
=== dax is now known as housecat
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest29359
Guest29359hi all06:59
lubot<F> Hi. Any idea how to change lockscreen command to `Meta + L`?07:59
lubot<F> And what is the lock screen command in Lubuntu? I tried `loginctl lock-session` but it didn't work.08:00
lubot<lynorian> https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/3/3.2/3.2.14/shortcut_keys.html is the gui for editing shortcuts08:34
lubot<F> Thanks. Is KDE's lock screen installed in Lubuntu?08:45
lubot<lynorian> not by default08:45
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest10005
jrockjiggzHi, i'm trying to install Lubuntu 20.04 LTS.   During the wizard, i'm trying to select 'Storage Device' but next is disabled.   Instead I must manually set partitions.  I created two partitions 1: Fat32 /boot/efi, 2: ext4 / .. When I hit next I get warning "A partition was configured with mount point /boot/efi but it's ESP{ flag is not set.  To set the flag, go back and edit the partition.13:50
jrockjiggz  When I go back, there is no esi flag to choose from. What to do?13:50
M--uismojvkinbisI believe you're suppose to use the boot flag. It's not a flag called ESP iirc13:56
jrockjiggzM--uismojvkinbis:  Ah yes, that was it.14:05
=== theloudspeaker_ is now known as The_LoudSpeaker
M--uismojvkinbisActually it's called EFI system partition lol but if that worked then cool14:17
jrockjiggzi used the boot flag and the wizard accepted it.  mount point was /boot/efi14:18
M--uismojvkinbisMy boot partition has boot and esp denoted. Did you have to check both?14:24
lubotoguztoraman was added by: oguztoraman14:24
=== RTGuruThe2nd is now known as RisingTechGuru
lubotrialdhirestu was added by: rialdhirestu21:36
=== maam is now known as HeroAvan
user44Any pointers to find a problem on 20.04 pcmanfm-qt.  Newish install,  in pcman right click 'compress' does nothing.  Right click open with and custom command - also has problems and does nothing. Any tips or pointers for how I can troubleshoot this?23:30
wxluser44: i've seem to remember upstream problems with the custom command but compress should work23:47
wxluser44: just confirmed. works here.23:49
lubot<kc2bez> Same here. It opens an Ark prompt23:50
wxlfwiw i used dd to fill a file full of /dev/urandom23:50
wxli accepted the default options in ark and got a tar.gz23:51
user44wxl: thanks! Great to know that it is only my system. Any tips on how i can trouble shoot it? I wonder if something I uninstalled broke it.. I do have ark installed23:54
wxluser44: you do any particular tweaks to the system or is it a fresh install?23:54
user44wxl: fresh install, then I uninstalled the packages I didnt want. eg transmission, email client, etc..23:56
wxlare you sure you didn't uninstall anything important?23:56
user44wxl: I'd hope not, but ....  wondering what my best option to get it all back if that was the case.. I'd rather not do a wipe and reinstall if I don't have to.23:57
user44wxl: I was hoping there might be logs or something i could look at to try and find why its broken..23:57
wxluser44: you could dig through the likes of the dpkg and apt logs in /var/log, but it's probably easier to just `sudo apt install --reinstall lubuntu-desktop` and then make sure everything's working again, then remove some program you don't work and check again, then another and check, etc23:58
user44wxl: have tried that without luck..  arrh.23:59

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