
tewardin case you studio support people are bored... https://askubuntu.com/questions/1231694/udunto-studio-does-not-have-software-center00:40
Unit193> udunto00:40
tewardyeah i fixed some of those misspellings but had already copied the link lol00:41
Unit193"Obsolete"?  Where's whatever say that?00:42
garyyangI just install the latest version of Ubuntu Studio and unable to install cangjie Chinese input method. Anyone could help14:54
zmagiisup guys19:01
zmagiiI am trying to use my Nord Piano 2 on Ardour. I can see it in Jco19:02
zmagiiBut I can't seem to configure it to receive the Piano 2 as input to my MIDI track.19:02
zmagiiSame thing with my sound card (UA-4FX Cakewalk). I can see it in Jack under ALSA. How can I configure it to use that as input?19:03
zmagiiOh wow okay I set it to System 1 and now the MIDI works? Took me 30 mins to get to that...19:04
zmagiiOk so the thing left is then my sound card. How can I change from my laptop mic to my soundcard input?19:04
zmagiiAnother question, what is a good software instrument for piano? I set it to the first one I could find, "MDA Piano".19:07
StevenJayCohen<garyyang "I just install the latest versio"> garyyang: You might want to install this version of Ubuntu first, then add the Ubuntu Studio Installer afterward: https://www.ubuntukylin.com/index.php?lang=en19:22
StevenJayCohenThe Ubuntu Studio Installer adds any of the individual components of Studio to other flavors of Ubuntu.19:22
zmagiiOk so I managed to connect the UA-4FX as input, but it doesn't allow me to playback what I recorded via the laptop speakers. Whenever I check UA-4FX as audio input, then it deselects output to "none"19:33
peter22222hi folks... i try to use aeolus, but i canot make it work. i connected via jack but no sound20:28
knighteagle.msg NickServ identify AimeeJul2802Susannah2100920:37
oerheksknighteagle, time to change password20:41
knighteaglegood thing that wasn't my password ;)20:41
=== knighteagle is now known as knighteagle789
zmagiiWe may not know your password, but we now know your lover20:47
zmagiiSo for those who are interested, I managed to get everything to work in Ardour, but not playback20:48
zmagiiI can bounce to a file though and then listen to it.20:48
zmagiiFor some reason it doesn't like having my soundcard active as input and my computer as output.20:49
zmagiiBut the good news is that both Piano 2 MIDI and the UA-4FX Cakewalk soundcard work plug and play out of the box.20:49
zmagiiThe MIDI lags a bit, but I think that is inevitable without a MIDI driver dongle like an EDIROL.20:50
OvenWerkszmagii: how are you trying to use two audio devices?20:51
OvenWerksthat normally doesn't work.20:52
OvenWerkstwo MIDI devices normally do work.20:52
OvenWerksin order for two audio devices to work one of them must have a Sample Rate Conversion (SRC) stage.20:53
=== knighteagle789 is now known as knighteagle
OvenWerksArdour, at this time, does not support this. You can, by using ubuntustudio-controls, run jack with one device and add others via an SRC module and use that with Ardour.20:55
OvenWerksThe upcoming Ardour, I think, will allow this (using the same code as -controls)20:56
peter22222something is wrong with my pulseaudio... i cannot pactl set-default-sink any more21:08
peter22222pactl set-default-sink is not an option any more... anybody can help?21:08
Eickmeyer!ubuntustudio-controls | peter22222: All of that functionality has been rolled into this21:09
ubottupeter22222: All of that functionality has been rolled into this: Ubuntu Studio Controls is the application through which audio is configured in Ubuntu Studio. It configures Jack, sets the CPU governor, and ensures the user has realtime audio permissions. For more info, see !jack and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioControls21:09
peter22222that doesnt help21:10
Eickmeyerpeter22222: pactl set-default-sink suggests you're still using qjackctl to use Jack now, which isn't supported here anymore.21:11
peter22222oh ok21:11
zmagiiOvenWerks: No, one audio and one MIDI. The audio is the Cakewalk sound card and the MIDI is via a Nord Piano21:12
zmagiiDo you mean for example I would not be able to record with two soundcards?21:13
OvenWerkszmagii: one audio and one midi should be fine. MIDI is non-syncronis.21:22
OvenWerks< zmagii> For some reason it doesn't like having my soundcard active as21:23
OvenWerks                input and my computer as output.21:23
OvenWerksThat made it sound like a different audio in and out.21:23
zmagiiOvenWerks: Oh right. No I just meant monitoring doesn't seem to work for me.21:23
zmagiiIt works if I just have MIDI and no audio. Then I can monitor the MIDI.21:24
OvenWerks If by that you mean MIDI input to audio output that is different21:24
OvenWerksThe first question is if the master channel in Ardour shows activity21:24
zmagiiSorry, let me explain more simply. Let's forget about the MIDI, since that works for me.21:24
zmagiiLet's say I open a new project with just one track---the UA-4FX card. This would be from e.g. a mic or a instrument out.21:25
zmagiiThen, I can't get the track to monitor when I play on the instrument or get the mic to monitor to my laptop speakers (or headphones).21:26
OvenWerksThat _would_ be two audio cards21:26
OvenWerksyour laptop speakers/headphones are one audio interface and the mic in through UA-4FX is a second.21:27
zmagiiOh, I see what you mean. So I need to plug a speaker to the soundcard output I guess?21:27
OvenWerksor use jack21:27
OvenWerksset jack master to internal and (with ubuntustudio-controls) enable "Bridge USB devices to jack when plugged in"21:29
zmagiiSo it's an Ardour limitation, not Ubuntu?21:29
OvenWerksIt is also a reasonable limit21:29
OvenWerksany two audio devices will not be in sync with each other21:29
zmagiiIs it via QjackCtl?21:29
zmagiiOh okay, that's why you mentioned it, right.21:30
OvenWerkswe no longer support qjackctl. It is only there for those who are used to it and like it21:30
zmagiiIs the sync on a hardware level? It sounds interesting.21:31
OvenWerksno, sync is via sw21:31
OvenWerksit uses a Sample Rate Conversion block21:31
zmagiiMy background is in math, not engineering, so I am more of a simpleton :P21:31
OvenWerksHardware sync would be much better and is used in profesional cases.21:32
OvenWerksArdour is a profesion DAW21:32
OvenWerks*profesional even21:32
OvenWerksUSB mics are not profesional, but they are an easy start for a lot fo people so we "make a way"21:33
zmagiiSo are you saying that you can do hardware sync in Ardour?21:34
zmagiiDo you mean USB soundcards too or do you mean USB direct mics?21:34
OvenWerksArdour expects the hw sync to be done outside of ardour and a synced agrigate device so it only sees one device21:34
OvenWerksUSB sound cards along with internal sound21:35
zmagiiLike for example, I was going to ask you about the 2 audio device issue, can you use a Focusrite with 8 channels as one audio device?21:35
OvenWerksA USB direct mic is a USB sound card21:35
OvenWerksyes you can use it as one device with both inputs and outputs21:35
zmagiiOvenWerks: OK, so I use for example a normal condenser mic (or a dynamic Shure) with a phantom USB soundcard21:36
OvenWerksbut you can't expect to also use internal sound at the same time21:36
zmagiiOh, that's interesting. In Logic Studio on macOS they do allow it.21:36
OvenWerksyes the SRC is hidden21:36
OvenWerksbut it is there21:36
zmagiiBut would that still be similar to the Jack setup?21:37
zmagiiJust done outside of the user's scope maybe21:37
OvenWerksthat is basically what ubuntustudio-controls does21:37
OvenWerksyes without the user's knowledge21:37
OvenWerksI do not know if on the Mac it is possible to choose which devicxe is master21:38
zmagiiOvenWerks: Are you a professional musician?21:38
OvenWerksI have played since about 1970 but not for money :)21:38
zmagiiOvenWerks: On Mac you can select them around usually. But someone asked me today to do a recording and I got Ardour to work within an hour and a half, so I am not going back to Logic Studio :P21:39
OvenWerksDrums, bass, guitar, mandolin21:39
OvenWerksArdour does also work on Mac21:39
OvenWerksBut Logic is fine too21:40
OvenWerksbasically, any DAW has a learning curve21:40
zmagiiI don't use macOS anymore. Logic is a good program, but I prefer to have complete control, even at the expense of time or effort21:40
OvenWerksThe begining of a new project is not the time for that21:40
zmagiiOvenWerks: It was just a plain piano piece, so not too complicated21:41
zmagiiMy issue with things like macOS or Windows generally is that they change things over time, and sometimes they change it at inconvenient times.21:42
OvenWerksI wish I could say Linux was different, but Ubuntu, gnome and KDE have all done odd things at inconvenient times21:43
zmagiiSo Logic started to become a pain too. And then Mainstage is supposedly the intuitive live stage version of Logic, but I just find all these things to suck you into buying Apple products.21:43
zmagiiOvenWerks: I've heard some complaints about that new filesystem, what is it called again?21:44
zmagiiBut it is optional anyway, I think...21:44
OvenWerksfilesystem? my filesystem has been the same for over 10 years now21:44
zmagiiApple changed their encrypted filesystem without telling people recently21:44
OvenWerksbut then I always do a manual disk setup21:45
zmagiiI think that was one of the main mistakes before Catalina21:45
OvenWerksoh apple, they have done some other things too.21:45
OvenWerksthey have lost their force when Jobs died and are just another computer company now.21:45
zmagiiOvenWerks: I googled it quickly, it's called ZFS21:46
OvenWerksZFS has been around for a while. it is not encripted in and of itself.21:46
zmagiiBut my point is you still have the option. That apple thing they did was without telling people.21:46
OvenWerksencrytion would be added layer21:46
zmagiiI think Apple's hardware is what is really the edge.21:47
zmagiiOr was, yes.21:47
zmagiiBut some basic things are still really good, like the trackpad. I don't understand why ASUS for example would sell a high spec laptop and then the trackpad feels like it just sags if you touch it21:48
OvenWerksthe hardware used to pick componemts that worked best for artistic uses.21:48
OvenWerksApple or high end anything has always been outside anything I do.21:49
zmagiiThat's also why macs are traditionally expensive right? They targeted people like graphic designers21:49
zmagiiOvenWerks: Why do you say that?21:50
OvenWerksI don't have the kind of money to get high end things21:50
zmagiiI have modest definitions of high end though...21:51
OvenWerksI do a lot of things with bits that are given to me... cause they are old21:51
zmagiiOvenWerks: I think I am becoming either old or more mature, because I also tend to do that21:52
zmagiiA lot of older things in the programming world are still the best too21:52
zmagiiI've swithed all my programming to vim and it's much better for me21:53
zmagiiThat's kind of why I switched to Ubuntu Studio too.21:53
zmagiiI am also wondering how much one can tinker with VSTs and plugins.21:54
OvenWerksA lot of things can be done with linux and plugins21:55
zmagiiOvenWerks: Another relative thing about high end vs. low end is if you look for example at Guitars. A new Fender Squier with a replaced pickup for example can sound high end21:56
zmagiiWhereas I've heard that Gibson is notorious for overcharging and not always delivering on quality21:56
zmagiiIf it is a good Gibson it will still sound great though. But I guess Fender has a different way of thinking21:57
OvenWerksThe Harrison consoles use in Film production (the ones that look like they are 30 feet long/wide) use linux/ardour for their recording function.21:57
zmagiiOvenWerks: Is this for audio recording?21:57
OvenWerksFenders and Gibsons can both be good guitars.21:57
OvenWerksmost of the movies produces use the Harrison consoles in their sound stages21:58
zmagiiIs it an embedded OS in the console itself?21:58
OvenWerksThe big Harrison consoles will have a number of computers. There is one just for control, but each 8 or so channels will have a computer for the DSP for that section22:00
zmagii"there is no bigger or better mixing console *anywhere*"22:00
zmagiiThat sounds good..22:00
OvenWerksthe recording bit is just the end point.22:00
OvenWerksand many people use other software for post production (protools in a lot fo cases)22:00
zmagiiThat sounds really interesting, I'll ask you again about that some time22:01
zmagiiNeed to go, thanks for the chat22:01
OvenWerksHarrison uses the best inside but will also deal with whatever external sw the client wants22:01

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