
tomwardillmorning all07:32
* ilasc emerges from the Debugger, morning tomwardill 07:49
* tomwardill is working from the conservatory today07:52
tomwardillit's a lovely view, but it's pretty damn cold in here07:52
ilascnice! good excuse for plenty of hot coffee/tea :)08:28
cjwatsonhttps://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/383121 (Ignore unparsable Built-Using for now)09:09
tomwardillcjwatson: +109:19
cjwatsonThanks, landing09:19
* tomwardill does some reading about this new-fangled kubernetes thing14:52
tomwardillI guess I should learn what some of these terms actually mean14:52
tomwardillsearchOCIProjects on distribution, seems reasonable to search by 'name' and/or 'owner', rather than the free-text search type link searchSourcePackages15:09
pappacenastrange... some operations (like requestBuilds and newPushRule) for OCI Recipe on dogfood are not available on the API, although they are decorated with @export_factory_operation. Only newWebhook is available...15:15
cjwatsonpappacena: probably stale cached wadl by your local lazr.restfulclient.  it's not great at refreshing15:16
pappacenaany easy way to clear that?15:17
cjwatsonpappacena: rm ~/.launchpadlib/api.dogfood.paddev.net/cache/*.wadl*15:17
cjwatsonwe should really find and fix the bug that makes it get this wrong though15:17
pappacenaAha! There it is! Maybe we could at least have a "lp.clear_caches()" method as a shotcut for this `rm`...15:19
pappacenaI'll put in my list to check that. Is there a bug reported for this problem?15:19
cjwatsonI dislike fossilising workarounds like that; it would probably be just as easy to fix it properly15:19
cjwatsonI don't see an existing bug :(15:21
pappacenaI can create one. https://launchpad.net/launchpadlib, right?15:22
cjwatsonpappacena: Yes, though I suspect the bug is actually further down the stack, either lazr.restfulclient or wadllib15:23
cjwatsonpappacena: All good to deploy then?  I see everything's green15:27
cjwatsonTo production, I mean15:28
pappacenaYes, just marked it green. Seems to be all good15:28
cjwatsonOK, great, will get going on that15:28
pappacenaHere is the bug, btw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpadlib/+bug/187591715:28
pappacenaThanks, cjwatson15:28
mupBug #1875917: Outdated cache makes new named operation unavailable <launchpadlib :New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1875917>15:28
tomwardillpappacena: I may or may not have aliased lp-shell in my bashrc to remove all the wadl files ;)15:28
tomwardill(I did make muself a todo list to file that bug, so bad me for not doing it)15:29
* pappacena One day we will fix that. One step at a time...15:30
tomwardillheh, yes :)15:31
tomwardilloh whoops, ociProject doesn't have an owner16:17
tomwardillso trying to search by it isn't going to help...16:17
tomwardilladd a searchOCIProjects to distribution: https://code.launchpad.net/~twom/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/38315716:34
* pappacena I'll review it16:36
tomwardillpappacena: oh, good point with the missing tests, I'll add them in the morning17:22
* pappacena 👍17:45

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