
=== Celso is now known as celso_saiu
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== celso_saiu is now known as celso
=== Israphel is now known as Guest70533
=== Israphel_ is now known as Israphel
km0201just downloaded xubuntu 20.04.  Very impressed w/ it's speed.  I last used xubuntu.. probably 15.something... It was quite sluggish and I ended up switching to straight Debian.03:47
km0201due to probs with my laptop video device on Debian.. Decided to check out Xubuntu again... Not only is the video problem solved, it is lightning fast.03:48
km0201well done.03:48
wigfranzHi everyone... I'm from Indonesia and I've been using Xubuntu since 19.04. I have a question and I hope I'll get the answer here. How can I use my USB stick (read & write) after burning an ISO using dd command into it? Because it will formatted to ISO9660 so every bytes remaining can't be used anymore. I mean I have a 8-GB USB and my ISO is just03:48
wigfranz1.7 GB, and I want to be able to use the 6.3 GB remaining, just like when I burn ISO using Rufus. How can I do it? Thanks for the answer.03:48
km0201Use Rufus?  It's an installer, so (as far as I know) they all take the whole disk no matter the size.  Not really designed to leave part of it open for data.04:12
km0201you'd probably have to partition partition the usb, would be my guess though04:12
well_laid_lawnif the usb stick is being used for a live cd you have to write to the device not a partition so it can't be used for anything else unless you wipe it clean04:15
km0201well_laid_lawn, that's what i was thinking04:25
xu-irc59whow do I access my disks? running xubuntu 18.04 LTS06:27
well_laid_lawnxu-irc59w:  you should see them in thunar06:32
xu-irc19wmorning everybody07:20
xu-irc19wi have a question....07:20
xu-irc19win the software update is not showing the new xubuntu version 20 for update?07:21
xu-irc19wany idea?07:21
xu-irc19wi have 1807:22
gnrpxu-irc19w: It will take a while until old LTS versions are proposed to upgrade07:24
xu-irc19wok will wait....thank u...wanna upgrade...not reinstall....07:25
gnrpxu-irc19w: You can already do it, but n ot the comfortable way07:28
xu-irc19wyea don't want....07:28
xu-irc19wwanna keep everything....07:29
xu-irc19wok will wait....any idea when?07:29
gnrpxu-irc19w: Here it says late July https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-to-20-04-lts-focal-fossa#h3-1-1-upgrading-from-ubuntu-18-04-lts07:32
gnrpI don't know if there's an official time frame for that. For 18.04 it was also one or two months or so, I think07:33
gnrpbut btw, the new desktop background in 20.04 is not as nice as the previous ones. Wouldn't upgrade.07:34
xu-irc19wthank u for the info07:41
xu-irc19wvery useful....trying....07:42
e3khi Brainwash. the "no keyboard in login screen" after screenlock seems to be fixed after removing the xscreensaver package. tested on 2 machines with ubuntu. the question remains why was xscreensaver pulled (i certainly did not install it explicitelly)08:33
brainwashe3k: maybe the logs in /var/log/apt could tell08:35
brainwashunless it was installed long long ago08:35
e3kgive me a sec08:35
e3kbrainwash: nothing in the logs anymore and i can not reproduce it now but here: https://itsfoss.com/install-xfce-desktop-xubuntu/ it seems that the package xfce4 pulls it.08:43
e3kwhich is probably not what we want08:54
e3kshoul i open a bug?08:54
brainwashxfce4-session used to install xscreensaver OR light-locker as recommended package09:00
brainwashXubuntu pulled in light-locker so that dependency was satisfied09:01
brainwashin 20.04 the order changed to: xfce4-screensave OR light-locker OR xscreensaver09:02
itpenguinIs here anyone, who knows, where to download Xubuntu 14.04.1?09:03
e3kyes the issue was found in 18.04 and 19.something09:03
e3kso you think this is no more an inssue in 20.04?09:03
e3kwhen i try to run apt-get install xfce4 now the package xscreensaver does not show up (did not try to purge whole xfce4 though)09:04
brainwashthe core issue is still present: multiple screen lockers can be installed at the same time, run at the same time, lock the screen at the same time09:05
brainwashthe user may want to install several, so making the installation of screen lockers exclusive does not work I think09:07
rud0lfi've found a bug in xfce4-notifyd / systemd but i'm too lazy to report it on bugzilla09:07
brainwashit's something that has not been reported yet?09:08
brainwashhopefully you aren't too lazy to do that research :)09:08
rud0lfwhen some program invokes notify-send at startup, before full login, it fails to run and takes some time after login to restart09:08
rud0lfi was looking for it and it's not09:09
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 16746 in general "xfce4-notifyd does not start if a notification is created very early" [Normal,New]09:10
brainwashitpenguin: maybe it's archived somewhere09:10
rud0lf"xfce4-notifyd works fine when I log in after rebooting" "mine" doesn't work after rebooting09:11
brainwashwhy does some program send a notification before Xfce is started?09:13
rud0lfbecause it's coded by unexperienced coder, it's NordVPN daemon09:13
brainwashthat daemon is a systemd user service?09:13
brainwashitpenguin: you get some working download servers when you google for it09:15
rud0lfno wait09:15
rud0lfno it's not user09:15
brainwashI wonder how that works exactly09:16
e3kbrainwash: i do not see that as a problem. the issue was that ubuntu did install multiple screensavers which caused the problem. if a user chooses to install multiple screenlockers then it is their problem.09:19
brainwashe3k: but not by default. Xubuntu only installs one screen locker.09:21
e3ki did not install xubuntu. on 1 system there was default ubuntu and i installed xfce4. on the other system i installed ubuntu-minimal and then installed again xfce409:22
brainwashupgrading may install a second one (new default), but it should be mentioned in the release notes that this step is done09:23
brainwashI guess being modular like Xfce is can be problematic sometimes09:26
ConnaHello all10:12
annoyeduserOkay, I'm using a laptop with an HDMI connection to an external monitor.11:20
annoyeduserI ran the live mode of Xubuntu 20.04 and 19.10.11:21
annoyeduserFor the love of God, I can't figure a way out to properly switch to my monitor as a sole display11:21
toljaannoyeduser: try super+p11:22
annoyeduserbut there's another gotcha.11:22
annoyeduserWhen I successfully switch to my monitor, boom.11:23
annoyeduserEverything stops working.11:23
annoyeduserThe screen becomes frozen, but I can still only move the mouse.11:23
annoyeduserKeyboard, mouse actions , buttons, everything unresponsive.11:23
annoyeduserI've also tried switching the layout with ARandR and xrandr from the terminal.11:24
annoyeduserBut absolutely nothing works.11:24
annoyeduserOn the flipside, Pop OS seems to work phenomenally.11:24
annoyeduserI've posted this question on Reddit like 5-6 times and on askubuntu twice, but absolutely no one is responding.11:25
annoyeduserDoes anyone, absolutely anyone know the solution?11:26
toljasorry, can't really help any further11:26
annoyeduserDo you have any idea? Some faint idea?11:26
toljaI'd start with gpu drivers11:27
annoyeduserBut I'm using a live mode.11:27
annoyeduserThere is absolutely no effect by switching from the free to the proprietary nvidia drivers/11:28
annoyeduserdoes anyone have any idea?11:30
annoyeduserThis is driving me nuts.11:30
annoyeduserThere's one other user who has the same issue. I found a post on Reddit.11:30
annoyeduserThis is definitely not an isolated issue.11:31
brainwashI would test with another distribution that uses Xfce or offers a spin with Xfce11:32
annoyeduserTried MX Linux, Linux Mint, Manjaro.11:32
annoyeduserXubuntu was the only one that even recognized the monitor.11:32
annoyeduserAlso tried Elementary - which did recognize the monitor.11:32
annoyeduserbut had the same issue.11:33
annoyeduserSo is this a driver issue?11:33
annoyeduserOh, and Kubuntu as well.11:33
annoyeduserThe same problem as XFCE.11:34
brainwashthen it's something beyond the scope of Xubuntu/Xfce11:34
brainwashdriver? maybe11:35
annoyeduserBut surely leaving it is not a solution?11:35
brainwashyou could check the logs for hints11:36
brainwash~/.xsession-errors and ~/.xsession-errors.old (previous session)11:36
brainwashand also journalctl11:36
brainwashfor system logs11:36
annoyeduserSo what will this give me?11:37
brainwashand /var/log/xorg11:37
brainwashit will give you various log messages11:37
brainwashand one or two may be related to your problem11:37
brainwasha hint11:37
brainwashsomething to get started11:37
annoyedusercan you explain further?11:41
annoyeduserI'm a noob, so that'll probably not make sens to me.11:41
brainwasha log message (error or warning) can be helpful when you try to debug a problem11:42
brainwashif you find one that is related to your problem, then you can use it to search the web11:42
annoyeduseryes, but can you give me the actual commands11:42
brainwashfor existing reports, or when you create a new one11:43
brainwashmousepad ~/.xsession-errors11:43
brainwashmousepad ~/.xsession-errors.old11:43
brainwashjournalctl -b011:43
annoyeduserThis issue is there in 19.10 as well.11:46
annoyeduserWhy hasn't it been fixed?11:46
annoyeduserIs there any way to contact the devs?11:47
brainwashusually, a bug report is required so that the developers can look into an issue11:49
brainwashcan you link the bug report for this particular issue?11:49
annoyeduserI haven't written one.11:50
annoyeduserI was using it in a live mode.11:50
brainwashyet you expect that it's magically fixed in a later release11:50
annoyeduserOkay, but how do I report it?11:51
brainwashthis appears to a bit tricky11:51
brainwashideally, one should report it against the correct component11:52
brainwashthat is why I suggest to check the logs for any hints11:52
annoyeduserI need to boot back into the usb for that.11:52
annoyeduserit'll take time.11:53
annoyeduserWhat do I after that?11:53
brainwashwith no hints, maybe file the report against Xorg or the graphics driver11:53
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.11:53
xu-help39wHi, I recently installed xubuntu in Dell inspiron. Somehow the enable wifi option is not showing in the network manager. Please help.12:57
diogenes_xu-help39w, look in driver manager?13:02
xu-help39wyes, I installed "firmware-b43-installer" but still it didn't work.13:07
xu-help39wCan anyone please point me out the steps I need to follow. I have the latest version of Xubuntu.13:08
diogenes_xu-help39w, in terminal: sudo rfkill list13:11
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:11
diogenes_then pastebin and share the link.13:12
turbokittyI was just wondering how i can install this driver, not sure what it is beccause it doesnt say https://i.imgur.com/7g2Xuuc.png13:43
turbokittyi thought it may be my intergrated video, there is some slowness for certain things13:44
sorinelloUnit193, xubuntu-core 20.04 still crashes when installing to VmWare.  I have a screenshot, but I would be happily to assist you in order to obtain more information14:15
sorinelloUnit193, https://ibb.co/7vJTFWJ14:17
wrhow can i set the keyboard on xubuntu?14:59
wrsudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration ?15:03
xu-irc56whow do i upgrade to 20.04 from 19.10 ?16:22
gnrpxu-irc56w: Search your menu for "update", then youw ill find the update manager16:26
gnrpthere you can do it16:26
gnrpah, no, sorry16:26
gnrpGraphical upgrades will still take a while until they arrive. Please somebody correct me if I'm wrong16:26
xu-irc56whow do i do it via cli ?16:27
xu-irc56wand is there any way to get back user interface defaults ?16:28
xu-irc56w*to get back to16:28
gnrpxu-irc56w: I don't know what you mean with user interface defaults16:29
gnrpthere is a way, but if you don't know how to do it, I would strongly recommend you not to do it. (if you want to know: edit the /etc/apt/sources.list, then apt update & dist-upgrade)16:29
xu-irc56wi changed the theme and main panel etc..16:30
xu-irc56wi just want the defaults16:30
xu-irc56wupdate-manager -d16:33
Noboru55diogenes_ hey i'm running xubuntu 20.04 it's great, better than 19.0417:19
Noboru55only problem is the winehq i added the eon repository, and sometimes after close the ms word when i reboot get the initramfs screen to run fsck but tis ok no problem here17:19
=== darko is now known as Awkowkw
=== Awkowkw is now known as PkuLNX
xu-irc98whello, can anybody give me a quick rundown on what i have to do to install lutris properly? It says i need wine for it, too, which i have no idea how to properly get, since the apt-get command doesnt find it.17:56
diogenes_xu-irc98w, sudo apt install wine17:57
xu-irc98w"unable to locate package wine"17:58
xu-irc98wi get that with apt-get install and apt install, also with lutris17:58
diogenes_xu-irc98w, run: apt search wine18:02
xu-irc98wah i needed to use apt update and apt upgrade for some reason now it works18:03
xu-irc98wis it enough to install wine and then lutris or do i need more?18:03
diogenes_i think lutris will install everything.18:04
PkuLNXwine have 2 version, wine-stable & wine-development18:04
=== PkuLNX is now known as Darko
xu-irc98won the lutris site it says i should install wine too18:06
xu-irc98wjust running apt install wine gets the stable version, right?18:07
Darkoapt install wine-stable18:08
xu-irc98wok so it does find wine now, but i still cant find the package for lutris... is something broken in my system?18:08
Darkono, you dont have lutris repository18:09
Darkousing this, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lutris-team/lutris ,and then get update and install lutris18:10
xu-irc98walright ima try that. installing wine stable worked now too, thanks18:11
xu-irc98wperfect it works, thanks so much18:12
xu-irc98wanything else i need to get to run games properly or will lutris take care of that now?18:12
Darkogood, maybe you can18:16
Darkocause, i have never played online games on Linux18:17
xu-irc98wim trying it now hopefully it works18:20
xu-irc98wjust one more thing, when i type it sometimes opens up the command menu on the upper left, where u can close windows and such, is there a way to disable whatever command that is?18:20
xu-irc98wi looked through the keyboard shortcuts but couldnt find it, and its annoying af :D18:20
xu-irc42whello im trying to install a game via lutris, but it semms to be stuck on "creating wine prefix" anything i can do?19:45
xu-irc42wupdating wine prefix*19:46
diogenes_xu-irc42w, why do you even need lutris? simply wine is more than enough.19:48
xu-irc42wim new to linux so i wanted to go the easy route19:49
xu-irc42wand i have no idea how toa ctually get wine to work19:50
diogenes_xu-irc42w, and that's why we're here :)19:52
xu-irc42whaha yea. do u have a quick toturial?19:53
xu-irc42wim trying to get eso to run, since i want to avoid using steam for that19:53
diogenes_i've never used lutris but with wine everything is as easy as double click on the game.exe.19:54
brainwashwe are not here to help with wine or any of its frontends19:55
brainwashplease ask in the correct channel19:56
xu-irc42widk what the correct channel is or how to join it19:57
brainwash/join #winehq19:57
brainwash/join #lutris19:57
xu-irc42wi cant join that wine channel19:57
brainwashthen it's probably for registered users only19:58
diogenes_i help with what i can, xu-irc42w if you want you can /join ##MX-Linux and we can talk.19:58
xu-irc57whello, i have a proble, my wine apps cant seem to connect to the internet. I tried everything but it just gives me errors21:35
xu-irc57wit gives me GoGetClassObjects errors21:35
kgbhttps://www.theguardian.com/notesandqueries/query/0,5753,-1692,00.html ;P;D21:37
kgb(if you'd given 'em beer 1st. :))21:38
xu-irc57wman, very helpful21:40
kgbyea, sry! hopefully someone will know what's up. =)21:42
xu-irc57wive been sitting here all day reinstalling stuff, and now im at a point where i cant even find the error code online21:42
kgb*don't use WINE, I loathe it - for how every.single.thing must be made compatible. :#21:43
kgb(and it's never up to date, with anything, meh)21:43
xu-irc57wim trying to install eso. Which works under linux. but steam doesnt let me install it even tho i bought it, because i have the non steam version. so i have to use wine21:43
xu-irc57wi can install the launcher fine, but it gives me all sorts of errors and is stuck on loading, which seems like it cant connect to the internet21:44
Unit193sorinello: Hi.  This appears to be the boot opion 'install only' rather than the live session, this tends to be a little more flaky.22:18
Unit193...A lot more.22:18

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