
tsimonq2What this is implying is that a source carried over from Focal -> Groovy needs an NCR if there are failed builds.07:12
tsimonq2At least, from my interpretation.07:12
tsimonq2That seems fairly peculiar.07:12
=== rawr is now known as grumble
mvohey, the snapd ppa upload fail current (https://launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+archive/ubuntu/image/+build/19231876) with "INFO Built-Using refers to source package apparmor (= 2.10.95-0ubuntu2.11), which is not known in xenial in ~snappy-dev/ubuntu/image" - any suggestions what I can do to fix this?07:29
tomwardillmvo: see the chatter in launchpad-ops07:35
mvothanks tomwardill08:05
tomwardillI don't entirely follow it myself, just got back from PTO, but I think it's an unintended consequence of a new feature, cjwatson will know more08:06
mvotomwardill: if it's know I will just be patient, thanks for the update08:14
cjwatsonmvo: You can also drop Built-Using for now as a workaround given that this is part of implementing the feature - it didn't do anything before.  But I expect to weaken that constraint shortly until we get more details sorted out08:58
mvook, thank you09:41
mvocjwatson: is there a bug I can subscribe to about the built-using issue? I'm preparing the workaround now10:26
cjwatsonmvo: sorry, no, but the temporary workaround at our end is already on master10:31
mvocjwatson: cool, I hope it's ok if I create one, then I can reference it in my workaround and once closed I revert the workaround10:31
mvocjwatson: is there a (rough)timeline for deployment ? no rush, just curious10:32
cjwatsonmvo: today10:32
mvocjwatson: heh, nevermind then10:32
mvocjwatson: I will just wait a bit10:33
cjwatsonI just need to get it past our slightly flaky buildbot10:33
* mvo nods10:33
xalqorHi everyone13:34
xalqorI'm trying to backport postfix 3.5.1 to ubuntu 18.0413:35
xalqorI followed directions to create the package and upload it to my ppa on launchpad13:35
xalqorI got an email that the package upload was accepted into my ppa13:35
xalqorBut the package list in my ppa is empty13:36
xalqorSo when I do apt-get update,  even though it lists my ppa in the sources,  it doesn't see any packages there13:36
rbasakxalqor: check "View package details" on your PPA page. The package might still be building.13:37
xalqorIt says there were build failures on amd64 and i38613:38
xalqorHmm... I thought I built that on my machine before uploading?13:38
xalqorOk I'm looking at the log, I don't actually see the issue13:39
xalqorIt seems to be complaining about some dummy package "sbuild-build-depends-core-dummy"13:39
xalqorHere is the build log: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/477446139/buildlog_ubuntu-bionic-amd64.postfix_3.5.1-1~ubuntu18.04.1~ppa1_BUILDING.txt.gz13:40
cjwatsonThe actual error is above13:40
cjwatson sbuild-build-depends-postfix-dummy : Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12)13:40
cjwatsonThat's telling you that bionic doesn't have that version of debhelper13:40
cjwatsonYou can reconfigure your PPA ("Edit PPA dependencies") to use the backports pocket in the primary archive, since bionic-backports happens to have debhelper 12.  Or you can backport the package to work with debhelper 11.  Your choice.13:41
cjwatsonYour local test probably wasn't in a clean enough environment13:42
xalqorOk -- I'm a total newbie at packages -- I'm setting ubuntu dependencies to backports on my ppa13:43
cjwatsonThe "rmadison" tool (the name is a patchwork of multiple layers of historical reasons, don't even try ...) in the devscripts package is handy for getting a quick view of which packages exist where.  "rmadison debhelper" in this case13:44
xalqorI will check that out.13:46
xalqordebhelper | 11.1.6ubuntu1               | bionic13:47
xalqordebhelper | 12ubuntu1                   | disco13:48
xalqordebhelper | 12.1.1ubuntu1~ubuntu18.04.1 | bionic-backports13:48
cjwatsonThe other thing that may not be obvious is that each version of debhelper declares a Provides field expressing the compatibility levels it supports13:49
cjwatson(among other things)13:49
cjwatsonSo for instance in focal:13:49
cjwatson$ apt-cache show debhelper | grep ^Provides13:49
cjwatsonProvides: debhelper-compat (= 9), debhelper-compat (= 10), debhelper-compat (= 11), debhelper-compat (= 12), dh-sequence-dwz, dh-sequence-elf-tools, dh-sequence-installinitramfs, dh-sequence-systemd13:49
cjwatsonAnd in the above build log, apt is saying that it couldn't find anything that was actually a package called debhelper-compat with version 12 (which we don't expect anywhere), or a package that has Provides: debhelper-compat (= 12)13:50
cjwatsonIn bionic it's just "Provides: debhelper-compat (= 9), debhelper-compat (= 10), debhelper-compat (= 11)"13:52
xalqorSo setting the ppa dependencies to backports means that launchpad can use debhelper 12 in bionic-backports to build it13:52
cjwatsonRight.  Each build gets its own /etc/apt/sources.list dispatched to it on top of a corresponding clean base image, and will only be able to see things that are available starting from that13:53
xalqorLooks like the build worked this time, but I'm still waiting for it to upload13:54
xalqorI guess from the launchpad build server to the repository13:54
cjwatsonMy personal preference is normally to backport to the target series' released version of debhelper instead, but that can be a more involved process and does need more experience13:55
cjwatsonThe upload in question is from a temporary staging area to Launchpad's database13:56
cjwatsonThere's then a separate publication step13:56
cjwatsonBut it all looks in progress now, so cup of tea time13:56
xalqorI always forget the kitchen accessories at home13:58
xalqorThanks for the help :)13:59
xalqorI'm still not seeing it in the package list14:03
xalqorNot sure what status I should be looking for to know that it should be there14:05
xalqorBoth amd64 and i386 targets are showing up as successful builds now on launchpad14:08
xalqorAh it's showing up now14:10
seb128hey there, question of the day14:10
seb128is that a bug or am I overlooking something?14:10
seb128https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/1802675 has a comment from today but https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/1802675/+activity has the most recent even in decembre?14:11
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1802675 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Nautilus progress bar don't appear when you Copy-Paste files to Desktop, and small files don't show that has been copied/moved succesfully in the circle indicator" [Low,Confirmed]14:11
wgrantseb128: Activity tracks bug metadata changes.14:43
seb128wgrant, oh, thanks, it's not obvious from the label14:55
seb128wgrant, do you know if there is a way from the api to query who was the last person to comment on a bug?14:56
wgrantseb128: Not without iterating through bug.messages, I don't think14:56
seb128wgrant, thanks15:02
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xalqor@cjwatson thanks for the help. I also had to backport init-system-helpers and now it seems to be working15:36
cjwatsonGood stuff15:50
cjwatsonmvo: You should no longer get that Built-Using error now16:37
mvocjwatson: \o/ thank you!16:40
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RikMillssomeone trip over a lead? LP seems dead18:04
ijohnsonyeah I can't get to LP either :-|18:04
sarnoldilasc, btw, no notice on https://twitter.com/launchpadstatus yet18:05
sarnoldah I hadn't noticed the times in the topic..18:06
RikMillssarnold: they should change that twitter account to say, "if you are checking this account, launchpad is probably broken"18:09
basd82Hello is correct that lauchpad is unreachebol18:10
sarnoldbasd82: correct, it's currently offline18:11
basd82maintenance ? or mallfunction18:11
sarnoldI'm not sure18:11
ijohnsonseems a malfunction with network issues18:11
pappacenaWe are checking it, but it's mallfunction.18:12
EickmeyerWiki is down too.18:12
basd82Oke than it is not at my side , hope it fix soon i am in the middel of deployment18:12
=== pappacena changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: pappacena (12:00 - 21:00 UTC) | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support and spam reporting: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
pappacenaNot on your side, basd82. It affects a few other services too (https://status.canonical.com/), and our team is working to put everyting back online.18:17
RikMillsit was debian who had half their infra die yesterday. guess it is our turn ;)18:20
Odd_BlokeGuess we should have blacklisted "network-outage" so it wouldn't autosync. :p18:22
basd82where back up18:43
RikMillslooks like build farm is not happy yet, but progress :)18:46
pappacenagit and bzr might not be 100% fixed yet too (although I just did a successful git pull here). But we have people working on it.18:47

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