
=== housecat is now known as dax
lotuspsychjegood morning03:05
ducassegood morning05:41
lordievaderGood morning06:12
lotuspsychje!info e1709:33
ubot5'focal' is not a valid distribution: bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, cosmic, cosmic-backports, cosmic-proposed, disco, disco-backports, disco-proposed, eoan, eoan-backports, eoan-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed09:33
lotuspsychjeabsence: the difference between a support question and a discussion:09:53
lotuspsychjecan you help me with making java work i need it for program x09:54
lotuspsychjediscussion: please explain me why openjdk 13 has been removed from the repos09:54
lotuspsychjeabsence: we try to divide discussions and support questions into the right channels09:55
ducasseanswer: it was never there09:55
absencelotuspsychje: to me they both look like support questions, but i'm happy to ask here if that's better :)09:55
absenceducasse: what do you mean?09:57
ducasse!info openjdk-13 eoan09:57
ubot5Package openjdk-13 does not exist in eoan09:58
absence!info openjdk-13-jdk eoan09:59
ubot5openjdk-13-jdk (source: openjdk-13): OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK). In component universe, is optional. Version 13+33-1 (eoan), package size 10 kB, installed size 53 kB09:59
absence!info openjdk-13-jdk focal09:59
ubot5'focal' is not a valid distribution: bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, cosmic, cosmic-backports, cosmic-proposed, disco, disco-backports, disco-proposed, eoan, eoan-backports, eoan-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed09:59
absenceducasse: confusing09:59
ducasselaunchpad lists it as a debian package only10:00
lotuspsychjeabsence: tell us why you need 13 for exactly?10:00
absenceducasse: it was in 19.10 and was removed, but there's no info in the release notes, so i'm just trying to find out what is the ubuntu way to install it10:01
ducasseif it's not in the repos there is no official way10:01
absencelotuspsychje: development at work10:02
lotuspsychjeabsence: wich feature do you need from 13 you dont have in 11?10:02
absencelotuspsychje: i've no idea, it's what all the projects are set up for10:04
lotuspsychjeabsence: try 11 and let us know what you miss?10:04
absencelotuspsychje: looks like something is specifically looking for java 1310:18
absenceanyway, if there's no ubuntu package for it anymore, i'll just get it from java.net10:18
lotuspsychjeabsence: 'something' ?10:19
absencelotuspsychje: yes, something. i'm not about to spend time on what it is when i can fix it by installing the version we're using :)10:20
ducasseyou could look for a third party repo10:22
lotuspsychjeabsence: did you actually try 11?10:22
daftykinsit's not really advisable to go backwards with things like java, functions could be used that simply don't exist in an earlier edition10:23
daftykinshowever, it also doesn't make sense that you would rush to adopt a newer LTS10:24
lotuspsychjeim pretty curious about what actually not working in 1110:25
absencedaftykins: i'm not on lts, this is just a dev machine, not the prod server10:26
lotuspsychjeabsence: but your original question was why 20.04 dint have 13 right10:27
daftykinsabsence: are you not asking about openjdk on focal? i.e. 20.04 i.e. LTS10:27
daftykinsdevs work on stable hosts in order to target stable releases.10:28
absencedaftykins: well yes, but i upgraded from 19.10, so i'm not following lts releases10:28
absencelts wasn't viable last time because of hardware support issues, but focal seems to work, so maybe it's a good idea to stay on lts this time10:31
jeremy31lotuspsychje: discovered has a wifi that is supported only by rtl8812au-dkms in the repos10:52
jeremy31I wonder if it has not been patched for 20.0410:53
lotuspsychjejeremy31: he's on 20.0410:53
lotuspsychjehis system seems up to date with kernel 5.4 -28 too10:54
jeremy31He is using an out of tree unsigned module from the dmesg10:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1875016 in rtl8812au (Ubuntu) "Driver doesn't work on Ubuntu 20.04 " [Undecided,New]10:57
jeremy31Last change to rtl8812au-dkms was July 201910:58
lotuspsychjetnx jeremy3110:59
jeremy31It might be best to file a new bug report with apport info10:59
lotuspsychjejeremy31: requested an apport-collect on that bug11:02
lotuspsychjeleftyfb: zahnx is being trolly since few days, offensive and all14:52
leftyfbok, I'm done. Nothing but a bunch of trolls in there today16:06

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