
ceskaI;m on 18.0400:00
ahmedamericanis it possible to connect to `openvpn server` without being root ?00:16
sarnoldthis feels like something networkmanager can probably do00:17
eelstrebori've been using unbound with dnscrypt-proxy - they don't do any name resolution after a reboot until i run resolvconf -u from the cli (ubuntu 20.04)00:28
eelstreborwhy isn't that done automajically?00:29
bray90820How would I make anything added to my samba server on 20.04 have the permissions I am adding from MacOX Windows and ubuntu itself00:50
doug16kbray90820, that should be setting acls on the files, it should just work if you have samba configured to use the connected user's user and group01:00
doug16kthe permisssions set from windows at least01:01
bray90820It doesn't01:01
bray90820I coped a file that was 777 from the share to MacOS deleted it on the share then copied it back its whatever number this is01:02
bray90820And nobody is the owner01:03
doug16kyou probably have a mask setup01:03
euxneksdrwxr-xr-x is 755 iirc01:03
doug16kif you want to allow people to make those you need to set the mask to 77701:04
doug16kby default it prevents people making excessively permissive mode bits01:04
bray90820How would I change teh mask01:04
doug16kworld write is basically crazy01:04
bray90820Because I think I already have to be honest01:04
Ben64yeah why would you want that01:05
doug16kin your samba.conf, under [your-share-name-here]01:05
Ben64having everything 777 is a terrible idea01:05
bray90820It's my own personal server so it's fine01:05
doug16kI am not saying make anything 77701:05
Ben64basically lets anyone and anything edit or delete your files01:05
doug16khe wants 777 mask so if a user commands it, it obeys01:05
Ben64but why01:05
doug16kbad idea I agree01:06
bray90820I am the only one using it so I don't care01:06
Ben64but why do you need it01:06
Ben64what's the goal here01:06
cluelessperson_I need help with something.01:06
cluelessperson_My load average is only 1.5 or so across the board.01:06
cluelessperson_memory is showing 6/7.61GB01:07
cluelessperson_swap 1.8/8GB01:07
bray90820I already have the line "create mask = 0777" is what I have in my samba conf so shouldn't it make everything 777?01:07
cluelessperson_but I get this constant stuttering and it's driving me insane01:07
sarnoldcluelessperson_: are you seriously 1.8 gigabytes into swap?01:07
cluelessperson_sarnold, apparently?01:08
sarnoldcluelessperson_: run vmstat 1 from a terminal and keep on eye on the si and so columns -- are those a steady series of zeroes, or are they non-zero?01:08
johnjayis there some way to tell linux to terminate programs if you reach 6/7GB of mem used?01:08
johnjaythat might come in handy01:08
bray90820doug16k: I already have the line "create mask = 0777" is what I have in my samba conf so shouldn't it make everything 777?01:08
doug16kbray90820, that means, take the mode that the program gave to their call to open, and mask it with 777.. if the program commanded to create a file with 755 then 755 & 777 is still 75501:09
cluelessperson_johnjay, yes01:09
cluelessperson_sarnold, currently 0s01:09
cluelessperson_sometimes spike a bit01:09
doug16kbray90820, that is for forcing bits to *zero*, not for forcing anything to 101:09
sarnoldcluelessperson_: when it's non-zero, that shows swap being saved to disk (so, swap out) or swap being read back from disk (si, swap in)01:09
bray90820So what should I do then?01:09
sarnoldcluelessperson_: you want those numbers to be zeros, always01:09
cluelessperson_sarnold, I'm confused becaues in htop, nothing seems to killing me, so I don't know what to fix01:10
Ben64bray90820: why do you need 77701:10
cluelessperson_sarnold, it's not always 001:10
cluelessperson_sarnold, it's usually 001:10
sarnoldcluelessperson_: eight gigs of memory is apparently not enough for everything you're trying to do01:10
bray90820Ben64: Does it matter why I want 777?01:10
Ben64maybe there is a better solution for the actual issue you're trying to solve01:11
cluelessperson_sarnold, _ALL_ I have open are irc, webstorm, 15 chromium tabs, and a terminal01:11
Ben64cluelessperson_: can you elaborate on 'stuttering'01:11
bray90820I want everything to have the same permissions of 777 when I add it to my server I am the only one using it so having everything 777 doesn't mattter01:12
doug16kbray90820, are you really trying to grant a certain user or group permissions that override the user/group/mode ?01:12
Ben64not really an answer to my question01:12
cluelessperson_Ben64, especially while using chrome, every few seconds, especially while opening new tabs, my inteface keeps freezing up, and CPU is hitting 100% on every single thread.01:12
Ben64cluelessperson_: neat!!!01:12
Ben64i've been having a very similar thing01:12
cluelessperson_bray90820, it's called "user/permission squash"01:13
bray90820What I want is to have everything be readable writeable and executable from everywhere01:13
Ben64cluelessperson_: what cpu, gpu, and are you on chrome or chromium?01:13
doug16kbray90820, you can make that happen with acls01:13
doug16kyou could set a default acl on all the directories in that directory tree, that grant you rwx on everything01:14
Ben64cluelessperson_: also what ubuntu version01:14
bray90820What do you mean?01:14
cluelessperson_Ben64, Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU @ 1.60GHz01:14
cluelessperson_sarnold, so is ram really the problem here? :/01:15
cluelessperson_and it's an NVME SSD, I'd think swap would not be an issue either.01:15
Ben64doubt it, i think whatever you're experiencing is what i've been seeing01:15
Ben64it just started for me recently01:15
* cluelessperson_ tries firefox01:17
Ben64cluelessperson_: D:01:17
Ben64i was trying to figure this out with you01:18
cluelessperson_Ben64, I don't know what I'm supposed to do here.01:18
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Ben64what ubuntu version, gpu, and chrome or chromium01:18
cluelessperson_Ben64, Version 81.0.4044.122 (Official Build) snap (64-bit)01:19
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mesaboogiesnap... hrm...01:19
Ben64that's like... 1/6th of what I asked01:20
cluelessperson_Ben64, I'm compiling01:21
sarnoldcluelessperson_: it's a real possibility -- check smem output on your system to try to get a feeling for how much each process is consuming of your memory01:21
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Ben64sarnold: I have 32GB and been seeing the same behavior on my system01:22
sarnoldBen64: heh, are you also running four times as much stuff? :) heh01:23
cluelessperson_what's that command to upload all your hardware/software versioning and such?01:23
sarnoldsupport folks use sosreport, but .. it's *huge*. way too much.01:23
Ben64sarnold: not quite01:23
mesaboogieinxi -Fxxxrzc0 | nc termbin.com 999901:24
mesaboogiethen share link01:24
mesaboogiecluelessperson_: ^^^01:24
Ben64I *think* I solved it today, but not sure yet01:24
cluelessperson_mesaboogie, thanks01:26
cluelessperson_Ben64, https://termbin.com/sqq301:26
sarnoldBen64: during the focal dev cycle, I saw some really inexplicable swap use, and stalls that could last a minute or so.. but the kernel I'm running now (I think it's focal's release kernel) has been rock solid for me01:26
sarnoldI'd heard of similar issues in eoan, I wonder if the fixes have made it to eoan or not01:28
Ben64cluelessperson_: ok so the only thing we have in common is chrome01:28
Ben64i'd guess it's a chrome bug, so far everything seems ok since I turned off hardware acceleration, maybe give that a shot01:28
Ben64also, are you running discord? that uses the chromium engine and also has hardware acceleration as an option, turned that off, and so far everything has been smooth today01:29
Synx_hmHow can i tell if ive installed the am using the correct nvidia drivers? Under a normal 20.04 install all works without issue, but i have to do a debootstrap install because im using ZFS encrypted on root, and when i installed 'apt install ubuntu-desktop' the boot freezes unless i add 'nosetmode' to my kernel boot options, i assume this is because01:31
Synx_hmi am using the open source drivers even though i have installed the nvidia proprietary drivers01:31
bray90820Ben64: I would much prefer to make everything 777 then to do something else if you can help me with that01:31
Synx_hms/installed the am/installed an am/01:31
Ben64Synx_hm: 'lshw -c video' check the driver=<foo>  part to see currently running driver for the card01:32
Synx_hmBen64, thanks do you know what package lshw is part of? i dont seem to have it01:33
sarnoldSynx_hm: someone reported good success with this method last week https://linsomniac.gitlab.io/post/2020-04-09-ubuntu-2004-encrypted-zfs/01:34
cluelessperson_Ben64, well it's chrome tabs that are taking up all the cpu01:34
sarnoldSynx_hm: it looks way less annoying that the debootstrap approach :)01:34
sarnoldSynx_hm: (though this user did have trouble when the password of choice had bash metachars in it :)01:35
Ben64cluelessperson_: yes, i had the same experience01:35
Ben64Synx_hm: sudo apt install lshw :)01:35
sarnoldSynx_hm: lspci -v also incldues eg "Kernel driver in use:" but that doesn't describe the xorg drivers..01:36
Synx_hmBen64; forgive my stupidity tried 'apt install lshw' right away but without sudo DOH01:38
Synx_hmany idea if thats the opensource driver?01:39
Synx_hmperhaps i should google ha01:40
Synx_hmyup appears to be the opensource driver version01:40
cluelessperson_Ben64, how di dyou solve it?01:41
Ben64turned off hw acceleration on both chome and discord01:41
Ben64I haven't been able to get the cpu usage to spike since then, but i'm not 100% sure it's fixed01:41
Ben64it's at the very least better than it was01:41
Synx_hmsarnold, ill check out that guide thanks for the heads up, i mostly used the zfs on linux github wiki for how to do it minus encryption, just had to fix an error in their initramfs update bit01:42
Ben64Synx_hm: indeed01:42
sarnoldSynx_hm: the wiki guide is wonderful but it took me all night and I made three or four mistakes that took me hours to find and fix :)01:42
Synx_hmsarnold; amen!!! i botched the efi partition and put it where i had intended to put my swap partition boy was that confusing to sort out01:43
Synx_hmwhen i finally fixed it and rebooted to find my efi partition gone i realized what i had done01:44
sarnoldI screwed up , vs . in my crypttab. I think. HOURS.01:45
Synx_hmahh you using luks crypt i assume?01:45
Synx_hmi decided to go with native zfs encryption since the SIMD fixes should be in the 20.04 kernel backports01:45
sarnoldoh nice01:45
sarnoldI did my install on disco, I think, so zfs encryption wasn't yet an option. I'm slightly thinking of redoing my install to get the zfs native encryption instead, but a reinstall is SO MUCH work..01:46
Synx_hmwe'll see how nice it is when i dont f' some other part of this setup haha01:46
Synx_hmBen64, thanks for the help!01:47
unknownTXwho can help my mind with scanning and repairing an external exfat drive for errors01:53
unknownTXso ive been duckduckgoing and just cant get this figured correctly. scanning a usb hard drive for errors and repairing them when the fs is exfat...01:53
sarnoldthere's a good chance the only reasonable fsck for exfat is on a windows system01:55
sarnoldif you're doing file recovery, I've had good luck with autopsy / sleuthkit a decade ago; it might be able to work with exfat too01:55
oerheksnever done that on linux with exfat fuse and utils.  and is not in the wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilesystemTroubleshooting01:56
oerheksNote that it cannot repair corrupted FS,01:57
oerheks       it just reports found errors.01:57
geniiexfat driver git says it can fix some things since v1.3.0 Sept 201801:59
genii!info exfat-utils01:59
oerheksyes, i read that as limited.01:59
ubottuexfat-utils (source: exfat-utils): utilities to create, check, label and dump exFAT filesystem. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.0-1 (eoan), package size 39 kB, installed size 227 kB01:59
geniioerheks: Maybe FreeDOS02:00
sarnoldthat would surprise me greatly :)02:01
unknownTXthanks, i cant wait to just get that exfat out of my life02:06
unknownTXi was trying to fix it in a windows in virtualbox but that was just problematic with getting the drive mounted and last attempt at scanning was like 370 hours.. that cannot be correct02:07
sarnoldif the drive itself is bad, it might be spending forever trying to read and re-read sectors over and over again02:09
cluelessperson_Ben64, oh that's what I did02:10
cluelessperson_just now02:10
cluelessperson_and it seems fixed02:10
sarnoldBen64,cluelessperson_, woo :) wonderful02:11
Ben64also, boo bug02:12
unknownTXman no verbose mode for exfatfsck02:13
unknownTXso it sits there and i dont know what its doing...02:13
unknownTXexfatfsck checks an exFAT file system for errors. It can repair some of them.02:13
sarnoldyou could run vmstat 1 to see how much reads and writes are going on; or try biotop-bpfcc https://github.com/iovisor/bcc/blob/master/tools/biotop_example.txt to see which processes are doing io02:15
unknownTX thanks02:16
ahmedamericanam using Ubuntu server 20.04, I've installed ExpressVPN on it but the SSH session got disconnect once i connect to VPN, how can i allow SSH while server connected to VPN and persist it if i reboot the server?02:18
sarnoldahmedamerican: that sounds like your vpn routes supercede the route you were using for ssh02:19
unknownTXit just finished scanning a 2TB drive with 650GB full and said no errors but a windows program said there was...02:19
sarnoldahmedamerican: there's a few approaches: (a) if the ssh connection shouldn't be using the VPN, then reconfigure the VPN so it doesn't publish that wide a route, and use a narrower route02:19
sarnoldahmedamerican: (b) replace ssh with mosh, which can probably cope, because it's using disconnected UDP packets and both endpoints try to contact the other endpoint often -- and will CHANGE endpoints, if necessary, to stay attached02:20
smithsr93Hello, I have a fresh install of Ubuntu and I am trying to run down a few log errors 1)Couldn't parse dbx signatures: -74 2) usb 3-3.4: 2:1: cannot get freq at ep 0x1 tried google search but did not find any recent reference due to release of 20.0402:21
ahmedamericansarnold alright, i will have a look into that now02:21
ahmedamericanThank you02:22
Synx_hmBen64, any idea why x isn't taking my driver update, lshw still shows the old driver, the xorg.conf does not however and ive rebooted02:29
Synx_hmif its better to just ask another question i can do that too02:29
Synx_hmoh do i need to be running a hwe kernel02:33
Ben64Synx_hm: maybe ask the channel, i'm gonna be in and out tonight02:33
Synx_hmrgr thanks02:33
Ben64but see if you can load the module yourself, "sudo modprobe nvidia"02:33
agrisDoes anybody here have a Cisco account and would be willing to help me get some firmware files?03:02
geniiagris: That's not an Ubuntu support issue. Maybe try ##hardware channel03:04
rdhHello, i have a package that requires qt4 gui... i tried installing libqtgui4, but i guess it is no longer in the package manager... how can i get this installed.03:26
leftyfbrdh: what release of Ubuntu?03:28
leftyfbrdh: looks like you might want qt4-x1103:32
rdhyea i do not have that in my package list03:32
rdhI do not have any of the packages in that list actually...03:33
rdhOh ya... at the bottom says there is no release for it03:34
leftyfboh, my bad03:34
leftyfbSorry, I'm not sure03:34
rdhmaybe i can use another tree03:35
rdhmaybe i can just manually install03:36
rdhya, looks like ill build it from source03:42
makesartHello. I'm hoping someone can assist.     I was upgrading Ubuntu Studio 19.10 to 20.04 via bash. Toward the end, on a file compare I clumsily bumped a wrong key and lost the upgrade process from the screen. I have the PID (shows locked), how can I restore it to the screen or finish it? I don't have screen, retty or reptyr installed. Can anyone03:52
makesarthelp? Thanks.03:52
agrisWould someone with a cisco account mind providing some firmware files for me?03:56
Synx_hmHaving some issues with the nvidia-driver for X. I've installed the latest driver, and blacklisted the old opensource modules and updated initramfs but nothing i do seems to keep X from using the nouveau drivers04:10
HaxxaI'll be honest Ubuntu 20.04 has been the buggy release I have ever dealt with: Bugs noticed: deluge is broken to TLS 1.1 use and Python 3.8 incompatibility, sudo causes errors under LXC containers, ubuntu also has host binding issues under lxc containers. Strange to have so many bugs in an LTS04:23
guivercHaxxa, are those issues reported on a Bug tracker?  Devs can only fix reported bugs (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs)04:24
Haxxaguiverc I fixed them myself they are reported upstream04:25
guivercThank you for reporting them !04:25
HaxxaLike newest Deluge app  works using dev branch and disabling TLS 1.104:25
HaxxaTLS requirement is interesting as it breaks deluge and error message is less thean helpful04:26
HaxxaI don't know how Ubuntu dev works but are packages adding to repo early if issue is breaking application entirely04:27
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ahmedamericanhow to save that ip rule and routes https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xW733kBYCv/ to /etc/iptables/rules.v4 ? i tried to put the rules before commit word but it's not make any effect to the system04:28
lotuspsychjeHaxxa: every Os has bugs worked on, also keep in mind its yourself that has chosen to install 20.04 early instead of waiting for the LTS way when 20.04.1 comes out04:29
guivercHaxxa, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseSchedule shows schedule and various freeze dates, bug reports (launchpad for ubuntu bugs) are used to make devs aware; but deluge for example is 'universe' so someone needs to be told to grab & implement patch via bug report; or request to upgrade package generally04:30
aaron_mIf I have a separate /home partition, is it safe to run the ubuntu 18.04 installer to downgrade from 20.04? As in, reinstall the OS on / but leave /home alone.04:40
Lvl4SwordTrying to assist someone that has Ubuntu 20.04 LTS installed and they get ... The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/iaz/battery-status/ubuntu focal Release' does not have a Release file.04:40
Lvl4SwordWhat should the next steps be here?04:41
r2b2nzLvl4Sword: It's from 2015 but it probably still applies given that PPA hasn't been updated since 2011 :) https://askubuntu.com/questions/609045/unable-to-update-battery-status-ppa04:46
Lvl4SwordI was just about to post https://launchpad.net/~iaz/+archive/ubuntu/battery-status :D04:47
Lvl4SwordWhich looks rather old, as you said04:47
lotuspsychjeLvl4Sword: reccomended to install software from the official ubuntu repos04:48
ahmedamericancan you please guide me with that ? https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/583005/ubuntu-presist-ip-rules-and-routes04:48
r2b2nzI haven't used a laptop with Ubuntu but pretty sure there's already a built-in battery status provided anyway these days?04:48
Lvl4SwordThey said they didn't install it, so I'm not sure where they got it from04:48
Lvl4SwordBut yeah, that's some old software04:48
Lvl4Swordr2b2nz, Appreciate the assistance! Thanks for your help04:51
InteloFor ubuntu compatibility, Which cheapest graphics card have multi display heads and can have multiseat?04:51
cluelessperson_Ben64, no lag still. :D05:04
snappyI have ubuntu 18.04 LTS, when I run do-release-upgrade it says there are no LTS versions I can upgrade to? I was hoping to upgrade to 20.04 LTS05:34
StevenJayCohenMy finger slipped while using aptitude. I didn't delete everything, but I seem to have marked just about everything for removal or something, now when running apt autoremove, I see this: https://pastebin.com/StZ9aeiH05:36
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | snappy05:36
ubottusnappy: Regular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d05:36
StevenJayCohensnappy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pr3HA3jw1vg05:37
marcoagpintolotuspsychje: The latest updates for 20.04 fixed the .deb files05:37
marcoagpintoI have just tested it05:37
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aaron_mIf I have a separate /home partition, is it safe to run the ubuntu 18.04 installer to downgrade from 20.04? As in, reinstall the OS on / but leave /home alone.05:53
DarwinElfon 18.04 w/apache2, should I have seen other directories in /var/www , like /var/www/icons , or were they all removed?06:00
mesaboogieStevenJayCohen: synaptics -> edit -> unmark all06:16
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proceEdHello. I have an ubuntu webserver on AWS that runs PHP. when configuring my PHP version in bash I have it set to 7.4.5 but when I use phpinfo() function on a webpage it says I am running 7.2. What gives with that?06:37
ttytwisterHello. I've got one SSD with Ubuntu 18.04 installed. This disk is fully encrypted (special option during Ubuntu installation). Now I've bought another SSD. I want it to be encrypted too with the same password. BUT, I want Ubuntu to ask me for the password only once - during computer launching. It is possible?06:46
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feisarttytwister: I'm pretty sure I've done that in the past but can't remember the details. You'll need to understand LUKS and the cryptsetup command (and probably LVM too)06:51
enkindleis server 20.04 not available for upgrading 18.04 yet?07:05
guivercenkindle, the 18.04 -> 20.04 upgrade isn't offered for LTS users until after 20.04.1 is released, as LTS users usually want stability.  (it's not ISO release either, but a few days usually after)07:06
zhanxenkindle, you can force it if you want to be cutting edge and maybe break stuff07:09
enkindleooh, i thought i read something that it was released, my bad07:11
enkindledont manage your stuff stoned, it...it's bad07:11
zhanxlol its all good07:11
lotuspsychjeenkindle: a good aproach is a spare box to test the next LTS versions new features, and keep your other machines stable the LTS way07:17
enkindleaye, i was gonna update a secondary, but ill wait for a full release07:19
lotuspsychjeyeah upgrade in production is great how guiverc explained07:19
enkindlelol if you knew how much we do in production that we shouldnt...ugh07:20
vltttytwister: Fairly easy: You can have up to 8 password slots in a LUKS header. Put the same password as for your first LUKS device in one slot. Then create a random key file, use it for a second slot, put it somewhere on your main file system and edit /etc/crypttab accordingly.07:25
lotuspsychjeenkindle: feel free to idle around #ubuntu-server always handy to have helping volunteers in the server business07:26
lotuspsychjeproceEd: for you too, try #ubuntu-server cool helping channel07:27
vltttytwister: (The first slot password thing is only to meet your "encrypted with the same password" requirement.)07:27
enkindlehahah, im not sure i should be giving advice07:27
enkindlei've completly broken the machine i was going to upgrade07:28
enkindleapparently i didn't reinstall grub after setting up mdadm and now it wont boot07:28
enkindleso that's fun07:28
lotuspsychjeenkindle: i meant it the way around, if you need help sometime :p07:29
jackhumrecently during do-release upgrade -d command , my network failed to download all the packages.  Now i am getting install all the updates before running this command , can anyone tell me how can i resume my package downloads for jumping from 18.04 to 20.04 lts07:37
FH_thecatwhere can I get the ubuntu netboot images for PXE install07:37
FH_thecatfor the new Ubuntu 20.0407:37
lotuspsychje!uptodate | jackhum try this, see if apt spits out errors07:38
ubottujackhum try this, see if apt spits out errors: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.07:38
jackhumlotuspsychje: during apt upgrade i am getting a lot of packages which need to be upgraded and it shows about 700 MB of downloads, but the problem is , my internet connection got broken during release upgrade -d command . now i am scared if i do upgrade, wouldnt it break my system by installing some packages?07:40
lotuspsychjejackhum: does your connection work again right now?07:41
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enkindlegreat, i think my fstab is busted07:55
RattleBattle79Will ZFS be the default filesystem for Ubunt 22.04? The  ZFS snapshot feature with apt install seems to be the start of something awesome07:58
ducasseprobably not, but way too early to tell08:03
feisarI'm really intrigued by the auto healing, I'd like to try it out on my home server08:04
feisar(of silent corruption)08:05
solarlinerHi, I have a problem with 20.04 - I installed the new version fresh (no upgrade from 19.10) and my computer seems to freeze when about to go to sleep. I can reproduce the behavior by manually suspending the laptop while "lock on suspend" and "automatically lock the screen" parameters are on, however when they're off, manual suspending and resuming works correctly, but automatic suspend still results in the computer freezing08:06
solarlinerI don't really know how to start troubleshooting the issue since when it freezes, the screen is off08:08
lotuspsychjefeisar: ubuntu server?08:09
feisarlotuspsychje: yeah08:10
lotuspsychjefeisar: try #ubuntu-server08:10
lotuspsychjesolarliner: what you can do is leave a: journalctl -f open and see what happens, and share a pastebin of your dmesg here to the volunteers08:13
solarlinerI wouldn't be able to see that when the freeze happens though08:13
lotuspsychjesolarliner: see also /var/crash logs there's always something to trace somewhere08:14
solarlinerHm, I am seeing appimagelauncherd crashing a lot though08:16
lotuspsychjesolarliner: installed manual from git?08:17
solarlinerNo, using the bionic deb from AppImageLauncher08:17
solarlinerhm, so it's not an issue related to 20.04 https://github.com/TheAssassin/AppImageLauncher/issues/30408:21
solarlinerAnyway I'll disable it and see if that solves the issue (unlikely I think, but worth a shot)08:21
lotuspsychjesolarliner: could you share your dmesg please? suspend issues can also be acpi related08:23
solarlinerNot sure how readable it's going to be, but here goes: https://pastebin.com/F2BC4wED08:25
Exagone313Hi, is there an official Ubuntu documentation page that tells that upgrading from previous LTS should wait for the point release (3 months after "final" release)?  It seems to be common belief but I don't see a page in the wiki about that.  PointRelease is a dead link on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseSchedule08:27
Exagone313I believe that graphical update manager doesn't make the upgrade but I can't check myself08:28
lotuspsychje!acpi | solarliner08:29
ubottusolarliner: to debug ACPI issues on ubuntu make sure your bios is up to date and follow the procedure here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI08:29
lotuspsychjesolarliner: another idea is to test suspend on a new user just as a test08:30
solarlinerNot sure how I can update my BIOS, actually haven't searched for it, but I can definitely try a new user now08:31
solarlinerlotuspsychje: I can definitely suspend/resume with another user, thanks for the idea! So it seems it's related to my user configuration then08:37
solarlinerThat makes the AppImage daemon issue the most likely cause08:37
n3wt0nwhat is the directory of trash?08:56
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mra90where is the dictionary.txt file on ununtu?09:04
mra90the checkpatch.pl is asking for it under /usr/share/codespell/dictionary.txt09:04
zhanxmra90, is codespell installed?09:08
mra90zhanx, not sure09:10
mra90probably not09:10
zhanxwell sudo apt install codespell and it should install all this https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/all/codespell/filelist09:10
mra90but how is that this works on windows but doesn't on ubuntu09:10
zhanxtwo different systems09:11
zhanxway way different09:11
mra90but the same screept09:11
mra90script sory09:11
zhanxsame front end to you yes09:11
mra90I mean checkpatch.pl is what it is no matter the OS09:11
zhanxread the file in an editor and say thatt09:11
mra90okay it probably distinguish between different systems09:12
ren0v0Hi, I'm trying to boot 20.04 USB but it's crashing laptop (turning it off)09:13
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ren0v0It gets to screen where it says something about checking disk, then dies, is this a known bug?09:14
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zhanxren0v0, efi boot?09:14
ren0v0my laptop has 18.04 on it, and its in legacy mode, secure boot is off09:15
zhanxwhat make the bootable usb?09:15
ren0v0ubuntu startup disk creator09:15
zhanxtry unetbootin09:16
ren0v0ok sure09:16
ren0v0used it planty of times before but also used this default ubuntu one09:16
zhanxsame here but never once got a startup disk creator to work here09:16
ren0v0ok brb09:17
zhanxwaiting the 3d printer so will be here09:17
ren0v0zhanx, it says "missing operating system, selected boot device failed" ?09:27
zhanxmicro sd card?09:28
ren0v0let me try once more formatting it first09:28
zhanxgparted wipe it09:28
ren0v0yea i am09:29
ren0v0msdos ext409:29
zhanxwhole thing09:29
ren0v0still think this is 20.04 issue09:30
ren0v0it was loading and crashed, and i've done this 100 times before09:30
zhanxmight ne09:30
guivercren0v0, I'd trying booting the thumb-drive on another box (and only try ubuntu), if it fails on the other box too (validation) I'd assume it was a bad write, or flawed ISO (did you verify ISO checksum)?09:31
guivercs/I'd/I'd be/ ^09:31
ren0v0guiverc, i've not even got to the "install or try" screen yet!09:31
zhanxaka guiverc verify checksum?09:32
ren0v0guiverc, md5 checks out09:33
genhaoqimd5sum xxx09:34
ren0v0ea28c4fd933be55f9f01a5fa9e868490 *ubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso09:34
guivercyes, if the second box does exactly the same thing - I'd bet the thumb-drive or ISO write to thumb-drive failed..09:34
ren0v0guiverc, well this will be 4th write to USB drive, so lets see09:34
ren0v0if not i'll grab another09:34
guivercif you boot the thumb-drive on the other box and it's flawless; it's something specific to the box you want to install it on09:35
ren0v0yea i get that but i can't shutdown this box right now09:35
ren0v0i have another laptop actually so can try that, but will rule out the USB drive first09:35
genhaoqican not shutdown?09:35
ren0v0nope :)09:35
CrazySamWhat software is responsible for displaying upgrade details in Ubuntu terminal?09:36
ren0v0no need to go into the reason, i just can't right now09:36
genhaoqicut down the power09:36
ren0v0CrazySam, software-properties-common ?09:36
CrazySamContinue [yN]  Details [d]09:37
CrazySamThis is the prompt I get.09:38
ren0v0for what ?09:38
ren0v0i'm not sure what the question is09:38
ren0v0correct, if you want to upgrade press y :)09:38
genhaoqid for details09:38
CrazySamWell I'm curious how it opens this new detail page.09:38
ren0v0it'll be in terminal the output09:39
CrazySamI press d and some new page opens up.09:39
CrazySamI have to press q to quit.09:39
CrazySamIs that Nano?09:39
ren0v0part of software-properties i would assume09:39
ren0v0no idea what you are on about tbh :D does it matter?09:39
CrazySamIt does not. Just curious how it is able to do what it does. :)09:40
geirhaPerhaps it was less, the pager?09:40
ren0v0could be ncurses, i've not seen the screen ebfore09:40
CrazySamDoes the Terminal itself have a text editor?09:40
ren0v0there are lots of text editors09:40
genhaoqino,that just a press09:40
genhaoqiuse q to quit09:40
genhaoqilike vim09:40
genhaoqibut not a editors09:41
CrazySamYeah it remind me of vim.09:41
enkindleOk, so, i fucked up converting my main drive to mdadm raid, didn't update my fstab. I booted with a live cd, got the fstab set up, managed to boot in maintience console. updated grub09:41
enkindlebut now it always boots to maintience console09:41
genhaoqihow to quit vim is a big problem :)09:41
guiverclanguage please enkindle09:42
geirhainedeed, almost as hard as quiting emacs09:42
zhanxwhat did enkindle say wrong?09:42
genhaoqidid u remove the cd?09:43
lotuspsychje!guidelines | zhanx09:43
ubottuzhanx: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines09:43
zhanxoh so you need to thought police him?09:43
martiansoulhow to install GraphicsMagick++  on ubuntu ?09:43
lotuspsychjezhanx: please only ubuntu questions here09:43
CrazySamThe view I get when I press "d" for details (Continue [yN]  Details [d]) is something like a text editor, like vim. But I can't edit anything. It lists packages that will be upgraded and packages that will be installed (new=?)09:44
zhanxlotuspsychje, that word is not in the guidelines09:44
lotuspsychjezhanx: come join to #ubuntu-discuss if you want to discuss it09:44
geirhaCrazySam: still sounds like the pager, less09:45
zhanxor we agree that the guidelines are there and you enforce the words they don't allow as they wrote out and call it good09:45
lotuspsychjezhanx: stop09:45
geirhatry  less ~/.bashrc  to see if it looks the same09:45
guivercenkindle, I can't help sorry, but the only thing I can think of is that you still have issues in your fstab09:45
genhaoqimartiansoul: sudo apt install xxx09:45
ren0v0genhaoqi, just crashing still :(09:45
ren0v0do i need to enable secure boot ?09:45
guivercplease stay on-topic zhanx09:45
zhanxi was on topic per your comment guiverc unless your comment was not on topic and outside the guidelines09:46
lotuspsychje!discuss > zhanx09:46
ubottuzhanx, please see my private message09:46
CrazySamgeirha: package name?09:46
geirhaCrazySam: which package installs less, you mean?  check with   dpkg -S bin/less09:47
genhaoqiless is a only read vim09:47
geirhayeah, which fits with CrazySam's descriptions so far09:48
zhanx!discuss > lotuspsychje09:48
ubottulotuspsychje, please see my private message09:48
MdAyq0Dear all, any idea why xpdf has been removed from focal?09:48
ren0v0genhaoqi, trying new USB09:48
lotuspsychje!discuss | MdAyq009:49
ubottuMdAyq0: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!09:49
ren0v0guys why are you all discussing this and not just asking for a damn screenshot09:49
ren0v0would save a lot of time.09:49
lotuspsychjelanguage ren0v009:49
ren0v0"criticize strongly."  this is not bad language09:49
zhanxMdAyq0, xpdf has some bug issue per their ppa is why they did not make it09:50
amcsihelp, only my external HDMI monitor of my laptop is recognized. I can't set it to use both my external and internal monitor. Displays settings doesn't show the option to use both.09:50
lotuspsychjeren0v0: feel free to discuss it in #ubuntu-discuss09:50
CrazySamI accidently aborted upgrade with Ctrl+C. Now when I run do-release-upgrade I hit a roadblock that tells me to use pat to update my current release before upgrading to new release. I already did... so now I'm using apt to upgrade.09:50
ren0v0lotuspsychje, tell them to go there, i am here with a genuine issue09:50
ren0v0not discussing text editors09:50
geirhaMdAyq0: The most common reason for a package to disappear is when its sources are no longer maintained. Don't know if that's the case for xpdf though. Haven't checked09:51
zhanxCrazySam, output?09:51
CrazySamThe behavior is now different regarding listing of packages to update or upgrade. They are printed immediately in terminal. So there is no prompt to view details [d].09:51
genhaoqiamcsi: no copy mode?09:51
amcsigenhaoqi, what's that?09:51
MdAyq0@zhanx Do you mean https://launchpad.net/~francis-russell/+archive/ubuntu/xpdf ?09:51
CrazySamdo-release-upgrade? Is this what you guys use to upgrade?09:52
CrazySamOr you use apt?09:52
genhaoqiamcsi: can you let you two screen display the same thing?09:52
ren0v0CrazySam, why does it matter? you've not explained any problem here09:52
ren0v0just your curiosities09:53
zhanxMdAyq0, yes but not that link09:53
amcsigenhaoqi, no, there's no option. it's like my internal monitor is not recognized at all. Also before it was the other way around. But somehow messing around with things I got only my external monitor to be recognized09:53
CrazySamren0v0: well one could be more reliable than the other.09:54
MdAyq0@zhanx I thought so. That ppa is dead since 2012, and I don't see others.09:54
amcsigenhaoqi, xrandr also only shows my external monitor currently09:54
ren0v0you're doing the correct method, just press y and be done with it09:54
ren0v0you've backed up everything so there should be no problem09:55
zhanxlotuspsychje, less internet janitor and more helping for the newer people, you know its a release thing09:55
CrazySamYes, I did and it's upgrading now. 42%09:55
ren0v0zhanx, +109:55
zhanxCrazySam, what is the, ok its working right?09:55
genhaoqiamcsi: do you computer have dual Graphics card? maybe the driver09:55
CrazySamzhanx: it's very slow... but yes, it's getting firefox now.09:56
genhaoqithe nvidia card always has a lot of problems09:56
zhanxamsci what is the pastebin or whatever of lspci09:57
amcsigenhaoqi, no, and I had no problems in my previous Ubuntu 19.04 installation. Now that I installed a clean version of Ubuntu 20.04 (but backing up and restoring my /home files), I get the problems I said09:57
genhaoqiamcsi: oh, this is 20.04, maybe you sould wait for some time09:58
genhaoqinew edition, new problem09:59
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zhanxamcsi what is the pastebin or whatever of lspci09:59
ren0v0genhaoqi, zhanx nope it's not working. It only gets to the new ubuntu splash screen pre-install and says "checking disks 0%" then the laptop shuts down. This is not a USB or write/read issue09:59
ren0v0so, what now?09:59
zhanxren0v0, smart boot on?09:59
zhanxlets go over the bios options ren0v010:00
ren0v0zhanx, no it says "legacy boot, secure boot = off"10:00
ren0v0zhanx, this laptop has ubuntu 18.04 on it, i want to install 20.04 alongside with FDE10:00
amcsizhanx, https://pastebin.com/MnNpjHAJ10:00
zhanxamcsi, turn on restricted drivers10:01
zhanxren0v0, what laptop again10:01
ren0v0XPS 15 9260 i think10:01
amcsizhanx, how do I do that?10:01
amcsiI am using the latest NVIDIA driver according to the "Additional Drivers" tab10:02
ren0v0zhanx, my boot options, secureboot = off, boot list option (legacy is ticked not UEFI),10:02
zhanxtick the UEFI10:03
ren0v0so turn secure boot on ?10:03
zhanxamcsi, your VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation UHD Graphics 630 (Mobile) is internal10:03
zhanxren0v0, might as well10:03
zhanxjust boot it ren0v0 no install10:03
zhanxamcsi, pm10:04
MdAyq0@zhanx None of the bugs in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xpdf/+bugs seem any critical whatsoever...10:05
ducasseren0v0: if 18.04 is installed in legacy mode and you switch to uefi you will not be able to boot it until you've installed grub for uefi systems10:05
ren0v0ducasse, so why am i switching ?10:05
zhanxMdAyq0, we didn't make that choice10:05
ren0v0zhanx, ducasse nope it just crashed again upon checking filesystem10:06
zhanxren0v0, i would wait on the iso then10:06
zhanxinstall a second 18.04 and force upgrade10:07
ren0v0wait on the ISO ?10:07
zhanxren0v0, think about it, 18.04 works for you right? so add a second one. force the update and use it10:08
ducasseren0v0: right when it starts the consistency check, press ctrl+c10:10
ren0v0ducasse, i did consider that, but also thought hmm thats maybe a bad idea10:10
zhanxren0v0, it will check it later also10:10
ducassenot if the image is good10:10
ren0v0trying now10:11
ren0v0no doesn't let me do it ducasse10:11
zap0is there some command like:  sudo apt generate-install-list   that will output all the things i've installed?10:11
zhanxren0v0, get rid of the box on your thinking10:12
zhanxyou wasted all this time on a bad install etc10:12
yuradochello. am i able upgrade kubuntu somehow from 19.10 to 20.04 or it's not yet ready?10:12
ren0v0i'm already writing 18.0410:12
ren0v0but still, it shouldn't be broken :)10:12
ducassezhanx: dpkg --get-selections or apt list --installed10:12
zhanxzap0, apt list --installed10:13
zhanxor as ducasse said zap010:13
zap0thanks.   i read some release notes that said i might need a reinstall,  upgrade will fail10:13
zhanxyuradoc, do you use the computer daily?10:14
zhanxyuradoc, did you do a full backup10:14
ren0v0zhanx, before i do this then, is there a way to install two instances of ubuntu on this laptop from scratch, manual partitioning needed or can ubuntu installer handle shrinking of existing partitions?10:15
ren0v0which one :D10:16
yuradoczhanx, yes. it always updated10:16
zhanxren0v0, it can10:17
zhanxyuradoc, then the choice is yours10:17
yuradoci don't do ful backup always10:17
zhanxyuradoc, do one first10:17
zhanxyou are using new stuff its not 100% right, just do a back up10:18
yuradocdon't understand10:18
yuradoci'm linux user more than 10 years10:19
zhanxducasse, does the channel have a layout for /home etc?10:19
BluesKajHowdy all10:19
zhanxyuradoc, cool, i backed up and ran the upgrade had 2 minor issues with bluetooth and that was it10:19
yuradoci don't need bluetooth10:21
yuradoci have messages that there are no new realeases10:21
yuradocdo anybody have such thing?10:21
ducassezhanx: what do you mean?10:21
zhanxuse the -d flag yuradoc10:21
zhanxducasse, for not losing their user data etc10:22
yuradocbut that's not stable flag, right?10:22
zhanxits not correct yuradoc10:22
zhanxthe stable will be 20.04.110:22
ducassezhanx: in most cases we suggest using the default layout, for more advanced users a separate /home is a good idea imo. no channel guidelines for it.10:23
yuradoci thought that it's like any release in april or october10:24
ducasse20.04 is about as stable as any regular release10:24
HeuZenQ: Following in10:24
zhanxsee amcclure i was right!10:25
zhanxamcsi, not amcclure10:25
zhanxtab fail10:26
HeuZenQ: Following is my dsik layout: NVME for root and var - SSD for Home and tmp - HDD for Cold Data. I would like to encrypt it with LUKS, 3 Container with LVM inside. Is it possible? Or do I have to build LUKS Over LVM?10:26
zhanxHeuZen, end goal of that?10:27
HeuZen:) - I would like to have all disks encrypted. Especially the One for Cold Data10:27
yuradocdo-release-upgrade -d, --devel-release10:27
yuradocso it's dev version10:27
HeuZenEnd goal: get everything opened during boot with crypttab10:28
zhanxLVM then LUKS10:29
HeuZenok, that's what I thought, thx for your quick reaction10:29
Exagone313Hi, is there an official Ubuntu documentation page that tells that upgrading from previous LTS should wait for the point release (3 months after "final" release) aka 20.04.1?  It seems to be common belief but I don't see a page in the wiki about that.  PointRelease is a dead link on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseSchedule  I believe that graphical update manager doesn't make the upgrade but I can't check myself.10:29
CrazySamI upgraded Disco to Eoan using sudo apt upgrade and now it's done and rebooted and I only see a flashing input cursor.10:30
ducasse!ltsupgrade | Exagone31310:30
ubottuExagone313: Regular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d10:30
Exagone313ducasse: it's still not a wiki page10:30
ducasseExagone313: not sure where that's from10:30
CrazySamCtrl + Alt + Del reboots it and makes Ubuntu splash to appear shortly.10:31
zhanxExagone313, they are human after all10:31
Exagone313I'm looking for documentation that I link to people suggesting to upgrade too soon10:31
Exagone313that I can link*10:31
DocMorsCrazySam, try to boot into a console and check your log file. Last time that happened to me the display manager had an issue.10:32
SiecjeI installed docker but on reboot it is not running. I get this message. ERROR: Couldn't connect to Docker daemon - you might need to run `docker-machine start default`.10:33
Siecje which then tells me to `docker-machine create`, which fails because VBoxManage is not found.10:33
ducasseCrazySam: that's not the way to upgrade10:33
CrazySamducasse: what do you mean?10:35
ducasse!upgrade | CrazySam10:35
ubottuCrazySam: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade10:35
=== revosftw1 is now known as revosftw
ducasse!eolupgrade | CrazySam for eol upgrades10:36
ubottuCrazySam for eol upgrades: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:36
CrazySamducasse: sudo apt upgrade ?10:38
ducasseCrazySam: that alone will not get you a new release10:38
CrazySamducasse: do-release-upgrade ?10:38
ducasseCrazySam: yes, do-release-upgrade is the right tool10:39
CrazySamYes, but because I aborted it once (by mistake with Ctrl+C) I could not use it second time around. Because it complained I had to update my current release first. Which I did... nothing more to update.10:40
CrazySamShould not have aborted, yes, I know.10:40
CrazySamBut that's a silly tool if you can't abort and take up where you left off again.10:40
zhanxCrazySam, whats the fail message? lock codes?10:41
CrazySamlsb_release -a says I have .10:41
CrazySamI downloaded over 800 M10:41
CrazySamOver 1000 packages.10:41
CrazySamGtk warning: cannot open display10:42
anirbanHi, whenever my screen goes to sleep and I resume (lock screen) my screen starts blinking every 3-5 seconds. It goes completely black (probably turns off) for in the order of microseconds. Happens with Fedora, Ubuntu, Arch & Manjaro. Have not tried other distros. GPU is Amd picasso/Nvidia 1650. Using AMD for X11, but is present if I use nvidia too by prime-select scripts. Desktop environments Gnome X11/Wayland and KDE X11. Please help.10:43
ducasseCrazySam: try running 'sudo apt install -f'10:53
zhanxducasse, the apt process is till open for him10:53
CrazySamplease install all available updates for your release before upgrading10:54
lotuspsychjeExagone313: here's an alinea about it from will cooke, the 3 months waiting are for fixing critical bugs: https://ubuntu.com/blog/first-point-release-of-18-04-lts-available-today10:59
ducasseCrazySam: 'sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade'10:59
CrazySamducasse: 11 upgraded, 4 newly installed, 4 to remove and 0 not upgraded11:01
CrazySamneed to get 2 537 kb of archives11:01
CrazySamzhanx: do this first?11:02
=== The_Milkman1 is now known as The_Milkman
ren0v0zhanx, I'11:03
ren0v0I'm struggling to even install 18.04!! also crashing11:03
ren0v0i wonder if its graphics related11:03
ren0v0trying safe graphics mode install on 18.04 now11:04
ren0v0CrazySam, its a warning11:04
CrazySamNo worries then?11:06
zhanxren0v0, test your ram11:06
ren0v0lots of PCIe and nvme errors that i noticed11:06
CrazySamI have upgraded to 19.10 but I can't get back in after rebooting.11:06
ren0v0but now i'm at the installer11:06
ducasseCrazySam: try do-release-upgrade11:07
ren0v0zhanx, i'm considering installing over the top of existing install now and installing 20.04 again alongside it. Will the second install be able to resize LVM?11:07
zhanxyou never stated lvm at the start also11:08
ren0v0yea i said FDE11:08
ren0v0what else would it use ?11:08
ren0v0so you can't have an encrypted install and non-encrypted install ?11:08
ren0v0or two encrypted installs?11:08
CrazySamducasse: it's already upgraded, something else is off.11:09
zhanxisn't FDE arch ?11:09
ren0v0no full disk encryption11:09
CrazySamducasse: I now switch from tty2 to tty1 and I have a mouse pointer. So no more flashing text input cursor.11:10
CrazySamI can also see the login screen flash 1 second and then all goes black.11:10
zhanxLVM does not equal full disk encryption11:10
CrazySamLemme reboot.11:10
ren0v0zhanx, well it does because FDE doesn't actually mean full disk11:10
ren0v0anyway my point and goal is still the same, isn't it achievable with the installer?11:11
CrazySamI kept switching between tty1 and tty2 until I was able to click my name on the login screen (tty1) and type in every character in my password, and then click the login screen.11:13
CrazySamI am now in desktop mode but my desktop is not stable.11:14
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zhanxno and why should it be. the hd would be screwed on resize anyways11:14
ren0v0CrazySam, graphics?11:14
CrazySamI now get "system program preoblem detected"11:14
lotuspsychje!language | zhanx11:15
ubottuzhanx: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList11:15
ren0v0zhanx, i don't mean to offend i appreciate you help but it seems you aren't well verse with LVM and LUKS so lets leave it there11:15
CrazySamSorry, Ubuntu 19.10 has experienced an internal error.11:15
zhanxfine lotuspsychje you help them all i will laugh as i noticed you haven't helped anyone.11:15
ren0v0they can be resized, just because ubuntu's installer seemingly cannot do it11:15
lotuspsychjezhanx: feel free to discuss this at #ubuntu-discuss11:15
zhanxjannies will jannie11:16
CrazySamren0v0: i think not, it's upgrade gone bad or something.11:16
ren0v0CrazySam, check some logs or something11:16
ducasseCrazySam: you might want to consider backing up and doing a reinstall11:16
ren0v0sorry i've not been following the scroll11:16
CrazySamCan I refresh existing release? Clean up everything properly? Without doing a complete reinstall?11:17
ducasseCrazySam: not really11:17
ren0v0CrazySam, explain the actual problem11:17
DigitalisAkujinAnyone got any tips for how to debug rsyslog randomly stopping every couple days and almost always at around the same time on two web servers in a 50/50 traffic config. Logs a lot from php syslog() function. Turning on debug made 500 mb of debug data in 60 sec so can't do that11:17
ren0v0you said desktop is not stable, what does that mean ?11:17
lotuspsychjeCrazySam: recoverymode/fix broken packages can sometimes help11:17
ducasselotuspsychje: we've fixed the package db11:18
lotuspsychjeducasse: oh right11:18
CrazySamPackage: gnome-shell 3.34.3-1ubuntu1~19.10.111:18
CrazySamProblem type: crash11:18
CrazySamReinstall gnome?11:18
ren0v0aren't you upgrading to 20.04?11:18
ducasseCrazySam: which gpu and driver?11:19
CrazySamno ren0v011:19
CrazySamI don't know. Why not 20.04? No particular reason. I did an upgrade from non-LTS so 19.10 is the next best thing.11:20
Exagone313lotuspsychje: thanks11:20
ren0v0CrazySam, run upgrade to 20.0411:21
ren0v0can't harm at this point11:21
ren0v0backup all your stuff before going further goes without saying, if you haven't already11:21
lotuspsychjeren0v0: its the users choice to upgrade or not11:21
zhanxCrazySam, i would help you finish the fix but lotuspsychje thought it necessary to police my words11:21
lotuspsychjezhanx: you can keep the offtopic out of this channel please11:22
ren0v0lotuspsychje, that isn't helping11:22
lotuspsychjezhanx: have respect for the users that actually need help11:22
CrazySamren0v0: no new release found11:23
zhanxlotuspsychje, i did till you decided you are god and needed to be thought police on words, guess that front hole is hurting on you11:23
ducasseCrazySam: you need to use -d at this point11:23
ren0v0CrazySam, i find it odd that your upgrade went to 19.10 and not 20.04 anyway11:23
ren0v0CrazySam, i think you're a little too early to the party11:24
ren0v0they must not be enabled yet11:24
ducasseCrazySam: or answer my question11:24
CrazySam-d is doing something now11:24
ren0v0as ducasse said you can use dev upgrade11:24
ren0v0sudo do-release-upgrade -d11:24
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CrazySamren0v0: you can't upgrade non-LTS to LTS can you?11:25
ducasseyes, you can11:25
BluesKajif it's the next release11:25
CrazySam1253 packages are going to be upgraded11:26
CrazySamYou have to download a total of 977 M11:26
zhanxCrazySam's problem was he stopped but did not kill the process11:26
CrazySamGetting packages now.11:27
CrazySamFor 20.04 I guess.11:27
ducassezhanx: if you read the whole thing you will see that was probably unattended-upgrades running in the background11:27
zhanxducasse, which i had him stop also in pm due to the processes he spawned11:28
zhanxwhich is weird the unattended started after his upgrade11:28
zhanxthat was paused and should have stopped them from starting from all the screen shots i got11:29
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CrazySam66%, hopefully there will be no such problems again11:46
CrazySamI first did do-release-upgrade but I pressed Ctrl+C unintentionally when it prompted Continue [yN] Details [d]11:48
CrazySamI was on Disco at that point, 19.04.11:48
lotuspsychjeCrazySam: maybe choose an LTS next time, more stability then a non-lts?11:49
CrazySamSo when I ran it a second time, do-release-upgrade, it complained of my current release not being up to date.11:49
CrazySam"please install all available updates for your release before upgrading"11:50
CrazySamzhanx: maybe this is when apt got stuck?11:50
CrazySamI'm assuming apt or dpkg is doing the works under the hood when I run do-release-upgrade.11:51
CrazySamSo I was dumb to run sudo apt upgrade and somehow broke everything. But upgrade succeeded.11:51
zhanxi would answer that CrazySam but a crazy jannie from belguim decided to nazi up speech11:52
CrazySamAnyway, I'm waiting for 20.04 to finish now. (do-release-upgrade -d).11:52
CrazySamzhanx: can I pm you if I run into same problem again?11:53
ducasse!pm | CrazySam11:53
ubottuCrazySam: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.11:53
shinobiIs a zfs pool is created (not booted to) is it automatically mounted in 20.04?11:58
shinobimeaning on every boot, not just when the pool is created11:58
ducasseshinobi: zfs itself takes care of mounting11:58
ducasseshinobi: the mountpoint is a property you set on the dataset11:59
shinobiducasse: So if I create a raid-z for data, is it a pain to change the mount point or other mounting options?11:59
ducasseno, just read the docs12:00
donofriowhat is the command to upgrade 18.04 to 20.04 (tired dist-upgrade while nice doesn't seem to make it 20.04?)12:00
ducasse!ltsupgrade | donofrio12:01
ubottudonofrio: Regular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d12:01
donofrio-d would take me to non-lts correct?12:01
ducasseno, 20.04 atm12:01
donofrioI mean I can wait abit just wondering so I can test and be ready12:01
CrazySam-d is dev (develop/developer/development/whichever)12:02
donofriooh ok...I'll give it a try then, thanks.12:02
CrazySamIt should still be LTS, right? Just makes you avoid waiting till July for it?12:02
CrazySamI have one 18.04.4 LTS server which needs upgrading to 20.04 LTS but I will wait for July.12:03
coconutanyone knows how that game was called with am shooiting air plaine?12:15
CrazySamcoconut: Windws of Steel?12:18
CrazySamWinds of Steel12:18
CrazySam(It's not a typo. It's "winds" not wings.)12:19
coconutCrazySam: no not that one12:24
CrazySamcoconut: what do you shoot the airplanes down with?12:25
coconutwith an airplane too12:25
zzarrhello! when will I be able to upgrade ubuntu (19.10) to 20.04 via repos?12:26
ducassezzarr: right now, if you use do-release-upgrade -d12:28
CrazySamcoconut: then I don't know, sorry.12:28
coconutthnx anyway12:28
zzarrI get lagspikes and gnome shell is restarted some times this have started to happen the last week or so12:28
zzarrducasse: -d means development release12:29
CrazySam!ltsupgrade | zzarr12:30
ubottuzzarr: Regular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d12:30
ducassenot in the interval between a release and the meta-release file12:30
ducassemeta-release should be updated in maybe a week or so12:30
CrazySamducasse: will it be possible to upgrade to 20.04 from 19.10? A non-LTS to LTS?12:31
zzarrubottu: that's why I wrote 19.10 it's not LTS to LTS12:32
ubottuzzarr: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:32
lotuspsychjezzarr: you asked from 19.1012:32
zzarrCrazySam: that's why I wrote 19.10 it's not LTS to LTS12:32
zzarrmust I run do-release-upgrade -d because I'm not on a LTS?12:33
CrazySamducasse: can you please clarify here.12:34
ducasseno, as i said it's because meta-release is not updated yet12:34
ducassezzarr: ^^12:34
zzarrI see, but it's a stable release?12:34
CrazySamSo we're looking at the end of July then? Non-LTS or LTS, regardless?12:34
ducasseCrazySam: clarify what?12:34
zzarrsorry missed that you wrote that12:35
ducasseCrazySam: at the end of july 19.10 is eol, so you need to do an eol upgrade12:35
ducasseCrazySam: for 19.10 the -d is only needed for a few more days12:36
born2bakeHey guys, can someone help with networking on Ubuntu 18.04. I need to configure host machine - https://i.imgur.com/A0MHTMu.png with netplan if possible. Currently, my setup is very simple: tp-link router ( ; -> connected to switch -> connected to host machine ( I am wondering, how can I configure host machine to use12:37
born2bakevlans as described in scheme.12:37
ducasseborn2bake: take a look at the 'examples' section of netplan.io12:38
CrazySamducasse: so in a few days -d will no longer be needed to upgrade 19.10 to 20.04? Because now it upgrades it to 20.04 LTS?12:38
ducasseCrazySam: correct12:38
ducasseCrazySam: the difference is due to a file on the archive severs that is updated with the new release when the release team are confident upgrades should work12:40
born2bakeducasse I did, but I could not find the way how can I specify gateway to particular vlan https://i.imgur.com/b8FpgDM.png12:40
CrazySamducasse: a "meta release" is same as point release?12:41
ducasseborn2bake: try #netplan12:41
ducasseCrazySam: met-release is the name of that file12:42
CrazySamSo it's not related to point releases like 20.04.1?12:44
ducasseborn2bake: you can also try #ubuntu-server12:46
sveinseRunning an daily preview of 20.04 from early april, what is the best approach to install 20.04 release? Can I dist-upgrade, or do I have to reinstall? I mean might there be dev/preview left overs if I upgrade?12:53
lotuspsychje!final | sveinse12:54
ubottusveinse: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Groovy and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 20.10 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.12:54
lotuspsychjesveinse: goes for 20.04 also12:55
sveinselotuspsychje: thanks12:55
CrazySamI have upgraded now to 20.04 from 19.10 and appears to be stable and working.12:56
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BluesKajUbuntu Groovy chainloader won't be uploaded til thursday13:08
lotuspsychjeok tnx BluesKaj13:09
sazawalCan I install Ubuntu 20.04 with pure Gnome (gnome-shell)?13:09
lotuspsychjesazawal: you mean gnome classic?13:10
donofrioBluesKaj, wuoldn't that be a +1 channel talk ;)13:10
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sazawallotuspsychje, I guess gnome classic is like gnome-flashback? I was asking about the one with Overview etc, where I can install gnome-shell-extensions13:12
BluesKajdonofrio, dunno, i haven't checked, it's still real early13:14
sazawalIt must be manually installed I think after Ubuntu 20.04 installation. The page https://ubuntugnome.org/ shows that the latest version is Ubuntu 18.04.13:15
ducassesazawal: you need to install it post-install13:15
sazawalducasse, Yes.13:18
ducassesazawal: you could use another installation image, i guess, to avoid the regular desktop packages13:19
sazawalducasse, Thats what I was looking for, but I don't think it is there yet for the latest Ubuntu.13:21
ducasseyou could use the server image?13:21
AlexMaxIs it possible for me to mandate specific xrandr scaling settings globally?  I get a black flash on my monitor every time I switch accounts or to the login screen, and not only is it annoying, but it's leaving ghost mouse pointers on my screen.13:22
sazawalducasse, Yes that makes sense, then I just need to install the desktop environment. But apart from the desktop environment, isn't the server version is short of many features than desktop version?13:23
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ducassei wouldn't say that, most of them comes with installing a desktop13:25
sazawalI see13:26
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ducassethere are some server tools you might want to get rid of, though, i just keep them as i want many anyway13:26
Saurabh009Does anyone know how to setup Mobile broadband option in the Ubuntu 18.0413:28
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StyXmanare unattended updates/upgrades still a thing?13:40
ducasseyes, certainly13:47
StyXmandoes it upgrade kernels? what does it do then?13:52
ducasseit upgrades what you configure it to upgrade13:56
StyXmanok, I see.13:58
Phr33d0mhi, I have a 18.04 server and I need to somehow install openconnect 8, but bionic repo has only v714:01
Phr33d0mI've found https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openconnect/8.02-1 - how would I go installing this?14:02
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ducasseStyXman: see /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades14:06
james_castrellois flatpak another version of apt or something14:07
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genhaoqiPhr33d0m: openconnect_8.02.orig.tar.gz1.8 MiB14:08
StyXmanjames_castrello: it's another package format, like snap14:08
james_castrelloStyXman ah, i see14:08
StyXmanand works in parallel/independently of dpkg/apt et al14:09
StyXmanoh, so that's it14:09
Phr33d0mgenhaoqi I tried `dpkg -i` that and it cried about unsatisfied deps, so I'm trying to manually install those14:09
Phr33d0mwhich will most probably break a ton of other stuff, but eh...14:09
genhaoqiPhr33d0m: this is a binary tar.gz , and unstable14:11
genhaoqiPhr33d0m: maybe you can try debian package https://packages.debian.org/sid/openconnect14:12
clarkkI'm using Ubuntu 18.04. Under the privacy settings, I've set my screen to automatically lock, and go blank after 5 minutes. Under the power settings, I've set the screen to go blank after 5 mins.  Yet, my screen doesn't turn off after any period of inactivity. How do I achieve this?14:26
StyXmanPhr33d0m: next time try sudo apt install <deb_file>14:29
CrazySamIs it just me or is scrolling just generally unresponsive in Gnome?14:42
CrazySamWell in Ubuntu, not just Gnome.14:42
CrazySamExamples include opening Libre Calc and scrolling in a blank document.14:43
CrazySam2 wheel increments are 1 scroll, and at times 3, 4, 5 increments are no scroll at all14:44
CrazySamI have to rotate the wheel at least 5 full turns to move vertically a a full height of a page.14:45
CrazySamIt's similar in Terminal. Often times the scrolling skips a beat and I have to scroll like a hamster in a wheel to move one page up or down when reading previous commands and outputs.14:47
CrazySam(That means a lot.)14:47
CrazySamBest experience is in Firefox. I scroll, it scrolls, I stop, it stops. Very snappy and fluid. Unlike the rest of the system.14:48
elmerpantryhi all--question, is the repository down right now for some reason?14:48
jackhumafter upgrading from 18.04 to 20.04 , i have a lot of pixelated green dots on my desktop, i googled and tried turning wayland off/on but no luck14:53
jackhumcan anyone tell me what's wrong ? can this be due to my intel graphics ?14:53
blb4393hello, could someone provide 'dpkg -l' output of the fresh installed ubuntu 20.04 desktop?14:57
CrazySamDoes cd require sudo?15:01
AndrioOnly if you don't have permission to access that directory15:02
CrazySamI can't cd to /var/cache/apparmor/26b63962.015:02
ducasseelmerpantry: try another mirror15:02
CrazySambash: cd: 26b63962.0/: Permission denied15:02
CrazySamsudo: cd: command not found15:03
quadrathoch2CrazySam, you need to use root for that so: sudo -i15:03
CrazySamWhat is this apparmor?15:03
quadrathoch2CrazySam, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppArmor15:03
CrazySamAh yes, now let's have a look. Thank you!15:04
ducasseCrazySam: cd is not a command, but a shell builtin15:04
CrazySamDisk Usage Analyzer was complaining that it can't scan that area.15:06
ducasseCrazySam: hence you cannot run it with sudo, you need a root shell15:06
ducasse(sudo -i)15:06
CrazySamducasse: how do I give it to ^^ ?15:07
CrazySamIt's not really me that needs it.15:07
ducasseCrazySam: as i said, sudo -i15:08
CrazySamIt's a graphical program.15:08
CrazySamI have to invoke it from a root shell?15:09
blb4393still, may I has 'dpkg -l' of the fresh installed ubuntu 20.04? (i.e.no additional software installed manually)15:10
quadrathoch2idk, i'm pretty sure nobody has a 20.04 install laying around with no modifications :/15:13
blb4393damn you modifications freaks ; )15:14
yuradochello. can't find php7.3 on the newest kubunto 20.0415:14
ducasseblb4393: spin up a container/vm and check?15:14
ducasseyuradoc: 20.04 comes with php7.415:15
blb4393ducasse: exactly. That's why i asked here15:15
blb4393ducasse: because I don't wanna do that15:15
CrazySamblb4393: give me a minute15:16
quadrathoch2yuradoc, next time, it's easier to just search for it on packages.ubuntu.com/<package-name>15:16
yuradoci have some development sites that won't run on php7.415:16
jackhumi have same problem , https://askubuntu.com/questions/1231824/fuzzy-graphics-after-upgrading-to-ubuntu-20-0415:16
jackhumi tried his solution but its not working for me15:16
yuradochere i see that15:17
quadrathoch2i think it's still a remnant before 7.4 hit the repos15:18
clarkk11I'm using Ubuntu 18.04. Under the privacy settings, I've set my screen to automatically lock, and go blank after 5 minutes. Under the power settings, I've set the screen to go blank after 5 mins.  Yet, my screen doesn't turn off after any period of inactivity. How do I achieve this?15:20
quadrathoch2clarkk11, there is probably a program which doesn't let the OS go to sleep15:22
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CrazySamblb4393: https://dpaste.org/H4HR/raw15:23
quadrathoch2I had once a bug, where for example telegram was running in the backgroud. so the PC couldn't go to sleep15:23
blb4393CrazySam: thanks a lot mate15:23
CrazySamblb4393: sure, np15:24
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blb4393wasn't wireguard planned to be ported into theh 5.4 kernel for ubuntu 20.04?15:40
leftyfbit is15:40
leftyfbblb4393: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-20-04-set-up-wireguard-vpn-server/15:40
stoissHi. having a problem with my ubunt. Im having some issues with apt-get keep wanting to install some nvidia drivers that will keep failing15:45
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leftyfbstoiss: please pastebin the error message15:46
stoissfiles like /var/cache/apt/archives/libnvidia-gl-390_390.132-0ubuntu2_i386.deb it reports on mismatch15:46
stoissleftyfb,  allright15:46
stoissleftyfb, https://bpaste.net/HHMQ15:46
stoisssadly some of it is in danish but id think youd be able to tell what it says. otherwise just ask15:47
leftyfbstoiss: sudo apt clean # then try again15:47
stoissi have. same stuff15:47
leftyfbstoiss: try a different mirror?15:47
stoissit happens when i try the apt --fix-broken install15:47
stoisshm yeah ok ill try that15:47
leftyfbstoiss: what version of ubuntu?15:47
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stoissseems to be when i try to install from restricted15:51
ioriastoiss, have a look, maybe relevant : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/176805015:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1768050 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "package libnvidia-gl-390 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: new libnvidia-gl-390:amd64 package pre-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 2 (NOT FIXED)" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:54
ioriastoiss, workaround on #515:55
stoissioria, thanks. i did that actually. it still will mess up when i attempt any apt-get upgrade15:57
skummer101Greetings everyone!15:58
skummer101I have a question regarding SNAP's and Ubuntu 20.04.  I have removed SNAPD and am trying to install an APT package but Ubuntu auto installs SNAPD then grabs the package.  How do I get it to only use APT?15:59
jackhumanyone also facing this issue ? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1231824/fuzzy-graphics-after-upgrading-to-ubuntu-20-0416:00
stoissioria, seems it keeps insisting on installing nvidia-driver-390 i need to find a way to make it not do that16:01
ioriastoiss,   export LC_ALL=C  apt full-upgrade16:03
leftyfbskummer101: which package?16:03
stoissioria, full-upgrade isnt a valid identifier16:04
skummer101sudo apt install chromium-browser16:04
leftyfbskummer101: https://snapcraft.io/blog/chromium-in-ubuntu-deb-to-snap-transition16:04
leftyfbskummer101: chromium-browser is no longer available as a deb package16:05
skummer101I see; so this is going to be Ubuntus path then?16:05
stoissgo with brave browser. its chromium but more directed at anonymity16:05
skummer101I prefer having "all" browsers installed in the event I run into something that doesnt work right (or keeping cookies separate)16:05
skummer101might be a silly question; but could I pull in a Debian package of Chromium?16:06
leftyfbskummer101: it's not supported here16:07
leftyfbskummer101: why not just use the snap package?16:07
ioriastoiss,   export LC_ALL=C ;  apt full-upgrade16:07
skummer101snap is slow, buggy and changes my resolution every time a package is touched16:07
skummer101Spotify just flat out doesnt work on menu selection (snap) but it works fine if I pull it down via apt16:08
stoissioria, still the same. try running apt --fix-broken install16:08
leftyfbskummer101: so don't install snap versions of packages that have issues?16:08
stoissbut that doesnt work16:08
ioriastoiss,   can you paste the errors ?16:08
stoissioria, https://bpaste.net/GPBA16:09
skummer101Agreed; and I normally do that.  Just not a fan of SNAP...  Good in concept; bad in function...16:09
stoissskummer101,  you can just as well use other chromium based browsers.16:09
skummer101I am sure you won't like this answer...  Google Chrome is signed in as my work account; Chromium is my personal account.  Brave is for Anon browsing.  Firefox is for sites that are buggy with Chrome based stuff.  Opera when I feel like hating myself...16:11
stoissioria,  oh. .found something that does seem to work16:11
ioriastoiss,  ok ..... already tried to purge nvidia ?16:12
stoissioria,  this: LC_MESSAGES=C dpkg-divert --list '*nvidia-340*' --no-rename | sed -nre 's/^diversion of (.*) to .*/\1/p' | xargs -rd'\n' -n1 -- sudo dpkg-divert --remove16:12
stoissthis seems to make fix broken install function right16:12
stoissno errors so far.16:12
ioriastoiss,  ok16:12
stoissioria,  thanks. you did lead me in the right direction here. appreciate it16:13
ioriastoiss,  no problem16:13
stoissskummer101,  i think you can sign in with brave as well16:13
skummer101into a google account?  or a brave account?16:13
stoissgoogle i believe. cant remember.16:13
stoissskummer101, ah sorry. seems they did leave out that part in brave.16:14
stoissso yeah. youre going to have to do with snap16:15
stoissor pull the debian16:15
stoissanyway. im off. ty guys16:15
FrankyGovI am trying to connect GNS3 to Vmware\Virtualbox on my PC16:17
FrankyGovI should check if Ubuntu is blocking certain ports16:18
FrankyGovWhich service or program I can use to whatch port status or which attempt connection attempt has been blocked?16:18
RattleBattle79stupid question I guess: Will this actually encrypt my swap partition?   https://blog.sleeplessbeastie.eu/2012/05/23/ubuntu-how-to-encrypt-swap-partition/16:21
RattleBattle79I mean, there is no password or anything to decrypt16:21
ducasseRattleBattle79: that's normal16:25
fl0_idhey. so when on upgrade to 20.04 it says I need to install all upgrades but all have been installed ... what gives?16:25
RattleBattle79ducasse: So it just writes encrypted data which cannot be read when the partition is unmounted again?16:26
MarkG1234Can someone help me, trying to update my Ubuntu 19.10 now 20.04 is released, but it always says no update is available.16:29
MarkG1234using /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER MarkG1234 zuamnhnktwfa16:30
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MarkG1234using update-manager -c16:30
DJonesMarkG1234: It'll be a few days before you get an update notification16:30
MarkG1234have installed all 19.10 updates16:30
MarkG1234hasn't it already been a week?16:30
MarkG1234After all that fanfare, there is more delays?16:30
DJonesAlso, change your IRC password since you've just posted it in a public channel16:31
housecatthat wasn't a password16:31
housecatalso, it was released on thursday, so we're on work day #316:31
MarkG1234meh, that's crappy console copy and paste in Ubuntu.16:32
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kyle__He's on16:36
kyle__Wrong window16:36
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Xardit's confusing that select + middle click paste and ctr+c ctrl+v are two separate clipboards16:37
johnfghi again folks!16:38
johnfgSo, a weird thing.  ubuntu-server-20.04 would not install in my setup, as there was a problem with using lvm.  However, I thought I'd try desktop-20.04 and it installed fine, with lvm, and /boot on a logical volume.16:39
johnfgAre the installers actually different for server and desktop?16:40
clarkk11quadrathoch2, if I run xset dpms 0 0 600 at the shell once per boot, it works as expected. I just don't understand why this isn't built into ubuntu16:41
kyle__They pull from the same repos, but I don't know with 20.04.16:41
kyle__Also, /boot on lvm?  Is this a modern box?16:41
kyle__Or using legacy bios?16:41
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clarkk11I'm using Ubuntu 18.04. Under the privacy settings, I've set my screen to automatically lock, and go blank after 5 minutes. Under the power settings, I've set the screen to go blank after 5 mins.  Yet, my screen doesn't turn off after any period of inactivity. If I run 'xset dpms 0 0 600' at the shell once per boot, it works as expected - turning the screen off after 10 mins (and returning to the lock screen if activated again). Could someone16:44
clarkk11explain why this isn't built into ubuntu or, if it is, how to achieve it?16:44
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quadrathoch2clarkk11, weird, nevber had that issue :/17:00
fl0_idwhy could 18.04 says it isn't fully upgraded, (when attempting to ugrade) whereas apt upgrade says it is?17:02
ioriafl0_id, uname -r ?17:06
fl0_id5.3.0-46-generic - is that correct? HWE etc is upgraded and lsb_release says 18.04.417:08
ioriayes, it is17:09
ioriafl0_id, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade17:10
johnfgkyle__: I guess that was to me, and yes, /boot is on lvm, and I am using legacy bios.17:11
johnfgMy debian server also works with /boot on lvm, fwiw.17:11
fl0_idioria that prob would have done it, I saw that 4 pkgs were not shown or complained about by upgrade or dist-upgrade and couldn't be upgraded because of conflicts so I removed them (unimportant ones) and that did it17:16
FrankyGovCan I enable UFW and allow ports and protocols on a per application basis?17:16
ioriafl0_id, ok17:16
kyle__johnfg: Right, that's why I was asking.  EFI is picky about /boot, or at least /boot/efi if you go that route, and then it can't be on LVM :)17:17
kyle__johnfg: As far as why desktop installs with your existing lvm and not server, that's a mystery to me :/  I haven't run into that situation.17:18
* kyle__ only has one 20.04 instance, and it's a container.17:19
DumbLDoorHi! I did a fresh install of 20.04, have a separate data partition but don't see the Desktop directory17:26
DumbLDoor~/.config/user-dirs.dirs shows XDG_DESKTOP_DIR="$HOME/"  and XDG_MUSIC_DIR="$HOME/"...17:28
DumbLDoorI have lost some files too17:29
crimson_kingHow long until we can upgrade to 20.04 from 19.10?17:30
coconutFrankyGov, yes you can. Easy with gufw tool.17:31
ubottuRegular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d17:33
johnfgkyle__: It sure doesn't make sense.  I wanted to install server, but I guess I can just add whatever I want/need to desktop.17:33
oerheksi would wait..17:33
kyle__johnfg: :/ that's an ugly way though.  Especially when you dont' want/need all the desktop stuff all the time.  I'd give a few goes on a VM to see if you can suss it out. \17:34
johnfgkyle__: I could do that.17:34
aaron_mWhat is the best way to report a bug when ubuntu-bug says the program was not installed through dpkg?17:56
lotuspsychjeaaron_m: whats this package you want to bug to?17:58
aaron_mI am not sure if it is appropriate to report Ubuntu or to report to VMWare. I upgraded to 20.04 and VMWare Workstation 15 is broken now. I have been trying to troubleshoot it for a couple days. It is not an official ubuntu package (obviously)17:59
lotuspsychjeaaron_m: you can only use ubuntu-bug to official packages from the ubuntu repos18:00
aaron_mOk thanks. I'll head over to the vmware forums to see if someone can assist18:01
lotuspsychjeaaron_m: contact the support of the maintainer of vmware yes18:01
lotuspsychjeaaron_m: or #vmware18:02
locsmifKan a newer version of 64bit Ubuntu be cajoled to install on a system which only supports 32bit EFI? So far my friend only got 64bit Fedora to work18:06
locsmifCan a*18:06
sarnoldlocsmif: iirc that was a problem with "baytrail" systems; perhaps that'll help you spot blogposts or similar from when those machines were popular18:09
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locsmifsarnold: in this case he's working with a Macbook Core2Duo18:09
locsmifHe's got Fedora 64bit running, but only because they include bootia32.efi etc.. with Frub18:10
locsmifHe's an audio guy, so I was thinking of remastering (pun intended) Ubuntu Studio for him if need be18:10
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Mr_SinghHi , Is here anyone who can suggest me best RDP . I have ubuntu 18.04 and I want to connect with Windows 1018:41
Mr_SinghPlease anyone suggest me18:42
Mr_SinghI am troubling18:42
kyle__remmina and remmina-plugin-rdp18:43
kyle__Should let you rdp just fine to a windows box18:43
LazySillyBearHey everyone, I am afraid this might be an obvious question to you guys but here we are.18:45
Deano59LazySillyBear, shoot.18:45
LazySillyBearI have an NVME with Win10 already installed (also Windows Boot Manager on it, /dev/nvme0ne1). I also have another SSD (/dev/sdb) where I want my "/", my "home" and my swap to be.18:46
LazySillyBearI am a bit confused where I need to install the boot loader for ubuntu 20.04 in now18:47
Deano59LazySillyBear, to the windows 500mb partition.18:47
Deano59it'll install grub so you can "dual" boot.18:47
LazySillyBear500MB? I have one with 523MB which is NTFS or one with 104MB (efi) (which is where it says Windows Bootloader)18:48
LazySillyBearI just wanna make sure, since the last time I installed 18.04 I didn't get GRUB18:49
Deano59oh, uefi. might be different then. sorry, idk.18:49
Deano59good luck! wait around, someone will know.18:49
LazySillyBearOh sorry, I didn't think to add this. Thanks anyways!18:50
Deano59I don't use uefi because it's a pain in the... so yeah. I'm clueless with it. ;P18:51
letterriphi where can a find a replacement copy of python/distro_info.py mine is borked and the recommendations found via google link to an inaccessible debian site currently18:51
Mr_Singhkyle__ : I am not getting "rdp just fine to a windows box"18:52
kyle__You're also not giving us any information as to what's happening when you use the standard tools for this : remmina with the rdp plugin.18:53
iorialetterrip, you mean /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/distro_info.py ?18:54
letterripioria sure18:54
otyughhey, silly question. I'd want to see Ubuntu's git project (not the package's one, the "before build" ISO's source.18:54
iorialetterrip, it's in this pkg : python3-distro-info18:54
otyughI'm searching for 10 minute now and I have not a clue yet :p18:54
iorialetterrip,  install --reinstall it or install --reinstall -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confask,confnew,confmiss"  python3-distro-info18:55
Mr_SinghAnyone please I am looking for rdp from ubuntu 1804 to windows 1018:55
Mr_SinghPlease suggest me18:56
Mr_Singhwhat I need to do for it18:56
Mr_Singhwhich rdp is good18:56
letterripioria - i passed that to dpkg and apt and neither of them liked that line - what installer should i be using?18:58
sarnoldMr_Singh: < kyle__> remmina and remmina-plugin-rdp < kyle__> Should let you rdp just fine to a windows box18:58
Mr_Singhgot it18:59
Mr_Singhsarnold : Can I do everything using this plugin like development etc18:59
iorialetterrip, sudo apt   install --reinstall  python3-distro-info18:59
sarnoldMr_Singh: it depends on what you're doing, probably 3d graphics may not work great19:00
sarnoldMr_Singh: but I've never used rdp, so, no idea :)19:00
Mr_Singhok , It this one is the best right ?19:00
Mr_Singhsarnold isthe best rdp right ?19:01
sarnoldMr_Singh: "best" is subjective19:01
Mr_Singhas compare to others19:01
Mr_Singhsubjective : performance19:01
sarnoldMr_Singh: try it out and see if it works for you -- if it doesn't work for you, someone may be able to offer a different suggestion based on how well it does or doesn't work :)19:02
Mr_Singhok (y)19:02
Mr_SinghThank you for this information19:02
Mr_SinghI am going with it19:02
sarnoldhave fun :)19:02
LazySillyBearAh, I think I figured it out, apparently it doesn't matter where you install it since it will always go o the efi anyways. So you can't make a wrong choice if windows was already booting in UEFI mode19:03
LazySillyBearI installed it to the efi on the nvme now anyways19:03
LazySillyBearlet's see if this hold true19:03
letterripioria - that worked, but didn't fix the problem I'd hoped it would fix19:03
letterripioria - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GJBMgYQDm9/ - any suggestions?19:04
letterripI suspect that distro_info.py is being used from a different location19:05
Sven_vBI'm trying to repair my Xubuntu live session. something probably broke in the casper-rw persistent storage. systemd reports sucessful start of getty on tty1 but the current VT doesn't react to keyboard input (except Ctrl-Alt-Del), even Ctrl-Alt-F{1..10} has no visible effect. I try to login via serial, but my ttyUSB0 window in screen cycles between a few seconds of black and a few seconds of "Ubuntu 20.04 LTS xubuntu ttyUSB0¶ ?19:07
Sven_vB? xubuntu login: xubuntu (automatic login)". any input over serial seems to have no effect, except being printed back to my screen window. any ideas?19:07
Sven_vBkeyboard works fine in an initramfs shell, in case that helps19:08
Sven_vBnevermind, somehow this time ethernet LAN works, so I can just SSH in.19:09
iorialetterrip,  sudo updatedb && locate DistUpgradeQuirks.py19:09
kyle__Sven_vB: FWIW I don't remember the last time ubuntu server automatically setup my serial console for me.  Had to do it manually after the install for quite a while now.19:11
Sven_vBkyle__, yeah I set it up manually on the Xubuntu desktop DVD via casper-rw19:14
* kyle__ nods19:14
kyle__It's the most useful thing in the world.  I wish it were standard.  Or least a toggle in the einstaller19:15
Sven_vBI have a neat GRUB bootdisk that has extra space for ISO image files, which it can boot directly via GRUB loop device, and for Ubuntu-style ISOs, enable casper-rw.19:16
DumbLDoorAnyone has experience with Photorec/testdisk?19:16
Sven_vBI'll publish it once I clean it up more19:16
letterripioria - usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeQuirks.py19:16
kyle__DumbLDoor: I've used it a few times, but never done anything super fancy with it.\19:19
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Guest47043Hi not sure if it's the right place to ask but I'll try.. I have Intel HD Graphics card 620 in my laptop, trying to play some games in steam, and all I can get is 59 fps.. is this the actual fps I can get with this?:O19:23
iorialetterrip, dpkg -S   /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeQuirks.py19:24
zutatGuest47043: yes19:25
zutatGuest47043: or did you get more than under windows?19:25
Guest47043I don't have windows.. I guess I could install with dual boot.. but really don't like to:D19:26
zutatGuest47043: anyway. that's a very low power gpu, so 59 fps is probably correct19:27
Guest47043I see some posts in google about "tweaking" this driver in Windows, but not finding some options in ubuntu19:28
zutatGuest47043: probably not worth the hassle. if you don't see any tearing at the moment, it's a good result for an intel19:30
Guest47043I see.. well seems legit I guess:) thanks zutat19:30
ahmedamericanby default once Python installed. `py` command is not defined? shall i just create alias for it19:32
iorialetterrip,   see if this can help  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1182208/problem-with-upgrading-19-04-to-19-10-unicodedecodeerror-utf-8-codec-cant-d19:33
letterripioria hehe that is the link that got me to here asking my original question :)19:35
iorialetterrip,   you did it ?19:35
letterripioria - the salsa.debian,org is down19:35
sarnoldahmedamerican: pythonpy: /usr/bin/py19:35
iorialetterrip,   no it's not19:36
letterripioria - hmm wget timed out each time19:36
iorialetterrip,   nope19:36
letterripioria - timed out here19:36
sarnoldioria: https://lists.debian.org/debian-infrastructure-announce/2020/04/msg00002.html19:36
letterripwill try again19:36
iorialetterrip,   sarnold i downloaded just fine19:37
letterripioria - strange19:37
sarnoldheh, this worked for me too wget https://salsa.debian.org/debian/distro-info/raw/master/python/distro_info.py19:38
letterripioria - works fine now - was down earlier19:38
iorialetterrip,   http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jgNc2cQJMf/19:38
iorialetterrip,  let's try the fix19:38
letterripioria - yep working now19:40
iorialetterrip, good19:41
cgiHow do people sync their .files on new machines?19:41
cgi.vimrc, .bashrc, .xxx ?19:41
cgiI keep getting new machines and having to sync these manually - what is a good way to get this done?19:42
bgilbif i use a symbolic link on a folder, and then cp other folders inside the subdirectory will the copied folders be unique but the symbolic link will still work?19:44
bertand[m]cgi i didnt understand by syncing new machine ??? can u elaborate19:44
sarnoldcgi: there's hundreds of repos on github like this https://github.com/atoponce/dotfiles19:45
cgibertand[m], when i provision a new machine, I want my files in there19:45
sarnoldcgi: be careful you don't put passwords or access tokens in thos things though19:45
seerecgi: I keep them all in a git repo together with a script which symlinks them were they belong.19:45
sarnoldbgilb: I don't understand the question19:45
bgilbso i have a master sub folder that has like /stuff/  /stuff/pictures  /stuff/videos   /stuff/cfg19:46
bgilbi use a symbolic link to create like /stuff219:46
bgilbbut for stuff2 i'd like the /cfg folder to not being a symbolic link and be unique19:46
bgilband its way more than 3 folders/files so doing it folder by folder isn't possible19:47
bertand[m]cgi: now i understand yes but dont put ur passwords in them19:47
oerheksrsync/grsync gui; backup properly, Use the -a flag, which includes among other things, the options -o and -g, which preserves owners and groups19:48
bgilbwas that at me?19:49
sarnoldbgilb: so, I got lost at "i use a symbolic link to create like /stuff2" :)19:49
sarnoldwhere's it link to?19:50
bgilbi just do ln -s /stuff /stuff219:50
bgilbfor example19:50
sarnoldso you want /stuff/pictures and /stuff2/pictures/ to be identical, /stuff/videos and /stuff2/videos to be identical, but /stuff/cfg/ and /stuff2/cfg/ to be different?19:51
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sarnoldbgilb: you could mkdir /stuff2 then ln -s /stuff/videos  /stuff2/videos ; ln -s /stuff/pictures /stuff2/pictures ; etc .. then mkdir /stuff2/cfg19:54
bgilbno other way?19:54
sarnoldyou could do similar things with bind mounts, I guess, but those are confusing :)19:55
sarnoldand also require configuring after every reboot19:55
bgilbi guess i'll exhaustively make all the symbolic links necessary lol19:55
bgilbbecause the real unique folders are like /folder1/folder2/folder3/folder419:56
sarnoldthe symlinks in a path are resolved as the path is traversed, element by element; once you've gone through a symink to another directory, you're *in* in the other directory, and look up the next element there19:57
bgilbyeah so if i forexample del /cfg it deletes the original right?19:57
sarnoldyes, because there's only the one :)19:58
bgilbso to have unique everything up to the final sub directory itself can't be a symlink right?19:58
bgilblike /folder1/folder2/folder3/folder9 can be a symlink19:58
bgilbbut i can't symlink 1/2/3 alone because i need 1/2/3/4 to be unique19:59
sarnoldI think you've got it, yeah19:59
bertand[m]bgilb yup right man19:59
bgilbokay time to make like a list of 30 symbolic links lmao19:59
bgilbthanks for the help19:59
bguebertbgilb: maybe you could script out linking to each of the other directories if there are a lot of them20:00
cgibertand[m], sarnold What is the easiest way to get the dotfiles to a new machine? git clone? curl? ...20:03
bguebertbgilb: something like: ls | sed 's/^.*$/ln -s & &2/'20:04
BarnabasDKcgi, can you do it via scp?20:05
bguebertbgilb: but you'd need to change the regex around to get the right root folder20:05
bgilb_whats that do?20:05
bertand[m]How to set up a fresh Ubuntu desktop using only dotfiles and bash scripts20:06
cgigit clone https://github.com/webpro/dotfiles.git  && cd dotfiles && ./installscript ?20:06
bguebertbgilb: it puts the folders in current directory into a list of link create commands20:07
cgibertand[m], https://github.com/tomnomnom/dotfiles/blob/master/setup.sh ?20:07
bguebertbgilb: it doesn't make the links, just outputs the commands to stdout20:07
bgilb_okay i'll take a look at that20:07
bertand[m]cgi  yup20:15
tripelb19.04 was great until it was 9dd. So I rebooted and fail. It goes to initramfs and says that /dev/sda8 UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY: RUN fsck MANUALLY. - How do I do that?20:28
tripelbFsck exited with status code 420:28
tripelb9dd >> not20:29
tripelbI can tell you what I did just before it got weird.20:30
Bashing-omtripelb: A manual fsck best done from a the LiveUSB, Got it handy ?20:32
sarnoldheh, back in 1997 or so, I was *really* impressed at the SuSE Linux manual: they included the fsck manpage on the inside cover of the manual -- they knew if you needed it, you might not be able to get man to work20:36
tripelbBashing-om yes I do. Goes to find the bag of sticks. (Leaves accidental funny alone)20:37
Bashing-omsarnold: :) - Things were simpler back then - and Docs to me were much better maintained. The docs are what won me to ubuntu :D20:38
sarnoldBashing-om: heh, and the state of the wiki today will drive one to tears20:38
oerheksonly for those who read20:39
Bashing-omtripelb: Boiit that liveUSB  and activate a terminal ; run ' sudo fsck /dev/sda8 ' as a first poke at it - Many times this is deep enough to correct.20:40
Sven_vBhow can I make LVM give a better error message than "Device /dev/??? doesn't exist or access denied."? the /dev/??? is a symlink to ../../sda6, which is "brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 6 Apr 28 20:19 /dev/sda6"20:48
Sven_vBthey keyfile for luksopen had correct checksum and the same unlock script worked on xenial20:48
Sven_vB(now trying in xubuntu focal desktop dvd)20:49
LinStatSDRHello all. I am having an issue installing 20.04, was wondering if anyone has come across this issue. I have some pictures uploaded which may explain it better. https://imgur.com/a/AbALTjN20:58
walter__hi, the past week I installed the latest ubuntu, and identifyed a crash notification in IBus process. Now I see that the keyboard layout is not working for abnt2, and the idioms that manage keyboard layout gives the option Ibus, XIM, and none. I believe that if I fix IBus somehow I will be able to setup my layout correctly. But I dont know how. Any help?20:58
Linkandzeldahello, i have a server running 18.04 which was very recently setup, and it's already become victim to abuse. what can i do to find out how this happened?20:59
oerheksLinStatSDR, windows shut down in fastboot?21:01
LinStatSDRPrior to installation?21:01
LinStatSDRI had done a full shutdown yes.21:01
oerheksthere is some more to find in the !uefi manual21:01
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI21:01
oerheks Intel Smart Response Technology (SRT).21:02
LinStatSDRWhat makes you think it might be this?21:02
oerheksor did you have ubuntu installed previously and worked?21:02
oerhekshmm, i hope not a memory corruption21:02
LinStatSDRNo. I have not been successfull installing ubuntu in a native environment21:02
LinStatSDRSince 14.04.21:02
LinStatSDRAll Vms21:03
tripelbThanks for that link oerheks21:03
oerheksoh oke, check for a bios update.21:03
LinStatSDRWill do sir.21:03
oerheksthat rules out a lot...21:03
LinStatSDRI will read about the uefi specs and the features in the bios that may be causing that.21:03
LinStatSDRAs always, thank you kind sir.21:04
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walter__I have already tryed sudo etxkbmap -model abnt2 -layout br and the configuration file looks ok. /etc/default/keyboard looks ok21:06
tripelbResaid with corrections: 20.04 was great until it was odd (after I copied from the 18.04 partition, siad things like read only because i tried to delete from 18.04) So I rebooted and FAIL. It goes to initramfs and says that /dev/sda8 UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY: RUN fsck MANUALLY. - How do I do that? **NOW:: I have the 20?04 liveusb booted (and spurred). Bashing-on plz read changes.21:06
Bashing-omtripelb: "I copied from the 18.04 partition" . What did you copy ?21:08
sarnoldTue 28 20:40:13 < Bashing-om> tripelb: Boiit that liveUSB  and activate a terminal ; run ' sudo fsck /dev/sda8 ' as a first poke at it - Many times this is deep enough to correct.21:08
walter__do someone have an idea to solve the problem?21:10
bgilb_got it working lol. had to do find mostly21:11
walter__I see in configuration the called system of method of input of keyboard Ibus. That gave an error in installation.21:15
MeaxisI've got a huge problem with Ubuntu21:17
Meaxisapt doesn't work21:17
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Meaxiswhen I log-in via ssh, where it usually shows the changelog shows an error telling it can't reach changelog21:18
MeaxisI've tried everything but nothing works21:18
Meaxishelp please21:18
MordocMeaxis: what is the error when you run something like sudo apt update?21:18
MeaxisStuck on "Waiting for headers [0%]" then it returns "Err:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu eoan InRelease21:19
MordocMeaxis: what's the result of the following on that box: dig archive.ubuntu.com21:20
Meaxis; <<>> DiG 9.11.5-P4-5.1ubuntu2.1-Ubuntu <<>> archive.ubuntu.com21:20
bertand[m]Meaxis whats inside your /etc/apt/sources.list??21:21
sarnoldpastebin the whole output?21:21
Meaxisdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu eoan main restricted universe multiverse21:21
Meaxissarnold of the dig command? If yes, that's the whole output21:21
sarnoldMeaxis: *two* lines?21:22
Meaxisdoes it only show two lines?21:22
sarnoldMeaxis: one of them consistenting entirely of the letter "A"?21:22
sarnoldyes, two lines21:22
MordocMeaxis: Was there an answer section? If not you have a DNS issue on that box...21:22
Meaxisapaprently it failed21:22
Meaxishold on21:22
MeaxisThere is an answer section21:22
sarnoldmuch better :) both those numbers are ones I get back, too, and I can ping them both21:23
sarnoldMeaxis: can you use w3m or lynx or similar on that machine to browse to http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/eoan/ ?21:24
MeaxisI don't know any of them so I assume they are not installed by default, however, I can try to ping it21:25
MeaxisOh wait21:25
Meaxisforgot how ping worked21:26
sarnoldping's not a bad starting point, but it uses icmp protocol rather than tcp21:26
MeaxisPutting the results on pastebin21:26
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MordocMeaxis: If lynx of w3m isn't installed this would at least let you see the html curl http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/eoan/ | cat21:27
MeaxisIt has a counter, but no html21:28
MeaxisSo I retried21:29
Meaxisand now it displays HTML21:29
Meaxisthe same HTML than the one you have when accessing it from a browser21:29
sarnoldoh man 82 ms, you're a lot closer to the mirrors than I am :)21:30
sarnoldMeaxis: "it has a counter" -- does it include anything else that might suggest *what* gave you a counter?21:31
MeaxisTime Spent21:31
Meaxison the first try: kept waiting for a response21:32
Meaxison the second try: delivered the response instantly21:32
MordocMeaxis: Well it sounds like you got a response and some html so that's encouraging.21:32
MordocMeaxis: try a sudo apt update again then.21:32
Meaxis0% [Waiting for headers]21:32
Meaxiswhere it would've usally been downloading21:33
ragefireHello. I am having some troubles with vulkan on ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Has anyone else had similar issues?21:34
geniiragefire: Are you using the standard repositories only, or did you also add the grphics-drivers official PPA ?21:36
geniiHm, Focal drivers actually haven't landed there yet21:37
ragefireI suppose that's why it's not working21:38
walter__big problem sirs, I removed and installed ibus, but the problem of keyboard persists21:38
MeaxisOr at least it fetched something21:39
MeaxisMordoc sarnold https://pastebin.com/ytHpAknR21:40
sarnoldMeaxis: does your machine actually speak ipv6?21:40
MordocMeaxis: That's great. Sounds like the connection of the box isn't awesome. Something doesn't seem right...21:40
MeaxisI assume21:40
MeaxisLet me check21:41
MeaxisMy host reported no outages21:41
sarnoldoh, hah, your ping results showed AAAA output..21:41
walter__eternaly grateful for any help...21:42
sarnoldMeaxis: I wonder why your dig output didn't include AAAA answers? *very* strange21:42
oerheksi wonder what this is, vpn service or bare metal21:44
MeaxisIt has IPV6 sarnold21:44
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GBGamesI have an HP Officejet 5740. Ubuntu 18.04 LTS sees it just fine, but I'm not sure how to change the settings, such as double-sided, color vs grayscale, etc. When I print a document, the options in the app don't have an effect, and changing things in  Settings> Devices> Printers also seems to have no effect.21:53
GBGamesSo I can print, but I can't seem to change how I can print.21:54
triplebInodes that were part of a corrupt orphan linked list found fix?21:55
Bashing-omtripleb: yes.21:55
Meaxissarnold Mordoc apparently upgrade seems to half work, most suceed but some fail.21:55
sarnoldMeaxis: it sure feels like some percentage of your http requests are either being directed to somewhere else, or some proxy is corrupting them21:56
MeaxisI have no proxy installed21:56
sarnoldyour ISP may21:56
MeaxisAlright, I'll get in touch in them.21:57
MeaxisThanks for the help.21:57
sarnoldthe other day a guy in here said he'd been trying to do upgrades for a month; his vpn was doing some unclean proxy things on his connection, he had no idea..21:57
sarnoldMeaxis: which, might be a way to test, pop up a vpn to a 'clean' network elsewhere, and tunnel these over the vpn?21:57
sarnoldtripleb: when fsck asks a question I always laugh -- there's like six people on the planet who can interpret the questions at all... imho it ought to ask once, at start, "are you sure you want this tool to try to repair changes?" and just leave it at that... asking over and over again is a waste of time21:58
MeaxisAny recommendations that work through SSH22:05
Meaxis(also forgot to post that a few minutes ago, sorry sarnol)22:05
MordocMeaxis: I think sarnold is on to something good here.22:06
sarnoldMeaxis: ssh would be super handy.. but I don't know offhand what incantation it would take to do the job22:09
sarnoldMeaxis: maybe, socat TCP-LISTEN on the remote peer? it's been ages since I've used socat..22:12
oerheksi wonder what this is, vpn service or bare metal22:15
arooniquesiton; on ubuntu 18.04  fc-conflist ;; command not found;  how do i get it?22:26
Bashing-omarooni: comtext ?22:28
oerheksfc-conflist ?? http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man1/fc.1posix.html22:28
sarnold$ apt-file search fc-conflist22:28
sarnoldfontconfig: /usr/bin/fc-conflist22:28
lalitmeeHey Guys, I am facing a bit wierd problem in my Ubuntu 18.04 and that is my Wi-fi keeps getting disconnected and my laptop hangs at the same time.22:29
arooni+/usr/bin/fc-conflist: command not found22:29
lalitmeeAnyone has any idea about this issue?22:29
arooniwas trying to get color emojis working in alacritty lolz22:29
oerheksit is part of fontconfig; apt-get install fontconfig22:31
kostkononly available in 19.04 and later releases it seems https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=disco&arch=any&mode=exactfilename&searchon=contents&keywords=fc-conflist22:31
oerhekso la la, new22:32
lalitmeeThis issue is so irritating that I was gonna reinstall my Ubuntu but I have a lot of configs. So I thought of asking you guys.22:32
oerhekslalitmee, check dmesg, journalcrl to see what happens in the logs?22:34
lalitmeeoerheks: can you help me with the command?22:35
oerheksjournalctl -b -0 shows messages from the current boot, journalctl -b -1 from the previous boot22:36
oerhekscheck that last one22:36
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:36
lalitmeeoerheks: thanks for the command and this is the log of the current boot. there was nothing for the previos boot22:38
oerheksoh, only that log contains a crash..22:41
Bashing-omarooni: 18.04: my system; fontconfig does not include the fc-conflist tool.22:42
lalitmeeoerheks: I see this too `Apr 29 08:18:34 lalit systemd[1]: nvidia-persistenced.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.`22:42
lalitmeenvidia service failed22:42
oerhekslots of espanso.service errors...22:43
arooniBashing-om:i dont think we get it22:43
arooniubuntu 19.04 and later22:43
lalitmeeI am removing this espanso22:43
aroonii guess no more color emojis dreams for me in alacritty :\22:43
oerheksespanso unregister # might help22:43
oerhekssystemctl --user disable espanso.service22:44
lalitmeewhat was the crash you saw?22:44
oerhekshow did you install it, as snap?22:46
lalitmeeyeah it was snap22:46
lalitmeeI removed it using snap only22:46
oerheksthe -- classic option might give a better experience.. sudo snap install espanso --classic22:47
kostkonarooni, there's always this https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2019/11/open-source-emoji-set22:47
lalitmeeoerheks: but you know this hanging and wifi issue I started facing yesterday when I was trying to install https://lutris.net/22:47
oerhekselse it stays in confinement, maybe the root of those errors22:47
aroonikostkon: that page redirects to a 201 not found error22:47
lalitmeeThis is an open source gaming platform. I have espanso from a long time but that didn't give any error earlier. from yesterday its happening22:48
SupaYoshianyoen here that owns an accoutn on bios-mods.com?22:48
kostkonarooni, loads fine here22:48
lalitmeeoerheks: yeah lutris22:48
lalitmeenow I have uninstalled it.22:48
SupaYoshiIm trying to access a download, but their activation email aint sending.22:48
arooninow it does22:48
Bashing-omarooni: ^ Loads fine here also.22:48
aroonithe thing is even if i did install another emoji font; it seems like ubuntu doesn't want to let them render in alacritty (which does support color emojis)22:49
aroonii already tried with the google noto set22:49
Meaxissarnold and Mordoc, update: looks like it gets better. apt update throws no error22:50
kostkonarooni, ok22:50
lalitmeeoerheks: what do you say? I should restart and try it. if it hangs or not now?22:50
sarnoldMeaxis: nice :)22:50
sarnoldMeaxis: apt will cache what it can, and run it often enough and you might just get all of it downloaded..22:51
MeaxisOh ok22:51
oerhekslalitmee, i have no manual for #lutris, they do have a channel here on #freenode22:52
lalitmeeoerheks: have you heard about Brave Browser?22:54
oerheksnever used it, it is available as snap https://snapcraft.io/install/brave/ubuntu23:00
aroonihas anyone gotten color emojis working on ubuntu 18.04?  i just see black and white ones23:04
Synx_hmAny x11/nvidia driver experts here, i am having a hell of a time getting the nvidia binary drivers to take, ive blacklisted the nouveau drivers but they still load when checked with lshw23:10
Synx_hmFor the record im using secure boot but as far as i can tell that is working correctly23:11
Mordocsarnold: You were very patient with Meaxis, well done...23:11
sarnoldheh, thanks Mordoc, but maexis was definitely on the happier end of the spectrum -- a little too reluctant to just pastebin the errors, but still, we got there :) hehe23:11
lalitmeeoerheks: I think I may have found the problem. See this screenshot http://i.imgur.com/Ygitv3z.png23:16
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lalitmeeAnd there is a stackoverflow question related to the same error which I am facing: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1105037/18-10-new-install-freezes-with-intel-pipe-update-end-i915-atomic-update-fail23:17
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BiruwaHello. I am using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Desktop. If I lock my Ubuntu screen using the Lock button at the upper right corner of the screen, would that end any active SSH or RSYNC sessions?23:56
BiruwaThank you in advance. Regards.23:56

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