
mup_PR operator#246 opened: Made breakpoint handling code to use already parsed JUJU_DEBUG_AT, and isolated the message showing logic <Created by facundobatista> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/246>08:05
jam"morning" all11:01
Chipacamoin moin11:04
facubatistaMuy buenos días a todos!11:34
Chipacafacubatista: heyyy11:49
facubatistahola Chipaca11:49
Chipacafacubatista: q'acelga caezn11:49
jammorning facubatista  and Chipaca11:55
jam"morning" :)11:55
facubatistahola jam11:55
facubatistaChipaca, juju (maybe) never will set JUJU_DISPATCH_PATH as absolute, but a user may; if it's absolute, are we ok with it?11:57
jamfacubatista, are you sure we don't handle abspath correctly? Because if I do:12:24
jambase = Path('/var/run')12:25
jamprint(base / '/something/else')12:25
jamI just get12:25
jamso self.charm_dir / dispatch_path12:25
jamwill give an abspath if it is set12:25
facubatistajam, it depends on what "correctly" means... if we're ok with using an abspath if it's given, yes, we're handling it correctly, but then it bothers me a previous comment saying that the path "will be relative"12:26
jamfacubatista, so Juju will always pass a relative path12:27
facubatistajam, the user may not12:27
jamfacubatista, but that is only if someone is intentionally not treating the object as a Juju charm and running something direcly12:27
facubatistaFTR, I'm +1 to improving the comment12:27
jamin which case, they can do what they need to12:27
facubatistalet's fix the comment so when somebody reads it don't get confused with the code12:28
* Chipaca updates the comment to say "if the path is not relative, the absolute value of the path's eigenvector is used to compute its state in P-space before proceeding"12:31
jamChipaca, what about fourier domain ?12:36
Chipacaso first fourier transform, *then* get the eigenvector?12:36
Chipacaseems reasonable to me12:36
=== __chip__ is now known as Chipaca
jamo/ Chipaca13:59
jamso chip is chipaca but isn't chip...13:59
ChipacaChipaca, chipakeitor, __chi__, ChipaPhone, and ChipAway are all grouped to me14:00
jam"has been a joy to work with" \o/14:50
* facubatista -> lunch15:17
* facubatista -> *really* lunch now15:48
=== Dmitrii-Sh0 is now known as Dmitrii-Sh
* facubatista is back16:52
* Chipaca goes to have dinner17:01
jamheading out, bbiab17:04
=== mup__ is now known as mup_
Chipacafacubatista: you there?18:30
facubatistaChipaca, yes, with my head inside shotcut, but heading to the meeting18:30
=== Dmitrii-Sh1 is now known as Dmitrii-Sh
* facubatista eods21:43

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