
callmepkGood morning02:29
jameshHi callmepk 02:29
callmepkHi jamesh 02:35
jibelmorning all04:00
callmepkMorning jibel04:04
jibelHi callmepk04:06
dufluMorning all05:27
dufluFor some :)05:27
duflutjaalton, do you reckon Won't Fix is right for bug 1867668 ?05:27
ubot5bug 1867668 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Visual artifacts in Gnome Shell when using the 'intel' Xorg driver" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186766805:27
dufluIf that's really the case I feel we should move toward not shipping the package05:27
tjaaltonduflu: right..05:51
tjaaltonit's not getting better05:52
* duflu shrugs and goes to his flu shot appointment06:02
tjaaltonactually, it's still needed on the oldest 64bit-capable hw, and they don't use iris so there's no corruption either06:16
amurrayduflu: apologies for hijacking this but I also have the same Intel UHD 670 chipset as in that bug above, and I have xserver-xorg-video-intel installed - but I am not seeing any weird artifacts - should I also think about uninstalling that? what driver should it be using instead?06:19
didrocksgood morning06:28
tjaaltonamurray: you need to manually configure xorg.conf to use it06:28
jibelsalut didrocks 06:42
didrockssalut jibel, ça va ?06:44
amurraytjaalton: oh so if I haven't manually configured xorg to use it, it won't be used so no worries?06:45
jibeldidrocks, bien et toi?06:45
tjaaltonmodesetting_drv.so is the default where it can be used06:45
didrocksjibel: ça va06:46
seb128goood morning desktopers07:06
didrockssalut seb128, ça va ?07:08
jibelbonjour seb128 07:08
seb128lut didrocks, jibel, en forme ?07:10
seb128ici ça va!07:10
jibelben oui, en forme.07:11
didrocksça va07:12
dufluamurray, yeah your Xorg log will show which one with several messages either from "intel" or "modeset"07:20
dufluMorning didrocks, jibel, seb128 07:20
didrockshey duflu 07:21
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:42
dufluHi oSoMoN 07:47
marcustomlinsonmorning desktoppers07:53
oSoMoNhey duflu, marcustomlinson 07:54
dufluHey marcustomlinson 07:56
seb128hey oSoMoN  duflu08:01
dufluHi Laney!08:04
didrockssalut oSoMoN, marcustomlinson, hey Laney 08:09
* Laney studies the salut/hey divide there08:10
Laneymoin duflu & didrocks 08:10
seb128hey Laney, how are you?08:13
Laneyyo ho seb128 08:25
Laneyi'm good!08:26
Laneywe did some online quizzes with friends last night where each of us created a round and then the others answered it08:26
Laneylockdown fun08:26
seb128Laney, sorry, was afaik for a bit, things are going well here but it's getting a bit borring. The online quizzes do sound fun :)09:37
seb128shrug, I wish we had logs for build retries09:38
Laneydesktop team quiz? ;-)09:38
seb128haha, we should!09:38
seb128someone has been retrying nautilus/groovy on all archs 6 times since yesterday09:38
seb128it's not going to automagically fix itself09:39
seb128duflu, bug #1875243 sounds like a downstream issue to me, I don't think upstream has a way to declare runtime depends?09:40
ubot5bug 1875243 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Unexpressed dependency between gnome-control-center and mutter-common" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187524309:40
dufluseb128, I think the problem originates upstream and it would involve us changing upstream code. But yeah I expect upstream developers won't like it and will ask we only do it downstream09:41
dufluWorth a try though09:42
dufluThe G-APIs for opening schemas will crash by default when not available. I remember getting a tip from Marco a couple of years ago about how to avoid that09:42
seb128I can tell you how this one is going to go :p09:43
dufluseb128, well it's worth a try. The upstream guys are not always predictable09:43
seb128They are going to give a reply that GNOME is a coherent set and that they don't care about people trying to use g-c-c outside of a GNOME desktop09:43
dufluYeah, as I said. But if we just propose a tiny fix that avoids crashing then maybe.09:44
dufluIf nothing else it's the same fix whether we propose it upstream or avoid the discussion and patch it09:44
LaneyIt's not a patch, it is a package dependency09:45
dufluLaney the bug is a crash. It's "unexpressed" because it's not a package dependency09:46
seb128you could make g-c-c resilient to the missing schemas but https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-control-center/-/merge_requests/736#note_768912 is a recent statement of what upstream think about handling !GNOME use09:46
dufluYeah, I guess they are predictable sometimes09:46
seb128'Don't you think there are enough bugs to deal with to stop bothering with bug reports caused by folks that think that GNOME is a bag of bits from which they can pick?'09:46
seb128I expect you to get that reply as well09:47
seb128oh well, no point arguing more here09:47
Laneybtw the org.gnome.mutter requirement is because of the fractional scaling patch09:47
dufluI think we've already committed more time to the discussion than the bug is worth09:47
dufluLaney, interesting then09:47
seb128Laney, that rules out the need to upstream :)09:48
Laneybut the fix is the same: if you require a schema, depend on its provider09:48
dufluWe don't require it. We just use it if available09:49
dufluCrashing is a poor design choice09:50
dufluas would be a dependency09:50
seb128I argued that 10 years ago when gsettings was added, but that argument is over for long now09:50
seb128no point having it again09:50
dufluAnyway, it was just one of a couple hundred bugs I had to catch up on. Now done. Let's see if I can catch up on MR discussions today too09:51
seb128duflu, up to you how you handle bugs but I'm going to suggest again than you don't bother re-triaging bugs other already dealt with09:52
seb128it's just not worth the effort09:52
dufluI only make changes when something is missing or wrong09:52
seb128right, when I use stock reply for crashers asking to submit them with apport and set invalid you come behind and change it back to incomplete09:53
seb128I just find that counter-productive09:53
dufluseb128, that's because it is Incomplete, not Invalid09:53
seb128it's marked invalid because submitting with ubuntu-bug will open a new report09:53
seb128and I'm not going to bother dealing with crashers without a stacktrace and submitted without the tools09:54
seb128we get those through e.u.c anyway09:54
seb128anyway, as said it's your choice at the end, it just make us waste time on each side for bugs that are not worth it09:55
seb128important segfault issues do bubble up by other means than having to pull infos from a poorly submitted report09:55
seb128at least that's my opinion09:55
dufluSorry was AFK...09:56
seb128no worry, I don't think it's worth us entering an argument anyway09:56
dufluseb128, good point. I am the author of that stock reply and hadn't thought of it that way. I guess I only use Invalid when I expect the discussion is over. However when I use that reply generally the discussion has some way to go as the user finds the missing info09:56
seb128at a minimum we should change the stock reply then09:57
seb1281. Look in /var/crash for crash files and if found run:09:57
seb128    ubuntu-bug YOURFILE.crash09:57
seb128Then tell us the ID of the newly-created bug.09:57
seb128 09:57
seb128should be 'mark the bug as duplicate of the new report'09:57
dufluseb128, yeah go nuts...09:58
duflufeel free09:58
seb128anyway, i'm going to keep closing those invalid for the reason I stated09:58
seb128but I'm not going to fight over status, if you come after and set as incomplete I let them this way09:58
seb128I just think we have better use of our time, as said important issue will get other & proper reports09:59
seb128if a bug is reported only once, even if it's a valid problem we just don't have the resources to deal with uncommon problems at this point09:59
dufluYes, Invalid and Invalid because Incomplete are kind of the same09:59
dufluBeware of calling them "uncommon problems" though. Plenty of times the users come through with a new bug report or a bug link and it turns out to be a duplicate of a common issue10:01
WimpressMorning desktoppers o/10:02
dufluMorning Wimpress 10:02
seb128duflu, right, which means the issue is already reported and usually already has a debug stacktrace so we don't get value from spending time on the poor quality new report10:04
seb128which was exactly my point10:05
dufluseb128, it is useful because directing people to all share the same bug is the only way we can measure the duplicate count. Particularly important when the errors bug link isn't yet known10:06
dufluAnd that contributes to the bug heat to give us more accurate stats about what's hot10:07
seb128I agree with the sentiment, the problem is that launchpad is busy enough that keeping it clean could use half of the team resources10:08
seb128we just don't have the manpower to do a perfect job of it10:08
dufluI actually subscribe to fewer packages than you, so it's a smaller job from my side :)10:09
seb128I guess we slightly disagree on where we should put the cursor / how much energy we should spent on triaging and what value we get back from it10:09
dufluIt's extremely important. More important than actually fixing bugs. Because you need to fix the right thing before fixing the thing right10:09
seb128I think we have a view of what needs fixing atm10:10
seb128like the nvidia scaling / screen rotation problem10:10
seb128if we dry up the release targets then we need to refine our view of what is needed next indeed10:11
dufluA full time project manager would help for sure. But most weeks are not as busy as this week so I wouldn't gauge it by this week. Just get through it10:12
dufluseb128, I am all caught up with upstreams now, except for unfinished lower priority upstream work. I expect to get back to Nvidia tomorrow. It was hard last week -- I only had a 2 day week10:48
dufluwhere our weeks start on Tuesdays10:50
dufluAnyway, good night10:50
=== jhernandez_ is now known as jhernandez
Laneykenvandine: did you see the image failure i fwded to you yesterday?12:31
kenvandineLaney: i did not12:35
kenvandineLaney: where?12:35
Laneyoh wait there's this stupid problem where you don't get my emails isn't there12:37
kenvandineLaney: ugh... that's still a problem?12:37
Laneykenvandine: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/bionic/ubuntu/12:37
Laneyguess so12:37
kenvandineso weird12:37
Laneylemme send a test, tell me if you get it12:38
kenvandine- cannot use snap "gnome-calculator": default provider "gnome-3-34-1804" is missing12:38
kenvandineoh... we need gnome-3-34-1804 for 18.0412:38
kenvandinei got your test email12:39
kenvandineLaney: would it be enough to open the ubuntu-18.04 channel for gnome-3-34-1804?  Or do we need to update the seed to add that?12:40
Laneywhat's seeded now and what changed?12:40
kenvandinegnome-calculator uses a different platform snap now12:41
kenvandineit went from gnome-3-28-1804 to gnome-3-34-180412:41
Laneyprobably need to seed it12:42
Laneyis that desirable?12:42
kenvandineit means i should update the other snaps seeded in 18.04 to use the same platform12:43
Laneytwo platform snaps on bionic then12:43
kenvandineso we don't end up with both12:43
kenvandinelet me do that today/tonight?12:43
kenvandineor is this blocking anything important12:43
Laneyjust daily bionic builds afaik12:44
kenvandineok, i'll work on updating those today12:45
kenvandinebut need some testing too so the builds might be broken tonight too12:45
kenvandinebut i'll get them all fixed asap12:45
Laneygreat cheers12:48
hellsworth good morning desktopers14:24
didrockshey hey hellsworth 14:29
hellsworthhi there didrocks 14:29
jibelbonjour hellsworth 15:10
hellsworthmarcustomlinson, oSoMoN, kenvandine: could someone please launch some autopkgtests for me: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cT4CvtfTQJ/15:57
hellsworthplease and thank you15:57
seb128jbicha, it's a bit of a waste to do a gnome-shell SRU for a recommends change :/ we could have coordinated to include other fixes or waiting for .2, I'm probably going to block that one in proposed until we have another upload, no point hitting users and servers twice15:58
kenvandinehellsworth: sure16:02
hellsworththanks kenvandine 16:02
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: done16:03
hellsworthha! now they're running twice i guess16:04
kenvandinei haven't started yet :)16:04
hellsworththanks marcustomlinson :)16:04
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson
kenvandineoSoMoN: i just got the nifty "Chromium has been updated" notification.  Love it!18:01
kenvandineLaney: i just found your email from  yesterday in my spam18:10
kenvandineshady character18:10
Laneykenvandine: fix that build failure, and also give me your bank details19:07
kenvandineLaney: what do i have to lose!19:13
oSoMoNkenvandine, glad it works as intended! it's only a stop-gap measure though, not a proper solution to the problem19:16
kenvandineoSoMoN: yeah, eventually we'll have a user service running that will prompt and even let you trigger a restart of the app19:19
ahayzenkenvandine, assume you have seen the portal / flatpak work for this https://blogs.gnome.org/mclasen/2019/12/19/9100/  I think they were even considering putting parts of that code within gtk at one point so all apps would automagically get it, but not sure what happened to that.  Could be interesting if snap could use a similar / same portal.19:33
kenvandineahayzen: yeah19:45
kenvandinewe should start working on it soon, not sure what all pieces we'll be using to put it together19:45
ahayzenkenvandine, right, guess it also depends if you want a dialog provided by the system for all apps, or if you want an API that apps can opt into and provide their own dialogs etc19:50
diddledannot an Ubuntu Desktop question, but I'm having trouble with GTK and GStreamer (on Wayland - haven't logged out to test X11 yet).. I add a GtkGLSink Gstreamer widget to a GtkViewport in python and then try to remove it some time later. The attempt to remove immediately segfaults my app :-( after printing `(gui.py:3048628): Gdk-WARNING **:21:55
diddledan22:37:08.114: eglMakeCurrent failed`21:55
diddledanI'm flummoxed to explain what's going on or how to fix it. advice would be helpful :-)21:55

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