
IrcsomeBotElegant Ancero was added by: Elegant Ancero00:01
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asjidi am using kubuntu 20.04 on lenovo thinkpad t460s. how can i login with fingerprint.01:17
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jtatriaHello all. Anyone here with a working nvidia prime installation? I just installed 20.04 from scratch, and prime render offloading ("On demand" in nvidia settings) does not work. It was working perfectly in 19.10.01:45
valorie!nvidia | jtatria01:58
ubottujtatria: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » For the latest Nvidia drivers see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa01:58
valorieI have the system76 PPA enabled, since I have sys76 laptop01:59
valorie20.04 perfect for me so far01:59
jtatriavalorie, does tha include nvidia prime render offloading?02:05
valorieI don't know what that is?02:05
valoriehttps://launchpad.net/~system76-dev/+archive/ubuntu/stable <-- maybe more info there02:07
valoriethey told me to do it so I did02:07
jtatriavalorie, so, laptops with dual gpus (an integratd one, usually intel and a discrete one, in my case nvidia), render grpahics-intensive applications off-screen on the discrete gpu, and then pass that to the integrated gpu to show on the screen.02:09
valorieI believe that my laptop has both intell and nvidia02:10
jtatriathis is known as "render offloading", and was not supported until recently: only last year nvidia submitted patches to xserver to have this capability working02:10
jtatriathis was working perfect in ubuntu 19.0402:10
jtatrialbut it is broken now02:10
jtatriavalorie, ok we can check if your config is working02:10
valoriethere is a special nvidia PPA02:10
valoriein the second link that ubottu posted02:11
jtatriawould you mind sharing the output of $ glxinfo | grep 'OpenGL vendor' ?02:11
IrcsomeBot<Arun V> 微信02:11
valorieno output to that02:13
valorieshouldn't that pipe to a file or pastebin?02:13
jtatrianono, just enter the 'glxinfo' command, and pipe that to grep: glexinfo | grep "OpenGL vendor"02:14
jtatriaif you have an intel integrated card, it shod say: "OpenGL vendor string: Intel"02:14
valorieI pasted in exactly what you wrote02:15
valoriethere was no output02:15
valoriejust >02:15
jtatriamaybe you left in the $?02:15
valorieso I evidently do not02:16
jtatriawell, there should be _some_ output t glxinfo :)02:16
valorieglxinfo | grep 'OpenGL vendor02:16
jtatriayou missed the last '02:16
jtatriaok, that's bad02:19
jtatriaso, the long explanation02:19
valoriewhat's bad?02:20
valoriemy config?02:20
jtatriaIF your system does indeed have a dual GPU setup, with both intel and nvidia, glxinfo | grep "OpenGL vendor" should output: OpenGL vendor string: Intel. that meeans that applications are being rendered by default in the intel card.02:20
jtatriaand then the output of02:21
jtatria__NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia glxinfo | grep "OpenGL vendor" should say Nvidia02:21
jtatriathat is, with default settings, render on intel, with those variables set, render to nvidia02:22
jtatriamy problem, is that I get the error you got when trying the second option02:22
jtatriabut Intel with the first.02:22
jtatriayou have some issue with your gpu setup :(02:22
jtatriabut i guess is to enalbe features you don't use?02:23
valorieI'm not a gamer02:23
valorieI've seen no problems02:23
jtatriathats what i meant, if it works for you, it works.02:23
jtatriabut unfortunately you ahve a different setup than what i'm trying to achieve.02:23
jtatriathanks in any case :)02:23
valoriesorry I couldn't help02:24
jtatriano problem!02:24
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @jtatria, I have hybrid Nvidia 960m laptop here.  NVidia offloading seems to be working fine.02:38
jtatriaIrcsomeBot awesome. might i ask you some questions?02:42
jtatriawhich driver and xserver are you using?02:42
jtatriaIrcsomeBot and what is the output of both $ glxinfo | grep "OpenGL vendor" and $ __NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia glxinfo | grep "OpenGL vendor" ?02:43
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> 440.82, xorg/focal,now 1:7.7+19ubuntu1402:44
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> OpenGL vendor string: Intel, OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation02:45
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @source_, hi02:46
jtatriaok, so your setup is working... i wonder what's wrng with mine...02:46
source_oh hey I am very new to IRC and linux in general02:46
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> welcome aboard.02:46
source_a friend of mine told me to drop by here when i face any bugs02:47
jtatriaIrcsomeBot is there a config file in /etc/X11 ?02:47
jtatriaaka, a xorg.conf file or a  xorg.conf.d directory?02:47
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> On my laptop.  xorg is default config here.02:48
source_i've been greeted with black screen with no way to access my session after suspending02:48
jtatriaIrcsomeBot, that would be an ampty conf?02:48
=== user|43773 is now known as ivan_on_trac
ivan_on_tracIs there already an upgrade from version 19.10 to 20.04?02:50
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> xorg files have moved to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/02:50
jtatria@IrcsomeBot ok. mind listing contents of that dir?02:50
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> On my desktop, I have custom monitor settings in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf02:50
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @source_, Can you see a mouse pointer or is your screen fully black?02:51
jtatria@IrcsomeBot and this is vanilla 20.04? no extra ppas?02:51
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NYkCPRBShX/02:51
source_@DarinMiller its fully black02:52
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> I have this ppa installed: __NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia glxinfo | grep "OpenGL vendor"02:53
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa02:53
jtatria@IrcsomeBot ok, ill give a try02:54
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @source_, if you type ctrl-alt+t, does a terminal show up?02:54
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> If not, what happens if you type ctrll+alt+f2?02:55
source_ctrl alt f2 doesnt help02:56
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @DarinMiller, What video card is installed?02:56
source_i have not tried ctrl alt t02:56
source_and i have a ryzen 2500u with vega 8 graphics02:56
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IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> hmm, I have little experience with AMD cards. But recommend trying a different driver.  You have the option of 2 different open source AMD drivers and the Proprietary AMD driver, but I would have to search the net to figure out how to enable each one.02:58
source_i am not sure if there already were any drivers when i installed the system so i added this ppa `ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers` and instlled them03:01
source__argh how do i save sessions03:05
source__irc sessions i mean03:06
jtatria@IrcsomeBot worked perfect.03:06
=== source__ is now known as source_
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @jtatria, Glad to hear!03:07
jtatria@IrcsomeBot sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa; sudo apt-update; sudo apt dist-upgrade; shutdown -r now and now everything works great. thanks!03:07
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @source__, How are you connected to IRC?03:07
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Konversation, Telegram, etc?03:07
source_konversation yes03:08
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Are you trying to save the contents of the  connection or the joined channel?03:09
source_no i wasn't able to join with my old nickname03:10
source_but then again the connection would have been terminated right?03:10
source_i gave ctrl+alt+t a try so suspended my system but it didnt work so had to do a hard reboot03:11
DarinMillerI am not an IRC expert, hopefully someone who knows more about IRC's will speak up.03:11
DarinMillerfor a gentle reboot (assuming the system is alive enough to respond to keyboard input),  hold down the alt key and type reisub.03:13
source_oh i see i did not know that03:15
source_after suspend logs should be in /var/logs/kern.log right?03:16
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IrcsomeBot<mello009> Sorry to interrupt05:03
IrcsomeBot<mello009> (Photo, 1280x719) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/VZpr8CIA/file_28499.jpg05:03
IrcsomeBot<mello009> It's taking 1 min and 30 secs to boot up05:03
IrcsomeBot<mello009> Anything I can disable or something?05:03
IrcsomeBot<mello009> Thank you05:04
valorie@mello009 that seems very slow06:06
valorieI think most use "bootchart" to analyze the whole process06:07
valorie!info bootchart06:07
IrcsomeBot<mello009> Yeah06:07
ubottuPackage bootchart does not exist in focal06:07
ubottubootchart charts your machine at boot time, to install >> sudo apt-get install bootchart << the graphic is in /var/log/bootchart after the next reboot06:07
valorieI have SSDs so mine is very fast06:08
IrcsomeBot<mello009> That will give me detailed?06:09
lordievaderGood morning06:12
lordievadermello009: You've disabled all the services you do not use?06:14
k-linuxwhat is this06:19
lordievaderIRC, an ancient chat protocol.06:20
valoriehi lordievader06:29
lordievaderMorning valorie06:32
lordievaderHow are you doing?06:32
valoriehow are you faring?06:44
IrcsomeBot<Mazork> Good night06:44
lordievaderDoing alright here07:12
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IrcsomeBotm_wael_eg was added by: m_wael_eg07:38
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=== Guest89042 is now known as jotaro111
jotaro111wow irc07:44
akantorhi everyone, installed kubuntu 20.04, have some doubt is it ok to disable KSguard from startup?08:46
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Hey all09:50
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=== Guest_33 is now known as Clqy
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ClqyHi, I have all sorts of problems and Im well in over my head relating to partitions, grub menu, dual boot, lost data etc... Im running kubuntu. Is there somewhere i can get some help or at least an idea of where to look11:33
BluesKajHiyas all11:33
=== ordinarydude1 is now known as ordinarydude
lordievaderClqy: If you explain your issues we might be able to help you11:39
Clqywell the first problem is when i turn on my computer it loads straight into grub console11:45
Clqyi started with a dual boot windows 10 kubuntu, ive managed to delete  partitions and im prettty sure kubuntu is gone, but windows is still there i just cant boot into windows11:47
Clqythe only way i have access to my computer is through a live boot from my external hd uefi, through the bios menu11:47
Clqymaybe my problem is better solved in windows but i dont actually want to keep windows except most of my photos and videos are stored in that partition becquse i wiped my exernal hd11:52
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Can't you just try to backup your data and try to reinstall kubuntu?11:59
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> As you said you don't want to keep windows, so just do a backup and reinstall everything should be a viable option?12:00
Clqyat the reinstall disk selection screen it shows only my ex hd, manual installation gives me partition choices, but theres an error something about filesystems12:01
Clqyhow do i back up windows from a live boot of linux? do i need to create a live boot of windows to reinstall? ive only got one ex hd, but i dont want to ttouch it;;; it currently has kubutu iso on it, and i dont want to totuch it so that my friend will be able to try recover as much as he can12:02
IrcsomeBot<Rae Eastep> Fwd from Eastep: I Never knew I will be able to pay off my bills until I meet Mrs Lisa Robert and get to my stand again in life, I want you guys to help appreciate Mrs Lisa Robert because I invested just $700 and got $4900 in just 4 working days. Contact her  to get started. You can follow her channel via. … 👇 … https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEfp-IBH7QQlUSI0zw12:08
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Mmm I would try to boot kubuntu from the live usb and enter the windows partition in your pc. If you have aniother device with free space try to copy the files into the device. If you don't have another device, you could upload the files in your windows partition to a cloud service12:12
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Just to backup them12:13
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> You could create a bootable windows usb pen drive to reinstall it if you want but first try to backup all of your data12:14
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> I don't know How many free GB do you need but you can pretty much recover everything just using one or two services for free like dropbox or Google Drive.12:15
Clqyive got a mega that i just signed upto, currently at 85G so thats not a problem12:16
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> So what's the problem then? Just try to backup all of your data from your pc to the cloud starting kubuntu via live usb. After you did all the backup, we can try to reinstall everything and format the HDD12:18
Clqywhere/how do i backup a different partition? g sync will do that?  then the problem i have is that i dont have a pen drive, cant get one until tuesday maybe...12:18
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Do you want to keep all the partition? I use clonezilla to do that12:19
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> You have to burn on the usb drive a bootable ISO of clonezilla and do the backup12:19
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> But I think you're cloning all the partition with all its problems12:20
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Better to just save the data and start from scratch12:20
Clqyi dont know, this is a new (to me) pc, i just want to keep my photos which are currently saved in windows12:20
Clqytheres nothing else on it12:21
Clqyso Im currently on the live boot kubuntu, how do i find my photos on the windows partition? and then upload them? do i first have to mount it somewhere, then what§12:24
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> If you start the pc with the live usb of kubuntu on your usb drive try to open Dolphin. Are you able to access the windows files on the partition?12:24
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Just open  dolphin and you'll see the hdd12:24
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> So that means that you don't see the windows partition in dolphin? What do you see?12:25
Clqynope i think because ive had to run kubuntu through ufei application in bios and windows is on bios§12:25
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Mmmm i think that you should still be able to see the hdd12:26
Clqyin dolphin under devices it has "/overlay"12:26
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Go into / folder12:26
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> You should see the folder "media" click on it and see if you can find a device to mount12:27
Clqydo you mean home/media?12:28
airiHi! I just installed Kubuntu 20.04 on my laptop & currently having trouble logging in. Reinstalled more than thrice already & DuckDuckGo'd something like changing to nosplash in grub. Though I am not entirely sure how to update-grub or what I did is correct. I made the root partition and home partition separately. Any help in solving this would be12:28
airiappreciated :)12:28
airi*or rather it doesn't even go to login12:29
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Clqy: yes12:30
Clqythere is no mediq file there12:30
airiAlso tried recovery mode, by the way, but it is just stuck12:31
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> You should try via Konsole to see the devices that kubuntu detects12:32
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Try ls /dev12:33
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> In the terminal you should see all the devices12:33
Clqythat brings up many things lots of different colors, sda1 which i beleive is my hard drive is orange12:36
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Yep so there is an hdd12:36
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> That kubuntu can see12:36
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> You should also see sda1, 2,3 etc..12:36
Clqycorrect upto 612:37
Clqyalll orange also12:37
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Yes because you have different partitions12:38
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> You could try to mount it12:38
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Btw before you do that, do you have the "Device" section in dolphin when you open it?12:40
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> It's where you should see your hdd12:41
Clqyyes there is something there called /overlay12:41
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> What's inside there?12:42
Clqybin boot cdrom dev etc home lib12:42
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Try to run lsscsi12:44
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> So you should better understand how it's named your hdd12:45
Clqy[2:0:0:0]    disk    ATA      ST500DM002-1BD14 KC48  /dev/sda12:45
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Ok so just do: … Mkdir /mydrive12:48
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> After you created the folder where we will mount the drive type: … $ sudo mount /dev/sda /mydrive12:49
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> You should see the content of the drive in the /mydrive12:57
Clqywhat is mydrive? i got disconnected did i miss a step?12:58
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> My drive is just a folder that we create13:00
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> As a mountpoint where we mount the hdd13:00
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> You should see the content of the hdd in that folder13:00
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> https://linuxjourney.com/lesson/mounting-and-unmounting-filesystems13:03
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Clqymount: /mydrive: /dev/sda already mounted or mount point busy.13:07
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> So the hdd is aldready mounted?13:07
Clqyi dont know13:10
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> try to  write cd .. in the terminal13:11
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> after that write ls13:11
Clqyok so for somereason it looks like its already mounted at /cdrom , no idea why13:12
Clqy├─sda2   8:2    0 242.1G  0 part /cdrom13:12
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> oh so just try to reach the folder cdrom13:13
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> and see if you can access your files13:13
Clqyyep wow... so now ill upload them to a cloud and come back in 2 days =)13:14
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> ahah yes. I am happy for you13:15
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> I am sorry if I couldn't help you better than this13:16
Clqyno its just the first step, im a long way from the finish but you have definatly helped me find my path13:24
samfisherHi. I somehow deleted my /boot partition and now shows as /dev/sdb1 2G EFI System. I cannot boot ubuntu anymore and all guides to chroot and reinstall haven't worked13:26
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> You're welcome13:26
ClqyIf i dont want windows back, after ive backed up everything how do i get back to ubuntu, i have tired to reinstall it on my live boot  it only gives me the option to insall on my hard disk13:48
Clqyi can go to manual and select a partition where it can go 200G free and it tells me13:49
Clqyno root file system is defined pleqse correct from partitioning menu13:50
Clqyonce ive got my files im not interested in windows whatsoever13:51
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> what does it mean? You should install it on your hard disk13:53
Clqyat the disk setup screen the only option is my hqrd disk where the live boot is13:55
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Don't you want to install Kubuntu on the hard disk?13:55
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Why you should install it non your pendrive if you already have it on the pendrive?13:56
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> I don't understand13:56
Clqythere is lots of available space on sda, where windows currently is, and another partition where kubuntu was yesterday, isnt this the best place to install?13:57
Clqymy live boot is on usb external hard disk, there is files there that need to be recovered when i can go visit friends13:58
Clqythe disk setup only allows me to choose the usb external hd.13:59
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Oh now It is more clear14:02
Clqyyes sorry i mis spoke14:02
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Mmm the weird thing is that you can't select the internal hdd to install the system14:03
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Maybe you could boot again into liveusb and try to format the internal hdd?14:03
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> You can use some programs14:03
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> If I am not wrong gparted could let you format the disk14:04
Clqyok, like gparted or something?14:04
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Yes14:04
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Try to select the internal hdd and format it14:04
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> If you did the backup thing successfully14:04
Clqyyes =) i wont do tha mistake twice14:05
Clqyand if i install manually and create a new partition table? i would have to follow instructions online but i think its possible14:06
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> You can do that but first you have to see your hard drive in the installation manager14:13
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> If it does not show up I don't know if you're able to modify the partition table on it14:13
Clqyin the first screen where i can choose guided, or guided encrypted etc, it shows only external hd... but if i choose manual setup it lists everything including the sda1-6 and everything else, there is a button to write a new partition table14:16
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Oh ok just try to format the drive then from the installation menu14:19
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Or delete all the partitions14:20
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Format and after that try to reinstall in guided mode14:20
Clqyits the simplest way right? how do i know how to write the partition table? will the installation process write it?14:20
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Yes if you format maybe it wull show again the hdd14:21
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> And then you can just install it in guided mode14:21
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> It just writes itself the partition table14:22
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> You should see the hdd divided in two different partition at least14:22
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> One for the system and one for the space where you can put your files14:22
Clqyi think guided is best for me, so i will try format through gparted first14:25
IrcsomeBotbkoustubha was added by: bkoustubha14:25
IrcsomeBot<bkoustubha> Hello is kubuntu everything same as Ubuntu14:33
IrcsomeBot<bkoustubha> Like software center having option to use priperaitary drivers?14:34
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> @bkoustubha, Yes14:35
IrcsomeBot<bkoustubha> Thanks14:36
IrcsomeBot<bkoustubha> So it has all features, then we'll thanks14:36
IrcsomeBot<da_ni_el> @bkoustubha, no, is much better. 😉15:29
IrcsomeBot<deathnote091> This is the error I had15:37
IrcsomeBot<deathnote091> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/QLC0RGoP/file_28534.jpg15:38
IrcsomeBot<deathnote091> I downloaded from torrent15:38
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> I suggest you to retry to download iy15:41
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> It15:41
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> From the website. Maybe the ISO is corrupted?15:41
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @deathnote091, Corrupt download, or faulty write to USB, or borked USB15:46
IrcsomeBot<deathnote091> Yeah15:46
IrcsomeBot<deathnote091> Anyone downloaded from torrent has any issue like this?15:46
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Always best to recheck the data on a torrent, once the download is done. And/or checksum the iso you got15:48
=== TheMetamorphosis is now known as Metamorphosis
IrcsomeBot<deathnote091> I did checksum16:01
IrcsomeBot<deathnote091> (Photo, 1280x175) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/JFRfTFR1/file_28535.jpg16:02
masonbee-M1I doenloaded my iso from torrent and it was fine.16:02
IrcsomeBot<deathnote091> Maybe it's my hardware or usb idk16:02
IrcsomeBot<deathnote091> It just bugs me 1 error and I want to know 😅16:03
masonbee-M1I got that exact error after writing the usb with the kde startup creator.16:03
masonbee-M1Try dd, or swap usb.16:03
IrcsomeBot<deathnote091> I did it with etcher16:04
masonbee-M1Well, there goes that theory then.16:04
IrcsomeBot<RandomPaulTelegram> Try to download it again16:05
IrcsomeBot<RandomPaulTelegram> It has happened to me once. Redownloading a new image worked16:06
IrcsomeBot<deathnote091> I think it's my usb16:06
IrcsomeBot<deathnote091> But it's new16:06
IrcsomeBot<RandomPaulTelegram> @RandomPaulTelegram, May be but this redownloading works for me16:06
IrcsomeBot<deathnote091> Never had any problem with it16:06
masonbee-M1So was the one I wrote to.16:07
IrcsomeBot<deathnote091> I redownloaded same result16:07
IrcsomeBot<RandomPaulTelegram> @deathnote091, I have no idea then16:07
IrcsomeBot<deathnote091> I will try different writes16:07
IrcsomeBot<deathnote091> And let you know16:07
IrcsomeBot<deathnote091> Thank you guys for the help16:07
BluesKajdownload from here https://kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/16:08
IrcsomeBot<da_ni_el> @deathnote091, yes, I downloaded the .iso, not by torrent, checksum was OK. … I created the usb bootable and when boot, a check file system was triggered, and showed a few of folders that not exist. nothing to worry about. I continued without problems.16:09
IrcsomeBot<deathnote091> @da_ni_el, Oh so you had this problem too16:10
IrcsomeBot<deathnote091> But why it has folders which not exists16:11
IrcsomeBot<deathnote091> 😅16:11
stab_Good day gents16:19
stab_is compositing entirely necessary to prevent tearing? I could really live without the desktop effects16:22
IrcsomeBot<da_ni_el> (Photo, 1280x595) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/pAWPcvMt/file_28537.jpg16:27
IrcsomeBot<da_ni_el> (Photo, 1280x641) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/YADbNHwp/file_28538.jpg16:27
IrcsomeBot<da_ni_el> (Photo, 1280x853) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/0bFClS4e/file_28539.jpg16:27
IrcsomeBot<deathnote091> Oh16:33
georgiouHi, I have some sound problems with 20.04. Could anybody help ?16:37
jukebohiI don't know very much about it georgiou, but please explain what your situation is16:37
georgioujukebohi, I have filed a bug report here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/187571416:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1875714 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "No sound from headphones" [Undecided,New]16:38
georgioujukebohi, main problem is the headphone jack not working16:38
jukebohiI read your bug report. Sorry, cannot help you with that. Sounds like the upgrade didn't go 100% a-ok16:40
georgioudon't how to find the problem. is it a kernel problem? Is it a pulse problem ?16:41
georgiouwas wondering if I could a 18.04 kernel16:41
georgiouor pulse from 18.0416:42
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> georgiou check with alsamixer in terminal if the headphone out is muted16:43
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> georgiou: alsamixer, then select yout soundcard with F6, then check the headphone out level and see if the M under it is active or not use arrow keys to select the headphone out and unmute with M key.16:45
georgiouno mute16:47
georgiousomething must be up with the sound profile when switching output16:48
jukebohiI found a way to get a list of all packages I have installed manually https://askubuntu.com/questions/2389/generating-list-of-manually-installed-packages-and-querying-individual-packages17:02
jukebohiHow would I check such a list for versions. I mean if version of some app is the same on 20.04 as it is on 18.04, then I can reuse the config and still get a clean install17:03
IrcsomeBot<Parvez> Does anyone's fingerprint working on kubuntu 20.04?17:30
IrcsomeBot<bkoustubha> @da_ni_el, Thanks17:44
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georgioufound a workaround for the headphone problem I am having. workaround is to run a script on acpi event17:56
georgiouI have made a scriipt that relead the driver that works when I am running it manually17:57
georgioubut cant' make it run on acpi event17:57
georgiouany ideas ?17:57
IrcsomeBotGiuseppe Gencarelli was added by: Giuseppe Gencarelli18:26
IrcsomeBotadvocate_Serhii_Lysenko was added by: advocate_Serhii_Lysenko18:37
jukebohiI have a list of software that I have manually installed on kubuntu 18.04, one per line. Is there a way to get the versions for those? Then I could make 2 lists and see the diff on what configs I can move safely18:48
jukebohiI used this 'comm -23 <(apt-mark showmanual | sort -u) <(gzip -dc /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz | sed -n 's/^Package: //p' | sort -u)' from https://askubuntu.com/questions/2389/generating-list-of-manually-installed-packages-and-querying-individual-packages to get that list18:49
masonbee-M1jukebohi: I sort of did that yesterday but found it was easier to go through discover's already installed apps and write them down and then install each in a virtual machine to see what worked. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NcXtYc6wqM/19:14
masonbee-M1jukebohi: I also grabbed my config files for samba, crypttab, fstab, etc....19:16
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jukebohimasonbee-M1: I'm asking my question for the very reason that I want to use diff to find out which software have same version number on 20.04 as it has in 18.0419:17
IrcsomeBot<bkoustubha> Hey does kubuntu support secure boot?19:21
masonbee-M1jukebohi: Like this? sudo apt list --installed19:25
jukebohiI want to avoid getting anything that was triggered by something else, and that method gives me the list, but not with version numbers19:27
DakeizHello everyone, I've been running Ubuntu 19.10 for a while now and I can't seem to get the update for 20.04. I've ran "sudo do-release-upgrade -m desktop" and other methods mentionned in the official documentation but I get the message "No new release found.". Could somebody help me, please?20:03
valorieDakeiz: until the switch is flipped, you'll need to use -d instead: sudo do-release-upgrade -d20:14
valoried=development but until regular upgrades are offered, it's just 20.0420:16
Dakeizvalorie: When will the switch be flipped? ^^20:18
Dakeizvalorie: Will it keep me on the development channel? For how long?20:18
valoriewhen the release team decides to do it20:18
valorieno, it gives you plain old 20.04, as I said20:18
valorieif you use that same command *from* 20.04, then you would get groovy20:19
valoriewhich is not advised20:19
DakeizSo I should wait for the "official" release, right?20:20
daxthat's the recommendation, but if you do it now it'll work fine20:22
daxit's up to you20:22
daxvalorie: (slight clarification: -d won't get you to groovy yet from any version, it's not seeded on changelogs.u.c)20:22
valoriethanks, I'll fix that20:23
valoriein my brain20:23
valorieDakeiz: I'm running 20.04 on two machines that I upgraded, and both are working wonderfully20:24
valoriethat said, it's up to you20:24
valoriethey are always fixing bugs20:24
valorieif you have nvidia in particular I might hold off -- although I had zero issues with nvidia20:24
DakeizOkay, I'll just wait a bit then! Just wanted to at least make sure I didn't have any problem on my side. Thank you for your help and have a nice evening!20:26
wingedrhinoCan someone verify this for me? Go to System Settings in Kubuntu 20.04, search for shortcuts, go to the global shortcuts section, and try to assign meta+shift+right as a shortcut for some action. You'd be unable to enter it. meta+shift+left works though.20:39
geniiwingedrhino: Meta-Shift-Right works here20:53
genii( I just added it as a shortcut for Spectacle to capture current monitor)20:54
wingedrhinogenii: yieks! I wonder why it doesn't on my ThinkPad L440.20:54
wingedrhinoI'll try booting into my other laptop via the Live image and see if the issue is reproducible20:54
geniiMaybe some problem with the physical right-key?20:55
IrcsomeBotKc0dxf was added by: Kc0dxf21:03
IrcsomeBot<Kc0dxf> Is there a suggested way to upgrade from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS?21:03
ubottuRegular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d21:05
IrcsomeBot<Kc0dxf> Ah, that's good.  I can wait.21:05
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IrcsomeBot<ace_player> Does anyone know if the Tier-1 OEM support (Ubuntu Certified Device) device-specific enablement available in stock Ubuntu 20.04 is included with Kubuntu 20.04?23:19
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oerheksIrcsomeBot, there is no 20.04 cert entry on https://certification.ubuntu.com/desktop23:41
IrcsomeBotAzeem_Basheer11 was added by: Azeem_Basheer1123:45
IrcsomeBot<Azeem_Basheer11> Anyone had a login loop problem with ubuntu 19.10?23:47
IrcsomeBot<Azeem_Basheer11> I have this problem with one of my user logins😅 … The other user log in is well and good23:48

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