
mupPR snapcraft#3095 opened: plugins: break out rosdep resolve parsing for external use <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3095>00:57
mupPR snapcraft#3096 opened: pluginhandler: export SNAPCRAFT_BUILD_BASE to build environment <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3096>01:39
mupPR snapcraft#3015 closed: [WIP] ros2 (colcon) extension preview <Created by cjp256> <Closed by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3015>01:48
mupPR snapcraft#3097 opened: [WIP] colcon v2 plugin + ros2 extension <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3097>01:58
=== xnox|sessions is now known as xnox
mupBug #1875543 opened: Ubuntu 20.04 "A stop job is running for Snappy Daemon" during shutdown <20.04> <ubuntu> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1875543>05:46
zygaGood morning06:25
mvogood morning mborzecki06:46
mborzeckimvo: hey, meeting is at 11 right?06:47
mvomborzecki: yes06:48
zygaHow was day one?06:49
mborzeckimvo: cool, i'll go for a walk with kids and do groceries, will be back before 1106:50
mvomborzecki: sounds good, note that you are optional for the meeting, no worries about this06:52
zygagood morning pawel :)07:13
zygalet's see if the store works better today07:38
pedronishello, how are tests doing today?07:56
zygapedronis: running now, all yesterday was red red red08:00
zygapedronis: I'll let you know if a single run can pass08:01
pstolowskihi pedronis, i just kicked one of my PRs, will know soon08:01
pedroniszyga: pstolowski: I have a PR that I would like to land to let people test in edge, but I will not trigger it if it's hopeless08:23
pedroniszyga: pstolowski: thanks08:23
* zyga tests a fix for opensuse 08:24
zygagoogle:ubuntu-core-16-64:tests/main/core-persistent-journal failed08:38
zyga+ snap set core journal.persistent=false08:38
zygagrep error: pattern not found, got:08:38
zygaerror: cannot communicate with server: Put http://localhost/v2/snaps/core/conf: EOF08:38
zygapreseed tests also failed on 19.1008:38
zyga++ find /mnt/cloudimg/var/lib/snapd/seed/snaps/ -name 'core_*.snap'08:39
zyga+ CORE_IMAGE=08:39
zyga+ unsquashfs ''08:39
zygaCould not open , because No such file or directory08:39
zygapstolowski: let's finish that branch that fixes this08:39
zygapstolowski: you said that you had more improvements to my PR?08:39
pstolowskizyga: i pushed them all to #852808:42
mupPR #8528: tests: fix for pre-seeding failures <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8528>08:42
zygasuper, let's see08:42
zygawhen did you restart this last?08:42
pstolowskizyga: let me merge master & push08:43
pstolowskiwas last week08:43
zygapstolowski: thanks08:43
zygapstolowski: perhaps rebase, the merges are just confusing08:43
pstolowskizyga: hmm too late08:43
zygano worries08:43
pstolowskizyga: do you have a link to core-persistent-journal failure?08:43
zygayes, one sec08:44
mupPR #8565: osutil: expand FileLock to support shared locks and more <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8565>08:44
pstolowskii cannot reproduce google:ubuntu-core-16-64:tests/main/core-persistent-journal failure09:13
zygamay have been a random one :/\09:15
pstolowskizyga: we have some selinux denials on centos, and tests failing because of them, looking09:26
zygaI saw that but I'm unsure how to fix it09:27
pstolowskizyga: did we change snap-update-ns recently?09:27
zygaI suspect it's the nss modules09:28
zygabut I didn't go deep on that09:28
pstolowskiindeed, only a few irrelevant changes there09:33
pstolowskizyga: pressed PR failed, i think 19.10 now has core18+snapd too, fun09:45
pstolowskizyga: i'm on it09:45
zygathank you09:45
zygaI'm looking at base policy issue09:45
zygapedronis: is it possible to look at earlier revisions of assertions somehow? I'd like to see snap declarations09:49
zygapedronis: no longer needed!10:00
pedroniszyga: the answer is no basically, not easily10:02
pstolowskizyga: pushed fix to #852810:20
mupPR #8528: tests: fix for pre-seeding failures <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8528>10:20
zygathank you!10:21
pstolowskizyga: have you found anything about opensuse failures?10:24
zygaI looked but my trivial fix failed, I need to boot suse and just look around10:25
zygaI suspect I know what it is10:25
zygaI will probably couple that with package update10:25
zygabut after the meeting today10:25
=== pedronis_ is now known as pedronis
jdstranddiddledan: hey, I responded in the forum10:46
pstolowskizyga: #8525 green everywhere except for opensuse and centos 811:25
mupPR #8525: tests: ignore user-12345 slice and service <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8525>11:25
pstolowskizyga: ups, i mean #852811:26
mupPR #8528: tests: fix for pre-seeding failures <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8528>11:26
zygapstolowski: on unstable systems, can we merge regardless?11:33
pstolowskizyga: yes, we should. needs 2nd review11:34
zygamaybe ijohnson is around now?11:34
ijohnsonwhats up zyga11:34
zygaah, on a call11:34
ijohnsonalso good morning11:34
zygaijohnson: just queue it for later ^^^11:34
ijohnson8258 ?11:34
pstolowskihey ijohnson11:34
ijohnsonhey pstolowski11:35
pstolowskiah, actually it needs 2 reviews ;)11:36
zygaI just cannot review as I wrote some part of it11:36
pstolowskii suppose i can't review it11:36
pstolowskizyga: maybe your and my review would count 0.5 each ;)11:36
zygahaha, yeah11:41
zygaI think that's ok11:41
* juergh_ juergh11:50
juergh_I need to install an old version of snapd that doesn't seem to be in any of the channels anymore. How would I go about that?11:50
=== juergh_ is now known as juergh
zygajuergh_: hey, unless it's available in one of the channels you cannot do that11:51
zygajuergh: is there a particular reason you need to use a older snapd?11:51
juerghzyga, 2.43.x introduced a workaround for what some people believe is a kernel issue. I need to test with the old snapd that dosn't have the workaround to debug this.11:52
zygajuergh: perhaps you can download a package from the archive (.deb) and see if that's sufficient11:55
zygajuergh: I think there are some places that cache them11:55
juerghzyga, are you saying we don't archive old snaps?11:56
zygajuergh: we do but we don't allow everyone to download them11:57
juerghzyga, and you're saying as an Ubuntu kernel maintainer and Canonical employee I'm not allowed :-)11:57
zygajuergh: only the publisher of a given snap can get every revision12:02
roadmr(and collaborators)12:03
juerghzyga, whom do I need to talk to get the revision that I need?12:16
zygajuergh: sorry, in a call12:17
zygajuergh: I think someone from the store or snapd might be able to help you12:17
zygajuergh: you need to find a revision of core or snapd that has what you want12:17
zygaand download that12:17
zygajuergh: I'll break for lunch now, I can try to help you after the break12:38
zygamvo: not sure if you have time but we need https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8528 to unbreak master12:41
mupPR #8528: tests: fix for preseeding failures <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8528>12:41
zygamvo: its green apart from unstable systems and has one review from Pawel who contributed a good chunk of the work12:41
mupPR snapd#8574 opened: tests, selinux: update SELinux rule affecting snap-update-ns on centos 8 <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8574>12:55
pstolowskimborzecki: ^ if you have a sec.. not sure if there is a magic macro anywhere in the policy, but this should do ..12:55
cmatsuokazyga, cachio: going to SU?13:01
zygano, I'm in the public review session13:01
cachiobut trying t o login13:01
cachiomvo, hi13:04
zygacachio: mvo is speaking now13:04
cachiozyga, ouch13:05
cachiozyga, thanks for the heads up13:05
ijohnsonzyga: pstolowski: I have reviewed 852813:16
pstolowskiijohnson: thanks! i'll remove the TODO comment on next occasion13:17
ijohnsonsounds good13:17
mvocachio: hi13:23
cachiomvo, sorry for the interruption13:24
cachiocwayne, asked me to create a test-snapd-tools-core20 snap13:24
cachiomvo, you created the other 2 ones13:24
cwaynei did do that13:24
cachioand I cant find where you have the snapcraft.yaml13:25
mvocachio: thanks, let me check13:25
cachioand the snap recipe13:25
mvocachio: looking now13:25
cwaynethat's the main stuff failing on uc20 runs for us13:25
cachiomvo, thanks13:32
cmatsuokacachio: where can I find the core image inside the classic test machine?13:32
cachiocmatsuoka, /tmp/work-dir/image13:34
mvocachio: it's a hand crafted one, I pushed a new one and shared with you, we should make it owned by test-snaps@c.c13:36
mvocachio: anyway, should unblock you13:36
cachiomvo, thanks13:36
mupPR snapd#8528 closed: tests: fix for preseeding failures <⚠ Critical> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8528>13:39
cmatsuokacachio: one of the flags made the nested vm boot13:40
cachiocmatsuoka, awesome13:40
cachiocmatsuoka, panic?13:40
cmatsuokacachio: now I must find which one, there are four possibilities13:40
cachiocmatsuoka, I can help13:41
cmatsuokacachio: I tried it with -cpu host,-vmx-apicv-register,-vmx-apicv-vid,-vmx-ple,-vmx-rdrand-exit13:42
cmatsuokacachio: but I also ran with -smp 4 and it rebooted later, so perhaps -smp 1 could help in this case?13:43
cachiocmatsuoka, yes13:43
cmatsuokacachio: what I actually did was to run my usual qemu script inside the google-nested machine with -nographics13:44
cmatsuokaadding the extra flags to cpu13:44
cachioahh, I am trying now with your parameters13:44
cmatsuokacachio: there are four flags there but probably one one fixes the msr issue13:45
cachiocmatsuoka, I am trying now the regular nested with those parameters13:46
cmatsuokacachio: -vmx-rdrand-exit prevents the crash, let's see if it doesn't cause entropy starvation problems14:15
cachiocmatsuoka, awesome14:16
cachiocmatsuoka, so far I couldn't connect through ssh14:16
cmatsuokacachio: I think it's better to monitor the console to actually see what's going on there, it could be many things now including our dreaded entropy starvation14:17
cmatsuokaI'm not sure what exactly this flag does and documentation isn't great14:18
cachiocmatsuoka, yes14:26
cachiocmatsuoka, I see that goes into an infinite loop14:28
cachiousing -smp 114:28
cmatsuokacachio: it freezes?14:28
cachiocmatsuoka, no14:28
cmatsuokacachio: or is it a reboot loop?14:28
cmatsuokadoes this problem also happen without -cpu?14:30
cachioit rebooted in install mode many times14:37
cachiowithout -cpu I didnt see those reboots usign -smp 114:37
cmatsuokaand without -cpu, where did the problem happen again?14:39
cachiocmatsuoka, so14:44
cachioI don't see the menu anymore14:44
cachioso I cant update the kernel command line any more in run mode14:45
cachiocmatsuoka, also when I run console-conf I dont see any network: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2J4vjjxvHw/14:57
cachiocmatsuoka, I am going to have lunch now15:01
* cachio lunch15:02
mupPR snapd#8575 opened: packaging/fedora: disable FIPS compliant crypto for static binaries <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8575>15:23
mborzeckipstolowski: ^^15:24
mupPR snapd#8574 closed: tests, selinux: update SELinux rule affecting snap-update-ns on centos 8 <Created by stolowski> <Closed by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8574>15:26
=== stgraber_ is now known as stgraber
pstolowskidrat, another failure of google:ubuntu-core-16-64:tests/main/core-persistent-journal, something is flaky after all15:43
cmatsuokacachio: so if you're reaching console conf the system is booting correctly to run mode, except network?15:58
cachiocmatsuoka, yes16:29
cmatsuokacachio: and this is with -cpu or without?16:31
cmatsuokaok, so entropy starvation was not an issue16:31
cachiowith -cpu it goes to a infinite loop16:31
cachiocmatsuoka, do you know how to edit the kernel commandline now?16:33
cachiothe menu does not appear anymore16:33
cmatsuokado you want to edit it for install mode or run mode?16:34
cmatsuokafor run mode it's part of the tpm measurements so you can't change it16:34
cachiocmatsuoka, ahh16:35
cachiothat makes sense16:35
cmatsuokanow this network problem seems strange, did you see something similar before?16:36
cachioperhaps this is the reason why ssh cannot be stablished16:38
mupPR snapd#8575 closed: packaging/fedora: disable FIPS compliant crypto for static binaries <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8575>17:03
mborzeckiyay, thanks mvo!17:04
mborzeckihm maybe we could move centos8 back to stable systems now17:05
cachiocmatsuoka, now without -cpu I see a reboot loop again17:25
cachiocmatsuoka, this is dmesg output on the host machine https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JD5WgQkBQG/17:25
cachiocmatsuoka, for each reboot I see a vcpu0, guest rIP: 0xffffffffb5e788b417:26
cachioxnox, hey, any idea about what be causing that error?17:27
cmatsuokathis seems to be just a notification message, not necessarily an error17:31
cachiocmatsuoka, but this vcpu0, guest rIP:17:35
cachiomeans that something happens and hte vm was killed right?17:35
cmatsuokaI think it's just a message telling that the guest is trying to access the msr17:44
cmatsuokaif something is crashing you should see a more detailed message17:45
Saviqzyga: LOL, `sejwy`? ;D17:49
zygaSaviq: *comprehensible* ;)17:49
zygaSaviq: are you following all new posts? :D17:50
Saviqzyga: only the interesting ones :P17:50
Saviqzyga: "remainder", btw :)17:50
zygaah, thanks17:50
zygaSaviq: feedback welcome, it's just an idea at this stage17:51
* zyga EODs18:00
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
cachiocmatsuoka, did you remember the kvm parameter used to show extra info like crashes?18:24
cachiodo you ?18:24
cmatsuokacachio: hmm, no, I don't know this parameter18:27
cmatsuokacachio: maybe Saviq knows?18:28
Saviqno, sorry18:28
=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson
mupPR snapd#8576 opened: tests/main/lxd: add test for snaps inside nested lxd containers <Test Robustness> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8576>18:32
jdstrandmvo: hey, fyi the discussion in https://github.com/snapcore/core20/issues/48#issuecomment-62050964118:37
mvojdstrand: thanks, checking18:38
mvojdstrand: right, I agree we should use the updated libseccomp and rebuild snapd/core with that18:40
mvojdstrand: timing is not great, I can probably work on this tomorrow (my) morning but it requires hte updated libseccomp to be available in ppa:snppay-dev/image18:40
* mvo actually should write this in the bug18:40
ijohnsonalso mvo I proposed the nested lxd test and it fails18:45
ijohnsonneed someone to look into why it fails18:45
* ijohnson doesn't know18:45
mvoijohnson: might be worthwhile to check with stgraber18:46
jdstrandmvo: yeah. I'm not pushing for a particular time, just wanted to make sure you saw it18:46
jdstrandmvo: thanks18:46
mvojdstrand: yeah, if snapcraft enables it we should fix the issue ASAP :)18:46
mvoups, ijohnson -^18:46
ijohnsonyeah, I mean we could also ask snapcraft team to delay if really needed18:46
ijohnsonstgraber: is running snapd inside a lxd container which is a nested lxd container supported?18:47
ijohnsonstgraber: we test that snapd inside a lxd container works as expected and that we can create nested containers, but we heard from the juju team that sometime around eoan release it stopped working to install snaps inside the inner nested container18:47
mvoijohnson: it's probably ok, I check in my morning, shouldn't be much work to do a 2.44.4, the only annoying part is that we only have a single beta channel and 2.45~pre1 is there right now, so it needs to go to candidate quickly or we test from a branch or something as we also need to build the beta cu20 image from the beta/ channel18:48
ijohnsonmvo: I thought that ~pre* releases don't ever got to candidate ?18:49
mvoijohnson: yeah, we usually put 2.44.x into beta so it would override 2.45~pre1 etc, I need to think a little bit about this18:49
ijohnsonack, let me know if there's anything I can help with18:49
mvoijohnson: it's probably fine if we keep 2.44.4 in beta just shortly, 2.44.4 has almost no changes so the regression risk is minimal18:50
mvoijohnson: thanks, will do!18:50
mupPR snapd#8577 opened: [RFC] secboot,cmd/snap-bootstrap: move initramfs-mounts tpm access to secboot <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8577>18:52
stgraberijohnson: apparmor only supports one level of nesting, so you can install snaps in a LXD container but you cannot install snaps inside a nested LXD container18:55
stgraberijohnson: LXD itself if not installed through snapd can nest all the way to the max 32 levels deep and will just re-use the parent level's apaprmor profile when detecting that it can't create a new apparmor namespace18:56
ijohnsonstgraber: ack,  I will let Tim Penhey know18:56
stgraberI had someone reach out about this setup a week or so ago too18:57
ijohnsonthanks, I can't seem to find him on IRC so I'll drop him an email and CC you on it18:58
mupPR snapd#8475 closed: tests: port snap-session-agent-* to session-tool <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8475>20:23

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