathoch2CrazySam, there is theoretically dconf-editor, but that is way harder18:26
lorenxCrazySam: gsettings set org.gnome.mutter attach-modal-dialogs false18:28
CrazySamquadrathoch2: ok, I will have a look at gnome tweaks then. I prefer easier.18:29
CrazySamlorenx: no such key18:29
quadrathoch2CrazySam, just type the command in what lorenx wrote18:29
quadrathoch2weird it should be there18:29
quadrathoch2just tested it18:29
lorenxme too tested and applied cause it was super annoying18:30
lorenxthere's this too actually: gsettings set org.gnome.shell.overrides attach-modal-dialogs false18:30
lorenxbut it seems the other worked already18:30
lorenxCrazySam, what's the output of: gsettings list-recursively | grep attach18:31
CrazySamlorenx: org.gnome.shell.overrides attach-modal-dialogs true18:33
lorenxwhat version of ubuntu are you using?18:33
CrazySamlorenx: org.gnome.mutter attach-modal-dialogs true18:33
lorenxthat's it18:33
lorenxare you sureyou typed the command correctly?18:33
lorenxthe key is there18:34
CrazySamSorry! My bad.18:34
lorenxgood it worked ;)18:34
CrazySamAnd it worked, yes. Thanks!18:34
GWMSo am I taking crazy pills here or shouldn't this work?; smbclient -L -U DOMAIN\\USER \\\\HOSTNAME I get the error DOMAIN\USER: Not enough '\' characters in service18:41
GWMsmbclient -V18:41
GWMVersion 4.3.11-Ubuntu18:41
GWMI mean I am escaping all of the backslashes no?18:41
GWMGoogle tells me I'm using the right syntax18:42
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GWMShare works fine I mount it via fstab, the hostname can resolve18:45
tomreynwhat's in fstab then?18:46
metalgearcan i please get help? i have problem with wi-fi on linux mint 18, laptop is lenovo g510 network card is qualcomm atheros qca8172 fast ethernetinxi -Nn shows state: down]18:46
metalgeariwconfig shows no wireless extensions to all interfaces18:47
tomreyn!mint | metalgear18:47
ubottumetalgear: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)18:47
GWMI have a bunch of variants but this one works fine; //HOSTNAME/  /media/smbshare-HOST/  cifs  username=*,password=*,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,users  0  018:48
Mordocmetalgear: The gang over linuxmint-help are quite good and Hexchat in Mint will connect there by default.18:49
GWMand no, adding two trailing backslashes doesn't do the trick :(18:49
metalgearhow am i gonna aske them if i have no internet on linux mint with hexchat18:50
tomreynGWM: smb version issues maybe?18:51
GWMHmmm there was a newer smbclient package available, haven't updated this laptp for a while, gonna reboot and try that18:51
GWMtomreyn, smbclient does smb3 w/o issues AFAIK?18:51
GWMSMB2 is enabled too, but time2reboot18:51
tomreyni dont really know18:51
FrankyGovEvening heroes18:51
GWMLet's try again18:53
leftyfbmetalgear: type: /join #linuxmint-help  and ask for help there18:53
GWMNope, still rip18:54
metalgearchannel closed18:54
iorialorenx, yes, i saw the video; at this point i suggest to remove nemo; reverse the settings (Nautilus as default) ; reboot and start over18:54
leftyfbmetalgear: OK, read the rest of the message you got18:54
lorenxioria, i did it many times already lol18:55
lorenxioria, maybe i'll try again with a fresh install18:55
iorialorenx, and do you have duplicate folders when nautilus is in use ?18:55
GWMusing -W instead of DOMAIN\\USER didn't help either18:55
grawitythe -L option actually takes the server name as a parameter18:56
CrazySamIs this page up to date?18:56
grawityso right now you're specifying "-U" as the server name and "DOMAIN\\USER" as the share to connect to18:56
ioriaCrazySam, last edited 2018-05-30 21:34:2018:56
CrazySamioria: is it good for 18.10 then? Looking to upgrade.18:57
GWMWell, removing -L didn't really help and I'm going through the book "How Linux Works What Every Superuser Should Know 2nd Edition", not saying the book is wrong18:57
GWMisn't wrong*18:58
ioriaCrazySam, try it ; but there are '2' EOL releases in the middle ; it might not work18:58
FrankyGovI am using ls -l to gather information about a file which is located under /usr/bin/19:03
FrankyGovand I get as result a link to this folder one level above19:03
FrankyGov/usr/bin/gns3 -> ../share/gns3/gns3-gui/bin/gns319:03
CrazySamWhat am I supposed to do with sources.list ?19:04
CrazySam"To begin the upgrade, make sure you have a sources.list like the following, with CODENAME being your release, e.g. quantal."19:05
CrazySamdeb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ CODENAME main restricted universe multiverse19:05
GWM@grawity, You were right in the end, had some other issues19:06
GWMGuess you can19:06
CrazySamI don't have a line like that. Should I put it in?19:06
GWMcan't trust all books fully, learn something by fixing it19:06
tomreynCrazySam: you should edit all those existing *archive.ubuntu.com URLs to point to old.releases.ubuntu.com instead19:07
tomreynCrazySam: CODENAME should already be there. the correct CODENAME can be queried using    lsb_release -cs19:08
GWMHow smbclient supports smb v1 and doesn't auto-negotiate away from it if possible boggles the mind but ok it's working19:08
tomreynnext protocol version support usually requires upgrade support within the prrotocol itself.19:09
Assidanyone managed to get iptables with geoip workng ?19:10
tomreyni bet SMBv1 didnt have that19:10
lorenxioria: no, when only nautilus is in use, no duplication19:10
GWMTrue, but it could retry on smbv2/3 as a client19:10
grawitytomreyn: it did – there are like 6-7 different dialects collectively known as "SMBv1"19:10
Assidxt_geoip_build seems to be outdated19:10
GWMit isn't like SMB isn't a known fickle beast19:10
GWMpython -m SimpleHTTPServer is awesome though19:10
grawityand it does simply include "SMB2.000" or something such as a supported dialect name19:11
GWMbooks are great19:11
CrazySamHow do I edit? Nano?19:11
CrazySamThere are so many lines.19:11
tomreynCrazySam: whichever text editor works for you19:11
tomreynyou only need to take care of the lines which *don't* start with a #19:12
tomreyngrawity: i'm impressed that anyone knows so much about smb here. ;-)19:12
iorialorenx,  remove any trace of nemo (purge and remove .config/autostart/nemo.desktop (or  such) )19:12
ioriaCrazySam, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rgfdJDvCbB/19:12
bittyxHi! I want to install 20.04 on my laptop which is currently running 16.04, and I favor an "install from scratch" approach. I've always set up a separate partition for the "/home" mount point in the hopes of not having to format it when reinstalling, and understand it can work in theory, however, that would still probably leave a bunch of old useless stuff in places like `~/.config`, `~/.local`, etc. So normally I'd just backup what I need elsewhere,19:14
bittyxformat everything and install, and then copy stuff back. Is there a good reliable way to avoid that though?19:14
lorenxioria, i guess it's enough for today, i'll try with a clean install ine of these days... and i'll let you know ;)19:14
lorenxthank you all for today19:14
iorialorenx,  ok19:15
bittyxWould it be possible during installation to keep my home partition, however (assuming the same username), move the current /home/username to a subfolder of the new /home/username (e.g. /home/username/old-home) - hope that's not too confusing. My goal would be that on the new system, /home/username/.config only has the stuff from the fresh install, and my old configurations are in e.g. /home/username/old-home/.config - so I can manually move back19:17
bittyxwhatever I might need, and then just delete /home/user/old-home afterwards.19:17
CrazySamioria: thanks! I'm downloading some packages now. I can ignore the warning about disabled repositories?19:17
ioriaCrazySam, ppain use ?19:18
bittyxActually my primary goal is just to avoid having to manually backup stuff elsewhere during the reinstall.19:18
CrazySamioria: I don't know what that is. So I guess no?19:23
GWMHas Canonial expressed any comments on /usr merge?19:23
ioriaCrazySam, can you paste those 'disabled repositories' thing ?19:23
quadrathoch2bittyx, yes. but you would need to take the manual partition part into account. mount /home on the live usb, rename your old username folder and then in the partition part tell the partitioner that you want that as /home without formating19:24
vitaliobittyx: experince tells that anyway you'll end up doing backup so you can reformat home anyway if it's your personal PC19:26
vitaliobittyx: perso I tried this from 19.10 to 20.04 worked, but gnome-shell crashed after install so reinstalled everything anyway19:27
shutupfryhello, I'm having trouble with nfs docker volumes not connecting at boot. /var/log/syslog shows "network is unreachable" for the docker containers with nfs volumes. I've checked the docker.service file and it already contains an after for network-online.target firewalld.service containerd.service. If I ssh in and restart the containers, everything19:28
shutupfrycomes up fine. Any suggestions?19:28
quadrathoch2how does your fstab look like shutupfry19:28
tomreynshutupfry: and which ubuntu version are you running there?19:29
CrazySamioria: https://dpaste.org/rdnC/raw19:29
shutupfryubuntu 18.04 on a Pi4. They are docker nfs volumes, not fstab entries19:30
ioriaCrazySam, no man, you have to replace it not to append19:30
tomreynbittyx: note that you wouldn't benefit from (potential, haven't checked) file system formatting or mounting options in case things changed since then.19:30
ioriaCrazySam, backup you actual sources.list and repalce with what i pasted19:31
oerheksterrible, from Cosmic EOL to Disco EOL ..19:33
fubIm running ubuntu 19.10 on a thinkpad x1. I just connected airpods2 via bluetooth (via a2dp). The sound volume is very low, is there anything I can do to increase it?19:34
bittyxThanks all, yeah it's a personal laptop, and since I'll backup just in case, and in all likelihood will need to either reformat or spend a bunch of time fiddling with everything, I'll just do it immediately and save some time.19:35
ioriahe wants eoan , but it wont work (probably) unless  MetaRelease.py would be changed oerheks19:35
deadromstock 18.04 install, monitor is too slow to display POST and grub, how I can I make 18.04 stop at grub?19:35
oerheksdeadrom, see the grub manual19:37
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:37
bittyxSecond question, my laptop is a ThinkPad P50 with an Intel 8260 network card. I have two separate wireless networks at home, and both work fine with 16.04. However with a 20.04 Live USB, I can connect to one just fine, but can't connect to the other one - I always get a "bad password" error prompting me to retype the password, which is definitely correct (I've checked using a different device). Seems similar to several unanswered Ask Ubuntu19:38
bittyxquestions, e.g. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1230922/ubuntu-20-04-lts-intel-7260-wireless-wont-connect-to-wifi-network - does anyone have an idea what could be the issue?19:38
bittyxBoth routers' encryptions are configured as "WPA & WPA2 Personal", and it's the same for both SSIDs on the laptop - but for some reason one is unable to authenticate.19:40
CrazySamioria: I only have your 4 lines now, and I made a backup.19:41
ioriaCrazySam, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade19:41
shutupfrytomreyn and quadrathoch2 any suggestions?19:42
quadrathoch2shutupfry, so you have the nfs share on the host?19:43
CrazySamI tried these also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades#SpecificOlder19:43
CrazySamsudo apt-get update19:43
quadrathoch2as far as I understand you19:43
CrazySamsudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:43
CrazySamsudo do-release-upgrade19:43
CrazySam"An upgrade from 'cosmic' to 'eoan' is not supported with this tool."19:43
deadromdoes changing GRUB_TIMEOUT in etc defaults grub require update-grub?19:44
shutupfryquadrathoch2, the nfs share is on another system on the network that has remained up through all my testing19:44
ioriaCrazySam, as i said ; 2 reol releases in the middle ; are you sure you don't want a fresh install ?19:44
oerheksdeadrom, yes19:44
quadrathoch2still asking, if you mount the share on the host or the docker container?19:44
shutupfrythe nfs mounts are all docker volumes19:45
shutupfrynot host mounts19:45
CrazySamioria: I didn't get that. What do you mean? Is it not possible to upgrade?19:45
ioriaCrazySam, all is possible; do you understand my question ?19:46
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geniiCrazySam: The version Cosmic upgraded to originally was Disco, but that is End Of Life too19:46
quadrathoch2shutupfry, just guessing, but shouldn't that be a docker issue?19:46
quadrathoch2as I am dabbling right now in the dark19:46
shutupfrynot when the issue is dockerd is starting before the network is ready at boot19:47
quadrathoch2oh you are correct19:47
geniiCrazySam: So the next non-EOL it sees is Eoan but it canoot upgrade to it19:47
shutupfryas far as I can tell systemd after declarations just don't work19:48
ioriaCrazySam, if you want to jump to 19.10 (clearly not advisable) you have to modify a system file (/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/UpdateManager/Core/MetaRelease.py )19:48
quadrathoch2shutupfry, could you post the service file?19:49
ioriaCrazySam, or , even worse, edit sources.list pointing to 19.1019:49
texlaWhen will Ubuntu 20.4 be available for download in softwares & updates19:50
shutupfrywhat's the best way to post the text?19:51
quadrathoch2pastebin.com shutupfry19:51
gildarts_Anyone aware of an issue with certbot/certbot-nginx on 20.04? Getting an error when trying to add a new domain, was working before the update.19:53
lenny_lemoni'm trying to find some help regarding internet from 3G SIM on lenovo thinkpad. I know this is ubuntu but any help with what channel I should search for? lenovo and thinkpad channels are quiet with few members there... any other channel or alternative help?19:54
shutupfrysorry, I got disconnected right after I posted the link19:54
quadrathoch2np, so i assume you didn't change anything in the file. so did you install docker through the repo or through the official one?19:56
quadrathoch2because i installed docker through the normal repo and everything is working on a pi319:56
shutupfryno changes to the file, it's whatever came with docker.io? I didn't add any external repos. It's from the ubuntu repo19:56
quadrathoch2kk so the ubuntu repo :)19:57
shutupfryyes. for what it's worth I can't get an fstab nfs share to mount at boot either no matter what I try19:58
quadrathoch2the only thing that you should maybe add to the service is that nfs should be up before starting docker? shutupfry19:58
quadrathoch2i can't remember how it worked in ubuntu, but in debian you need to change the /etc/network/interfaces file19:58
quadrathoch2shutupfry, sadly ubuntu handles network differently ( in debian, debian assumes that the networkcard is hotpluggable, which interferes with _netdev)20:00
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shutupfryboot took much longer, still no luck20:05
quadrathoch2shutupfry, what did you change that it took now longer?20:06
shutupfrysystemctl edit docker.service and add After=nfs-client.target20:08
Techniquewhats everyones favorite music player in ubuntu?20:09
quadrathoch2weird, because it should work :/ except the same issue as debian, being the network cards hotpluggable20:09
quadrathoch2Technique, rhythmbox20:09
TechniqueThank You20:10
shutupfryit's been extremely frustrating20:10
leftyfb!details | gildarts_20:10
ubottugildarts_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.20:10
shutupfrylots of reading 'should works' that just do nothing20:10
quadrathoch2shutupfry, let me just test something20:12
texla!upgrade 20.420:14
texlaHow to upgrade to 20.420:16
sarnoldtexla: do-release-upgrade -d   should get you started20:16
geniitexla: LTS to LTS upgrade is not offered until after point release ( so, after 20.04.1 comes, maybe July)20:16
Bashing-om!ltsupgrade | texla20:16
ubottutexla: Regular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d20:16
oerhekswait for the official upgrade path20:18
texlaThanks for the info everyone who helped20:19
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quadrathoch2shutupfry, just to update you, fired up a vm to test it out ;)20:23
shutupfrysorry, computer went to sleep again20:23
quadrathoch2np shutupfry20:23
nichlascan someone tip me on what I need to install on Ubuntu 20.04 to browse SMB shares. The file manager simply displays "Failed to get share list: Software caused connection to abort" when I try to access a share using the "Connect to Server" field.20:26
Deano59before I disconnect! my ethernet connection keeps going down. what can I do to diagnose it?20:30
Deano59I can ping the IP of my android phone.20:30
quadrathoch2shutupfry, so I just tested it out on the vm and it is working fine, without issues :/20:33
shutupfryug. ok thanks20:33
shutupfrymaybe there's something odd about the Pi?20:33
quadrathoch2even when I mount the nfs share on the host20:33
quadrathoch2honestly with something this basic, (as in starting at boottime) i don't think so20:34
shutupfrynot like wrong with it, just different from a pi vs a full pc20:34
shutupfrywell, thanks20:34
johnjayany way to force ubuntu to default to my tv for sound?20:43
johnjayit was tolerable on 18.04 but now it seems to be actively switching my audio to line in or something20:44
johnjayok there's a line in /etc/pulse/default.pa about switch-on-connect. disabling that might work20:49
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nagygdoes anyone have a working global protect vpn solution for Ubuntu (20.04)?20:53
nagygit seems that GP supports only 18.0420:54
nagygthey have a GUI that will not start / display in 20.0420:54
tomreynthis sounds like proprietary third party software - talk to those where you got it from20:56
nagygtomreyn - good idea,  if only they could help :)20:58
oerheks20.04 .. vpn .. wireguard?20:58
kostkonnagyg, simplest thing you could try is to run it from the terminal, see if you'll get any error messages, inform the provider of the software about those etc20:58
nagygI managed to get openconnect with --protocol=gp working as well, strange thing is that it says the vpn is connected and I can ping a host (20% packet loss) but I cannot access the wiki hosted on it (port 80)21:00
sarnold20% packetloss is basically useless21:00
sarnoldtcp is cranky at 2-3% packetloss..21:00
nagygI retested the ping and now it is 100% for a longer period of time21:01
Ben64certain places might stop responding to pings after a while21:02
deadromI just did a fresh install of 18.04LTS and noticed it preferably installed hwe packages. are the "old", regular packages not supported anymore?21:03
sarnolddeadrom: they are still supported; iirc the server installer will offer the option of using hwe or original, and the desktop installer will prefer the hwe packages21:04
deadromsarnold: I see21:04
MercuryI'm running the straight gnome desktop, and on 19.10 with Xorg when I got a notification from either thunderbird or pidgin it would get automatically dismissed when I brought the application in question into focus.  Since upgrading to 20.04 (and switching to gnome on wayland just to confuse matters), that automatic dismissal has stopped working.  I don't suppose anyone knows why?21:05
nagygif I access a server behind VPN with pinging but I cannot access its port 80, how can I test what causes the problem? is it because of the VPN settings or is my vpn client shit? that's what I would like to identify21:07
nagygkostkon, I tried running the GUI from the terminal and it just hangs forever ... or at least it seems so, unfortunately their cli interface does not support saml auth21:08
kostkonnagyg, ok21:14
kostkonsebsebseb, hi21:14
sebsebsebkostkon: hi21:15
gonutsfordonutshey, every now and again something goes really wrong with my local DNS cache and i cant access some sites. the only way to fix it is to flush the DNS cache21:25
gonutsfordonutsis there anything i can do to fix it?21:25
sarnoldis it the same sites every time? maybe their admins just don't know how dns works21:25
entropy_ok im trying to install sendmail and itgs not sending emails.. i used this guide: https://tecadmin.net/install-sendmail-on-ubuntu/21:41
entropy_any ideas?21:41
SiecjeI have installed docker using snap. How do I run the docker daemon?21:43
SiecjeOn 20.0421:43
sarnoldentropy_: check your logs?21:44
sazawalHi all. I am doing ssh from my ubuntu to windows 7 pc. It was working fine with password authentication. But I changed the wifi network once and it stopped working, and now it doesn't work with the old wifi network either. I am getting an error message of "Connection to 192.168.1.x closed". With -vvv option I am getting debug1: Exit status -1073741819. Can anyone help me troubleshoot it?21:45
Siecjesazawal: How do you SSH into Windows? Are you running the Linux subshell?21:45
sazawalSiecje, I have installed openssh on windows, and from my linux terminal I run ssh command.21:46
Siecjesazawal: Have you removed the linux computer from the known_hosts of the destination computer?21:46
sarnoldsazawal: can you pastebin the *entire* log? that feels like it's not the actual error21:46
sazawalSiecje, Yes I did, because I got the error once, not sure how to fix it now21:47
sazawalsarnold, log of -vvv?21:47
sarnoldsazawal: yeah21:47
johnjayapparently that doesn't do it21:48
johnjayit still goes to line audio in whenever lock screen is engaged21:48
johnjaycan i disable everything except my hdmi tv so PA is forced to use it?21:48
sazawalsarnold, https://dpaste.org/VcAP21:50
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GoopWhat is the best network socket library for C++ for servers?22:03
Sven_vBGoop, what shall that lib do for you? are you even sure about using C++ for that server?22:04
Sven_vBGoop, also we should probably move that discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic.22:04
sarnoldsazawal: oh strange; it looks like it went all the way to creating a shell session in a terminal for you22:05
GoopSven_vB, C++ is fast. I want to use C++.22:05
sarnoldGoop: a pal put this together, it looked nice and simple https://github.com/ahupowerdns/simplesocket/blob/master/README.md22:06
sazawalsarnold, I guess it was a shell session when I was doing ssh. I had access to the windows cmd from my linux on successful connection.22:06
Goopsarnold, thanks!22:06
sarnoldsazawal: does windows still have a windows event viewer? does it show you things in real time?22:06
sarnoldsazawal: I'm hoping it has some logs of *some* sort over there that can help..22:07
SiecjeI have installed docker using snap. How do I start the docker daemon?22:08
sazawalsarnold, Yes I just found the Event Viewer in windows. Let me see where are the ssh logs. Do you have an idea?22:08
sarnoldsazawal: heh, no, sorry, when I left windows, it was barely on the internet :) heh22:09
sarnoldSiecje: you may have more luck in #snapcraft22:10
sazawalsarnold, I found the log of last login, see here https://dpaste.org/GBAS22:11
sazawalI am afraid it doesn't say much22:11
sarnoldheh, yeah22:11
sarnoldsazawal: does that ssh server have logs itself?22:12
sazawalsarnold, hmm, not at the root of C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\22:13
sazawalmaybe I should try restarting the windows system22:13
sazawalsarnold, Do you know if I can reset the ssh, I mean renew all the keys in the host and client system.22:15
sarnoldsazawal: the thing is, the keys all looked like they checked out fine, auth succeeded, etc22:16
CrazySamgenii: so everyone with EOL release needs to do a clean install?22:17
sarnoldsazawal: can you ssh from thast windows machine to that windows machine?22:17
CrazySamThere is no upgrade path?22:17
sazawalsarnold, You mean from windows machine to linux machine?22:17
sarnoldsazawal: no, entirely on the windows machine, take the linux machine out of the equation :)22:17
sazawalI see, let me try22:18
sebsebsebCrazySam: you can upgrade a EOL release22:18
sarnoldCrazySam: there's some guidelines on how to upgrade from eol releases here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:18
CrazySamI see it's "clearly not advisable" as ioria puts it, to "jump to 19.10". Not sure why...22:18
geniiCrazySam: Everyone who fails to upgrade to the next release before that one also ALSO is EOL22:18
CrazySamgenii: You mean if you fail to upgrade Cosmic to Disco before Eoan is released will have no upgrade path?22:20
SiecjeOn 20.04 why do I see INFO Updating GRUB menu everytime I install something?22:21
CrazySamsebsebseb: I was reading that earlier today, but I failed to upgrade. Cosmic is too old even for that article.22:21
sebsebsebCrazySam: you  can upgrade through eol releases22:22
sebsebsebI think22:22
sebsebsebCrazySam: one to the next eol, to a supported22:22
ubottuUbuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) was the 29th release of Ubuntu. Support ended July 18th, 2019. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2019-July/004996.html22:22
geniiCrazySam: Not before Eoan is released. Before Disoc it self also stops being supported and is archived in old-release, like Cosmic was when it reached it's end before it.22:22
sebsebsebCrazySam: but that would be a lot of upgrading from 18.1022:22
sebsebsebeasier and cleaner to clean install22:22
sebsebsebwith 20.0422:22
geniiCrazySam: Releases in between LTS releases are shorter lived22:23
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geniiBut all releases overlap long enough to upgrade in a normal cycle for most users22:24
Jordan_USiecje: Please pastebin the complete output of the command you're using to install something.22:25
CrazySamgenii: thanks for clarifying.22:26
CrazySamHow do I upgrade from Cosmic to Disco then if Disco is EOL?22:30
CrazySamThis article is of no help to me right? Because Disco is EOL?22:30
sazawalsarnold, Hey I restarted the windows system. And now doing ssh from linux to windows, it gives Host key verification failed. I was getting this once previously. See https://dpaste.org/4fiw22:31
sazawalSorry got disconnected because I changed the wifi network.22:31
sarnoldsazawal: oh strange -- I wonder why you get a new key? o_O22:33
sazawalsarnold, Could be because I ran some ssh-keygen -R commands?22:33
sazawaloh and I also ran ssh-keygen on the host computer22:34
sarnoldsazawal: ah, the ssh-keygen will do it22:34
sazawalsarnold, What should I do now, I don't want to end up in "closed connection" message again.22:35
sarnoldsazawal: follow the directions to forget the old host key, reconnect, accept the new hostkey, and then we can see whether or not the reboot worked22:36
sazawalsarnold, Ok so I just ran ssh-keygen -R "" on linux and tried ssh again. Now I get "Connection to closed." again :(22:38
sarnoldsazawal: alright, now try from windows to windows to see if you can remove the linux system from the problem22:38
sazawalsarnold, Just tried windows to windows ssh. It doesn't give any output, no success or failure22:39
sazawalHow can I remove all the keys from windows or generate new ones? And do the same on linux?22:41
sazawalsarnold, Maybe resetting the keys would work, as it was working earlier. I guess I messed up the keys or something.22:42
sazawalI think I know what caused the problem. The ip of the linux machine on wifi network-1 is same as the ip of the windows machine on wifi network-2. I once tried connecting linux to windows when linux was in wifi network-2 and windows was in wifi network-1 (or something like that)22:44
sarnoldsazawal: but when you changed the keys, your connections were dropped immediately; with the original set of keys, the connections succeeded, terminals were set up, shells were started, and then the connection closed for still-unknown reasons, possibly including "the bash configuration files were broken" or "the shell doesn't run" etc22:46
sazawalsarnold, I see. I never saw such an issue before22:47
sarnoldsazawal: me neither22:48
gonutsfordonutssarnold: it seems to be limited to a set of sites22:51
gonutsfordonutssarnold: i dont think we can blame those sys admins. this doesnt seem to be an issue for any other computer on the network. flushing DNS fixes it22:52
sazawalsarnold, Let me restart the system22:52
sarnoldgonutsfordonuts: it'd be worth saving some dig output before and after flushing the routes to see what changed22:53
eelstreboranyone know why vlc launches when i attach a an external drive via usb (ubuntu 20.04)22:55
xcfRealAnyone know how to make a good working bash script i need to exit if input =! not equal to y from read22:56
gonutsfordonutssarnold - i suppose i can do this. the last time i asked this question here, someone else suggested i use a different DNS server. i switched it to google - i get the same issues. some new ones too - like when I flush dns caches, sometimes google tries to use their own certificate instead of passing on the one from github22:56
gonutsfordonutsdoesnt really seem like anyone knows how this works22:56
gonutsfordonutssarnold: while we are talking, slack has gone up and down for me. here is a paste with dig output for both cases: https://pastebin.com/xwR9nHLC22:58
gonutsfordonutsIs it fair to say my local DNS server just decides to "forget" what the correct answer was?22:59
sarnoldgonutsfordonuts: oh fun.. right there, caught in the action..22:59
sarnoldgonutsfordonuts: line 16, the slack folks asked it to be cached for 59 seconds22:59
gonutsfordonutssarnold: ah ok. so...shouldnt my local DNS server look it back up after 59 seconds?23:00
gonutsfordonutsif i made another request for a resource at api.slack.com23:00
sarnoldif you ask again within 59 seconds, your cache should still have it, and get a very quick result; after 59 seconds, your dns resolver would need to go get a new one..23:00
sarnoldand when it did that, it got back a "NXDOMAIN", -- to say the domain just plain doesn't exist; it'll cache this, too, but I don't know for how long23:01
gonutsfordonutssarnold: yeah, can confirm nslookup cant find an answer23:02
sarnoldoh wow, slack is using wildcard dns in some fashion, even keut2gu2ekjey8wg.slack.com has the same IP address...23:03
CrazySamUpgrading to Disco...23:03
sarnoldCrazySam: good luck :)23:03
gonutsfordonutssarnold: i believe that is a catch-all for all the various workspaces they set up23:03
CrazySamYou know I need it. Thanks!23:03
gonutsfordonutsso they dont have to set up a new DNS entry for every workspace that is registered23:03
sarnoldit just complicates trying to out how long negative entries are supposed to be cached23:04
sarnoldor, well, an actual expert would probably not be similarly confused, heh23:04
gonutsfordonutswell i feel that23:04
gonutsfordonutsagain, the last time i was on here, someone suggested the problem was somewhere else23:05
sarnolddang they've got a cleanish looking https://dnsviz.net/d/api.slack.com/dnssec/ results too23:05
sarnoldnormally that thing is glowing red with errors ..23:05
gonutsfordonutsgiven my laptop is the only machine in the house that seems to have this issue - im inclined to think it has something to do with how local dns is configured and not my router/or another DNS server somewhere23:05
sarnoldgonutsfordonuts: so, is it still returning NXDOMAIN for you? how do you clear the cache? what do you get afterwards?23:06
gonutsfordonutssarnold: gonna answer in order here23:06
CrazySam"System upgrade is complete."23:06
sazawalsarnold, Its not working, is there anything more I can try?23:07
gonutsfordonutssarnold: is it still return NXDOMAIN: no I dont believe so. I'm doing the lookup by `nslookup api.slack.com` I get `Address:  ** server can't find api.slack.com: NXDOMAIN` in response23:07
sarnoldsazawal: sorry,I'm out of ideas :( you'll have to find someone more familiar with windows than me, I'm afraid23:07
gonutsfordonutssarnold: how do I clear the cache: `sudo resolvectl flush-caches`23:08
gonutsfordonutssarnold: what do I get afterwards: All my busted sites seem to come back for the most part. Works as normal then at some point in the future sites will break again (maybe after TTLs expire? might be something for me to look into)23:08
CrazySamNext up is Eoan upgrade. Will leave that for the next day.23:09
sazawalsarnold, alright.23:09
sarnoldgonutsfordonuts: heh, sorry, for the 'after', I meant to pastebin the dig output of it working23:09
gonutsfordonutssarnold: oh sure thing, one second23:09
napk1nhey guys how can I check my crontab script logs?23:11
gonutsfordonutssarnold: https://pastebin.com/wDqKxWCs new paste. After digging a few times, the TTL counter will go down. Ive seen it referesh once properly23:12
sarnoldnapk1n: cron sends emails when things don't work; check /var/spool/mail/* files maybe?23:13
sazawalsarnold, Hey one new observation. You know the sftp://username@ipaddress via nautilus? It is working for me from linux to windows pc, and not the regular ssh via terminal. This is strange.23:13
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sarnoldsazawal: hmm; is it configured to support *only* sftp ?23:13
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sazawalsarnold, I didn't particularly do such a setup for sftp. Now I am unsure if ssh was actually working previously or not, I had been using sftp only for some days. The sftp stopped working when I changed the wifi network and that made me check the ssh via terminal.23:15
pqatsiHello! I did a fresh install of ubuntu 20.04 to a Dell Notebook with Optimus support (NVidia MX150). I selected proprietary repos on install and after reboot, nvidia driver got automatically selected. But I cant find where I can switch VGA (Its just the right click, run with dedicated graphics?) and I cant proof until now the switch (Running steam from ubuntu store/snap did not reported anything on23:17
pqatsiSo, there is any place where how to handle nvidia optimus with 20.04 is documented I can read? Also, someone can help-me to get this working properlly?23:17
pqatsi(Also, another symptom, run firefox with dedicated graphics disables webgl, even forcing the usage disabling blacklist)23:18
napk1nk gave up trying to find crontab logs23:19
napk1nanyways here is my issue, I think I created an infinite loop in the crontab script I set up23:20
napk1nhow can I stop it ?23:20
napk1nwould a server restart stop it ?23:20
pqatsinapk1n: tried journalctl --boot ?23:20
pqatsiAbout stop, you can kill what is looping inside you job23:21
gonutsfordonutssarnold: so it is stable for now. this is pretty typical. after awhile dig wont return anything, nslookup wont return anything. i have no idea what causes the switch in behaviour to DNS just freaking out and dying. is there any other service i should be looking at?23:21
sarnoldnapk1n: ps auxw  to see what's running, kill pid .. to ask it nicely to stop; kill -9 pid to tell it to stop23:21
sarnoldgonutsfordonuts: it's possible journalctl will have some messages from systemd-resolved, but that thing seems to log a lot of useless stuff, and not enough useful stuff23:22
gonutsfordonutssarnold: fair enough. i appreciate your help btw - looks like youre carrying the channel here :P23:22
napk1nsarnold k that worked xd lol had 3 instances of it running non stop23:23
gonutsfordonutsmy understanding on how DNS is handled on ubuntu is pretty poor. probably worth upskilling there a bit so i can troubleshoot these issues myself23:23
sarnoldnapk1n: the run-one package has some commands that can help prevent running several copies of something out of crontabs23:24
sarnoldgonutsfordonuts: heh, same here, I don't know resolvectl stuff well enough23:24
sarnoldand not nearly enough dnssec..23:24
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johnjaykill -9 pid to order it to stop, alt-printscr-b to appeal to the kernel to stop it23:33
cluelessperson_so I'm trying out nicing different processes in ubuntu23:34
cluelessperson_and it seems to help with the studying23:34
nightBulbwhois nightBulb23:42
nightBulbsorry typo23:42
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euxneksso! 20.04! has anyone received the notice to update on their desktops yet? it looks like this file online needs to include a new 20.04 entry but I still only see 19.10 as the latest http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release23:55
ubottuRegular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d23:55
oerheksi would wait ..23:55
euxneksI thought it was released already, my bad!23:55
euxneks@oerheks, thanks for the clarification23:56
sarnoldeuxneks: it's released, but that file is used to prompt to people to upgrade23:57
euxnekshrm.. what about from 19.10 though?23:57
euxneks(I'm on 19.10)23:58
sarnoldeuxneks: yeah lately I've been thinking that we ought to remove the -d requirement for upgrading to just-released versions23:58
euxnekso/ thanks for the info23:58
ceska hey. How to set back defaults relatined to Python in system? I think I;ve brake my system with trying to change defaults. Sure I'm Kubuntu, but I guess this is not realy diferent? Thanks in advance.23:59

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