
jammorning all06:41
Chipacajam: morning!07:02
jamChipaca, I didn't expect to see you here so early :)07:02
Chipacajetlag :-|07:02
Chipaca(turns out, it was stress all along)07:02
Chipacajam: working on the slides for our plenary now (sent you a link in the canonical irc)07:04
Chipacaprobably going to step away and have breakfast and other non-sprint stuff in a bit07:04
jamChipaca, sounds like a musical "it was stress, all a long"07:04
Chipacadoo be doo be dooo07:05
jamChipaca, https://youtu.be/yOeUXEpxzcc?t=10407:21
niemeyerMorning folks08:39
facubatistaMuy buenos días a todos!11:39
jammorning facubatista11:47
facubatistahola jam11:47
Chipacafacubatista: EventSetBase??11:53
Chipacafacubatista: you probably want to merge master into #233, i guess?11:53
mup_PR #233: Execute the registered methods to events under PDB if proper envvar is set <Created by facundobatista> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/233>11:53
facubatistaoh, yes11:53
facubatistaChipaca, pushed11:56
mup_PR charmcraft#1: Draft to show several characteristics <Created by facundobatista> <https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/pull/1>12:26
Chipacaniemeyer: dunno if mup follows renames; if not, can you update its conf to look at ^?12:27
niemeyerChipaca: Will do, thanks for the note12:49
axinoshould I expect juju to fire a leader-elected hook when it first deploys a unit ?15:26
axinoit apparently did in 2.7.3, and doesn't do anymore in 2.8 beta115:27
niemeyeraxino: Sounds like a bug..15:27
niemeyeraxino: First unit is the leader in general15:27
axino(and I relied on that via self.framework.observe(self.on.leader_elected, self.configure_pod))15:27
niemeyeraxino: Is that you mean?  The first unit of an app?15:27
axinoniemeyer: yeah the first unit of an app15:27
niemeyeraxino: It should work.. jam?15:27
axinojuju deploy'ing a new app basically15:27
axinomy charm worked in 2.7.3, but not with 2.8 beta115:28
jam axino I would expect leader-elected to fire, if something has changed there I would definitely file a bug w/ Juju15:28
axinojam: ack, I will15:28
niemeyerjam: Sounds worth looking deeper into it with axino.. it's a bug worth catching if something went wrong there15:29
jamaxino, I would expect relation-created to fire before leader-elected, in case you were looking for an exact order of hooks15:29
jamand relation-created is new in 2.815:29
axinojam: nah, no relation here, this is a very basic charm without relation15:29
jamaxino, link and context in a bug is very much appreciated15:29
axinojam: I know I know15:30
jamaxino, you've always done well, just helps to remind sometimes :)15:30
axino:) np15:30
axinojam: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1875675 I think this is "just" hook ordering15:45
jamaxino, for juju 2.7.? (I think .6) and 2.8 Juju will now fire the Install hook, which is a point where the initial handlers can be registered.15:46
Chipacajam, facubatista, niemeyer, i think i'm going to cancel the wordpress k8s review session15:47
jamI think firing leader-elected before 'start' is more expected behavior, as it is how non-k8s has worked for a long time15:47
facubatistaChipaca, or move it15:47
jamChipaca, k. I was going to ask for a bit of a breather, but doing the review still seems worthwhile15:47
axinojam: hook ordering changed between 2.7.3 and 2.8 beta115:47
axinojam: at least one of leader-elected or config-changed (or upgrade-charm) used to fire after start, and now fire before15:48
jamaxino, non-k8s charms have always fired install, leader-elected, config-changed, start15:48
jamI think 2.7.3 to 2.8b1 is making k8s act more like the rest of the system15:48
axinojam: so should k8s charm use the "install" hook to "bootstrap" themselves ?15:49
jamaxino, however, #juju is better place to discuss this.15:49
jamaxino, yes 'install' should be used if it fires.15:49
niemeyerChipaca: Thanks15:49
jamaxino, operator framework itself has a even for 'install' to do so15:49
niemeyerChipaca: The deck review today is on the late side.. can we put it inside the sprint window today or tomorrow?15:50
axinojam: I think we have slides somewhere that lead us to use "start"15:50
Chipacaniemeyer: I didn't realise you were invited to that15:50
Chipacaniemeyer: that might be an oversight :)15:50
niemeyerI'm surprised you think I wasn't :)15:50
Chipacaniemeyer: i thought it was just me and sohini15:51
axinojam: this appears to be https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1854635 !15:53
niemeyerChipaca: Can we get it moved inside the sprint window?15:54
* facubatista -> lunch16:08
Chipacaniemeyer: trying to figure it out, there might be some confusion, sorry16:27
crodriguezCan I get some advice about debugging k8s models with the operator framework? I'm not sure what is causing my charm to crash on the install hook, I only see this "application-mssql: 11:45:32 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation hook "install" (via explicit, bespoke hook script) failed: exit status 1"  in the juju debug-log, and I can't really debug with kubectl commands because the pods do not come up since it16:51
crodriguezfails on install16:51
crodriguezI looked this up https://discourse.juju.is/t/live-debugging-at-python-level/2914/4 but that's not provided on k8s models16:52
Chipacacrodriguez: what juju version are you running?16:54
crodriguezChipaca: 2.8.beta-116:56
Chipacajam: did the change to logs land in that?16:56
jamcrodriguez, I would imagine the operator pod is running, if you wanted to connect to it, since it isn't part of the application pod16:57
jamChipaca, the debug level changes did land in 2.8.beta116:58
jamcrodriguez, so if you're using the latest operator framework, you should be able to set "juju model-config logging-config=DEBUG" and juju should show you more information about what was going wrong16:58
crodriguezokay I'll try that thank you16:59
Chipacacrodriguez: the if at the beginning of jam's statement is important :-D17:01
Chipacalatest as in master from 6 days ago or newer17:01
jamChipaca, taking the dog out on a walk during the lunch break, bbiab17:02
Chipacajam: 👋17:02
crodriguezlol it changes quickly uh! I'll update that too... Idk, I was deploying the same piece of code a month ago and it wasn't failing on install. I wonder if something in my code might not be compatible with an update or juju and/or framework17:03
jamcrodriguez, juju <=2.7.5 didn't run install17:04
Chipacaniemeyer: moved17:05
facubatistajam, may you know why/if "juju debug-code is not supported on kubernetes models"? https://discourse.juju.is/t/live-debugging-at-python-level/2914/517:28
jamfacubatista, I believe SSH into an operator container isn't supported, which is what juju debug-hooks and debug-code use to get into the machine17:36
jamfacubatista, it seems like it could be implemented on top of something like kubectl exec, but it is a matter of implementing support for it17:37
crodriguezI love the new debug logs <318:05
jamcrodriguez, did you work out the problem?18:14
crodriguezyeah, it showed that my submodule wasn't found, so the import of ops.whatever was failing. I reinitialized it, updated it to latest, and I think I'm back on track now. Thanks!18:15
facubatistacrodriguez, this is related to your comment here? https://discourse.juju.is/t/live-debugging-at-python-level/2914/518:31
crodriguezfacubatista: I posted it when I was blocked earlier, yes, but it is more of a general inquiry. I feel that we're not as well equipped to debug with juju for k8s models compared to openstack/vmware/baremetal.18:33
mup_PR operator#245 closed: use path.open() instead of open(str(path)) <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/245>18:35
Chipacaniemeyer: wrt plastic in your mate, don't google "food defect action levels"18:39
Chipacae.g. chocolate is fine until there is an average of 60 or more insect fragments per 100 grams18:39
* Chipaca omnoms chocolate18:40
niemeyerChipaca: Ouch.. let me guess.. FDA doesn't consider plastic to be an issue18:40
niemeyerOkay.. I did Google.. apparently it's much worse18:42
facubatistacrodriguez, we will improve there! glad to know you're not blocked18:47
crodriguezfacubatista: I'm sure! :)18:57
mup_PR operator#233 closed: Execute the registered methods to events under PDB if proper envvar is set <Created by facundobatista> <Merged by facundobatista> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/233>19:24
jamgood night all20:08
ChipacaEOD here as well20:11
facubatistabye jam20:13

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